Creating cash/bank reports

Cash and bank reports are the summaries of all cash and bank transactions made throughout a given period.

List of cash/bank reports

The list of cash/bank reports may be accessed in the menu Finances after selecting the button [Cash]/[Bank] in the button group C/B Reports.

Apart from the standard system buttons, the list contains the following buttons:

  • [Open Report] – it is only active for closed reports; it allows the user to open a report selected on the list and to open reports entered to the same account with a later date
  • [Renumber Reports] – it may be used to correctly renumber reports if there are gaps in the numbering
  • [Post Through Contra Account] – it may be used to automatically post a closed report with the use of an account, ledger, and contra accounts selected in relevant transactions

The list only displays those reports which have been issued within accounts available to a given center.

List of cash reports

The list of reports contains the following columns:

  • Number – it is automatically filled in by the system according to the numerator’s definition
  • Reference Number – it is a reference number for a cash report and a statement number for a bank report
  • Cash Register/Bank Account – it displays an account to which a given report belongs
  • Opening Date – a report’s opening date and time
  • Closing Date – a report’s closing date and time
  • Opening Balance
  • Revenues
  • Expenses
  • Ending Balance
  • Currency
  • Status – it may be specified as Open, Closed, or Posted
  • System Currency (hidden by default)

Adding a cash/bank report

Both cash and bank report forms can be filled in in the same way.

In order to add a new report, it is necessary to select the button [Add] in the button group List.

Cash report form

The report form consists of the following elements:

Header tab

  • Reference Number/Statement Number – it allows the user to enter any kind of record number. For cash reports, it is a reference number, for bank reports – a statement number.
  • Cash Register/Bank Account – it is an account to which a given report belongs. For cash reports, the system only suggests accounts of the Cash Register type, for bank reports – of the Bank The list is narrowed down to accounts which the user may access within a given company structure center.
  • Opening Balance – it is a report’s opening balance. In the case of the first (oldest) report within a given account, the field is active and the user may enter an opening balance amount. In the first report, the Opening Balance amount may also be specified by selecting Add-ons → Special Features → Cash Balance Reconstruction. While adding subsequent reports, the field Opening Balance is grayed-out – the amount of a report’s opening balance is automatically filled in on the basis of the closing amount of the previous report within the same account, and cannot be edited. In the case of reports defined in a currency different than the system currency, a change of balance value for the first report is recalculated to a system value based on an exchange rate given on the form. If there are balance discrepancies, the user may correct them with the function Cash Balance Reconstruction.
  • Revenues – it displays the amount of revenues in a report
  • Expenses – it displays the amount of expenses in a report
  • Opening Date – it displays the date and time of report opening
  • Closing Date – it displays the date and time of report closing
  • Status – it presents a report’s status as either Open or Closed

It is possible to introduce several reports on the same day within the same account, provided that their opening and closing dates do not overlap. Additionally, the system does not require date continuity.

The user entered daily reports with the following dates:

  • 1 January 2019 (Monday)
  • 2 January 2019 (Tuesday)
  • 3 January 2019 (Wednesday)
  • 4 January 2019 (Thursday)
  • 5 January 2019 (Friday)
  • 8 January 2019 (Monday)
  • 9 January 2019 (Tuesday)

The system does not enforce the user to enter reports for 6 and 7 January.

A report period depends on settings in a given account’s definition. Reports may be created as daily, weekly, monthly, or freely defined.

The current system date is 23 January 2019. The report period in the account definition is set as Month.

