The list of items contains information about all items traded in the company. To open the list of items, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Items] button.
List of items
On the left side of the window, there is the tree with groups of items. The function of item groups and their defining are described in article Defining item groups.
Menu of the list of items
The menu of the list of items contains <<standard buttons>> allowing for adding, editing, deleting of item groups or items, as well as buttons related to generating trade documents, creating associations between particular items, programming scale and menu of printouts.
The list of items is composed of the following columns:
Quantity − quantity of items available in warehouses, defined on the basis of confirmed warehouse documents
Blocking Reservations − quantity blocked for sale or movements to another warehouse, resulting from reservations created in documents for released items (unconfirmed or confirmed R, SI – not associated with warehouse documents, non-processed and non-closed SO, confirmed IO (both a resource and quantity reservations are taken into account) and unconfirmed SOR, IR-, WLM-) or returned to a vendor (unconfirmed or confirmed PIQC and unconfirmed PORQC and IR+QC); besides, the quantity displayed in Blocking Reservations column is decreased by quantity from SIQC, RQC documents, provided that no warehouse documents have been generated to SI and R documents associated with them. Detailed description of the programming functionality of item reservations can be found in article <<Reservation types>>.
Available Quantity − quantity resulting from the difference between Quantity column and Blocking ReservationsBoth resource reservations and reservations without resources are included in the column only if Include non-blocking reservations parameter is checked in the filter below. If this parameter is checked, Quantity column will include reservations without resources (non-blocking reservations). In the case of a non-blocking reservation (reservation without resources) when item quantity equals to 0, value 0 will be displayed in Available Quantity column
Quantity Ordered − quantity of ordered merchandise defined on the basis of documents for received items. Orders on documents for received items are described in <<Trade documents>>
Shortage in Quantity − quantity of merchandise registered in a document that is not available in stock. The function of sale below stock levels is described in <<Sale below stock levels>> article.
Unit − item unit of measure, e.g., item, kg, cm
Subtotal − subtotal price of sale defined in <<price list for released items>>
Total − total price of sale defined in <<price list for released items>>
Currency– item price currency
Columns hidden by default:
Category − column containing values defined in General -> Item categories generic directory.
UPC − UPC code defined on item form
Non-Blocking Reservations – quantity resulting from reservations for which there are no resources and it is not included in quantity reservation
Resource Reservations – quantity resulting from reservations for which there are resources (quantity from specific delivery blocked for sales)
SENT − parameter informing whether an item is subject to SENT transport monitoring. Handling of SENT can be activated from the level of company header (Configuration -> Company Structure -> Rights Structure -> company edition form).
Type − type of defined item, the following values are available: Merchandise, Service and Set
Attachment − column containing information about a file attached to an item e.g., photo
Filter of the list of items
The list of items contains a default filter, containing, among others, fields:
Price Type − drop-down list containing values retrieved from price lists created in the system. By default, the following values are available on the list: Purchase, Retail, Wholesale. The functions of price types are described in Price typescategory.
Item Type − list containing default values: Merchandise, Service, Set
Warehouse − allows for filtering the list by resources available in a given warehouse. If an item is not available in a warehouse, it is displayed on the list with a quantity equal to 0.
Quantity − allows for filtering the list by available item quantity
Reservations − allows for filtering the list by reserved item quantity
Ordered − allows for filtering the list by ordered item quantity
Features − section allowing for filtering the list by item features defined by the user
Defining item group
General information
The user has a possibility of defining item groups in order to be able manage items easily. The tree of item groups can be found in Groups panel, in the window of <<the list of items>>.
Tree of item groups
Classification drop-down list, placed below the tree of groups, allows the user for selecting classification category according to which the tree of groups should be presented. The following values are defined in the system by default:
Assortment − Classification on account of item type
Assortment − Classification on account of item manufacturer
Without Classification − Items not classified into categories
The user can define his/her classification categories groups, form the level of <<generic directory>> General → Item Classification Categories. Each item classification contains default Main Group. The user can define new secondary groups for each classification and then assign them to the classifications in the window Objects Availability (Configuration → Company Structure → Objects Availability).
