This module supports operations related to the company's cash flow.
- Configuration
- Cash/bank accounts
- Cash/bank reports
Cash/bank transactions
- Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions
- List of cash/bank transactions
- Adding a cash/bank transaction
- Adding a transaction with a negative sign
- Registering a transaction correcting cash allocation
- Automatic generation of a document correcting cash allocation while canceling a trade document
- Rules for editing cash/bank transactions
- Importing bank statements
- Checks
- Payments
- Split payment mechanism
- Payment estimate
- Configuration settings relating to the functionality of settlements
- Making payments with the use of the buttons: [Combine] [Combine Selected], [Complete], [Pay]
- Completing payments in different currencies
- Completing payments partially
- Customer and vendor payments
- Making payments with the use of Payment Confirmation window
- Compensations
- Bank transfers
- Exchange rate differences
- Terms
- Debt collection