There are no reports in the account. The user adds a new report, and its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 1 January 2019
  • Closing date: 31 January 2019

The user changes the account’s report period to Week and adds another report; its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 1 February 2019 (Friday)
  • Closing date: 3 February 2019 (Sunday)

The user adds yet another report; its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 4 February 2019 (Monday)
  • Closing date: 10 February 2019 (Sunday)

Next, the user changes the account’s report period to Month again. As the user adds another report, its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 11 February 2019
  • Closing date: 28 February 2019

The report period in the account definition is set as Month. A monthly report is entered in the account with the following dates specified:

  • Opening date: 1 October 2018
  • Closing date: 31 October 2018

The user adds a new report; its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 1 November 2018
  • Closing date: 30 November 2018

The report period in the account definition is set as Month. A monthly report is entered in the account with the following dates specified:

  • Opening date: 1 January 2019
  • Closing date: 14 January 2019

The user adds a new report; its dates are suggested as follows:

  • Opening date: 15 January 2019
  • Closing date: 31 January 2019

In the case of reports including transactions from more than one day, it is recommended to post single transactions and not the entire reports to make sure that clearing dates are correct. Otherwise, discrepancies between payments and clearings may occur.

For a report belonging to an account created in a currency different than the system currency, the report form displays additional amount fields: Opening Balance, Revenues, Expenses, and Ending Balance, presenting values recalculated to the system currency.

Additional fields displayed for a report belonging to a currency report

If a company report is defined in the company’s system currency, additional fields related to a currency are not displayed, regardless of the system currency of a company at which the report is displayed.

Recalculating values from an account’s currency to the system currency is not possible if there is no exchange rate specified for a report’s opening date. While changing an exchange rate type, the user is informed that a given exchange rate is missing and the system makes it possible to define the exchange rate value of the account’s currency for the report’s opening date. The user may define an exchange rate for both sales and purchase exchange rate types.

Transactions tab

On the Transactions tab, it is possible to add transactions directly to a given report, according to conditions described in the article Adding cash/bank transactions.

Transactions tab

While some column values are hidden for transactions unavailable within a given center, the opening and closing balance, revenues, and expenses are always calculated including all transactions – both available and unavailable within a given center.

Data in the following columns is hidden for transactions unavailable within a given center:

  • Document Number
  • Entity Code
  • Entity Name
  • Availability
  • Owner
  • For
  • Contra Account
  • Payment Form
  • Reference No.
  • Description
  • Voucher Sort
  • Voucher Number

Attributes, Change History, and Attachments tabs

A detailed description of these tabs may be found in the article Tabs Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments, and Change History.


Closing and opening a cash/bank report

In order to close a cash/bank report, it is necessary to edit it and select the option Closed from the drop-down list available in the field Status.

The user may decide whether to close/open only a single report or all later/previous reports within the same account as well.

Upon closing a report, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to close all the previous reports?”. Answering Yes closes all previous reports belonging to a given account. Answering No closes the selected report only.

Upon opening a report, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to open all the reports with a later date?”. Answering Yes opens all the subsequent reports within a given account. Answering No opens the selected report only.

The user may edit the following data on the form of a cash/bank transaction added to a closed but not posted cash/bank report:

  • Payment Status field
  • Balance field
  • Account field
  • Create account parameter
  • For field
  • Description field
  • Bank Account field
  • Data on the Analytical Description tab
  • Data on the Attributes tab

Cash balance reconstruction

The Add-ons menu contains the option [Cash Balance Reconstruction], allowing the user to correct opening and closing balances for reports within a given account.

The button [Cash Balance Reconstruction] is only available if all tabs in the system are closed.

Cash balance reconstruction parameters

Before performing a reconstruction, it is necessary to adjust the following parameters:

  • Cash-Bank Account – it defines an account for which the reconstruction procedure is to be performed; it is possible to select either a single account or all defined accounts
  • 1st Report Opening Balance – a balance amount is automatically retrieved from the first report, with a possibility to change it by the user
  • 1st Report Opening Balance in Foreign Currency – this parameter is only visible if a currency account has been selected for reconstruction. A balance amount is automatically retrieved from the first currency account, with a possibility to change it by the user.
  • Backup copy has been made – in order to perform the procedure, it is required to confirm that a database backup copy has been created. Selecting this parameter does not create a physical copy – it is necessary to create one using the database manager.

After adjusting the parameters, it is necessary to select the button [Rebuild] in the button group Actions, thus initiating the procedure.