Correcting documents

Correcting documents – introduction

Among correcting documents, two types can be distinguished:

  • corrections generated to documents existing in the system (“automatic” corrections)
  • manual corrections, issued to documents from outside the system

In terms of type of corrected data, it is possible to distinguish documents correcting:

  • quantity
  • value
  • additional costs
  • VAT rate

It is not possible to correct at one time additional costs, value, quantity and VAT rate in one document type.

A quantity correction issued to a document can be both positive and negative. It means that it is possible to increase or decrease the quantity in the correction in reference to the initial quantity.

In a manual correction it is only possible to decrease item quantity.

In a value correction it is possible both to increase and decrease purchase price/value of items in the source document. Exception includes corrections of advance invoices which can be negative only.

VAT table edition

For unconfirmed corrections of PI/API (both “automatic” and manual) it is possible to edit values in VAT table, which results in changing document value and payments. Such a change does not affect values of document items.

On currency documents, changing one of values (subtotal value, VAT, total value) causes change only on the other items in this currency. Values in currency different than edited one remain without changes – are not recalculated. Any change has to be made by an operator.

In the case of purchase invoice quantity corrections and advance purchase invoice quantity corrections, it is not possible to enter a value higher than zero and for document with VAT direction on total, additionally, VAT value cannot be lower than total value. This is due to the type of document.

Purchase invoice quantity corrections have no such limits. An operator can enter both negative and positive values.

If on a currency PIVC there is a situation that values in the document currency and values in the system currency have opposite signs, the system does not allow to save such a document. Values in both currencies need to have the same sing.

Receipt printout numbers on corrections

On forms of corrections issued to receipts (value and quantity corrections, both automatic and manual), there is a need to enter printout number assigned to a source receipt by a receipt printer. Such an information is entered in field Printout No. placed in document header, immediately below correction document number.

Reason for correction

For all types of corrections, both automatic and manual, it is possible to specify whether a document is being issued in the result of a return from customer or a mistake made in a source document to which a correction is being issued. Such information is essential for registering returns, complaints and mistakes. The reason for correction is determined in field Reason for Correction, located in document header immediately below the field with document status. The field Reason for Correction contains a drop-down list from which an operator selects an appropriate option. A list of options is retrieved from generic directory (Configuration (General) → Generic Directories → General →  Reasons for Corrections). By default, the dictionary contains the following options:

  • Mistake
  • Terms
  • Return
  • Buy-back
  • Change of VAT rate

It is not possible to modify, deactivate or delete predefinted options. New values can be added to the generic directory Reasons for Corrections, upon adding new values and selecting one of the available options: Mistake, Return, other in field Type.

Field Reason for Correction assumes the following default values:

  • for RQC – Return
  • for RVC – Mistake
  • for the other correction documents the field is not filled in automatically.

An operator can freely modify value in this field, until a document is confirmed.

It is not possible to save/confirm a RQC and RVC for which the field Reason for Correction has not been filled in.

Generating corrections and reason for correction

On correction documents generated as the result of other corrections, the field Reason for Correction assumes the same value as the field Reason for Correction on the source correction, regardless of whether correction generation has been activated by the system or by the user.


  1. A SOR document was issued and confirmed.
  2. A SI to the SOR is generated and confirmed.
  3. A SIQC with reason for correction Return is generated to the SI. The correction is confirmed.
  4. A SORQC to the SQIC is created – automatically, as the result of SIQC confirmation or manually (generation activated by an operator). The value Return is set in the field Reason for Correction.

In the system, there is also a possibility to perform the following business situations which result in automatic generation of not editable correction documents, without operator’s input. On such documents, an operator cannot indicate or change reason for correction.

The first two situations regard generations of a SI to R, the last one refers to a terms defined on a SI.

Scenario I: A SI is generated to a receipt, and next the operator issues SIQC/SIVC for this SI. In the result of confirming the SIQC/SIVC, the system automatically generates RQC/RVC corresponding to these corrections and associated with the source receipt. If a reason for correction has been specified in corrections issued to the SI, value in field Reason for Correction is copied to RQC/RVC from corresponding SIQC/SIVC. If field Reason for Correction on the SIQC/SIVC has been left undefined, then on the corresponding RQC/RVC the option set in field Reason for Correction is the same as when RQC/RVC are issued manually – Return for RQC and Mistake for RVC.

Scenario II: The operator issued a RQC/RVC to a receipt and then generated a SI for the receipt. When confirming the SI, the system automatically generates appropriate corrections to the SI. In corrections generated this way, field Reason for Correction has the same value as it was specified on the corresponding correction to the receipt.

Generating warehouse document to SIVC and PIVC on account of terms

If terms is defined on a SI/PI document and payer has fulfilled its conditions, then, depending on setting of parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms on definition of SIVC/PIVC document type:

  • the system generates a warehouse to SIVC/PIVC on account of Terms – if the parameter is checked
  • the system does not generate any warehouse document to SIVC/PIVC on account of Terms – if the parameter is unchecked

Scenario I: (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is checked): On SI/PI document, terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC and SORVC/PORVC. In both corrections option Terms is set as a reason for correction.

Unchecked parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms affects the value of SOR/POR document if the trade document has been corrected on account of the terms.

Scenario II (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. SORVC/PORVC document is not generated.

Scenario III (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was not generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. During manual generation of warehouse document, SIVC/PIVC is not taken into account, so the value is uploaded from the trade document.

When generating subsequent corrections to the warehouse document, only those quantity and value corrections of trade documents are taken into account, which were not generated in result of calculating terms.

Scenario IV (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SI/PI document was issued to which a warehouse document was generated. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. Correction to the warehouse document is not generated. Another value correction resulting from Mistake is issued and confirmed. A warehouse document is generated to the second value correction.