Moreover, in each generic Item Classification Categories, for each category parameter Multiple Assignment To Item Groups is available.If the parameter is checked, it is possible to attach and detach many groups within a given classification category. After deselecting the parameter the user can only transfer an item to other groups within the same classification category. The value of the parameter is presented below the tree of the groups and on the definition form of an item group.
Checking the parameter Multiple Assignment to Item Groups activates also [Attach Group] button, available in List group of buttons. The buttons allows for attaching many items to many groups at the same time. After marking selected items on the list of items and selecting the button, a window with the tree of groups appears. In the window, the user can select group/groups to which selected items are to be assigned.
Item group form
A new item group can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above <<the list of item groups>>. The button opens a new item group form divided into the following tabs: General, Description, Attributes, Attachments and Positioning
Tab General
Tab General on item group form
The tab General contains the following fields and parameters:
Assign items multiple times to item groups − parameter inactive, its value is retrieved from the definition of classification category definition in the generic directory. If the parameter was checked there, the user can attach many items to many groups.
Block addition of new items − checking the parameter will make it impossible to attach new items to the group. The value of the parameter can be changed at any moment during work with the system.
Code − mandatory field
Name − mandatory field
Language − drop-down list allowing for selection of the language of entered values. The following values are defined in the system by default: Polish, English, German, French, Spanish and The user can define new languages in generic directory General → Languages.
Update patterns − parameter described in further part of the article.
Update elements − parameter described in further part of the article.
The tab General contains secondary tabs:
Related Items
Analytical Description
Subtab General
Fields from the General secondary tab represent pattern for fields available on the form of item belonging to a given group or its secondary group. When defining an item or secondary group, the values of pattern fields are automatically transferred to the forms of that item or secondary group. The exception is <<Code Format/Configuration Tool>> which enable verification of the correctness or automatic assignment of item codes on the basis of created definition.
When the user modifies a pattern which was previously saved, in the main General tab are activated parameters allowing for updating data on the forms of secondary groups and items belonging to the group:
Update patterns − applies to secondary groups
Update elements − applies to items
Next to each parameter, there is a drop-down list with the following options:
Changed fields − conditional − updates fields in accordance with changes on the pattern. Only these fields are updated on the form of a group/item, which before the change had the same value as on the pattern.
Changed fields − unconditional − updates fields in accordance with changes on the pattern. All changed fields are updated, regardless of their value before the update.
All fields – unconditional − updates all fields in accordance with the settings on the pattern, except for fields which would have effect on their uniqueness (e.g., code, name)
The mechanism of functioning of the patterns of item groups is analogical to the mechanism of functioning of the patterns of cusomer/vendor groups, which was described in article <<Defining customer/vendor group>>.
Functions of the secondary tabs Features,
On the secondary tab e-Shop, it is possible to set parameters regarding synchronization with Comarch ERP e-Shop.
Other tabs
Tab Desctiption allows for entering
Detailed description of the tabs Attributes and Attachmentscan be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments and Change History>>.
The tab Changes History is available, if in the window Configuration (Configuration → History → Configuration), parameter History Incrementally is checked.The tab contains preview of operations involving object, including information such user name and date of change.
The tab Positioning contanes fields related to positioning of a group of items in e-Shop.
Defining item
General information
A new item can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of items. A form of new item opens. On the left side of the form (item header form), the following fields and parameters are available:
ID − item identification number in the database, non-editable field, filled-in automatically by the system
Active − if the parameter is checked, an item can be used in other places of the system, e.g., on trade or warehouse documents
Code − mandatory field, contains code used for a fast and easy identification of an item (e.g., name abbreviation)
Name − mandatory field
Language − drop-down list allowing for adding translation of entered values to languages available in the system. The list contains the following predefined values: Polish, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. The user can define new languages in generic directory General → Languages.
