Comarch ERP Standard system contains a set of functionalities allowing the user to edit user interface:
Information regarding the basic settings and keyboard shortcuts can be found in General information category
The functioning of the menu and of the most used keyboard shortcuts is described in System menu category
Information regarding layout, adjusting and formatting of windows, as well as data export, are described in Windows, forms and lists category
Options related to searching, sorting and filtering data in the system, are described in Searching and filtering data category
For more advanced interface modifications, dedicated tools are used: Interface Editor allows for changing appearance and content of all principal windows (such as forms and lists), whereas thanks to Profile Editor, it is possible to customize the main menu and system desktop according to user’s individual needs and preferences
Keyboard shortcuts
Using of the keyboard
After launching the application, the main menu (ribbon) appears in the upper corner of the screen. Operating the system with the use of shortcuts can be initiated by pressing the left <Alt> key. After pressing that key, in the menu, you will see the letters symbolizing the shortcuts to each of the tab elements. As a rule, it has been applied that the shortcuts refer to the first letters of the names of the menus, objects, etc. If, in a given context, there is more than one name beginning with the same letter, such shortcuts are then composed of two letters, which are two subsequent letters of a name.
Main menu with keyboard shortcuts
Pressing a proper letter on the keyboard and holding the button at the same time opens particular tabs.
X – allows changing a center
AP – launches the application configuration window
M – launches the main menu of the system (the list of directories)
SA – launches the menu Sales
P – launches the menu Purchase
W – launches the menu Warehouse
CR – launches the menu CRM
FI – launches the menu Finances
AC – launches the menu Accounting
FX – launches the menu Fixed Assets
R – launches the menu Reporting
BS – launches the menu Business Scorecard
BU – launches the menu Budgeting
AL – launches the menu Allocation
SU – launches the menu Subsidiaries
AD – launches the menu Add-ons
CO – launches the menu Configuration
With the use of the above-presented shortcuts, it is possible to navigate through all the elements available in the system.
If the <Alt> key is pressed from the level of a list or form, the system will display shortcuts applicable to buttons active in the context of that list or form.
To go to the lower level of keyboard shortcuts, it is necessary to press a button applicable to a given context. In a situation presented in the above image, selecting button <I> (items) will open the context of the items of the opened list.
Additionally, the user can move along the ribbon with the use of the key <Alt> and arrows on the keyboard. <Enter> or <Spacebar> select a given button.
On most of the list it is possible to use standard buttons, such as: <Insert> (adds a new row), <Delete> (removes a selected row), <Tab> (moves on to the next field), and <Enter> (accepts entered values).
Also with the use of the button <Insert>, it is possible to add new item to documents, regardless of the cursor’s location, when the tab Elemetnts is active.
In the system, it is possible to define individual shortcuts which then can be used for editing the content of particular fields or transferring the context to lists. Such combinations of shortcuts can be defined separately for particular user groups as well as for individual users. Detailed description of this functionality can be found in article Interface item management.
Predefined shortcuts
In the system, there are also other predefined shortcuts available. They are dedicated to particular behaviors of the system for some forms:
<Alt> + <F4> – asks whether to close the system
<Ctrl> + <F> – opens a search engine window
<Alt> + <downwards arrow> – expands a list of values
<Alt> + <upwards arrow> – collapses a list of available values
<F5> – refreshes a list
<Insert> – adds an item
<Esc> – closes an active window
Below are the following shortcuts which are, in turn, available in the row editing mode (edit in place):
<Insert> – adds an item
<Ctrl> + <upwards arrow> – increases value in the field Quantity in the edited row
<Ctrl> + <downwards arrow> – decreases value in the field Quantity in the edited row
<Upwards arrow> – jumps to an upper row
<Downwards arrow> – jumps to a lower row
<Enter> – activates a cell in the mode of editing (clicking enter will enable edition of, e.g. a unit of measure cell when being highlighted on a list of SI items)
<Delete> – removes a row in the row editing mode
<Rightwards arrow>/<Leftwards arrow> – enables navigation to cells of a given row, as in case of using <Tab> and <Shift> + <Tab> keys
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + <C> – copies selected objects together with headers
Basic settings
This article contains information about the basic settings related to the user interface and customizing of the system.
In the menu System → Configuration, tab General contains settings regarding the appearance and default system language.
Tab General in the menu System -> Configuration
In this tab, the user can:
Check the default database language (non editable field)
Define the default system country (value selected in this place of the system is automatically suggested according to addresses defined in the system)
Select system background by loading a graphic file from the computer and fitting it
Set location and orientation of tabs
WWW shortcuts
In the last section of the tab General, the user can set website shortcuts related to Comarch ERP products which will be displayed in the application or define his/her own shortcuts and determine the way in which they will be presented – in the application window or in the Internet browser.
By default, the following shortcuts allowing for quick operning of web pages of Comarch ERP products are added in the system:
Comarch-Nowości – new functionalities offered by Comarch
YouTube – a shortcut to Comarch channel on YouTube, which contains video footage of conference presentations and important events, tutorials and marketing materials
Facebook – a shortcut to Comarch ERP Facebook page
iBard24 – a shortcut to an application for managing data in a company
BI Point – a shortcut to a service used in cooperation with Comarch Retail POS application
e-Sklep (e-Shop) – a shortcut to Comarch e-Sklep (e-Shop) platform website
Comarch Mobile – a shortcut to a site dedicated to mobile applications for companies
A toolbar with WWW shortcuts will be presented after selecting Show Web Toolbar option from the contextual menu on the system desktop