Comarch POS

Manage delivery points (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

The management of delivery points is an extension of the Sales orders feature. On Comarch POS workstation, you can now:

  • Choose a courier company for a sales order delivery by selecting the new button [External Pickup Point]
  • Choose a courier company and a delivery method by selecting the [Store to Door Delivery] button

The new window Select Pickup Company displays the list of available pickup companies, consisting of the following columns:

  • Company logo
  • Name
  • Code
  • Total Price
  • Delivery Time

Once you select an appropriate company, the application opens the new window Select Pickup Point. The window contains the list of addresses that you can filter according to:

  • Name
  • City
  • Street
  • Zip Code

Additionally, the new field Delivery Date has been added to the sales order form. The field is available if you select the delivery point Store to Door Delivery or External Pickup Point. The field takes into account the maximum time needed by a given pickup company to deliver an order.

After you select a given pickup company, transport costs are automatically added to the document.

To make the [External Pickup Point] tile available in Comarch POS, activate the parameter Enable external collection points in Comarch ERP Enterprise. The parameter is available in the application Comarch Retail POS terminals General tab → Document processing section.
To define shipping terms in Comarch ERP Enterprise and transfer them to your Comarch POS workstation, activate the Enable courier parcel parameter in Comarch ERP Enterprise. The parameter is available in the application Comarch Retail POS terminals General tab → Document processing section.

Associated sales order numbers in purchase orders and purchase order receipts (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

So far, it has not been possible to store information on associations between trade and warehouse documents in Comarch POS database. Now, the new section Associated Order Details in Comarch POS allows you to preview sales orders associated with a received purchase order. The section is available in purchase orders from which a PO receipt will be generated. It presents associated sales orders from which the purchase order has been generated.

The Associated Order Details section displays the number of a sales order from which the purchase order has been generated in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

Thanks to the new feature, the Associated Documents column displays associations with purchase orders and purchase order receipts for sales order documents.

Take receipt of several purchase orders at once with a single PO receipt (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

To enable this feature on your Comarch POS workstation, activate the parameter Enable receipting several purchase orders at once in Comarch ERP Enterprise. The parameter is available in the application Sales channelsComarch Retail POS tab → Warehouse documents section.

To optimize your work with Comarch POS, you can now take receipt of several parcels delivered to the shop at once. Thanks to this, you do not need to search for each purchase order document separately anymore. In Comarch POS, you can now:

  • Select several purchase orders using the new button [Receive Multiple Purchase Orders] on the list of delivery receipts
  • Run the receipt process for the selected purchase orders – once you select the [Receive Multiple Purchase Orders] button, the application displays the list of purchase orders where you can choose appropriate documents to generate the PO receipt document from

To generate a single PO receipt associated with selected purchase orders, make sure the following properties are the same for those documents:

  • Customer information
  • Vendor information
  • Target warehouse
  • Transaction type

If the required properties of the purchase order documents are not the same, several PO receipt documents will be generated. To generate the documents, the Simultaneous reception of purchase orders parameter must be selected in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

The Simultaneous reception of purchase orders parameter in Comarch ERP Enterprise is available in the application Sales channels Warehouse documents after enabling the Enable receipting several purchase orders at once parameter. Selecting the parameter allows the simultaneous receipt of purchase orders with different properties, creating more than one PO receipt document.

Reason for manual discount (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

To meet client requirements, the application now allows entering a reason for granting a user discount in trade documents issued in Comarch POS. Reasons for granting a discount on items or on the entire document header can be defined in the ERP system.

On your Comarch POS workstation, you can:

  • Enter a reason for discount on particular document items
  • Enter a reason for discount on the entire document header
To enable this feature on your Comarch POS workstation, activate the parameter User discount reason in Comarch ERP Enterprise. The parameter is available in the application Sales channelsComarch Retail POS tab → General section.

Detect customer duplicates (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

The application now provides you with a new feature that verifies that there are no duplicated customers with the same data in the system. The verification takes place during the creation or update of a customer in Comarch POS.

To enable this feature on your Comarch POS workstation, activate the parameter Activate duplicate detection in Comarch ERP Enterprise. The parameter is available in the application Sales channelsComarch Retail POS tab → General section.

In the ERP system, you need to decide which fields should be verified when detecting customer duplicates and whether the verification should only display a warning or block the addition/update of the customer altogether.

  • For retail customers, you can select the following fields:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Phone
    • E-mail Address
  • For business entities, you can select the following field:
    • TIN

Activate multiple external gift cards in a single document (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

Gift cards in integration with Ingenico are a type of charge cards that allow payments with available funds. So far, during a single transaction in Comarch POS, you have been able to activate a single gift card recharged using a payment terminal through a payment protocol. To meet client requirements, the application now makes it possible to:

  • Add several gift cards to a single trade document
  • Activate cards after making a payment

Handle attributes in an inventory process (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

Attributes are used to enter additional information about objects. On your Comarch POS workstation, you can now handle attributes for documents issued in the course of an inventory process. For the purposes of inventory counting, some shops are divided into specific areas. This helps to plan the inventory process, allowing employees to be assigned to such areas and avoiding the risk of double counting products. Attributes used in the inventory process additionally support shops in identifying and classifying documents. As part of the Inventory functionality, you can now:

  • Add attributes to inventory documents, sheets, reports, and report items
  • Manage the visibility of attributes in inventory documents, sheets, and reports

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