Sales VAT Rate − drop-down list allowing for selecting item sales VAT rate. The list contains predefined values appropriate for database language version, for the English version of database the following values are available: A 20%, B 5%, C 0%, D TE, E NS. The user can define new VAT rates in generic directory General → VAT Rates.
Purchase VAT Rate − drop-down list allowing for selecting item purchase VAT rate. The list contains value from the same generic directory as the list Sales VAT Rate.
Type − drop-down list allowing for selecting the type of added item. Available values:
Merchandise − trade transactions with merchandise are always connected with warehouse documents. In the system, it is possible to control resources of merchandises and their quantities.
Service − is subject to all trade transactions, but is not subject to warehouse operations and does not have resources.
Set − set of two or more items. More information regarding sets can be found in articleItem of set type.
If an item has already been used in the system, e.g., on a trade document, its type cannot be changed.
Category − drop down list containing values defined in General → Item categories generic directory.A user has a possibility to add his/her own values to the directory. Categories are assigned to item types; therefore, the user can select only a category which in its definition has the same type assigned as the type defined on the header form of an item.
The value of the field Category depends on parameter Handle category instead of type on item form, available in the system configuration (System → Configuration → Trade → Items section). If the parameter is checked, in the header of an item form, only the field Category is available instead of the fields Type and Category.
Manufacturer − field allowing for assigning manufacturer to an item. Button […] opens list of vendors from which it is possible to select a manufacturer. Information regarding the manufacturer can be sent to e-Shop.
Brand − drop-down list containing values defined by the user in General → Item Brands generic directory.
SKU − this field can contain up to 100 characters (letters or digits)
CN Code − allows for assigning CN code to an item. Button […] opens list of CN codes defined by the user in the system. The list of CN codes is available in the menu Configuration, in the General group of buttons.
SAF-T Item Group − non-mandatory field, contains value from the SAF-T Item Group generic directory (with a possibility of changing it)
SAF-T Procedure − non-mandatory field, contains value from the SAF-T Procedure generic directory (with a possibility of changing it)
Country of Origin − field allowing for selection item’s field of origin. Button […] opens list of countries defined in the Countries (menu Configuration → Countries) generic directory. Is not available for items of Set type with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document and for items of Service
Minimum Margin − field for determining margin percentage value which must be obtained on the sale of a given item. The method of calculating margin depends on the setting of parameter Margin Calculation Method (System → Configuration → Trade). More information regarding margins can be found in article Margin Control.
Basic Unit − unit in which merchandise stock level is registered. More information regarding item units can be found in description of the tab General of item form.
Resource’s collection queue − drop-down list allowing for selecting method of collecting resources from warehouse. Depending on the settings in the system configuration (System → Configuration → Trade), the following values are available: FIFO, LIFO, <undefined> or AVCO
In a database in which operations have already been performed, it is only possible to change default method of collecting resources from FIFO to LIFO and vice versa. It is not possible to change from FIFO/LIFO to AVCO and vice versa.
Subject to discounts − if the parameter is checked, discounts can be applied when a given item is sold. More information regarding functioning of the discounts can be found in category Discounts.
Discount on price − this parameter appears after checking the Subject to discounts Defines method of calculating item discounts. If checked, first the unit price is calculated upon including item discounts and then the value after discount is calculated. If unchecked, first the value before discount is calculated, then the value after discount and finally the unit price after discount
Include in terms − parameter checked by default. After unchecking it, conditions relating to terms are not included for the item in a document.
Edit item name − checking the parameter enables editing of the item name on unconfirmed documents. Changing item name on an unconfirmed document does not affect the name on the item form.
Voucher − parameter allowing for marking an item as voucher, available only for items of merchandise More information regarding adding item as voucher can be found in article <<Defining item of voucher type>>.