During conversion of a databases, the parameter is checked, by default. In case of creating a new database:

  • in French – the parameter is unchecked by default
  • in version different than French – the parameter is checked by default

Receipt confirmation

In Polish version of the system, it is possible to check confirmation of receipt of a correction by a customer on all types of corrections, both automatic and manual, issued to a sales invoice document. The fields are editable regardless of a correction document status. However, in case of SIQC/SIVC with Posted status possibility to edit such a document depends on setting of parameter Change of parameters in a posted VAT invoice. This permission is available in Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groupsgroup edit → tab Other Permissions. Value of fields referring to receipt confirmation is transferred onto automatically generated VAT invoices and may affect the date of inclusion of a correction in VAT-7 declaration. Completing information regarding receipt confirmation on VAT invoice results in transferring this information onto SIQC/SIVC correction.

Field on a correction referring to confirmation of its receipt

The parameter Receipt Confirmed On is unchecked by default; its checking activates fields:

  • date – system date is set automatically but it can be freely modified by a user
  • By – list with contact persons assigned to a customer; the field is not mandatory and can remain empty

Regardless if parameters referring to receipt confirmation are changed from the level of SIQC/SIVC or from the level of a generated VSIC, relevant data is automatically updated on the associated document.


From the level of the list of receipts, under button [Print Document] and from the level of RQC form under button [Print], there is a printout called Return/Complaint receipt report available for RQC. Data for this printout is retrieved from the form of document for which the printout has been started. Date of return in the printout refers to correction date from the RQC form. Field For Receipt on the printout contains number of a receipt associated with a given correction, which was assigned to the receipt by Comarch ERP Standard system; whereas receipt printout number (assigned by a receipt printer), which was entered in field Printout No. in the RQC form, is displayed by this number in brackets.

From the level of the list of receipts for correction documents, there are also collective printouts available which refer to registration of mistakes and returns – Statement of Mistakes and Statement of Returns/Complaints. Both of them are located under button [Print List]. The first one presents a statement of corrections for receipts having option Mistake set as their type in the Reason for Corrections generic directory. The other includes corrections for receipts whose type is set as Return. When starting a given printout, it is necessary to specify a range of dates for which a statement of mistakes or returns must be generated. When preparing a statement, a correction date from correction document form is verified.

Printouts Statement of Mistakes and Statement of Returns/Complaints include only receipt corrections.

The functionality is available only in Polish version of the system.


Corrections generated to documents registered in the system

The following types of documents can be corrected with the use of corrections generated to documents:

  • trade (SI, ASI, R, PI, API)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR-, IR+)

Quantity corrections can be issued to the following types documents:

  • trade (SI, R, PI)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR+, IR-)

Value corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (SI, ASI, R, PI, API)
  • warehouse (SOR, POR, IR+)

VAT rate corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (SI, R)
  • warehouse (SOR)

Additional cost corrections can be issued to the following types of documents:

  • trade (PI)
  • warehouse (POR)


10 pcs of article were sold at price 5 USD/pcs – SI was registered in the system.

A customer decided to return 3 pcs of purchased item (price 5 USD/pcs) – a quantity correction of the SI document for 3pcs is being issued.

In case of issuing another correction to the SI document, as the result of previous transactions 7pcs at price of 5 USD. Thereby, the second correction (of any type) regards only those 7 pcs.

It is possible to issue many corrections to one document. Each subsequent correction always regards quantity and value after the previous correction, not quantity and value of the source document.

Issuing quantity or value corrections to trade documents results in automatic generation of new payments. The type of a newly created payment (receivable/payable) depends on the value of a correction (negative, positive) and the type of a corrected document. E.g. for a correction decreasing value of a SI a payment of payable type is created and for an increasing correction. The functionality of payments created as the result of correction is the same as the functionality of payments of the source documents. Payment on the source documents remains unchanged.

Corrections to documents issued in currency different than the system currency have the same currency and exchange rate as the source document. Exchange rate is not changed neither when the date of issue of a correction is different than issue date of the source document.

Correction of a currency document has the same exchange rate as its source document.

During work with correcting documents it is necessary to remember that:

  • one correction document can correct:
    • quantity
    • value
    • additional costs
    • VAT rate
  • it is not possible to correct all values at the same time
  • it is possible to issue several corrections to one document; each subsequent correction takes into account corrections issued previously
  • it is not possible to issue correction to an initiated, unconfirmed or cancelled document
  • before issuing another correction, first it is necessary to confirm or delete previously issued corrections
  • it is not possible to issue correction to a correction
  • it is not possible to issue correction to a receipt converted into invoice – the invoice should be corrected
  • it is not possible to issue correction of a warehouse document associated with a trade document – first it is necessary to correct the trade document
  • it is not possible to generate quantity correction to IR+ and IR- if IR+ and IR- are generated from manual quantity corrections
  • it is possible to generate value correction to IR+ created as the result of generation from manual SIQC and RQC
  • it is possible to generate quantity and value corrections to IR+ and IR- issued from inventory and complaint
  • an issued correction cannot be deleted, it can only be cancelled
  • it is not possible to issue a quantity correction to documents for received items, if resources received with such documents have been completely released, reserved or moved to another warehouse, to which the center within which an operator wants to issue the correction, does not have permissions
  • it is not possible to cancel a correction after which has been issued another correction
  • it is not possible to cancel quantity corrections issued to documents for released items If resources returned with correction have been released with another document or moved to another warehouse
  • item name and code are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, without possibility to edit name
  • it is not possible to generate a correction if it does not have permission to the warehouse from the source document
  • it is possible to modify fields Volume, Net Weight, Gross Weight on a correction issued to document, in section Correction Value. Units related with these fields are not editable.
  • on manual quantity corrections, fields related to weight and volume are fully editable,
  • both in section Calculation – Before correction and Correction Value
  • in the case of value corrections of trade documents, value corrections are automatically generated to warehouse documents associated with the source trade document
  • in the case of quantity corrections of trade documents and of warehouse documents, it is possible to generate correction automatically or manually. Automatic generation of quantity corrections of warehouse documents can be defined in configuration of document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents).
  • it is not possible to generate corrections to trade documents from corrections of warehouse documents. Detailed information can be found in category Generation of documents.

