Generation of documents

In document generation process, it is possible to distinguish source document from which another document is generated and generated document, which is created by generation. Both the documents are strictly related with each other and they complement each other, giving a wider view of performed operations.

Options of generating of the following documents are available among generation options:

  • trade document from warehouse document (e.g. SI from SOR)
  • warehouse document from trade document (e.g. POR from PI)
  • trade document from trade document (e.g. SI from SO)
  • warehouse document from warehouse document (e.g. WM+ from WM-)

List of documents possible to generate is available on:

  • lists of particular documents
  • from the level of document details main menu Generation button group (available only for several options of generating)

Exemplary [Generation] button groups in main menu, on documents list
Properties of generated documents

  • In case a document is generated from a trade or a warehouse document, depending on the setting on a document definition (Configuration → Company Structure Company Documents), a newly generated document can have Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Initiated status
  • generated document can be partially edited, deleted, confirmed, posted or cancelled
  • generated cost correction cannot be edited
  • on the majority of generated documents, it is possible to edit only customer/vendor, document date and payment
  • on the majority of generated documents, it is possible to edit document item name, provided that parameter Edit item name has been checked on that item form
  • in trade documents generated form warehouse documents and vice versa, it is not possible to fully edit the items
  • generated document currency is the same as the source document currency
  • generated trade document (except for inquiries) generates payment

It is not possible to change unit on an invoice or a warehouse document generated from an order.

Generated document inherits most data from the origin document, except when a document of a type different than the source document type is generated – generation of a document of release type from a document of receipt type and inversely. In such a situation, generated document usually inherits only those items, which are the subject of transaction of the source document. The other parameters, e.g. customer/vendor, payment method, due date, transaction type or item prices, are determined as if the document was issued manually, not generated.

Creation of value corrections for invoices and receipts which previously have been associated with warehouse documents automatically generates confirmed value corrections for those warehouse documents. If value or/and quantity corrections are issued for a trade document not associated with any warehouse document and inversely, generated warehouse or trade document includes source document corrections. It means that the value and quantity number on such a document is corrected compared to the source document.

Other principles of document generation are described in article Rules of generating documents.


Directions of documents generation

Below are presented directions of manual generation of documents:

  • SOI SQ or POI
  • selected items of SOI SQ, POI
  • POI PQ
  • SQ SO
  • OZ  ZZ lub OS
  • PQ PO or SQ
  • selected items of PQ SQ
  • SO SI, SOR, R, PO (blocked, if SO subitems indicate own consignment warehouse), ASI, IO, or WM- (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected items of SO PO
  • selected items/packs of PO PI, POR
  • manual RQC IR+
  • manual SIQC IR+
  • selected items/packs of PI POR
  • manual PIQC IR-
  • CSR PI
  • SOR SI, R, SORQC, SORVC or CSR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected items/packs of POR PI, WM-
  • IR- IR-QC
  • IR+ WM-, IR+QC, IR+VC
  • selected items/packs of IR+ WM-
  • WM- WM+, RDR or CSR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected packs of WM- RDR
  • IO WM-, WM+, PO
  • selected items of IO WM-, WM+, PO
  • IQC PO, IO or WM-
  • selected items of IQC PO, IO, WM-
  • INV IR-, IR+ or SOR, POR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • DF PO, IO
  • selected items of DF PO, IO


Rules of generating documents

  • A new document can only be generated from a confirmed or posted document (it is not possible to generate document from an unconfirmed, cancelled or fully corrected document).
  • Items of a document being generated take on VAT rates of their equivalents in the source document, exception is generation: PQ SQ and SO PO, when VAT rates are retrieved from item form.
  • Field Handled By in a generated document takes on, by default, the same values as in the source document (both in document header and on items). It can be edited until a document is confirmed.
  • It is not possible to generate a document from a sales/purchase quote with expired validity date.
  • It is not possible to generate a PO from SO and a POI from SOI for items of Set type (with unchecked parameter Retrieve elements onto document).
  • It is possible to generate documents from a document which has not been corrected in full.
  • From one source document it is possible to generate maximum as many documents as the number of available subitem units. If the generated documents execute the whole source document, in order to generate another document, it is first necessary to delete or cancel one of the previously generated documents. Exceptions include inquiries and quotes from which it is possible to generate any number of documents.
  • While issuing value corrections to trade documents associated with warehouse documents, value corrections of warehouse documents are generated automatically.
  • A cost correction is generated automatically as the result of correcting the value of items in a POR or SOR which introduce a resource to warehouse and this resource has already been released.
  • It is not possible to generate a SOR if there are not enough resources in a warehouse (e.g. in the case of sale below stock levels or from an order whose items are not associated with any items and at the moment of SOR generation there are not enough resources that could be associated).
  • It is not possible to generate warehouse documents containing merchandise which is being inventoried in a given moment.
  • It is possible to generate automatically warehouse documents to trade documents through applying proper settings on document types.
  • In the case of SOI, SO, POI, PQ, PO, PI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate document from a list of document items including only a part of the items.
  • In the case of PO, SI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate documents only for selected packs.
  • It is possible to generate:
    • another different document from one document (e.g. one WM+ from one WM-);
    • one document from several documents (e.g. it is possible to generate one SI from several SOR documents if all SOR documents fulfil appropriate conditions);
    • several other documents from one document (e.g. in one SI are generates as many SOR documents as the number of warehouses from which the SI retrieves resources);
    • several other documents from several documents (e.g. from several purchase quotes it is possible to generate several sales quotes for different customers);
  • During manual generation of a trade document from several warehouse documents, the system determines the sales/purchase date at the level of the lowest (earliest) of dates of release for SOR documents or dates of receipt for POR documents.
  • During manual generation of a warehouse document from several trade documents, if the sales/purchase dates are different, the system generates separate warehouse documents for each date.
  • The value of header discount of the source document is transferred onto generated document only as user discount on items (header discount values are reset), an exception is the generation of SI to R, because these documents are always generated at 1:1 relation.
  • While generating documents the system does not control operator’s permissions to a discount granted on the source document items.
  • On a SI generated in the consignment process packs are not created.
  • It is not possible to generate a SI from a partial SOR, if a trade document contains a set (which on item form has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked) which is not fully available in a warehouse.
  • When generating: R → SI, R/SI → RQC/SIQC, SQ→SO and SO→R/SI/ASI, information regarding active contact person set in the source document at the moment of generation is transferred.
  • Information regarding loyalty card number (tab Customer/Vendor) is transferred onto generated documents (R→SI/TG, R/SI→RQC/SIQC, R/SI→RVC/SIVC, SO→R/SI/ASI, SQ→SO, ASI→ASIVC). In case the field remains empty, when generating SQ and SO documents, the system verifies whether an active loyalty card exists for the customer/vendor indicated in the document:
    • If yes – the field is filled in with the number of an active card
    • If not – the field remains empty

In the system there is a set with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked. The set contains items:

A – item quantity: 1pcs

B – item quantity: 1pcs

The set witch parameter Retrieved elements onto document is added to a SO document. In a warehouse there are 10 pcs of item A and 0 pcs of item B. The order document gets confirmed.

A SO release document is generated from the sales order. The SOR contains only one element of the set – item A. When a user attempts to add the set again onto the generated warehouse document, only the element already included in the SOR is added. To be able to add the entire set, the user should modify, for instance, the quantity in column Quantity in the generated document and add the set onto the document again.


Modifying Item name and code on document subitem

Modification of item name

Item name in generated documents depends on the value of parameter Edit item name, which is available on item form. If the parameter is checked and the name has been changed in the source document, then the name on the item in generated document is set in accordance with the name on the source item.

The exceptions, when the name is set in accordance with the name on item form, include documents generated in the following way:

  • PO, IO from IQC, DF
  • WM- from IQC
  • IR-, IR + from INV

In the majority of cases, it is also possible to change name on generated document with unconfirmed status. Such an option is not available for the following documents:

  • SI generated from SOR or R
  • R generated from SOR
  • SOR generated from SI, R
  • corrections to R, SI, PI, POR, SOR, IR-, IR+
  • WM+ generated from WM-
  • PI generated from POR
  • POR generated from PI
  • CC
  • PC

Modification of item code

Modification of item code is possible only directly from the level of this item form. Modification of field value does not determine an automatic change of code in already issued documents. The code in generated documents is retrieved from:

  • items of the source document, in case of generating warehouse documents from trade documents and inversely, generating corrections to SI and R
  • from item form, in case of generating other documents

Modifying document item

Rules of modification of items in generated documents:

  • Field Handled by is fully editable regardless of document type.
  • It is possible to delete an item or decrease quantity on an item/subitem in:
    • PI generated from POR
    • POR generated from PI
    • SOR generated from SI/R

Reducing of quantity on items of POR documents starts from the last subitem and on items of SOR documents, contrary to FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources set on an item. The system takes a minimum quantity in the following way:

  • 0,0001 when item unit precision is 4
  • 0,001 – when precision is 3
  • 0,01 – when precision is 2
  • 0,1 – when precision is 1
  • 1 – when precision is 0

Deletion of an item from SOR/POR document results in losing the relations with an item on a source trade document. To rebuild the relations, the user must generate a SOR/POR document for that item again.

If the user has decreased item quantity, which caused deletion of one subitem, while increasing subitem quantity, the system restores this subitem (preserving its current features). While decreasing item quantity, the system increases first quantity on non-zero subitems and, next, proceeds with restoring subsequently reset items – starting with the item which has been reset as the last one.



  • item – 9pcs:
    • subitem_1 (S1) – 3pcs, feature value: red
    • subitem_2 (S2) – 4 pcs, feature value: green
    • subitem_3 (S3) – 2 pcs, feature value: white


  • item – 9pcs
    • subitem _4 (S4) – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
    • subitem_5 (S5) – 4pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)
    • subitem_3 (S3) – 2pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3)

Quantity on POR item is reduced to 4pcs:

  • S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
  • S5 – 1pcs, item value: green (relation with S2)
  • S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset

Quantity of item on POR is increased to 6pcs:

  • S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
  • S5 – 3pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)

S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset

  • For items which have not been included in generated document, it is possible to generate other documents until all the items are used.
  • In a PI document generated from a POR document it is possible to:
    • increase quantity – new subitem will be added to a PI document. After increasing quantity on a document item, it is not possible to modify price/value of this item, it will be automatically recalculated.
    • In case of modifying quantity of items on documents SOR/SI/R generated from SO, it is possible to increase quantities until all available resources are used fully.

The system cannot process completely a SO, if on a generated document, the operator first increases item quantity and then deletes or decreases quantity on those subitems, which have been transferred from the sources document. Subitems added in this way are treated as completely independent of SO.

The operator can also increase quantity of items by direct actions on subitems (buttons [Return]/[Add]) and decide which resources have to process the source SO. Selected resources, the same as it is in case of increasing items quantity with the use of field Quantity (referred to the whole item), can be different than resources originally retrieved by the system when generating SOR/SI/R.

If new item is added manually to generated document, even though theoretically it is the same as on the SO, the system treats it as completely new one (additional), not related with the order and apart from the reservation for the given item, kept by the SO, it creates new reservation, resulting from the item added to the new document.

It may occur that system deletes/decreases quantity of a subitem different that subitem selected by the user, because on such an item it has found a newer/older resource from the same lot.

  • A full modification of items is possible for a WM- document generated from POR or IR+, whereas operating with quantity is limited by resources available for release.
  • When generating IR+ and IR- or POR and SOR from an inventory document, it is possible to edit only an employee assigned to a given item (employee who handles a transaction), price and values of individual items, it is not possible to change quantities.


Aggregating document items

Aggregation of items depends on the setting of parameter:

  • Combine items from orders – available on the definition of SI, R, PI, SOR and POR
  • Join items of warehouse documents – available in the definition of documents: SI, R, PI

In case of generating SOR and POR from SI, R and PI, if items are cosisntent, they are aggregated to one document item.

Items are aggregated, if there is consistency in the scope of:

  • code and item name (it may happen that code and name are different in individual documents, even though it is the same item, in such a case the items are not aggregated)
  • prices (regular and discounted)
  • price type
  • units
  • VAT rate
  • values of features in section Features on an item (values of features on subitems can be different – several subitems for one item will be created)
  • employee in field Handled by
  • pack to which items are assigned (only on documents for received items)
  • parameter Reverse Charge and its classification



When generating documents:

  • POR/PI from PO documents list
  • POR from PI documents list
  • PI from POR documents list
  • POR from PI documents list
  • PI from POR documents list
  • WM- from POR/IR+ documents list

in generated documents, the system creates packs as in the source document and assigns to them appropriate items generated on the basis of source items.

In the case of partial generation, quantities for individual packs in generated documents might be minor than in the source document.

Parameters of generated packs are filled in basing on the parameters of source packs, except for the pack status, which is set in accordance with performed action and status assigned to it.

On generated pack, value of total weight and capacity are set in accordance with values on the source pack, also in the case of partial generation.

It is also possible to generate PI, POR and WM- directly for selected packs of PO/PI/POR/IR+ documents. Such generation includes:

  • unprocessed PO items – in case of generating PI or POR from a pack in PO
  • subitems of PI/POR to which POR/PI has not been yet generated – in case of generating POR from pack in PI or PI from a pack in POR
  • subitems from POR/IR+ for which free resources are available – in case of generating WM- from a pack in POR or IR+

The difference is that from the abovementioned items are selected only those which refer to items making part of indicated packs.

Parameters of the header of a POR/PI generated on the basis of an indicated pack and its items are set in the same way as in case of standard generating. When generating a WM- from POR/IR+ both from list of documents and from indicated packs, only a source warehouse and the employee handling the transaction are retrieved from the source document. Target warehouse is set in accordance with the warehouse chosen by the operator during the generation.

Both when generating a WM- from list of documents POR/IR+ and directly from packs, for FIFO/LIFO methods of queuing resources the system retrieves only that quantity of resources received with a source POR/IR+, which is available for release. In the case of AVCO method, the system retrieves onto a WM- that quantity of a given lot received with a POR/IR+ which is currently available in the warehouse matching the warehouse in POR/IR+, but not bigger that quantity received with the source POR/IR+ document.


  • if generation of a PI/POR is started for several packs from different warehouses, as many POR documents will be created as the number of warehouses on packs
  • if for a PI document has been checked parameter Operations on a single warehouse, as many documents will be created as the number of warehouses indicated on packs
  • in case of generating WM-, if there are packs indicated in POR/IR+, the system asks the user, whether to generate separate WM- documents for the packs
  • it is not possible do add packs to a PI generated from consignment

In a POR/PI document generated from a PI/POR it is possible to modify in any way e.g. code, weight, capacity, type and content of packs (except for addition of items). An operator can create new packs basing on existing items and delete them. The editing scope of a pack item is the same as the editing scope of standard items of POR/PI documents generated from PI/POR.

In the case of WM- documents generated from POR/IR+, an operator can fully modify packs, including the possibility of adding new items to them.

During generation, both from the level of list of documents and from the level of indicated packs, an association between the source pack and generated pack is created. Thanks to this association, it is possible to follow the chronology of a given pack. Tracking pack chronology is available from the level of pack monitor (Purchase → Warehouse → Pack Monitor).


When generating a document, it may occur that an address on the source document is already archived, e.g. in case an address has been archived after the issuance of the source document, but before generating another document from it.

Retrieving address onto generated document is determined by the setting of parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation which is available from the level: System → Configuration → Trade. It is possible to select one of the following options:

  • From source document
  • Current customer’s/vendor’s address (default)

When generating document, the system verifies whether the addresses indicated on the source document are active. If an address is:

  • active – regardless of the setting of the parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation, it is retrieved onto generated document
  • archived, when the option From source document is checked in configuration – the address from the source document is transferred onto generated document
  • archived, when the option Current customer’s/vendor’s address and archiving of the address from the source document has been done:
    • automatically, as a result of modification of that address – an updated address, created after modification of the address from the source document, will be retrieved onto generated document.
    • manually, by unchecking the parameter Active on customer/vendor form – the default main address of a customer/vendor is retrieved on generated document

Verification of activity of addresses is performed separately for customer’s/vendor’s address and secondary customer’s/secondary vendor’s address. It may happen, for instance, that one address is retrieved from a source document and the second is updated.

When generating a document from several source documents, the address on generated document is determined on the basis of the address from the first source document (order of documents is set on the basis of their IDs in the database). If the address is archived, it is retrieved in accordance with the above described algorithm.


Due date and payments

When generating trade documents on the basis of warehouse documents, determination of due date in trade documents by the system depends on whether the warehouse document has been generated from an order:

  • if a warehouse document has been generated from an order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved, by default, from the warehouse document.
  • if a warehouse document has been generated from and order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved from the order – the settings derived from the warehouse document are not included

Warehouse documents do not generate payments. However, it is possible to generate payment conditions, i.e. payment method and due date, in SOR documents and their corrections.

During the process: order → warehouse document → invoice/receipt, in an unconfirmed warehouse document, an operator can change customer/vendor to a different than customer/vendor in the order. After confirming the warehouse document containing changed customer/vendor and generating an invoice/receipt from it, in the generated document, the system sets by default the same customer/vendor as in the warehouse document. However, this condition does not exclude the possibility of creating payment in an invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment derived from the order. If conditions required for creation of such a payment are fulfilled, the system creates payment in the invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment in the order, but as a payer of the invoice/receipt is the customer/vendor from the invoice/receipt and thus from the warehouse document and not the customer/vendor from the order.

The process of setting due date on the basis of EOM formula during document generation is described in Due date at the end of the mont – EOM.

In case of generating advance invoices from orders, payment method in generated document is set on the basis of:

  • payment method from order header (source document) – if it has been indicated in the order
  • payment method from customer form – if payment method <Different> is indicated in the order

In the case of such a generation, the number of days is always set as 0, so due date in advance invoices is always equal to the date of issue of a document.