Buy-back − parameter available after checking parameter Handle buy-back in the system configuration (System → Configuration → Trade).
Weighed item − checking the parameter allows for weighing item when issuing trade/warehouse documents. Parameter is available for items of merchandise
Reverse charge − parameter used for marking items entitled to use reverse charge. The functionality of reverse charge is described in article Reverse charge.
Collect VAT on ASI/API – parameter available in French version of the database. Checking the parameter enables calculating of VAT on advance invoice for a given item.
Item header form
Moreover, the item form is divided into the following tabs: General, Parameters, Resources, Price Lists, Discounts, Sets, Related Items, Accounting, Analytical Description, Availability, Attributes, Attachments, Applications and Change History.
Tab General
The tab is composed of two sections:
Prices − contains the list of the most recent price lists for released items for a given price type. In case if price list for lots is also defined, additional tab Prices by Features is available on the form of such item, which displays only price lists defined for lots by features.
More information regarding functioning of the price lists can be found in category Price lists.
Units − contains the list of units assigned to an item. In the system, there are two unit types − basic and additional units. Each item must have a basic unit assigned and, in that unit, it is registered in a warehouse. An additional unit can be used during a commercial transaction. Each item can have any number of additional units assigned but it is necessary do define conversion calculator for each of them. The list of units of measure defined in the system is available in the menu Configuration → Trade/Warehouse. A user has a possibility to add his/her own units of measure to the system.
The list is composed of the following columns:
Basic unit − parameter allowing for marking a unit as basic unit
Number of Additional Units, Number of Basic Units − allows for defining conversion calculator from basic unit to additional unit.
Unit − drop-down list for selecting unit of measure from among those defined in the system.
Decimal Form − if the parameter is checked, the conversion calculator is displayed in the form of decimal fraction
Precision − number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is calculated in the system. Precision of items of Set type is always 0 and it is not possible to change it.
Conversion Calculator − relation of basic unit quantity to additional unit quantity. Conversion calculators are defined when adding/editing a given unit in the system.
Volume − volume value
Volume – UOM − volume unit of measure
Net Weight − net weight value
Gross Weight − gross weight value
Weight – UOM − weight unit of measure
Active − if the parameter is checked, a given unit of measure is active for a given item
Divide Delivery − parameter active for basic units with precision set to. If selected, the number of subitems of a given item in documents of receipt type will always equal to quantity of that item. This parameter can be activated at any moment during work with the system.
The basic unit of a given item can be changed only until the first operation involving it is performed in the system.
It is not possible to define additional units for items of Set type with checked parameter Retrieve items onto document.
List of item units
Section Block Unit Change For (basic unit) and Default For (additional unit) allow for blocking changing of unit on selected documents.
Window Block Unit Change For
Blockade of unit change can be activated only for those units of measure which are default for a given document type.
Window Default For
The option of setting a default unit of measure for documents and the option of blocking unit of measure change are not available for an item of Set type.
The tab Parameters is available for items of Merchandise and Service type.It is divided into two subtabs: Codes and Features.
For items of Merchandise type only the Codes subtab is available.
The subtab Codes allows for assigning barcodes to items and for handling them. The list of codes is composed of the following columns:
Sort of Code − drop-down list for selecting one of available values: Company or reference
Code Type − drop-down list for selecting one of available values: UPC-8, UPC-13, UPC-13 Weighed (GS1 Poland), ISBN13, Other, UPC-A, Weighed or <empty>
Barcode − field in which it is necessary to enter the barcode in accordance with selected type
Lot − allows for selecting item lot for which the code is valid
Default − parameter determining whether a given code should be default for a given item.
Item on the list of item codes
The subtab Features allows for defining item’s features. In the system, there are directory and non-directory features. Feature categories are defined in Transactions → Features generic directory.To each feature category in generic directory values deriving from other directories can be assigned. Non-directory features can be defined in the tab Features at the moment of creating lot. However, it is necessary to remember that at the moment of issuing a document and adding an item through form, the values of a non-directory feature will not be available for selection.
