List of inventories

Inventory consists in taking an actual physical inventory of quantity levels of all tangible assets, as well as reconciling any differences between the status ascertained during an inventory (actual status) and the status resulting from <<fixed asset register>>

The list of fixed asset inventories is available from the level of the menu Fixed Assets, under [Inventories] button

List of fixed asset inventories

On the list of fixed asset inventories, there are <<standard buttons>> and, additionally:

  • [Confirm] – allows for confirming selected inventory documents. An inventory document can be confirmed when all of its sheets have Confirmed or Canceled status
  • [Close] – allows for closing selected inventories. For closed inventories, it is possible to generate <<documents reconciling discrepancies>>. It is not possible to open a closed inventory
  • [Unconfirm] – allows for opening unconfirmed inventory sheets. Opening of inventories changes status of all <<inventory sheets>> to Unconfirmed (does not apply to canceled sheets)
  • [Copy] – enables to copy a confirmed or canceled inventory document. When copying, only item sheets which were not canceled, are transferred.
  • [FLC] – button available after marking closed inventory documents\, allows for generating FLC document in case there are non-compliances regarding location or custodians of fixed asset
  • [FD] – button available after marking closed inventory documents, allows for generating FD document in case a shortage occurs during the inventory

[Alert] When adding/copying an inventory document, the system verifies whether a given fixed asset has already been included in other, unconfirmed inventory or in another sheet of that inventory. If yes, it will not be added to the current inventory sheet. [/alert]

The list of inventories is composed of the following columns:

  • Number – inventory document system number
  • Date – inventory document confirmation date
  • Status
  • Documents – fixed asset documents generated from an inventory document
  • Owner (column hidden by default)


Adding fixed asset inventory document

General information

An inventory document is composed of <<inventory sheets>> which contain a list of <<fixed assets>> along with quantities resulting from documents and actual quantities.

To add a fixed asset inventory document, from the level of the menu Fixed Assets -> Inventories, select button [Add]. A form of inventory document will open.

Fixed asset inventory document form

An inventory document is composed of the following elements:

Side panel

Number – number generated automatically by the system on the basis of document numeration tool

Confirmation Date – non-editable field, filled-in with the system date at the moment of confirming a document. If the date of issue on an inventory form is later than the date of inventory document confirmation, when confirming a document, the system asks whether to change the date of document confirmation to the latest date of issue from the sheets.

Blockade – decides whether an unconfirmed inventory document should block the possibility of modifying <<forms of fixed assets>> and of generating <<documents>> to all fixed assets of the company or only for fixed assets included in a given inventory document. By default, the option of blocking all fixed assets is set, but the setting can be changed until the first <<inventory sheet>> is added.

Date Set upon Document Generation – decides with what date should be generated documents of fixed assets resulting from discrepancies. Such documents can be generated with inventory completion date (default setting) or a current date. The value of the parameter can be changed regardless of the document status.


Description – field for providing an additional description

Tab General

In the tab General, a list of inventory sheets added within a given inventory document, is presented. Detailed description of the inventory sheet can be found in article <<Adding inventory sheet>>.

Tab Associated Documents

Description of the tab can be found in article <<Tab Associated Documents>>.

In the tab Associated Documents → System, there is information regarding fixed asset documents which were created on the basis of a given inventory.

Tabs Attributes, Attachments and Change History

Detailed description of the tabs Attributes, Attachments and Change History can be found in article <<Tabs Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachment and Change History>>.


Adding inventory sheet

Fixed asset inventory sheets (FAIS) are added within a given <<inventory document>>

To add an inventory sheet, click on [Add] button. A form of inventory sheet will open.

The form of an inventory sheet is composed of the following elements:

Side panel

Sheet number – generated automatically by the system, according to the document numerator

Value – sum of initial values of fixed assets included in an inventory document

Name – sheet name entered by the user

Date of Issue – day in which the inventory sheet was added


Tab General

For the tab General, <<standard buttons>> are available, and additionally:

  • [Confirm] – button active for an unconfirmed sheet to which items are added, allows for its confirmation
  • [Open] – button active for a confirmed sheet, provided that the inventory document is not confirmed or closed. Allows for re-opening and modifying a confirmed sheet.
  • [Cancel] – button active for a confirmed sheet, provided that the inventory document is not confirmed or closed. Allows for canceling an inventory sheet.
  • [Add] – allows for adding a fixed asset directly on the list
  • [Add From List] – opens the list of fixed assets and allows for selecting fixed assets which will be added to the form

Fixed assets under construction are not subject to inventory.

A fixed asset can be added to an inventory sheet only once within a given inventory.

Fixed asset are added to an inventory sheet regardless of the date in which they were received for utilization. The date of issue of an inventory sheet indicates the day in which the sheet was added.



[Transfer Quantities] – enables automatic completion of Actual Quantity column with the values retrieved from System Quantity column for selected items

  • [Import] – allows for adding fixed assets to the sheet:
    • From file – on the basis of the data from a txt. file. In such file, it is necessary to enter information in the following order: barcode, system quantity, location, custodian – the data must be separated with the use of a semicolon. It is mandatory to indicate the barcode of a fixed asset already existing in the system. In case the quantity is not entered in the file, the colum Actual Quantity will be completed with value 1.
    • On the basis of a collector readout – with the use of a collector. It is necessary to connect a collector to the workstation on which an inventory is being registered and select [Read From Collector] button. The system verifies whether on inventory sheets there are fixed assets scanned by the collector. If a fixed asset is present on the sheet, it will be omitted; otherwise, it will be added along with data indicated on the collector (system quantity, custodian and location).
  • [Generate Inventory] – allows for adding new inventory for items selected on a sheet. The button is active when an inventory is confirmed, canceled or completed. When generating an inventory from this level, the system verifies whether there is no unconfirmed inventory for selected fixed assets. The fields will be completed in the same way as if the inventory was issued manually.

The list of sheet items is composed of the following columns:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Barcode
  • Inventory Number
  • Registered Custodian – recent fixed asset custodian
  • Actual Custodian – editable field in which it is possible to indicate an employee from the list of employees
  • Registered Location of Use – recent fixed asset location of use
  • Actual Location of Use – editable field in which it is possible to indicate a location of use from the list of generic directories
  • Initial Value
  • System Quantity – column completed with the following values (on the basis of data available in the system):
    • 0 – fixed asset disposed, sold or without FA document
    • 1 – fixed asset in use with generated FA document
  • Actual Quantity – editable column, completed manually with the use of the button [Transfer Quantities] or on the basis of data imported from file or collector readouts. The column assumes one of the following values:
    • 0 – (default value) – no fixed asset; fixed asset disposed or sold
    • 1 – fixed asset in use
  • Difference – difference between the system quantity and the actual quantity
  • Discrepancy Status – discrepancy graphic symbol
  • Fixed Asset Attachment (column hidden by default)

In case there is a shortage (the system quantity is lower than the actual quantity), the whole row is displayed in red. In case there is an overstock (the system quantity is higher than the actual quantity), the whole or wis displayed in blue. In case there is an inconsistency between the location or custodian, relevant cells containing different data, are displayed in orange.

Tabs Attributes, Attachments and Change History

Detailed description of the tabs Attributes, Attachments and Change History can be found in article <<Tabs Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachment and Change History>>.