Principles of creating documents during intercompany transactions

An opposite document is generated automatically at the moment of confirming the source document. If an error occurs during the creation of a document, its content is presented in an appropriate message and the confirmation of the source document gets withdrawn.

  • Vendor/Secondary Vendor in a PI/POR document is set on the basis of the center being the owner of the source document.
  • PI/POR documents are generated to a warehouse set as Customer’s Warehouse in the source document.
  • The total/subtotal value or discounts defined in the source document are mantained in documents generated during an intercompany transaction.
  • In documents generated during an intercompany transaction, the value in a system currency is calculated according to the exchange rate of the document currency to the system currency of the target comapny. Features of an exchange rate (type, date type, date) in PI/POR are set according to the definition of the document type in a given center, whereas in corrections – according to the settings of corrected documents.
  • As the price type in documents for received items created from documents for released items, the type associated with the customer/vendor for which the document is being issued, is set. If such an association is not dedined, the default purchase price types retrieved.
  • In case the group of VAT rates of the source company is different then the one assigned to the target company, the value of VAT Rates in the header of the source document, is verified:
    • For VAT Rates: National – the possibility of creating an opposite document is blocked
    • Export – an opposite document with VAT rates available for the target company is created. The generation will be completed with success only if total and subtotal values in both documents are compatible. Otherwise, the process will be interrupted and an appropriate message will be displayed.


Two companies which will be involved in intercompany transactions have been created in the system:

  • Company ABC with internal customer ABC Shop defined as Vendor in intercompany transactions handling
  • Company TWZ with internal customer Impax defined as Customer in intercompany transactions handling

The automatic generation of warehouse documents is disabled in the definition of SI document type in the company ABC.

  1. A sales invoice is issued in the company ABC. Impax is set as the customer and IPX warehouse (defauld for documents in the company TWZ) is set as the Customer’s warehouse.
  2. Confirming the document results in the automatic generation of an opposite PI document in the company TWX for the warehouse IPX.
  3. Next, in the company ABC, a SO release is generated from that document and the confirmation of the document generates a POR document in the company TWZ.

The table below presents the source of completing fields in opposite documents:

Subtotal/Total amountValue in document currency from SIValue in document currency from SORValue in document currency from POR corrections
Reference numberSI numberSOR number POR correction numberSI/SOR correction number
Date of issueDate of issue from SIDate of issue from SORDate of issue from POR correctionDate of issue from SI/SOR correction
Date of receipt Current date set automaticallyCurrent date set automatically-Current date set automatically
Date of purchaseDate of sale from SI- - -
Date of correction--POR correction dateSI/SOR correction date
Date of receipt-Current date set automatically--
Reason for correction--Reason for correction from PORReason for correction from SI/SOR
Processing priority-Standard behaviorStandard behaviorStandard behavior
Payment parameters (payment method, date, number of days, EOM, number of days EOM)Payment parameters from the source SI-SOR corrections: From the setting on customer/vendor formPI corrections:
Payment parameters of the source SI correction
POR corrections - not applicable
CurrencySI currencySOR currencyPOR correction currencySI/SOR correction currency
Transaction type Transaction type from SITransaction type from SORTransaction type from POR correctionTransaction type from SI/SOR correction
Reason for tax exemptionReason from SI--PI corrections: reason from PI document
Delivery methodDelivery method from SIDelivery method from SORDelivery method from POR correctionDelivery method from SI/SOR correction
VAT directionVAT direction from SI documentVAT direction from SOR documentVat direction from POR correctionVAT direction from SI/SOR correction
VAT aggregationParameter value from SIParameter value from SOR Parameter value from POR correctionParameter value from SI/SOR correction
Reverse chargeParameter value from SIParameter value from SORSOR source documentPI/POR source document
VAT AccountAccording to the settings of the owner of the target document
OwnerCenter/company selected in the definition of company/center, in the tab Intercompany transactions. In case option According to the customer’s/vendor’s center, the following centers can be set as the owner:
• customer’s center in case only the customer is an internal customer
or both the customer and the secondary customer are internal customers assigned different companies
• secondary customer’s center in case the customer and the secondary customer are internal customers assigned different companies
Handled ByEmployee of the operator who initiates the transaction


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