Single-sided entries from opening balance documents

Opening balance documents create single-sided entries which are registered in a special predefined <<journal>> symbolized with *OB* and named Opening Balance.

Single-sided entries are created for each type of opening balance document, both when registering documents (OB, OBC) manually and while transferring the opening balance from the previous <<accounting period>> (AOB, AOBC). Single-sided entries are associated with the amounts of opening balance documents (Opening balance document → tab Amounts). Moreover, single-sided entry of manually entered documents (OB, OBC), which items were registered on a clearing account of directory type for entity, is associated with the opening balance <<document payment>>.

Opening balance single-sided entries are not included in sales registered in a given accounting period. They are included only in the beginning balances and balances of accounts.

The status of opening balance single-sided entry (Unconfirmed, Confirmed) depends on the status of the opening balance document.

From the level of the amount of opening balance document (Opening balance document item → tab Amounts), it is possible to view the associated single-sided entry with the use of buttons [View Debit Journal Entry] or [View Credit Journal Entry] available in the Journal Entry group of buttons. The group of buttons is active, when a data row is selected. To be able to display the single-sided entry for a newly selected amount, first, it is necessary to save the entire OB document.

Buttons available in the main menu, from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance item.
Opening balance single-sided entries are registered in the ledger with a date which equals to the first day of the accounting period.
Tab General of opening balance single-sided entry

Tab General of opening balance single-sided entry

Document Number – document number entered from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance document If the number is not entered, the document receives the system number of opening balance.

Customer/Vendor – business entity selected from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance document; if not selected, the field remains empty

Account DR/Account CR – account entered from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance document

Amount – amount in the system currency entered from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance document

Amount in Currency – amount in foreign currency entered from the level of the tab Amounts of an opening balance document

Date of Transaction – date of transaction entered on the amount of an opening balance

Date of Issue – date of document entered on the amount of an opening balance

Description – empty field

VAT Rate – empty field

Tab Clearings of opening balance single-sided entry

The opening balance single-sided entries registered on a clearing account have an additional tab Clearings. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article <<Clearings>>.

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