Analytical dimensions are used in the area related to Business Intelligence. They are used in the Reports Book in preparing the analyses. Data, analyzed in the reports, is based on information retrieved from different types of documents. The amounts, registered in documents, are described with many dimensions according to which they can be analyzed.
Moreover, using of analytical description in accounting module of Comarch ERP Standard enables quick and easy posting of documents on different cost accounts by type and function as well as on income accounts.
In the system, there are two types of analytical dimensions in the system:
Predefined dimensions – during creation of a database, Financial Category dimension is added, by default, along with four subdimensions – Cost, Revenue, Non-Cost, Non-Expense. It is mostly used in BI processes. It cannot be deleted, but it is possible to edit it and add new subdimensions and elements
Dimensions defined by the user – these are the additional dimensions defined by the user on the dimensions tree. They can be used for describing of documents
Objects maintaining analytical dimensions are available in the system from several levels. The dimensions tree is available in the Main menu under Analytical Dimensions icon.
On the form of analytical dimension, there are the following fields:
Name – dimension name can be composed of any sequence of characters. It allows for the easy and quick identification of particular dimension. Dimension name must be unique. It means that it is not possible to add two or more dimensions with the same name. If attempted, an appropriate message will be displayed. Dimension names can be translated into languages available in the system. The Name field is a context field – an entered name is defined in a language selected from a drop-down list located on the right side of the field
Description – field for additional information about dimension. Dimension description can be composed of any sequence of characters
Validity Period – range of dates within which a given dimension will be active. It is possible to set only one of the dates, e.g., it can be specified that a given dimension is active till 12-28-2016
Analytical dimensions tree
Analytical dimensions tree presents a hierarchical structure of dimensions defined by the user.
Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s subdimensions and elements, only subdimensions and elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed in centers different than parent company. In the parent company, on the other hand, there are all the subdimensions and elements of analytical dimensions displayed.
Analytical dimensions are common for the entire company structure.
The list of analytical dimensions is composed of three columns: Name, Description, and Default Element.
The names of dimensions, subdimensions and elements are displayed in the Name column. Each of these items is distinguished with a different icon which allows the easy identification of item type.
The column Description presents description of dimension/subdimension/element.
In the column Default Element, it is possible to set a given dimension element as default. The name of element that is set as default will be displayed in bold both in the dimension structure, in the relation pattern as well as when describing analytically a document or an object. Moreover, when defining a relation pattern in tab List and analytical description of documents, the default elements will be suggested as first element on the list of given dimension’s values.
On the list of hidden columns, there are also two additional columns which can be used, i.e., Owner and Account.
In the column Owner, there is the name of the company being the owner of an element/a subdimension/an analytical dimension.
Analytical dimensions are common for the entire company structure. A user cannot manage their availability in particular child companies, therefore, the value All is always displayed in the column Owner.
The column Account presents an account selected on element\subdimension form. The account is always displayed in red, regardless of whether it exists or does not exist on the chart of accounts.
Dimension is always on the highest level of the tree. Subdimensions and elements can be defined and assigned to each dimension. The elements are on the lowest level of the dimensions hierarchy and are displayed in analytical description.
Analytical dimensions tree with default columns
Dimension is always added on the highest level of the tree. Subdimensions or elements are assigned both to dimensions and to parent subdimensions. Item is a leaf of the tree and no other object can be assigned to it.
Analytical dimensions tree with Financial Category dimension added by default
Adding of a dimension
To define new dimension, it is necessary to fill in a form which is opened upon selecting the button [Add Dimension] from the menu List.
Analytical dimension form
On the form of dimension, there is only one mandatory field Name and additional fields: Description, Validity Period, and Level Names.
Level Names – names of levels within dimension hierarchy. The levels are defined from the highest to the lowest. Defined names are then displayed in the forms of subdimensions and elements added on proper levels. This allows the easy completion of information within a given dimension
Adding of a subdimension
In order to add a new subdimension, first mark a dimension or subdimension on the dimensions tree and then click [Add Subdimension] in the List button group. In a newly opened subdimension form, complete appropriate information and save it by clicking on [Save] in the same menu. The added subdimension is assigned to the marked dimension or subdimension.
Subdimension form
On the form of subdimension, there is only one mandatory field Name, which is filled in as in the case of dimension.
Other fields:
Level – name of level defined in the list of levels on dimension form. This field is not editable, it only provides appropriate information
Owner – in this field it is possible to determine the owner of a subdimension in accordance to the rules below:
When adding a subdimension, a center of Company type, to which the operator is logged on, is set in the field Owner, by default
When adding a subdimension from the level of the parent company, the parent company and all the centers of Company type are displayed on the list of values. The value All can also be selected, which makes given subdimension available in the entire company structure
When adding a subdimension from the level of the center different than parent company, the value All and the center of Company type, to which an operator is logged on, are displayed on the list of values
In case the owner was changed, in the subdimension which has child elements, to:
All – the following question will be displayed: “Would you like to change the owner in the child elements? Yes\No”. Depending on the decision of a user, the value All will be set also in the child elements in the field Owner or their values will remain unchanged
Particular company – the following message will be displayed: “The owner will be changed also in the child elements.” and then the owner will be updated in the child elements of a given subdimension
In a database converted from earlier versions than 2016.1, the value All will be set in the field Owner in all subdimensions
Subdimension Type – each subdimension is maintained by the system depending on its type. There are four types of subdimensions available:
Standard – if selected, it is possible to assign other subdimensions and elements to the marked subdimension
From Chart of Accounts – if selected, it is possible to assign to a subdimension a selected fragment of the chart of accounts in the form of its elements. The button [Account] then becomes active. Clicking on that button opens the chart of accounts from a current accounting period of the company to which a user is logged on. The operator may select an account on any level or type any sequence of characters in the corresponding field, which allows for defining flexibly of accounting schemes.