The list of features is composed of the following columns:
Feature Name
Affects Lot − if the parameter is checked, the feature affects the process of dividing a lot into different resources, but at the same time it can aggregate different resources to the lot. After checking the parameter for a dictionary feature, in the section Value of that feature, button [Attach] becomes active, which allows for assigning specific values from a generic directory. Whereas, if the parameter is checked for a non-directory feature, in the section Values, button [Add] becomes active, which allows for assigning features to an item.
Purchase – Required – if this parameter is selected, it is not possible to confirm a purchase document in which no value of this feature has been specified from the level of subitem.
Value Directory – allows for indicating a generic directory the feature values will be selected from.
Value Type − allows for determining a format (type) of values of a given feature. If a feature is retrieved from a generic directory, the field is completed automatically in accordance with the type of value assigned to it in generic directory, however it can be edited. In the case of non-directory features, the user can select type from a drop-down list. Available values: Text, Real Number, Integer, Logic Value, Natural Number, Date
Price List − this parameter is active only if parameter Affects Lot is checked.Checking the parameter allows for diversifying prices of the same item, depending on feature combination.
Directory feature assigned to an item
Generating lot
Checking the parameter Affects Lot activated [Generate Lots] button, placed above the list of features. Thanks to it, it is possible to add new lot and assign UPC code to particular item features. Upon generating a lot, section Lots appears in the tab Features, which contains matrix of features of a given item.
Matrix of item features combinations
Tab Groups
The tab Groups contains information about groups to which a given item belongs. Detailed information regarding item groups ca n be found in article Defining item group.
Tab Resources
The tab Resources is available for items of Merchandise type only.It is composed of two subtabs: Resources and Lots and Planned Stock.
The subitem Resources and Lots is non-editable. It contains a list of resources and lots of a given item generated on the basis of trade/warehouse transactions carried out in the system and on the basis of registered documents. Resources define stock levels of items, along with their purchase prices. Whereas lots define quantity levels of a given item within defined features.
In case the user is logged-in to a center different than Company, on the list, there is also parameter Resources in other warehouses, which enables presenting of resources of a given item in warehouses of other companies.
Thanks to buttons available in the main menu, the user has a possibility of reserving and releasing resources and generating cost corrections.
Parameter Receipt taken by is available for FIFO and LIFO methods of resource queuing.Checking the parameter causes that only resources with date earlier or the same as selected date are displayed on the list.
Subtab Items and Lots
Subtab Planned Stock allows for specifying minimum and optimal quantities of a given item and lot, in determined unit, for a specific warehouse. These values can be added or deleted at any moment during work with the system. Such data is used in BPM and BST processes.
More information regarding item stocks and resources in the system can be found in articleResources management.
Tab Price Lists
The tab Price Lists is composed of two subtabs: All and For Vendors. In these tabs, a list of all prices and a list of vendor price lists are presented respectively. They are provided for information purposes only. More information regarding functioning of the price lists can be found in category Price lists.
Exemplary item in the subtab All
Tab Discounts
In this tab a user can find information about active discounts associated with the given item, that is, the discounts which are or will be effective. More information regarding functioning of the discounts can be found in category Discounts.
Item on the list of discounts
Other tabs
Tab Elements is available for items of set type and is described in article Item of set type.
The tab is available for items of merchandise or service type only.It contains a list of all sets for which one of the elements is the given item. More information regarding sets can be found in article Item of set type.
Tab Related Items contains list of items associated with a given item. The tab is not available for items of set type.Detailed description of the functionality of related items can be found in article Related Items..
The tab Accounting presents default bookkeeping accounts assigned to a given item.
Detailed description of the tabs Analytical Description and Change History be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments and Change History>>.
The tab Change History is not available for items of set type with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document.
