Transaction history

In the window Customer/Business Entity Details, the operator may use the button [Transaction History] to open the history of a given customer’s transactions.

[Transaction History] button in Customer Details window
To use the function of the transaction history preview, connection with the service synchronizing data with the ERP system needs to be established (online mode).

Customer’s transaction history

The list presents information on purchased, returned, ordered, and defective items:

  • Item – it presents item name and information on features, attributes, and UPC codes
  • Document Number – it presents the number of a document containing a given item and the number of a source document from which a given item originates. For instance, the field may present the number of a receipt and of an invoice generated from it.
  • Created On
  • Status – it may display one of the following options: Sold, Returned, Claimed, Ordered, Awaiting Pickup
  • Quantity – it presents the quantity of a given item in a specific document
  • Regular Price – it is the total price of a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
  • Discount – it is the total discount value displayed for a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
  • Final Price – it is the total value of a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
Transactions are not grouped by bundle promotions or sets. Such information is presented in the preview of a given document.
Positive corrections are not synchronized by the POS workstation.

The text filter field enables searching an item by:

  • Name
  • UPC code
  • Item code
  • Document number
  • Feature
  • Attribute
  • Document barcode

It is also possible to narrow the list down using the following filters:

  • Status – it accepts the following values:
    • Awaiting Pickup
    • Claimed
    • Ordered
    • Returned
    • Sold
  • Final Price
  • Created On
  • Document Value
  • Values of available features and attributes, e.g. Size, Trade number

Transaction history includes items added to confirmed documents of the following types:

Transaction history does not include documents which are: unconfirmed, initiated, canceled, or rejected.

On the list, it is possible to:

  • Preview a document associated with each list item using the button [Preview]
  • Generate a complaint or correction for items with the status Sold
  • Generate a correction for items with the status Claimed (as long as a given SCL document is associated with R/SI)
  • Generate a document for an item with the status Awaiting Pickup which originates from a sales order available within a given center (in the same way as in the case of a similar button available on the sales order list)


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