In multi-company structure, each of the companies keeps the books of accounts separately. Thus, book accounts are assigned in a subdimension separately for each company.
Upon selecting the account, [Materialize] button in the Subdimension button group becomes active. By clicking on that button, selected account together with all its sub-accounts are assigned to the subdimension as its elements. Accounts, assigned to a subdimension, are treated as standard elements, which means that all changes that will be made on the chart of accounts will not be included in the subdimension’s elements forms. It is, however, possible to materialize again the subdimension, which will add the elements that currently are not on the list. Subdimensions of Chart of Accounts type are materialized within a current accounting period. It means that upon materialization, the new accounts that were added by the user in the current accounting period will be added to the list of elements. After materializing a subdimension of From Chart of Accounts type, an account name is displayed in the Description field of dimension element. After a subdimension of From Chart of Accounts type is materialized, an account name is displayed in subdimension’s element in the field Description.
If account numbers changed in the new accounting period, then upon materializing again the accounts, both the previous elements and the ones added in the new period will be displayed on the list. In order to include only the current structure of the chart of accounts in analytical dimensions, it is necessary to indicate a parent account in particular subdimensions of FromChart of Accounts type.
If subdimension is not materialized, then all its elements become dynamic. It means that each time this subdimension is used for analytical description of a document, its elements will be generated on the basis of the chart of accounts and the account selected by the user. Just like in case of a materialized subdimension, these elements are: selected account and its sub-accounts registered on the chart of accounts
Generic Directory – if selected, it is possible to assign to a subdimension the values of a generic directory in the form of its elements. If this type is selected, the button [Directory] becomes active. By clicking on that button, a list of generic directories is opened. Upon selecting a directory, [Materialize] button in the Subdimension button group becomes active. By clicking on that button, all values of selected directory are assigned to the subdimension as its elements. Values, assigned to a subdimension, are treated as standard elements which means that all changes that will be made in the directory, will not be included in the subdimension’s elements forms. The functionality of [Materialize] button in case of this subdimension type is the same as in case of the From Chart of Accounts type. Thus, if subdimension is not materialized, then all its elements become dynamic. It means that each time this subdimension is used for analytical description of a document, its elements will be generated on the basis of selected generic directory.
Neither subdimension nor element can be added to a non-materialized subdimension of Generic Directory and From Chart of Accounts types. The only items of such subdimension are the dynamically retrieved values of a directory.
Organizational Unit – if selected, it is possible to assign to a subdimension a fragment of the company structure. Elements of this subdimension type are dynamic, i.e. each time this subdimension is used for analytical description of a document, its elements will be generated on the basis of selected unit of the company structure
Neither subdimension nor element can be added to a subdimension of Organizational Unit type. The only elements of such subdimension are the dynamically retrieved items of the fragment of the company structure.
SQL – this option allows for using SQL query in dimension element definition. It is possible to refer to existing lists/directories without the need of reproducing them again in the dimension structure. Selecting of this subdimension type will activate a text field allowing for typing SQL query
Subdimension of SQL type form
It is not possible to add child elements to subdimensions of SQL type (the options are insensitive). Subdimensions defined through SQL query must be materialized. Therefore, while saving or reediting of such subdimension, the following question is popped up: “A subdimension of SQL type requires materialization. Would you like to materialize it now?”.
Subdimension of SQL type is marked on the list of dimensions with different icon than other subdimensions. Upon saving a subdimension of SQL type, its type can no longer be changed.
Adding of an element
In order to add a new element, first mark a dimension or subdimension on the dimensions tree and then click on [Add Element] in the List button group. In a newly opened element form, complete appropriate information and save it by clicking on [Save] in the Actions button group. The added element is assigned to the marked dimension or subdimension.
On the form of element, there is only one mandatory field – Name, which is filled in in the same way as in the case of dimension.
The other fields on element form are: Level, Account, Description, Validity Period, and Owner.
Element form
Account – allows assigning a book account to an element of analytical dimension. Clicking on that button opens the chart of accounts from a current accounting period of the company to which a user is logged on. The operator may select an account on any level or type any sequence of characters in the corresponding field, which allows for defining flexibly of accounting schemes.
In multi-company structure, each of the companies keeps the books of accounts separately. Thus, book accounts are assigned in a subdimension separately for each company.
Owner – in this field it is possible to determine the owner of an element in accordance to the rules below:
When adding an element, a center of Company type, to which the operator is logged on, is set in the field Owner, by default
When adding an element from the level of the parent company, the parent company and all the centers of Company type are displayed on the list of values. The value All can also be selected, which makes given element available in the entire company structure
When adding an element from the level of the center different than parent company, the value All and the center of Company type, to which an operator is logged on, are displayed on the list of values
In case an element is added to a subdimension, in which either of the values below is selected in the field Owner, that is:
All – the value All or a particular company can be selected as element’s owner
Particular company – only the company that is the owner of a subdimension can be selected as element’s owner
In a database converted from earlier versions than 2016.1, the value All will be set in the field Owner in all the elements of a subdimension
After materializing a subdimension of SQL, Generic Directory or Organizational Unit type, value of the field Owner in the elements of subdimension is specified on the basis of the subdimension’s owner
After materializing a subdimension of From Chart of Accounts type, value of the field Owner in the elements of subdimension is specified on the basis of the owner of account selected in a given company in the subdimension definition.