Item of set type
In the system, it is possible to define items of Set type, that is sets of two or more items. To do so, in the header of an item form, in the field Type, it is necessary to select Set value.
Field Type in item form header
Parameter Retrieve elements onto document
Item form with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document
Sets can be used during purchase and sale transactions, if the parameter Retrieve elements onto document is checked on item form.If the parameter is unchecked, the set can be subject to sale transactions only.
Checking the parameter Retrieve elements onto document causes that:
The following fields and parameters in the form header are hidden: Purchase Vat Rate, Sales VAT Rate, CN Code, Minimum Margin, Discount on price, Subject to discounts, Edit item name, Country of Origin
It is not possible to define additional units. Such set can have only one basic unit with precision equal to 0 defined.
It is not possible to define <<related items>> (the tab Related Items on item form is hidden)
It is not possible to define <<discounts>> − discounts can be defined for particular set elements (the tab Discounts on item form and the parameter Discount on price in the header of item form are hidden)
It is not possible to define price for a whole set − the price can be defined for particular set elements only (section Prices in the tab General is hidden)
The tab Change History on item form is hidden and the button [Change History], available in the main menu over the list of items, is deactivated.
Moreover, upon checking the parameter in the header of item form, section Modification of a single item in documents along with the following parameters appear:
Block − if the parameter is checked, it is not possible to change the quantity of a single item on the list of items. Deleting an element of a set with checked Block parameter will delete all elements of that set.
Allow − if the parameter is checked, it is possible to change the quantity of a single element. Additionally, deleting of one element will divide a set and delete the checked element.
The parameter Retrieve elements onto document is active only until the firs operation involving a set is carried out.
Tab Items
On the form of an item of set type, there is tab Items which contains a list of items composing a given set and allows for adding and deleting them. The list contains the following columns:
Unit of Measure
Precision (hidden column) − number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is calculated in the system.
List of set items
Item batch addition
In the system, it is possible to add items in a single batch. To be able to add items in a single batch from the level of the main menu, permission Batch addition of items must be granted to the operator. The permission can be activated from the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure → operator group edition form → tab Other Permissions. Moreover, a configuration tool must be assigned to the item group to which items are to be added in single batch.
Item batch addition options
Adding items in single batch through the list
On the basis of created configuration tool, a user can add items through a defined list (Add in single batch → Through List). The list of items is composed of columns defined on the basis of the configuration tool assigned to the item group. With the use of button [Add] it is possible to add new items to the list. After filling in all fields and selecting button [Save] the system generates items defined on the list.
Items on a list of item batch addition
Item batch addition window
Adding items in single batch through matrix
Also, on the basis of a configuration tool assigned to an item group it is possible to add items through a matrix of functions. In the context menu, the following options are available:
Add value − allows for entering manually a value for functions without values defined in configuration tool
Attach value − allows for selecting a value from a drop-down list for functions with values defined in a configuration tool
Item batch addition matrix
Item history
General information
The functionality of item history enables the preview of all transactions made with a given item. To open the item history, it is necessary to click on [History] button available in the main menu or in the ergonomic panel above the list of items.
For items of Set type with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document the button [History] is inactive.
The form of item history is divided into the following tabs: Chronologically, By customer/Vendor Groups and By Customer/Vendor Codes.
In the history, only those documents are displayed to which the operator currently logged-in to the center has access.
Tab Chronologically
Tab Chronologically contains chronologically presented list of transactions including a given item and Item Quantity in Warehouse (By Date of Receipt/Release) list.
The first list is composed of the following columns:
Customer/Vendor Code − code of customer/vendor to which a transaction document was issued
Customer/vendor Name − name of customer/vendor to which a transaction document was issued
Type − transaction document type
Quantity − item quantity expressed in the basic unit
Value − total value of an item on a document
Price − unit price of an item on a document
Date − date on which transaction document was issued
Document Number
Acquisition Value/Cost
Status (hidden by default) − transaction document status
In French databases for AVCO method of queuing resources, canceled documents are displayed twice in the list, one time with date “stocked”/date of issue and the other time with the date of cancellation. The values of canceled documents in columns Quantity, Value, Acquisition Value/Cost are presented with opposite sign.
