Adding child agent

Child agents are added from the level of More → Agent Structure

Agent Structure icon

In the window for adding new child agent, it is necessary to specify child agent code (the same code should be entered during the configuration of the child agent) and select a product to install. From among available products, for Comarch ERP Standard it is possible to add:

  • HQMaster – Headquarters Server
  • HQ – Headquarters Workstation
  • BIServer – Business Intelligence Server

Window for adding new child agent

After addding a child agent, it will be presented in the agent structure

List of child agents

After adding a child agent to the agent structure, new section Configurate the service for child agents will be added. In this field, it is necessary to enter the name or the IP address of the server on which the main agent is installed, as well as port (11365, by default).

Child agent configuration window



Child agent configuration

Before installing a child agent it is necessary to deselect the Connect this agent to Comarch server. A child agent will connect to he main agent. In the Agent Code field, a a code defined for the child agent in the settings of the parent agent should be entered. In the field Parent Agent Address, name or server IP and port on which the parent agent is installed, must be entered.

Child agent preconfiguration window

After first startup of a child agent, it is necessary to complete fields Host:

  • Connect with the parent agent – name or IP address of the server, as well as port on which the parent agent is installed,
  • Configure the service for child agents – name of the local computer and port on which the child agent is installed.

Child agent configuration window

Managing structure of child agents

From the level of the parent agent it is possible to manage the structure of child agents with the use of remote actions, such as:

  • updating of Comarch ERP Auto Update application version (child agent)
  • downloading of (sending to the parent agent) an updated or the most recent component version
  • installing of a sent component
  • rolling back of an installed component to its previous version
  • uninstalling of a component