Defining of relation pattern
General information
In business practice, there are very often logical relations between defined values of analytical dimensions, e.g. there is only one sort of business activity conducted in a given location or only a specific group of cost center related to a given expense.
A user can define a pattern of relations between particular elements of analytical dimensions. Defined relation patterns are common for the entire company structure.
A relation pattern can be defined upon selecting the option [Relation Patterns] which is available in the Main menu under the button group Analytical Description.
The relation patterns being defined from the level of the menu Main → Relation Patterns are common for all types of documents and objects. A user may assign the same pattern for various document types and objects.
List of relation patterns
On the list of relation patterns, it is possible to perform such operations as: addition, edition, deletion, refreshing of relation pattern list and export to a spreadsheet.
To add a new relation pattern, click on the button [Add].
Relation pattern form
Tab General
The form of relation pattern is composed of a header section and a section related to pattern elements. Values which are defined in the relation pattern header are pattern code, name and activity status.
Elements of a pattern can be displayed in the form of a list or matrix. The data presented is the same, regardless of the selected form, but in a different manner. A user may, therefore, determine available combinations of analytical dimension values from the level of the tab List or Matrix.
In tab List, it is possible to add, delete, copy, refresh or export to a spreadsheet the defined elements of relation patterns. In order to activate the buttons [Add], [Delete], [Copy], it is necessary in the tab Dimensions to assign analytical dimensions to a given relation pattern.
The system controls the uniqueness of pattern elements. Upon clicking the button [Copy], the value All is set in the cell of a copied record, that was highlighted during copying. That value can be changed to any of the available values. This mechanism prevents doubling of records with the same values. Moreover, the system does not allow for saving of a relation pattern with duplicated items by displaying the following message: “Error, each line must contain different values of dimensions.”.
Relations are defined through list in a similar way as analytical description is defined in a document.
Similarly as in tab Analytical Description in a document, there is locator above the pattern element list, which enables filtering of defined pattern elements based on the specified values.
In tab Matrix, there are all possible combinations of values assigned to a given pattern of analytical dimensions displayed. A user may determine the relations of dimension values without adding of particular lines.
Tab Matrix on the relation pattern form
In tab Matrix, there are the following options available:
[Add Through Matrix] – enables generating of matrixes of possible relations based on the dimensions assigned in the Matrix tab and their elements. In case a pattern contains already defined elements, the following message will be displayed: “The pattern already contains defined associations. Existing items will be deleted. Would you like to continue?”. If the operation is continued, a new matrix will be displayed
[HideBlanks] – enables hiding of rows or columns, for which none possible combination has been specified
The matrix of relations of analytical dimension values after using the [Hide Blanks] option[Refresh] – allows for displaying of the rows or columns which earlier were hidden with the use of the option [Hide Blanks]. Moreover, in the relation pattern presented in the form of a matrix, it is possible to use an additional filter. In order to define such a filter, in the relation matrix window, right-click the mouse button and then select the option [Show Report Filter].
Prefilter in the relation pattern matrix
Detailed description…can be found in article <<Searching and filtering data>>
Moreover, the system enables sorting of the elements of relation matrix by specified columns.
[Set Default Value] – enables determining of default values within a given combination
Default values set in the relation pattern matrix
The names of values that are set as default are presented in the matrix in bold. Moreover, the fields with default values are distinguished in yellow for the last dimensions assigned to a matrix. The settings of default values within a given dimension are copied also to the relation matrix from the list of analytical dimensions (Main → Analytical Dimensions).
The above figure presents an exemplary setting of default values in the relation pattern matrix, i.e. Chicago is a default location in the Production Department. In addition, there are different vehicles set as default, depending on the location of the accounting department, i.e. a default vehicle for Chicago is Mercedes KY5509. Moreover, a default financial category for all the combinations in which a given value is included is Cost.Fuel.
When describing a document analytically, the names of default values are bold and suggested as first on the list of given dimension’s elements.
[Export to Spreadsheet] – allows exporting a matrix to a spreadsheet
In case the number of records of potential relations in the matrix is greater than 100 000, only available combinations (with selected checkboxes) are displayed, where their maximum number is also limited to 100 000 records. If this is the case, relations can be defined only in tab List, of which a user will be informed with a relevant message.
Permissions of operator groups to read, modify and delete the relation patterns depend on whether they have been granted the relevant permissions to the object Relations Patterns of Analytical Dimensions (menu Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edited operator group → tab Objects → area General).
All the permissions are selected for the groups B2_admin and B2_default as well as for other groups in databases converted from previous application versions, whereas they are deselected for the newly added groups.
Tab Dimensions
In Dimensions tab, it is possible to select dimensions for which a relation pattern must be created. The way in which dimensions are assigned is the same as the way in which dimensions are specified for a given document type.
Tab Attributes, Attachments, Change History
Description of these tabs can be found in <<article>>
Assigning of dimensions and relation pattern to document type
In order to describe a document with the use of analytical dimensions, the dimensions must be first assigned to the document type. The assigned dimensions will then be available in tab Analytical Description of documents of a given type. Apart from assigning of dimensions, in document definition it is also possible to determine available combinations of dimension values which can be used when describing analytically a given document type.
In order to assign analytical dimensions and a relation pattern to given document type, in the menu Configuration select Types under Documents button group.