Methods of presenting corrections

Creating correction to a document results with associating of the two documents with each other. The documents are available from the level of the same list, e.g. corrections to SI are displayed on the list of SI.

From the level of the list, the user can select one of the options regarding presentation of correcting documents:

  • below the source document
  • on the list

Access to corrections placed below the source document is possible by clicking on symbol “+” located next to each document number displayed on the list. As a result, a list of corrections associated with a given document is extended. That way, the user can see the documents associated with each other already from the level of a list.

List of SI with the option of displaying corrections below the source document

When presenting corrections directly on the list, the only way to find the association between a correction and its source document, is by displaying tab Associated Documents in document details. Thanks to such a presentation, the user can quickly find a correction.

List of SI with the option of displaying corrections directly in a list

It is possible to change the method of displaying corrections on the list at any time while working with the system.


Quantity corrections

Quantity corrections introduction

Quantity corrections are issued in case of:

  • introducing wrong quantity of an item in the source document which has already been confirmed and released to a customer/vendor
  • returning a part or whole merchandise purchased by a customer
  • cancelling by customer part or whole planned delivery

In order to issue a quantity correction a user should mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct – Quantity] or [Correct – Quantity (Total Return)] in the main menu in the group of buttons Corrections. The button opens correction form which contains filled in data, which is similar to the source document form. The following fields are editable:

  • document date
  • field with the reason for correction
  • reference number
  • payment method and due date
  • field Handled By
  • center issuing the document
  • customers’/vendors’ addresses
  • description
  • VAT account
  • attributes
  • analytical description
  • quantity of a given subitem

The other fields must be consistent with the source document therefore they are inactive.

It is not possible to generate IR+QC to an IR+ which has been generated to a manual SIQC or manual RQC.

Correct Quantity (Total Return)

In the case of the option [Correct – Quantity (Total Return)] as the quantity to be returned the system suggests, by default, the maximum quantity of a given resource. This option should be used when the user wants to return all or most of items from the source document. If the correction is supposed to correct partially the source document and given items, it is necessary to open these items to edition and insert quantities.

Correct Quantity

Option [Correct Quantity] can be used for documents which include a lot of items and only several of them are to be corrected. By default, on quantity correction form, no item is corrected. In order to correct a given item it is necessary to:

  • mark it and click button [Correct Total]
  • open it for editing and modify quantity after correction

Options [Correct Total] and [Reset Return]

In case of correcting a given item in total or cancelling a quantity inserted as to be returned, it is also possible to use the following buttons:

[Correct Total] – sets the maximum and possible to correct quantity of a given item in column Quantity After Correction

[Reset Return] – resets value in the column Quantity After Correction – the item will not be returned

Buttons available for quantity corrections enabling easier handling of quantities of the corrected items

Item edition form in a quantity correction (document for released items)

Tab General of item edit form contains several sections. The first of them allows for indicating an employee who handles transaction.

In the case of correcting document, editing employee in the field Handled By is possible only after an item is effectively corrected in terms of its quantity or value. While correcting an item, the employee from the item of the source document is suggested.

Section Item indicates item whose quantity is being corrected. Item name and code are retrieved from the source document.

Section Calculation – Before Correction, depending on document type, provides information regarding quantity, price, discount value, currency and VAT rate assumed by item in the source document after any prior corrections to the source document. In addition, documents PIQC and PORQC present information about price and acquisition value of a given item and system currency in which they are expressed.

Section Calculation – After Correction allows for introducing item quantity which remains in the source document after creation of correction. In the case of documents of receipt type, it is not always possible to return the entire quantity and, therefore, to set 0 quantity in this section. The maximum quantity, which can be specified as to be returned, can be lower than the quantity before correction, because a part of resources received with the sources document might have been already released, reserved or moved to another warehouse to which the center, in which the correction is being issued, is not authorized. The fields referring to prices and values are not they are recalculated automatically as the result of changes in the field Quantity.

Field Quantity in section Correction Value is related to field Quantity in the section Calculation – After Correction. Changing value in one of the two fields causes recalculation in the second field. Corrected quantity is always introduced with a minus sign and its absolute value cannot exceed the value presented in the field Quantity in the section Calculation – Before Correction. Next to the quantity in section Correction Value, the total value of purchase and acquisition correction for a given item as well as its net weight, gross weight and volume are displayed.

Section Subitems indicates resources to which a correction applies. In the case of corrections of documents:

  • for released items, presented subitems contain data regarding resources returned to a warehouse (warehouses from which they were retrieved, dates of particular deliveries, numbers of documents originally and secondarily registering resource in stock records, corrected quantity, purchase and acquisition value of corrected quantity)
  • for received items – the resources are removed from the warehouse along with purchase and acquisition value (depending on the setting of parameter Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items.

In this section, column Quantity is editable on the same conditions as quantity in the section Correction Value. In the case of the section Subitems, the maximum quantity to be returned is calculated for each subitem separately, while in the section Correction Value for the whole item. Changing quantity on subitems causes automatic calculation of quantity in the section Correction Value (quantity in the section Correction Value is total of quantities from subitems). Immediately above the list, there is a button with book symbol, which allow for displaying preview of history of delivery for a given subitem.

When returning items to a warehouse, these items are assigned to resources from which they were retrieved. If such resources do not exist (an item was sold), they are restored during document creation.

Positive item correction

On a correcting document issued to a source document, it is possible to indicate quantity higher than the quantity in the source document.

In order to do so, first, it necessary to check parameter Positive quantity corrections on correcting document definition (….), in case in a document there should be a possibility to indicate a quantity higher than the quantity in the source document.

Option Positive quantity corrections on the example of SIQC document

In order to be able to create positive item corrections, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • a document is not issued for a consignment warehouse or a warehouse of WMS type
  • in the case of documents of release type, a resource is available in a warehouse
  • the status of a source R document is not Printed on Receipt Printer
  • for a source SI document, parameter Printable on receipt printer is not checked
  • a document/item has not been entirely corrected

Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items

Depending on the setting of the parameter Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items, which is available in the system configuration (System → Configuration → Trade), the system:

  • returns purchase costs, while additional costs incurred during the purchase are not returned – parameter unchecked
  • returns purchase costs along with additional costs incurred during the purchase – parameter checked

The parameter is available for editing only until the first quantity correction to a PI or POR is issued. Even if the user cancels all the corrections of that type, the parameter is no longer available for editing.

In case the parameter Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items is unchecked and a resource is entirely corrected, the system automatically generates cost correction document which corrects only acquisition value.


DocumentQuantity PriceAdditional costsPurchase valueAcquisition value
PI1010 USD20 USD100 USD120 USD
POR1010 USD 20 USD100 USD 120 USD

A PORQC returns the entire resource received with a POR document. However, additional costs related to delivery received with the POR document are not returned in the PIQC and PORQC documents. Therefore, even though the resource is no more available in a warehouse, the warehouse records still contain acquisition value equal to 20 USD.

Tab Calculation is available for corrections of documents for released items. It is composed of three areas:

  • Correction Value – Indicates quantity and value by which a source document will be decreased/increased
  • Currency – presents type of exchange rate, calculator of conversion to the system currency and exchange rate date which is indicated in a correcting document
  • Prime Cost – presents value of purchase cost and value of acquisition value of corrected item quantity, along with symbols of currencies in which they are expressed

Tab Items is a standard tab described in article: <link>

If several quantity corrections are issued to one document, the system, when issuing each subsequent correction, verifies what quantity of the item still remains to be returned.

Confirmed quantity correction to:

  • documents for received items (PI, POR, IR+) decreased quantity in column Orders – for PI or stock levels – for corrections to POR and IR+
  • documents for released items (SI, R, SOR, IR-) – decreases quantity reserved by R or SI (if R and SI do not have any associated SOR documents) and increases stock levels during the correction of SOR and IR-

Unconfirmed quantity correction to:

  • warehouse documents for released items increases quantity presented in column Orders
  • warehouse documents for received items increases quantity presented in column Reservations
  • trade documents for released items not associated with SOR decreases quantity presented in column Reservations
  • trade documents for released items associated with SOR does not affect presented quantities

Generating corrections for a default warehouse in a center

Many trade companies, especially clothing retail chains, reach more often towards the expectations of their clients by making it possible to return the purchased items in other outlets than the one in which a client has purchased a product. This may cause discrepancies between stock levels registered in Comarch ERP Standard system and the actual stock level. A solution to this problem is returning an item to a default warehouse of the store in which the item is being returned.

A default warehouse for returned items is selected with the use of the parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items which, by default is deselected, whereas a negative (minus) quantity correction returns an item into the source warehouse specified for a document for released items.

A positive (plus) quantity correction gets an item into a document’s source warehouse.

Configuration of the parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items is available from the level of document edition for a selected center. In case the parameter is:

  • selected – a corrected item is returned into a default warehouse specified for a correction document
  • deselected – a corrected item is returned into a warehouse from which it was retrieved into a SI or R document

Parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items in the definition of quantity correction document


If the default warehouse, selected in a given center in the definitions of SIQC/RQC documents, is a consignment warehouse, a correction will then be generated for a warehouse from the source document

Changes in warehouses in case of selected parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items, depending on the resource collection method:

    • In case of generating a value correction for a delivery that was released from a warehouse and then received with a quantity correction document into another warehouse, a cost correction will then be generated for both warehouses


  • A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item KD amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 1 pc
  • A SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item
  • A SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
  • Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued
  • After the PORVC is confirmed, the following CC documents are generated:
  • CC1 amounting to -10.00 USD for the main warehouse
  • CC2 amounting to 10.00 USD for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
  • AVCO
    • If stock level of a given item lot is non-zero in the warehouse into which the item lot was received, then a changed delivery value resulting from a value correction issued to the delivery document is entirely included in the resource that is available in the delivery’s source warehouse


A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item I1 amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 2 pcs A

SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item

A SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC

Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued

After the PORVC is confirmed, value of the resource in the main warehouse is 80.00 USD and in the WHS_CHIC warehouse it is 100.00 USD

If stock level of a given item lot is zero in the warehouse into which the item lot was received, then a changed delivery value resulting from a value correction issued to the delivery document is included in a cost correction document generated for the delivery’s source warehouse


A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item I1 amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 1 pc

A SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item A

SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC

Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued

As a result of that correction, a CC document amounting to -10.00 USD is generated for the main warehouse, whereas the value of the resource in the WHS_CHIC warehouse is 100.00 USD


Value corrections

A value correction allows for:

  • changing sales or purchase
  • correcting a given value of a document
  • changing document item value by a specific percentage

Such a change is made in relation to price/value provided on the source document. In the case of advance invoice corrections, only advance payment amount can be corrected, not price of items.

In order to issue a value correction, it is necessary to mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct – Value] in the main menu in the group of buttons Corrections. The form of a correction with the filled in data, which is similar to the source document form, will be opened. The following fields are editable:

  • document date
  • reference number
  • field Handled By
  • center issuing a document
  • description
  • VAT account
  • price and quantity of a given subitem

Values of the other fields must be consistent with those in the source document; therefore, they are inactive.

By default, the price/value after the correction is equal to the price/value before the correction. In order to make changes:

  • it is possible to select button [Correct Value], which opens a window containing the following fields:
    • Before Correction – this field is not editable, it presents document value before correction in the document currency. In case other corrections have been issued previously, they are included in the filed Before Correction.
    • Field allowing to indicate whether total or subtotal value should be corrected. Its value is set according to the VAT direction on the document with a possibility of changing it. The change does not result in changing VAT direction for the whole document.
    • Correct by – field allowing to insert an amount by which the whole document value should be decreased or increased
    • Field with percentage value – allows for specifying percentage by which document value should be corrected
    • After Correction – document value after correction

Document Value Correction window

After saving introduced changes, correction value is divided into individual correction items:

In case VAT direction in a document is the same as VAT direction in the correction window, value from field Corrected By will be divided, proportionally to correction item values, subsequently into items of that correction.

In case it is not possible to divide the entire corrected value, the system divides the maximum possible value and displays appropriate message.

If VAT direction in a document is not consistent with VAT direction specified in Document Value Correction window, value specified in field Corrected By may not be tantamount to value of the actual correction.

  • in prices/values, it is necessary to edit individual correction items

Item edition form in the value correction (document for received items)

The edition form of items of a value correction is almost identical to the edition form of items or a quantity correction. Unlike the quantity correction, the discount, the price and value of an item are editable in section Calculation – After Correction as well as the value in section Correction Value. When changing values of one of these fields, the value of others is automatically recalculated. In addition, value corrections of documents for released items do not have section Subitems, but their corrections include fields with acquisition value and prices, however, these fields are not editable.

The value correction, in contrast to the quantity correction, can be issued “in plus” as well as “in minus”. In the first instance, the price/value of item is increased in relation to the price of the source document, in the other – the price is decreased. An exception is constituted by advance invoice corrections which can be issued only “in minus” and which decreases the amount an advance payment deposited.

Price/value after correction cannot be less than zero.

After inserting correction value, the system automatically calculates new item price/value. However, it is not possible to edit values directly on subitems, as it is possible in the case of quantities on quantity corrections. If an item contains more than one subitem, the system divides value of the correction proportionally to all subitems.


DocumentItem quantityItem price
SIVC1107 (previous value: 5)
SIVC2106 (previous value: 7)


  • column Document presents the type of an issued document (SI – Sales Invoice, SIVC – Sales Invoice Value Correction)
  • column Item quantity displays the quantity of units of an item for one item
  • the price of an item displays the current price of an item in a document and the price from the previous document is displayed in the brackets
  • the value of an item is the product of the item quantity and the current item price
  • the last column displays the value of a correction, that is, the value by which the source document, including the previous corrections, has been corrected
  • consecutive rows of the table mark the order of issuing documents

The combined correction value is equal to the sum of the values of corrections of the individual items.

The VAT table is calculated in a similar way as in the other documents. Furthermore, it should be remembered that any VAT rates of items cannot be modified in a correction, which means that the items being corrected have the same VAT rates as the ones in the source document.

Confirmation and cancelation of value corrections of warehouse documents for received items results in:

  • generation of cost corrections to confirmed warehouse documents (SOR, IR-, WM-. WM+), which are releasing the resources from POR or IR+ being corrected, and to their quantity corrections (SORQC, IR-QC)
  • update of purchase costs in initiated and unconfirmed warehouse documents (SOR, IR-, WM-) which are releasing the resources from POR or IR+ being corrected
  • update of values of resources from POR or IR+, which are still in stock

In an unconfirmed SORQC, IR-QC, WM+, costs are not updated as a result of IR+VC/PORVC confirmation or cancelation. Costs in these documents are determined on the basis of SOR, IR- and WM-, respectively. Only after these documents have been confirmed, will CC documents be generated.

VAT rate corrections

VAT rate correction allows for correcting VAT rate for the following documents:

  • sales invoice
  • receipt
  • SO release

There is also a possibility to issue a manual VAT rate correction to receipts and sales invoices.

In order to issue a VAT rate correction, it is necessary to mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct VAT Rate], which opens correction form with the filled in data, is similar to the source document form. The following fields are editable:

  • document date
  • field with the reason for correction
  • reference number
  • payment method
  • due date
  • field Handled By
  • reason for VAT exemption
  • delivery method
  • reference number
  • center issuing the document
  • customers ‘/vendors ‘addresses
  • description
  • VAT account
  • attributes
  • analytical description
  • VAT rate on a given item

The other fields must be consistent with the source document; therefore, they are inactive.

A user can change VAT rate from the level of:

  • items list – to do so, in column VAT Rate After Correction, it is necessary to expand the list and select appropriate VAT rate
  • item details – do to so, it is necessary to edit an item and in section Calculation – After Correction, in the field with VAT rate, indicate a correct value

It is not possible to correct VAT rate on document items, for which reverse charge option has been selected.

A list of VAT rates available for change on a correction is retrieved from the group of VAT rates.

Form of item details allows for editing VAT rate in the section Calculation – After Correction. Changing the value of this field causes an automatic recalculation of subtotal or total value and of correction value.

In case VAT rate correction document is issued:

  • on total – a correction subtotal value is calculated
  • on subtotal – a correction total value is calculated

Each subsequent correction issued to one document takes into account the quantities and prices/values changed (decreased or increased) with previous correcting documents.


  • SOR/2018/00001 is issued for 1 pc of item TSD amounting to a subtotal value of 1,24 USD and 23% VAT rate
  • SOR/2018/00002 is issued for 1 pc of item TSD amounting to a subtotal value of 1,24 USD and 20% VAT
  • One invoice is generated from the warehouse documents
  • A VAT rate correction is then generated to the SI. The VAT rate is changed from 23% to 8%, thus total value of the document is reduced by 0,37 USD
  • The correction is next confirmed
  • In the effect, the following two VAT rate corrections were created automatically to documents: SOR/2018/00001 and SOR/2018/00002:
  • SORTC/2018/00001 amounting to a total value of -0,19 USD
  • SORTC/2018/00002 amounting to a total value of -0,19 USD

A VAT table contains two records: the first one is retrieved from the source document and the second record applies to the modified VAT rate.

VAT table in a VAT Correction document

A VAT rate correction can be issued:

  • to a confirmed SI/R/SOR document
  • to a trade document from which one warehouse document has been generated
  • when the associated document has been confirmed/posted
  • only to a trade document if it is associated with a warehouse document
  • when all the corrections, that are associated with the source document, have been confirmed

A VAT rate correction can be confirmed only when all the items, aggregated in a warehouse document into one item, have been corrected in the invoice.


  • A SI is issued for two of the same item TSD, in the same quantity of 1 pc and in the same price of 5 USD
  • The document is confirmed
  • A SOR document is generated to the SI automatically; the items in the warehouse document are aggregated to one item
  • A VAT rate correction is then generated, in which only one of the items is corrected
  • When attempting to confirm the correction, the system displays a message informing that it is impossible to confirm it, because not all the items, aggregated into one item in the warehouse document, have been corrected
  • Then, the second item is corrected, where VAT rate is changed to the same rate as on the first item
  • The SI document is confirmed
  • A VAT correction (SORTC) is generated automatically to the warehouse document for all items

Confirmation of VAT rate correction generates the following:

  • a relevant warehouse document (if the source document is associated with a warehouse document)
  • VAT invoice correction
  • Payment (if VAT direction is set in a document to: From subtotal)

If invoice items are in a warehouse document aggregated into one item, then the same VAT rate must be set for all the aggregated items when generating a VAT rate correction to the SI. Otherwise, it will not be possible to confirm SITC/RTC.

Cancellation of VAT rate correction (SITC, RTC) cancels automatically a warehouse document and its correction from the level of VAT accounts.


Additional cost corrections

Additional cost correction is only available for two types of documents:

  • purchase invoices – correction can be issued manually
  • PO receipts – correction can be only generated automatically, by the system, as the result of change of additional costs on a purchase invoice related to this PO receipt

Adding new purchase invoice additional costs corrections (PIAC) is possible upon marking a PI document (approved or posted) on a list and selecting [Correct → Additional Costs]. A form partially completed with data retrieved from the source document is opened. The following items are editable:

  • document date
  • field Delivery
  • Handled by
  • center, on behalf of which the document is being issued
  • reason for correction
  • additional costs
  • description
  • attribute
  • analytical description
  • attachments

The other data must be consistent with the source document, therefore it cannot be edited.

The most important tab of a PIAC document is the tab Additional Costs, where it is possible to correct additional costs. The tab is handled in the same way as the tab Additional Costs on purchase invoice, but its data is slightly different – it contains additional information.

When issuing a PIAC, to the tab Additional Costs are automatically added items containing additional costs assigned to the source PI and to all PIAC previously issued to this PI.

Until a PIAC is confirmed:

  • it is possible to add new additional cost items
  • it is possible to correct already existing additional cost items
  • it is not possible to remove additional cost items deriving from the source PI or other PIAC
  • it is possible to delete items added by the operator to the current PIAC document

The list of additional costs contains the following columns:

Acquisition Price – contains parameter informing whether a given additional cost affects the acquisition price. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs.

Name – displays additional cost name. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs. This field operates the same way as on PI form.

Value Before Correction (system currency symbol) – value of additional cost expressed in the system currency, resulting from document on which this cost was added, corrected by possible PIAC documents including this cost and preceding the current PIAC. If item with a given cost has been added on the current PIAC, the field takes on value 0.00. This field is not editable in any case.

Correction Value (system currency symbol) – value by which an additional cost is to be increased or decreased. If a cost is being decreased, the maximum value by which it can be decreased cannot exceed value from field Value Before Correction – a total of both fields cannot be less than 0. For an item with additional cost calculated as a percentage of PI or VPI, the correction value is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency).

Correction Value in Currency – field filled in automatically by the system only if an item with additional cost refers to PI or VPI. Value of this field is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * 523 Logistics Version: 2019.0 value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency)

Currency – displays currency in which a given additional cost is expressed.

Document Percentage – percentage of a document indicated as additional cost. When correcting an item with such cost, percent of document value which must be used as an additional cost after the correction should be specified in this field. On this basis, the system calculates value of additional cost correction. Minimum value which can be entered here is 0.00%, which indicates that item with additional cost has been entirely corrected. Maximum possible value in this field is 100.00%.

PI1 is issued, document value is 100 USD

  • PI2 is issued, document value is 50 USD, additional cost from another PI document is added:
    • acquisition price: Yes, name: PI1, value in system currency: 50.00, value in currency: 50.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%
  • PIAC is issued to PI2, cost from the source PI2 is automatically transferred to tab Additional Costs Acquisition:
    • acquisition price: Yes, value before correction (USD): 50.00, name: PI1, correction value (USD): 0.00, correction value in currency: 0.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%

Additional cost must be decreased so that after correction it will be 40% of PI1 value. To do so, 40% should be entered in Document Percentage field. The system automatically calculates correction value which is – 10.00

Below the list of additional costs, there is a panel available regarding costs division algorithm – the same as on a PI. On each PIAC, the operator can decide whether value by which additional costs are corrected (increased or decreased) is to be divided into document items according to one of the following algorithms: quantitative, value-based, weighed or volumetric, or according to the operator’s preferences.

If PIAC is issued to a PI including at least one item for which POR for full quantity from that PI has not been generated, in tab Additional Costs of the PIAC it will not be possible to enter negative value of correction. The system will enable only increasing the additional cost value.

When confirming a PIAC:

  • If it corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for the PI associated with it already exists – the system automatically generates confirmed PORAC documents to relevant PO receipts
  • If none of the additional costs being corrected affects acquisition price – PORAC is not generated
  • If it was created for a PI without a POR – PORAC will not be generated; when generating POR for this PI later, the POR will include additional costs from both the PI and all the PIAC associated with it which had been created before the POR was generated

If no additional costs have been calculated on a PI, it is possible to add a positive additional cost only on a PIAC document.

If PORAC is created as a result of PIAC, the system:

  • updates acquisition value on unconfirmed warehouse documents for released items (SOR, IR-, WM-) which collect the corrected resource
  • generates CC to confirmed warehouse documents for released items which released or returned the corrected resource (SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM+)
  • updates acquisition value of the corrected resource still available in the warehouse
  • in case of AVCO resource collection method:
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is greater than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -7 USD, total: 10 USD – 7 USD = 3 USD > 0), then the system adds/subtracts the value by which additional costs have been corrected to/from the value of additional costs on this resource
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected equals zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -10 USD, total: 10 USD – 10 USD = 0 USD), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource
    • if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is less than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -15 USD, total: 10 USD – 15 USD = -5 USD < 0), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource and creates a cost correction for the difference of additional costs value before correction and value of the corrected costs, which indicates the correction of document for received items
    • if resources of a given items are no longer available in the warehouse, the system creates cost correction for the amount by which additional costs have been corrected

When canceling a PIAC, the system automatically cancels PORAC documents associated with it and performs operations which “undo” changes introduced in result of registering the PIAC/PORAC. Such cancellation has the same consequences as confirmation of a PIAC/PORAC with “opposite” value.

It is not possible to cancel PORAC directly. Such operation is performed by canceling the associated:

  • PIAC – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation
  • PI – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation on which additional costs were added and that PI had been generated from POR

PORAC document is very similar to PORVC. The elements distinguishing PORAC from PORVC are as follows:

  • lack of Amounts tab
  • data is always presented in the system currency
  • acquisition value and prices and not purchase value and prices are corrected

In a PORAC document:

  • it is possible to edit correction date in documents with statuses different than Posted and Canceled
  • the date of receipt from the POR is set as correction date, if the purchase date in the PI is earlier than the receipt date in the POR (e.g. purchase date in the PI: 01.01.2019, receipt date in the POR: 01.03.2019), then, in the POR document, the receipt date from the POR 01.03.2019 is set as correction date
  • the receipt date from the POR is set as correction date, if the correction date in the PORAC is earlier that the receipt date in the POR

There are only two cases in which PORAC document can be created:

  • if PIAC corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for PI associated with the PIAC already exists
  • if POR has been generated to a PI on which additional costs affecting acquisition price were added


Manual corrections

Manual corrections allow for correcting:

  • quantity
  • value
  • VAT rate

and concern the following documents:

  • sales invoices
  • receipts
  • purchase invoices

To be able to issue manual corrections, it is necessary to grant the permission Generation of manual correction from the level of the operator group, in tab Other Permissions.

Manual corrections are based on standard correction documents generated to documents. They are presented on the same lists, use the correction definitions, as well as the numeration scheme of a corresponding correction.

Owing to the fact that the manual correction does not have any source document, a user has to independently define the basic data relating, among others, to:

  • document header data – customer, transaction type, correction date, etc.
  • currency and exchange rate
  • data relating to the source document – number and date of a corrected document
  • data relating to items – item, quantity and price before correction, quantity and price after correction
  • costs of returned merchanise
  • features of returned merchanise
  • warehouse in which the merchanise is to be received (SIQC, RQC) or from which it is to be released (PIQC)

The warehouse documents generated to quantity corrections are internal documents: -IR-, IR+.

It is not possible to generate warehouse documents to several manual corrections at the same time.

Manual value corrections generated to documents for released items do not affect neither the value of resources in a warehouse nor their quantity. Their issue is only related to the refund or acceptance of a receivable arising from changing the price of items of a document for released items. The question of PIVC looks slightly different. It does not concern any specific purchase document, and thus any specific resources, therefore the whole manual purchase value correction is reflected in a cost correction document (CC) that is generated to it.

Properties of manual corrections:

  • manual corrections (not associated with warehouse documents) do not affect the quantity of resources in a warehouse, neither the reserved quantity nor the ordered quantity
  • one correcting document can correct either the quantity or the value in a primary document; simultaneous correction of both of them is not possible
  • manual corrections are issued to documents SI, R and PI from outside the system
  • it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a set
  • it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a warehouse document
  • the item name which is an item of correction is subject to edition, but only if the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form
  • it is not possible to delete a confirmed correction; it can be canceled only
  • it is not possible to generate warehouse documents to unconfirmed or canceled quantity corrections
  • no warehouse documents are generated to value manual corrections
  • automatic generation of warehouse documents to manual corrections is contingent on the settings in the types of correction documents
  • the code and name of the item in a IR+/IR- document generated from a manual correction are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, whereas it is possible to edit the name (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
  • a quantity correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
  • a value correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
  • w celu zatwierdzenia korekty faktur, musi być zdefiniowany kontrahent
  • to confirm invoice corrections a customer/vendor must be defined
  • Tab Associated Documents, besides a standard list of associated documents, contains also section concerning the “source“ document. It allows for defining source document number, issue date and sales/purchase date.

Manual corrections are displayed as “flat” in a list of the corresponding document types, regardless of the option of displaying corrections (on the list/below the source document). In column Warehouse, warehouse documents IR+, IR- that correspond to the manual corrections are displayed. The column will be empty for value manual corrections.

Button [Manual Correction] in the group of buttons Corrections, including the available option of selection of the type of correction – value, quantity, is used for creating a new correction.

Generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction

It is possible to generate (value and quantity) invoice correction to a confirmed (value and quantity) receipt manual correction. The generated invoice reflects receipt correction document. It is not possible to add/delete items from such correction.

It is not possible to generate invoice correction from several receipt manual corrections. Such generation is possible only for one marked document.

The following fields can be modified on a generated invoice correction document:

  • Reference number
  • Reason for Correction
  • Date of Issue
  • Perameter Confirmation
  • Delivery Method
  • Reason for VAT Exemption
  • Owner
  • Handled By
  • VAT Account

In the case if a RQC document:

  • is associated with warehouse document, generated invoices are also associated with it.
  • is not associated with warehouse document, such a warehouse document can be generated from the level of created SIQC.

The same as in case of generating invoices on the basis of receipts, also in case of generating invoice corrections payments are completed and analyzed from the level of source document (RQC/RVC).

After confirming receipt manual correction and generating invoice to it, depending on system language version, the system:

  • does not generate VAT invoice correction – it will be created only for CRS document – for Polish system version

Specifying VAT account in invoice correction document and generating VAT invoice correction to RQC/RVC depends on value of parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts.

  • generates VAT correction to receipt; VAT invoice correction document is not be created for invoice generated from receipt manual correction – other language versions

After a VSIC is generated in result of generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction, parameter Invoice to Receipt is checked in the header of such document, without the possibility to edit it.

Manual quantity correction

On an item of a manual quantity correction, it is necessary to define quantity, price and value before the correction. Besides that, on the item addition form fields relating to the price type, regular price and discount, are hidden.

For SIQC/RQC manual corrections:

  • subitems of “release” type are created, for which a user can indicate a warehouse to which the item is to be returned, define its features, as well as provide the purchase cost of such an item.
  • purchase/acquisition value on subitems of RQC/SIQC must be entered with a negative sign.
  • after confirming a SIQC/RQC, the system will generate, automatically or upon request of an operator, IR+ documents receiving an item with a specific feature into the selected warehouse.

If on subitems of manual RQC/SIQC a user does not define purchase/acquisition value, then when confirming the document, the system notifies about it and asks whether to continue.

When generating an IR+ document:

  • the system ignores subitems of SIQC/RQC for which IR+ documents have been created in full and subitems to which warehouse an IR+ document is not entitled
  • IR + subitem values are determined on the basis of the costs defined by a user in the source SIQC/RQC. The value in the IR+ is determined on the basis of the total of the values of subitems.

In an IR+ created as a result of SIQC/RQC confirmation:

  • the quantity on a subitem can be modified and decreased
  • it is not possible to add new subitems

For PIQC manual corrections:

  • one subitem of “release” type is created with quantity resulting from correction. Such a subitem does not indicate any resource
  • resource value is determined on the basis of the value of the correction item
  • warehouse and feature value can be modified
  • for a merchandise which is to be returned from several warehouses, several items must be created

When generating an IR- document:

  • the system retrieves the resources in a quantity not exceeding the quantity form the PIQC, in accordance with the order defined in the system (FIFO/LIFO/AVCO), including feature values defined on particular subitems of the PIQC document. In the event when a merchandise is to be returned from many warehouses, an operator will need to create many items on a document of manual PIQC
  • the items are not grouped


Manual value correction

In a value correction of an item form, in section Calculation – After Correction, it is possible to define the price and value. The quantity is automatically transferred from section Calculation – Before Correction.

Corrections to documents for released items SI and R do not have Subitem section, because items available in them do not relate to resources in warehouse.

In the case of PIVC, changing the price and the value of an item affects the purchase and acquisition costs of items located in a warehouse.

For each item the system independently creates one subitem of a manual PIVC in which only the warehouse can be changed. The value of such a subitem is determined on the basis of the subtotal value of an item of a correction expressed in the system currency. A user cannot delete/add a subitem. If the correction of a given document is to relate to many warehouses, a user will need to create many items on a document of manual PIVC.

While confirming a PIVC the system generates a CC document on the basis of its subitems. In this way, the whole value of a correction is reflected in the sales cost correction. However, the system will not correct the value of warehouse resources. It is caused by the fact that we do not know which resources are to be corrected.

Warehouse documents are not generated to manual value corrections, such corrections do not cause any warehouse move.


Manual VAT rate correction

In item details of a manual VAT rate correction, similarly as on items of a value correction, in section Calculation – Before Correction it is possible to specify quantity, price, value and VAT rate.

In the item details of a manual VAT rate correction, in section Calculation – After Correction it is possible to define only a VAT rate. Quantity and price are copied automatically from the section Calculation – Before Correction.

Corrections to documents of release type – SI and R do not have section Subitems, because items in these corrections do not refer to the resources in stock.

When generating a correction, the system generates a VAT correction in a VAT account.

There is no need to generate warehouse documents to manual VAT rate corrections since they do not cause any warehouse movements.