Price types for released items

On a customer form, in tab Trade, in section Price Types for Released Items, there is a list of price types for released items which are available for a given customer, that is prices to which:

  • a given customer is assigned
  • no customer is assigned

Each active and newly defined price type for released items is automatically added to forms of existing customers, provided that no customer has yet been assigned to that price type. In case a customer is assigned to a newly added price type, then such a price type is available only for the selected customer.

Section Price Types for Released Items on customer form

If any price type available for a customer is not available for a logged-in operator or is not available in a given company/center, then it is not displayed in the section. For this reason, depending in which company/center and by which operator the list is being displayed, it may contain different data.

The following parameters are available in the section:

  • Default – allows for selecting <<default price type>> for a customer which is different from the price type defined globally for a center. If a user does not indicate a default price type, then it is retrieved from a center. Prices from price lists set on that price type are retrieved in the first place on documents issued for that customer.
  • Lowest price on documents for released items – upon checking this parameter, the lowest price from available and active price lists created on the basis of price types for released items available for a given customer within a given company/center.
If the parameter Lowest price for released items is checked on a customer form, then in a document issued for such a customer:

a price type, to which a logged-in operator does not have access, may be suggested

price may exceed the range of minimum and maximum price available for an item and the operator (if parameter <<Check minimum and maximum regular price in documents has been checked>>)

The order of retrieving prices in the case of unchecked parameter Lowest price in documents for released items is described in <<article>>

If customers are assigned to a price type for released items and such a price type is not a default type in a given center, then only those customers can use each price list created on the basis of that price type.


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