Option Types in the menu Configuration
Upon selecting the button, a list of document types is displayed. On the list of document types, it is necessary to select a document type and then click on [Edit] in the List button group.
Analytical dimensions can be assigned to a given document type in tab Dimensions.
Tab Dimensions in document definition
The tab is composed of two sections: User Dimensions and Analytical Dimensions.
In User Dimensions section, there are dimensions which are available for assigning. In order to assign a dimension to a given object, it is necessary to select it on the list and then click on the button [Add Assignment] or double click on a given dimension.
Analytical Dimensions section presents dimensions assigned to a given object. In order to remove an assigned dimension, it is necessary to select it on the list and then click on the button [Remove Assignment] or double click on a given dimension.
Assignment of dimensions with document type is saved while saving the document type.
From the level of document type definition, it is also possible to determine whether a given dimension is mandatory If analytical dimension is marked as mandatory and a user did not select its value when describing a document type analytically, then the following message will be displayed: “No value has been specified for the mandatory dimension: [Dimension name].”.
The fields in the columns dedicated for mandatory dimensions are presented in tab Analytical Description of a document in yellow.
A relation pattern is, on the other hand, specified for a given document type in tab Analytical Description.
Tab Analytical Description in document definition
In this tab, it is possible to define a relation pattern of analytical dimensions’ values in a similar way as the way in which a relation pattern is defined from the level of the menu Main → Relation Pattern, which has been described in <<ARTICLE>> or to assign a previously defined relation pattern by selecting the option [Select Pattern] in the main menu.
A relation pattern is assigned in accordance with the rules below:
Only one relation pattern can be assigned to a given document type
In case available combinations of analytical dimension values are already specified for a given document type, the following message will be displayed: “The document definition already contains defined associations. Existing elements will be deleted. Would you like to continue?”. A user may decide whether to assign a new pattern to a given object or whether to leave the data unchanged.
When assigning a pattern to a document type, the system controls whether dimensions assigned to document definition are the same as those assigned to the selected pattern. If they are different, the following message will be displayed: “The document definition contains different dimensions than those selected in the pattern. Would you like to continue?”. If the operation is continued, appropriate records of analytical description will be added, whereas the names of dimensions will be displayed after the missing dimensions have been assigned to the given document type.
Control of analytical description correctness
The system enables controlling the correctness of analytical description, which is made dependent on document status. This option is available for the following documents: Journal Entry, Reversing Entry, Accounting Note, Opening Balance and its correction. In order to use this option, go to the menu Configuration → Document Types, edit a given document definition, proceed to tab: Dimensions and select the parameter: Consider document status. This parameter is deselected, by default. If the control of analytical description correctness is disabled, it will not be possible to select the parameter: Consider document status.
Dependencies between the parameters: Control analytical description correctness and Consider document status are the following:
If the parameter: Control analytical description correctness is disabled – the system does not verify correctness of description
If the parameter: Control analytical description correctness is enabled and the parameter: Consider document status is disabled – the system will be verifying correctness of description according to the general rules of system operation with the selected parameter Control analytical description correctness
If both the parameters: Control analytical description correctness and Consider document status are enabled, correctness of description is controlled as follows:
For accounting note:
the rules for controlling of analytical description correctness remain unchanged
if description is being completed in an unposted document, the system will inform about incorrectly completed description in the form of a warning and will allow for saving the values not fulfilling the conditions of description correctness
the system controls the correctness of analytical description filling also while posting a document – if description was not entered properly, the system will inform about an error and will not allow for posting a document
For journal entry (journal entry and reversing entry documents) and opening balance documents
the rules for controlling of analytical description correctness remain unchanged
if description is being completed in an unconfirmed document, the system will inform about incorrectly completed description in the form of a warning and will allow for saving the values not fulfilling the conditions of description correctness
if description is being completed in a confirmed document, the system will inform about incorrectly completed description in the form of a blockade and will not allow for saving the values not fulfilling the conditions of description correctness
the system controls the correctness of analytical description filling also while confirming a journal entry – if description was not entered properly, the system will inform about an error and will not allow for confirming a journal entry.
Filtering journal entries on book account based on analytical description
Due to the option of describing analytically of journal entries, journal entries can be filtered on book account on the basis of analytical description. This filter option is available from all the levels from which the list of journal entries on book account can be displayed, i.e., menu Accounting → Account Filter, Clearings/Add/Associate Single-sided Entries, Trial Balance/Journal Entries.
Filtering journal entries on book account based on analytical description
Clicking on the button [Analytical Description] in the filter pane on the list of journal entries opens a window Analytical Description Conditions in which it is possible to define a filter including single-sided entries with specified values of analytical description.
Analytical Description Conditions window
Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>
A journal entry is being described on the basis of two dimensions: Center, Location
A user wants to search for single-sided entries for which the dimension: Center has a value: Sales or Production and the dimension: Location has a value: Chicago
The filter can be defined in two ways:
Filtering of single-sided entries based on analytical description – method 1
Filtering of single-sided entries based on analytical description – method 2
Analytical description on object forms
In the system, it is possible to assign analytical dimensions to book accounts, to item forms, to customer/vendor forms and to fixed assets. In addition, based on the assigned analytical dimensions a user may determine available combinations of dimension values or assign previously defined relation patterns to given objects. The functionality is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions.
Object Dimensions window
The Object Dimensions window is composed of the following panels:
Rights Structure – this panel presents the main company and child companies. Analytical dimensions as well as relation patterns can be assigned to book accounts and to items only on the main company level. The parameter Get from Parent Center is selected for child companies; therefore, they inherit analytical dimensions assigned in the parent company. Assigned analytical dimensions and relation patterns will be applicable to the above-mentioned objects in the entire company structure.
Objects – objects to which a user may assign the defined analytical dimensions.
Dimensions – this panel is composed of two sections: User Dimensions and Analytical Dimensions.
In User Dimensions section, there are dimensions which are available for assigning. In order to assign a dimension to a given object, it is necessary to select it on the list and then click on the button [Add Assignment] or double click on a given dimension.
Analytical Dimensions section presents dimensions assigned to a given object. In order to remove an assigned dimension, it is necessary to select it on the list and then click on the button [Remove Assignment] or double click on a given dimension.
Analytical Description – in this panel, it is possible to define analytical dimension values for given objects of relation pattern, similarly as in the case of defining a relation pattern from the level of the menu Main → Relation Pattern, which has been described in article Defining of relation pattern or to assign a previously defined relation pattern by selecting the option [Select Pattern] in the main menu.
A relation pattern is assigned in accordance with the rules below:
Only one relation pattern can be assigned to a given object
In case available combinations of analytical dimension values are already specified for an object, the following message will be displayed: “The document definition already contains defined associations. Existing elements will be deleted. Would you like to continue?”. A user may decide whether to assign a new pattern to a given object or whether to leave the data unchanged.
When assigning a pattern to a given object, the system controls whether dimensions assigned to the object are the same as those assigned to the selected pattern. If they are different, the following message will be displayed: “The document definition contains different dimensions than those selected in the pattern. Would you like to continue?”. If the operation is continued, appropriate records of analytical description will be added, whereas the names of dimensions will be displayed after the missing dimensions have been assigned to the given object.
Analytical description on item form
Upon assigning analytical dimensions to an object Item in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically an item group or item form, itself. Based on analytical description defined on item form it is possible to create automatically analytical description lines in a sales invoice or purchase invoice registering transactions related to a given item.
Analytical description on item group form
The way in which analytical description is defined on the form of item group is similar to that applied in documents. The difference is that in the case of item form, only percentage value of amount is determined.
Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s elements, only elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed on the list of analytical dimension values.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the object Items, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for a given combination of the values of analytical dimensions. The list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the object, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
If there are item subgroups defined to a given item group, after changing analytical description on item group, that description can also be updated on its subgroups by checking the parameter Update patterns. After checking this parameter, it is possible to select one of the following three values:
Changed fields – conditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will, however, apply only to subgroups which analytical description was compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
Changed fields – unconditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will apply to all subgroups, regardless of whether their analytical description is or is not compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
All fields – unconditional: all fields in the subgroups will be updated according to the settings in the pattern, except for those which would infringe their uniqueness (e.g., the field Code, Name).
In the newly added item subgroups, analytical description is completed automatically based on analytical description definition of the parent item group.
The parameter Update elements works similarly as the parameter Update pattern. The difference is that it applies to the update of analytical description on item forms.
In multi-company structure, analytical description specified on item form is saved on the level of given company. Analytical description displayed during edition of item form is the one specified in the company to which an operator is currently logged in. Similarly, changes made to item’s analytical description are also saved for the current company.
In the case of database converted to version 2016.5 or later, analytical description is saved for a current company.
Analytical description defined on item form can next be copied to trade or warehouse documents containing a given item, which was described in <<Article>>.
Analytical description on customer/vendor form
Similarly, as in the case of analytical description on item form, after assigning analytical dimensions to Customers/Vendors object in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically a customer/vendor group or on customer/vendor form, itself. Based on description specified on customer/vendor form, it is possible to automatically create analytical description lines in a document in which given customer/vendor has been selected
Analytical description on customer/vendor group form
A method of defining analytical description on customer/vendor group is similar to that on item group.
Owing to the option of specifying an owner on the form of analytical description elements, elements displayed on the list of analytical dimension values are only those whose owner is the company to which operator is logged in or those for which the value All has been selected.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the object Customers/Vendors, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for given combination of analytical dimension values. The list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the object, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
In case given customer/vendor group is composed of subgroups, then analytical description changed on the customer/vendor group can be updated also on its subgroups by selecting the parameter Update patterns. Upon activating this parameter, it is possible to select one of the following values:
Changed fields – conditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will, however, apply only to subgroups which analytical description was compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
Changed fields – unconditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will apply to all subgroups, regardless of whether their analytical description is or is not compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
All fields – unconditional: all fields in the subgroups will be updated according to the settings in the pattern, except for those which would infringe their uniqueness (e.g., the field Code, Name).
In the newly added item subgroups, analytical description is completed automatically based on analytical description definition of the parent group.
The parameter Update elements works similarly as the parameter Update pattern. The difference is that it applies to the update of analytical description on customer/vendor forms.
In multi-company structure, analytical description specified on customer/vendor form is saved on the level of given company. Analytical description displayed during edition of item form is the one specified in the company to which an operator is currently logged in. Similarly, changes made to customer’s/vendor’s analytical description are also saved for the current company.
Analytical description defined on a customer/vendor form can next be copied to a sales or purchase invoice issued for that customer/vendor, which has been described in <<Article>>.
Analytical description on book account
Similarly, as in the case of item or customer/vendor form, analytical description can also be specified on book account. That description can next be copied to analytical description of journal entry’s item accounting note’s item, in which a given account was selected.
Analytical description on book account
The way in which analytical description is defined on book account is similar to that applied in documents. The difference is that in the case of book account, only percentage value of amount is determined.
Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s elements, only elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed on the list of analytical dimension values.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the object Accounts, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements available for a given combination of the values of analytical dimensions. The list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the object, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
Analytical description can be defined on each level of book account. If a parent account has accounts on lower levels, its analytical description is automatically copied to child accounts. When saving changes made to analytical description on a parent account, it is possible to decide whether to update simultaneously the description of child accounts by selecting appropriate option in the popped-up question. A user may change analytical description on each level of book account.
Moreover, on book account definition it is possible to select the parameter: Analytical description required (this parameter is deselected, by default) which determines the necessity of providing analytical description in case a given account is selected in an accounting document.
The Analytical description required parameter can be specified individually on each level of book account Child accounts inherit, by default, the setting of this parameter from their parent account. When saving changes made to the setting of this parameter on a parent account, a user may decide whether to change its settings also on child accounts by selecting appropriate option in the popped-up question.
When describing analytically a journal entry/contra entry or an accounting note, in item of which a book account with checked Analytical description required parameter was selected, when attempting to save the document, the system will be controlling:
whether item selected in the analytical description is associated with the given account,
whether value of at least one analytical dimension was selected on the item associated with the given account.
If the document does not fulfill the above-mentioned conditions, a relevant message, stating that no values have been specified for the required account, will be displayed. The system will allow for saving such a document or it will deny saving it, depending on the document status. The way in which the system controls saving of document depending on its status has been described in article Control of analytical description correctness.
Analytical description on fixed asset form
After assigning analytical dimensions to the object Fixed Assets in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically either a fixed asset group or a fixed asset, itself. Based on the analytical description defined on the form of fixed asset, it is then possible to create automatically analytical description lines in the documents relating to a given fixed asset.
It is possible to specify a depreciation area by which analytical description values must possibly be completed in the fixed asset documents. Depreciation areas can be selected from among those made available in the system configuration window.
Analytical description on fixed asset form
The way in which an analytical description is defined on the form of fixed asset group is similar to that in which it is defined in documents. But unlike in documents, only the amount in percentage terms is specified in this case.
Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s elements, only elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed on the list of analytical dimension values.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the Fixed Assets object, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for a given combination of analytical dimension values. The list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. In the case of already existing records, the acceptable combination of values is not controlled when editing or saving an object.
In case there are subgroups defined to a given fixed asset group and an analytical description is changed in that fixed asset group, then it is possible to update that description also on its subgroups by selecting the parameter Update patterns. Upon activating this parameter, it is possible to select one of the following values:
Changed fields – conditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will, however, apply only to subgroups which analytical description was compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
Changed fields – unconditional: analytical description will be updated according to the change made in the pattern. The change will apply to all subgroups, regardless of whether their analytical description is or is not compatible with the source definition of analytical description in the pattern.
All fields – unconditional: all fields in the subgroups will be updated according to the settings in the pattern, except for those which would infringe their uniqueness (e.g., the field Code, Name).
In the newly added item subgroups, analytical description is completed automatically based on analytical description definition of the parent group.
The parameter Update elements works similarly as the parameter Update pattern. The difference is that it applies to the update of analytical description on fixed asset forms.
In multi-company structure, analytical description specified on fixed asset form is saved on the level of given company. Analytical description displayed during edition of item form is the one specified in the company to which an operator is currently logged in. Similarly, changes made to fixed asset’s analytical description are also saved for the current company.
Analytical description defined on fixed asset form can next be copied to trade or warehouse documents containing a given fixed asset, which was described in <<Article>>.
Analytical description in trade and warehouse documents
In trade and warehouse documents, apart from describing a document manually, analytical description can be completed with the help of the button [Fill In] based on the analytical description of the item and the customer/vendor selected in a document.
After selecting the option [Fill In], analytical description line swill be generated according to the following rules:
If analytical description is filled in on item form, the system gets analytical description from item form
If analytical description is filled in also on customer/vendor form, apart from that on item form, the system divides additionally the line of analytical description according to the data registered on the customer/vendor form
In case the same dimensions are used both on item form and customer/vendor form, only those dimensions are included in the divided analytical description based on customer/vendor data, which are missing on item form
If analytical description is filled in only on customer/vendor form, the system completes analytical description in a document according to analytical description provided on customer/vendor form
The lines with particular dimension values are created on item level even if no analytical description has been specified on item form
Entries are created regardless of whether given dimensions are assigned to a document in which analytical description is being specified. In case dimensions are not assigned to a given document type, only particular items along with percentage value and amount are copied to analytical description. To be able to view all the dimensions used on item and customer/vendor forms, they must also be assigned to the type of document in which analytical description is being specified
Information about automatic document description is saved in the field Comment to analytical description
Using the option [Fill In] updates each time existing analytical description in a document. Before replacing existing values with new values, the following message is displayed: “Existing elements will be replaced with new values. Do you want to continue? Yes\No”.
Analytical description specified on item form is the following:
Analytical description on item form
Whereas analytical description specified on vendor form is the following:
Analytical description on customer form
A purchase invoice, documenting a transaction related with the item and the vendor, on the forms of whose the above presented analytical descriptions were specified, was then registered in the system.
After selecting the option [Fill In] in the PI, the lines of analytical descriptions will be completed automatically according to analytical descriptions specified on the item form and on the vendor form.
Analytical description in the trade document
Analytical description can also be added in documents automatically with the use of a BPM process named Completed Analytical Description in Documents Automatically.
Analytical description in fixed asset documents
On a fixed asset item, it is necessary to specify a depreciation are for which an analytical description is to be created. By default, the depreciation areas are completed on the basis of the fixed asset form. In fixed asset documents, apart from the option of providing “manually” an analytical description directly in a document, the document can also be described analytically on the basis of the analytical description of the fixed asset selected in the document with the help of the option [Fill In].
Selecting the option [Fill In] generates automatically analytical description lines according to the following rules:
If analytical description is completed on a fixed asset form, then the system retrieves the description from that form
Information about an automatic document description is saved in section Comment To Analytical Description
An existing analytical description is updated in a document each time the option [Fill In] is used. The operation of replacing existing values with new ones is preceded with the following message: “Existing elements will be replaced with new values. Do you want to continue? Yes/No”
Analytical description in depreciation document
Analytical description in accounting note
Similarly, as in the case of journal entries, analytical description can in accounting note be specified both for the entire document and for its particular items.
Such description can be provided directly in a document either manually or on the basis of analytical description specified on book account.
Analytical description in accounting note
Values subject to analytical description are amounts provided on all book accounts, including off-balance sheet accounts.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the definition of accounting note, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for a given combination of the values of analytical dimensions. The element list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the document, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
In order to complete analytical description on the basis of analytical description specified on book account, select the button [Fill In By Account]. The rules of creating analytical description are in this case the same as those applied in journal entries.
Upon clicking on the button [Fill In By Account], the information “Automatic document description” will be displayed on accounting note form in the field Comment to analytical description.
Similarly, as in the case of journal entry, correctness of analytical description is in accounting notes controlled depending on the selection of the parameter: Control analytical description correctness in document definition.
If the mentioned parameter is selected, the system will be controlling the correctness of analytical description as follows:
If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
If the parameter Control analytical description correctness is deactivated, correctness of analytical description will not be controlled.
Analytical description in opening balance document
The system provides also the option of completing analytical description in opening balance documents and their corrections. This applies both to an opening balance being added with the help of the button [Add] as well as to that being generated based on opening balance from a previous accounting period.
Analytical description can be provided directly in a document either “manually” or on the basis of analytical description specified on book account, similarly as in the case of journal entries.
Values subject to analytical description are amounts provided on all book accounts, including off-balance sheet accounts.
Analytical description in opening balance document can be completed from the level of document header, its item or particular amount.
[Alert]One of opening balance items can be described analytically on the level of item, while another item can be described on the level of its amount. Analytical description cannot, however, be completed for opening balance item if such description has been provided for at least one of its amounts.
Analytical description in opening balance document
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the definition of opening balance document, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for a given combination of the values of analytical dimensions. The element list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the document, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
In order to complete analytical description in opening balance document on the basis of analytical description specified on book account, select the button [Fill In By Account]. The rules of creating analytical description are in this case the same as those applied in journal entries.
Upon clicking on the button [Fill In By Account], the information “Automatic document description” will be displayed on opening balance form in the field Comment to analytical description”.
Similarly as in the case of journal entry, correctness of analytical description is in opening balance documents controlled depending on the selection of the parameter: Control analytical description correctness in document definition.
If the mentioned parameter is selected, the system will be controlling the correctness of analytical description as follows:
If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
If the parameter Control analytical description correctness is deactivated, correctness of analytical description will not be controlled.
Completed analytical description in opening balance document is automatically copied to journal entries associated with the document according to the following rules:
Analytical description completed on the level of OB header is saved on the level of JE header
Analytical description completed on the level of OB item is saved on the level of JE item
Analytical description completed on the level of OB amount is saved on the level of JE item
After filling in analytical description in opening balance document automatically, information “Automatic document description” is displayed in the field Description.
During modification of OB items/amounts or its analytical description, the system informs about automatic update of analytical description in its associated journal entry.
Analytical description generated automatically in a journal entry on the basis of analytical description completed in OB document can be modified by the user.
Assigning dimensions and analytical description to documents
Properly defined dimensions and analytical description increase the possibilities of analyzing a company’s outcome. Analytical description is defined in Analytical Description tab which is available both in documents relevant for the trade-warehouse module and those for the accounting module.
In multi-company structure, all documents issued in child companies are displayed in the parent company. It is not, however, possible to modify analytical description of such documents from the level of the parent company.
To add a new record of analytical description, click on [Add Record] in the Analytical Description button group. In order to delete analytical description record, mark the record on the list and then click on [Delete Record] in the same button group.
Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s elements, only elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed on the list of analytical dimension values.
Moreover, when describing analytically a document or an object, next to analytical description element name, there is element description displayed. This is particularly important when selecting analytical dimension elements defined by materializing a subdimension of From Chart of Accounts type, where in field Description on dimension element, the name of book account assigned to given element is displayed.
Apart from the option of defining manually analytical description directly in a document, analytical description can also be defined on item form, customer/vendor form, book account or in a source document. Therefore, after completing analytical description in a document, information about the method in which given line of analytical description has been added is saved in the column Source which can be found on the hidden column list. These methods are:
Manual – analytical description line added manually directly in a document
Modification – analytical description line modified by a user
Directory – analytical description line generated on the basis of that on item form, customer/vendor form or fixed asset form
Account – analytical description line generated on the basis of that on book account
Document – analytical description line generated on the basis of that in source document
Analytical description is saved along with entire document. Until that moment, the buttons [Save] and [Confirm] available in the button group Analytical Description are insensitive. Analytical description itself can be saved or confirmed not until it is not possible to save a document, in the case of confirmed or posted documents.
If analytical description is confirmed, it can no longer be modified.
When saving analytical description, the system checks whether it is correctly defined. Description is correct if amount is described in full.
The system enables describing analytically an item with zero values, owing to which, for instance, merchandise of service type, which purchase value equals to 0, can be described analytically on the level of subitem or analytical description line referring to item with zero value (item’s subtotal value equals to zero) can be filled out. To enable this option, in system configuration window it is necessary to activate the parameter Allow for describing items with zero values, which is described in article Configuration of parameters in the Accounting area.
In a confirmed purchase invoice, there are the following items:
Item number
There are two dimensions assigned to that purchase invoice: Center and Location.
The analytical description can be defined in several ways:
With the use of analytical description template – one template, describing all items of the document, is defined. The layout of description template is then as follows:
Item Type
The item: <document>, selected in the Item Type column, is the analytical description template that will be assigned to each item of a document. It means that the values: Center1 and Houston will be assigned to each of the four document items respectively as their center and location.
2. By describing each item of a document separately
Item Type
New York
Thus, each document item has its own analytical description.
3. By combining item analytical description with analytical description template:
Item Type
New York
The items: 2 and 4 of the document will be described with their own analytical descriptions, whereas the two remaining items (1 and 3) will be described with the use of the analytical description template <document>.
4. By dividing document item or description template with the use of percentage value (this can be also applied in case of all the above-mentioned situations)
Item Type
New York
New York
In this example, 40% of the item 2 is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% of that item is assigned to Center4. In case of items described with analytical description template – each of them is divided into two descriptions, i.e., 50% of the item 1 and 50% of the item 3 is assigned to Center3 and the remaining 50% of both items is assigned to Center1.
5. With the use of subitems
Example 1
In the first example, the item 2 is divided into two subitems:
Item Number
Subitem Number
Trousers (feature: black)
Trousers (feature: blue)
If the item 2 is described as it is described in the 4th item, then each of the subitems will inherit the description from the item 2, i.e., each of these subitems will be divided by a ratio of 40/60 expressed in percentage.
Example 2
Item Type
New York
New York
New York
In this example, the first subitem of the item 2 is divided in percentage terms, i.e., 40% of the subitem is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% to Center4. The second subitem has not been described at all, thus it inherits the analytical description from the item 2, i.e., it is assigned to the Center2.
Example 3
Item Type
New York
New York
In this example, the first subitem of the item 2 is divided the same way as in the previous example, i.e.: 40% of the subitem is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% to Center4. The second subitem, as well as the item 2, has not been described at all, thus that subitem inherits the analytical description from the analytical description template (defined for the entire document), i.e., 50% of the subitem will be assigned to Center3 in Chicago and 50% to Center1 in Houston.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to a document type, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements available for a given combination of values of analytical dimensions. The element list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the object, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
A relation pattern presented below has been assigned to purchase invoice definition.
Defined relation pattern
Analytical dimensions assigned in the document definition are the same as those assigned to a given relation pattern.
When describing a document analytically, in particular dimensions a user may choose only those values which have been marked as available in a given combination.
Describing a document analytically with the help of a relation pattern
For instance, when selecting a value of the Financial Category dimension, only costs assigned to the vehicle Ford YTE 778 in the location Chicago in Sales Department are displayed on the list of values. Moreover, the cost that is set as default in a given dimension is marked in bold and displayed as first on the list of values.
In case of posted documents, the option of changing an analytical description depends on the selection of the parameter Modify analytical description in posted documents, which is available in the system configuration window, in the Accounting tab. The parameter in question is deselected, by default, but it can be selected at any moment during work with the system.
If the parameter is deselected, it is not possible to edit analytical description in posted documents (the icons relating to adding of analytical description are grayed out). Analytical description can, however, be modified in documents for which unposted journal entries have been generated, considering the given settings.
If the mentioned parameter is, on the other hand, enabled, analytical description can be changed both in posted documents and in those for which unposted journal entries have been generated. If this is the case, when proceeding to tab Analytical Description, the system displays relevant information, depending on document status: “Modification of analytical description may require re-posting of the document/generating of the unposted entry again.”. Moreover, when attempting to add or delete the records of analytical description, a relevant message is displayed, depending on document status: “The document has been posted\An unposted journal entry has been generated to the document. Are you sure you want to make changes in the analytical description?”. After changing an analytical description in the source document, it is possible to update it in the journal entry by selecting the option [Fill In By Document].
Modifications related to addition\deletion of a new line or dimension modification affecting the posting method should entail re-posting of a document\regeneration of an unposted entry.
A VAT purchase invoice with the below-presented analytical description was registered in the system.
Analytical description defined in VPI
The registered invoice was posted on the basis of analytical description.
Analytical description in the journal entry was filled in by the source document (analytical description dimensions assigned to JE document are compatible with those assigned to VPI).
Analytical description in journal entry, filled in by source document
Next, the analytical description was modified in the source document (selected parameter: Modify analytical description in posted documents).
Modification of analytical description in a posted document
Because the value of the dimension “Location”, on the basis of which the document is being posted, was changed, it is necessary to post the document again (a different account assigned to the changed value). In the case of a document for which unposted journal entry was generated, it is necessary to re-generate the unposted entry to that document by initiating that operation and selecting the option [Change Posting Scheme].
After the document had been posted again, analytical description was filled in in the journal entry according to the source document.
Update of analytical description in journal entry after changing a description in source document