The list Stock Level presents the quantity of item available in a given warehouse calculated on the basis of the data from the list of transactions. The list contains two rows and is composed of the following columns:
Status − initial or ending stock balance of an item
Data − date of initial or ending stock balance of an item
Quantity − quantity of selected item available in warehouse on a given day
Purchase Value
Acquisition Value − purchase value increased by additional costs (e.g., costs of transport)
Tab Chronologically
Tab Resources Chronologically
The tab Resources Chronologically is available for databases with AVCO queuing method only. It contains a list of transactions in which a given item was involved and which affected its stock levels. Besides columns which are also available in the tab Resources Chronologically, the list contains additional columns:
AVCO Unit Acquisition Price
AVCO Acquisition Value
Columns hidden by default:
Unit Purchase Price
Purchase Value
Tab By Customer/Vendor Groups
The tab By Customer/Vendor Groups contains information about total number and value of transactions in which a given item was involved, ordered by groups to which customers/vendors, for whom the transaction documents were issued, are assigned. The list is composed of the following columns:
Group Code
Group Name
Price (Average)
Tab By Customer/Vendor Groups
Tab By Customer/Vendor Codes
The tab By Customer/Vendor Groups contains information about total number and value of transactions in which a given item was involved, ordered by codes of customers/vendors, for whom the transaction documents were issued. The list is composed of the following columns:
Customer/Vendor Code
Customer/Vendor Name
Price (Average)
Tab By Customer/Vendor Codes
If a document is issued to an employee, then the field in column Customer/Vendor Code on tabs Chronologically and By Customer/Vendor Codes remains empty. Such a document is not visible on By Customer/Vendor Groups tab.
Below each list, there is a filter which allows for searching transactions by:
Date of Receipt/Release
Document Status − available values are Confirmed and Unconfirmed
Document Type
Item chronology filter
Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>
Code formats (item groups)
Field Code Format on the form of item group (tab General) allows for specifying rules according to which the code of an item added to a given group should be defined. If an item group has a code format defined, then, on the basis of that code format, when adding an item to the group, the system verifies the correctness of the code assigned to that item by the user.
The code format is created according to the following rules of RegEx syntax:
First, is necessary to enter a special character which defines type and interval of characters uded in the code, e.g.
[] − indicating an element from a list
() − remembering the content in brackets as an item,
$ – meaning the end of a row
^ – adjusting to the field beginning (a character following ^ must be the beginning of an expression)
Then, if the code is supposed to contain numbers, quantity quantifiers are used, e.g.:
\d − any number of digits
\d? − zero or one digit
\d − one digit
In order to use a white space (e.g., a space), it is necessary to add \s between expressions
The remaining characters are entered permanently into a code format (i.e., aa\d indicates that these codes can only be in the following forms: aa1, aa2, aa3, etc.)
Basic RegEx expressions:
Expressions Defining Possible Character Types
Character from a list
Character from a range
Letter of figure
White space character (space
character, enter, tab)
Any character
Expressions defining a number of repetitions of a given expression
Number of repetitions
Zero or more
One or more
Zero or one
Precisely n
From n to m
At least n
Exemplary use of RegEx Code Format:
Code format
Exemplary Codes
552345dress, lemon
33064, 33064-3597
\d{1,2} [A-Z]{3} \d{2}
10 AUG 59, 5 JUL 99
5:30PM, 10:05AM
\d{1,2}’ \d{1,2}’’
5' 6", 12’ 11’’
41G1A-2, 42222-2, 41aaa-2
aaa1, aaa21, aaa49, aaa40
A code format can be also a part of a configuration tool, however, in such case, the following expressions are not handled: