Before beginning the installation and configuration of Comarch ERP Standard system, it is necessary to properly install and configure Comarch ERP Auto Update program.
To do so, it is necessary to:
Download the installer file UpdateAgent_Setup_[version_no]_EN.exe
Run the installer
Accept the software terms and conditions of warranty and use
Select a setup folder for Comarch ERP Auto Update
Start the application
The installer file UpdateAgent_Setup_[version_no]_EN.exe is available on the server in the Pub directory in Comarch ERP Auto Update folder, as well as on individual websites dedicated to business partners.
Comarch ERP Auto Update preconfiguration
When Comarch ERP Auto Update is launched for the first time, the interface language selection window is opened. A language can be selected for the duration of a given program session or language selection can be remembered by the system permanently by selecting the parameter Remember selection. There are five supported languages available: Polish, English, German, French and Spanish (the language of the operating system is suggested by default).
Language selection
In the case of initial configuration of:
The parent agent – it is necessary to leave the parameter Connect this agent to Comarchserver selected and enter a client ID (provided by Comarch).
Parent agent preconfiguration window
A child agent – it is necessary to deselect the parameter Connect this agent to Comarch server and enter a code of the agent previously added to the agent structure in the parent agent. Additionally, it is necessary to provide IP address of the main agent and port.
Child agent preconfiguration window
Completing preconfiguration will open Comarch ERP Auto Update application window and an attempt to connect to the Comarch server will be performed.
If the agent does not register with parent agent properly and the following message is displayed when attempting to establish connection: “Agent has not registered with parent agent. The agent does not have the required permissions. The permissions must be granted from the level of the parent agent.” It may mean that:
the client ID given is incorrect
the agent code has not been added to the parent agent or it has been deleted
the entered address/name of the parent computer is invalid
Connection with a parent agent can also be blocked by system firewall/antivirus program.
Parent agent configuration
In the agent structure, a parent agent always connects to Comarch server at the address and the port 8466. In case there is no connection, that is when the message Agent has not registered with parent agent appears, it is necessary to check whether the entered client ID is correct and check the connection with Comarch servers.
With the use of the telnet function, by entering, in the command line of cdm console:
telnet 8466
Parent agent configuration window
In Product Configuration window, the user can specify which applications should be installed, by selecting a given product from the list.
Product selection
Next, it is necessary to select a component within that product. For example, for the main agent, for the Comarch ERP Standard product, it is possible to select [Headquarters Server] component.
Component selection
The difference between the server component and the workstation component is that the following services are installed along with the server component: