List of Receivables/Payables

Lists of Receivables/Payables is available from the level of Finances, under the [Receivables]/[Payables] button.

List of receivables

The visibility of data in a payment estimate depends on the center to which an operator is logged-in. The document is presented in the list, if:

  • it was added by a current center (center to which an operator is logged-in)
  • it was added by a center which is subordinate to the current center
  • it was added by a center which makes it available (by specifiying its visibility for document types) for the current center or its child center

[Alert] All payments are displayed in a payment estimate, regardless of whether cash/bank accounts indicated on those payments are available in a current center. If an account which is not available in a given center, is indicated on a payment, such payment cannot be edited but previewed only. [/alert]

The list contains standard buttons which have been described in article <<Standard buttons>> and, additionally:

<<[Combine]>> − allows for combining several payments in one payment

<<[Divide]>> − allows for dividing payment

[Source Document] − this button is active only form payment created automatically when adding a document. Allows for displaying the source document of a payment.

<<[Complete]>> − allows for completing a given payment

<<[Compensate]>> − allows for compensating a given payment

<<[Pay]>> − opens a form Payment Confirmation by means of which it is possible to make a payment by automatic creation of a cash/bank transaction

<<[Payment Reminders]>> − button available on the list of receivables only. Allows for generating payment reminders for selected payments.

<<[Dunning Letters]>> − button available on the list of receivables only. Allows for generating dunning letters for selected payments.

<<[Late Fees]>> − button available on the list of receivables only. Allows for generating late fees for selected payments.

The list Receivables/Payables is composed of the following columns:

  • Reference Number − number entered by a user for providing an additional identification
  • Entity Code − payer’s code indicated on payment
  • Value − payment value
  • Amount Remaining − amount remaining to be cleared
  • To Send − transfer amount remaining to be sent
  • Date − date of payment
  • Currency − document currency, depends on the settings in the filter
  • Payment Form
  • Debt Collection − column available on the list of receivables only. It displays the number of a debt collection document containing a given payment.

and columns hidden by default:

  • Document Date – date of the document from the form of registered payment
  • Date of Receipt − date of receipt from the source document and if case there is no source document, document date from the payments
  • Cash Register/Bank – name of account selected on payment
  • VAT Amount – displayed only for payments with checked parameter Split Payment
  • Entity Code − payer’s code indicated on payment
  • Voucher Number – number of voucher indicated on payment
  • Description – description entered in payment
  • Document Description – description of payment source document
  • Voucher Sort – sort of voucher indicated on payment
  • Applied − amount cleared by now
  • <<Split Payment>> − informs whether the parameter Split Payment has been checked on a given payment
  • Expected Date − expected payment date
  • Status
    • C − Completed
    • U − Uncompleted
    • NS − Not Subject
  • Currency − system currency of a company in which the document has been issued
  • Owner − center of the company structure which is the issuer of a document
  • Affects Balance − indicates whether a given payment affects the balance of the account

[Alert] The status of partially completed receivables/payables is U − Uncompleted. [/alert]

In the upper right corner of the list, parameter Show days of delay is available. Checking this parameter displays an additional column Days of Delay which presents a number of days of delay after the due date.

The list of Receivables/Payables contains the following filtering areas:

  • General − allows filtering by:
    • Payment status − uncompleted, completed, not subject to completion, to send
    • Entity indicated on payment − All, Customer, All customers, Employee, All employees, Institution, All institutions, Bank, All banks
    • Currencies − <All>, <All in system currency> and active currencies defined from the level of <<Configuration →Currencies>>.
    • Payment forms<All> and acrive payment forms defined from the level of Configuration →Finances →Payment Forms
    • Document status − <All>, Posted, Unposted
  • Due Date − allows for filtering by the following values:
    • By due date − payment date. Available options: Any, Day, Month, Range of Dates, Previous Month, Current Month. The range of dates allows for selecting a specific time interval.
    • By expected due date − expected payment date. Available options: Any, Day, Month, Range of Dates, Previous Month, Current Month. The range of dates allows for selecting a specific time interval.
    • Timeliness − <All>, Not overdue, Overdue, Today’s
    • Days of Delay − available upon checking the parameter Show days of delay. The range of days allows for selecting a specific time interval.
  • Amount − the following options are available within this filter:
    • Amount – total payment amount. Range of amounts allows for selecting a specific amount interval.
    • Amount Remaining − amount remaining to be cleared. Range of amounts allows for selecting a specific amount interval.

[Alert] Totaling on the list Receivables/Payables is possible only after selecting a specific amount in the filter or the option All in system currency. If system currency of displayed payments, value 0 is displayed in the summary. [/alert]

Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>


Adding receivable/payable

Receivables/payables can be created manually from the level of the list Receivables/Payables/Payment Estimate or can be generated automatically from a document with a payment.

Manually added receivables and payables are not subject to completion

To add a payment from the level of receivables/payables list, from the level of the menu Finances → Receivables/Payables, click on the [Add] button.

Receivable form

The receivable form is composed of the following elements:

Side panel

Type – payment type The field cannot by edited and can take on one of the following values: Receivable, Payable

Value – amount and payment currency. The field is mandatory.

Paid – the amount of a document which has been paid. The field cannot by edited.

To Be Paid – amount calculated as a difference between the value of the receivable/payable and the paid amount. The field cannot by edited.

Number – for payments added manually this field is mandatory and it is completed by the user. For payments created automatically, the field is filled in with the system number from the source document, without the possibility of changing it.

Reference Number – for payments entered manually, this is a number entered by a user for providing an additional identification. For payments created automatically, the field is filled in with the system number from the source document, with the possibility of changing it.

Document Date – for payments added manually, this is the date of entering the payment to the system which can be freely modified. For payments created automatically, this is the date of issue of the source document and it cannot be modified.

Payment – <<payment form>> which should be selected from a drop-down list.

Due Date – date by which the payment should be completed

Days of Delay – number of days by which the realization of payment can be postponed against due date

Expected Date – due date corrected by the number of days of delay

Account – cash/bank account which should be selected from a drop-down list. In case of assigning an account to selected payment form (Configuration → Company Structure → Objects Availability), it will be filled in automatically

Completion – for payments entered manually, the field takes on value Not subject to completion (?) which cannot be changed. For payments created automatically, it is possible to select two values: Subject and Not subject

Payer – field for entering the name of entity the payment is assigned to. For a receivable the entity of Customer type is suggested automatically, whereas for a payable it is Vendor, with the possibility of changing the value.

Currencies – type, date and value of the exchange rate for the payment currency

Bank Account – the number of the bank account of the payer indicated on a receivable/payable is set by default. A user can change it selecting from among all active bank accounts of a given payer.

Bank – field filled in automatically with the code and the name of a bank appropriate for selected bank account. Every time the bank account is changed on payment, the field is updated.

Split Payment – parameter available only, if in the definition of a center of Company type, for the parameter Handle split payment according to Polish regulations, the value In accounting module or In accounting and trade modules has been selected. Detailed description of the parameter can be found in article <<Handling split payment in payments>>

Owner – center of the company structure which is the issuer of a document. For payments created automatically, the owner of a document to which the whole payment is assigned is set by default, without the possibility of changing it.

If in the document to which a payment was generated, a business entity is indicated as customer/vendor and the value of the document exceeds the limit control set in the company configuration, then, before saving the document, the system verifies payment form in the document payment. If a payment form of Cash type is selected, the following message is displayed: The limit of cash payments between the entrepreneurs has been exceeded. Cash payment cannot be classified as deductible expenses. Would you like to save the document? Yes/No. More information can be found in article <<Tab Amounts>>. 

In the Polish version of the database, in the side panel of payments of the following documents: SI, VSI, PI, VPI, R, TF, there are additional parameters:


  • Yes – the payment will be included in the ZD notification
  • No – the payment will not be included in the ZD notification
  • Beyond the system – the invoice will be included in the ZD notification after the payment was made

ZD Notification – number of the notification in which the payment has been included.

Tab Payments

This tab is available only for payments created automatically when adding a document with payment. It is composed of three sections: Documents To Be Paid, Paid Documents, Statements of Remittance Orders and field Description.

For receivables, the list Documents To Be Paid contains all uncompleted documents and cash/bank transactions of revenue type and positive value and those of expense type with negative value, associated with the same customer as a given receivable. For payables, the list Documents To Be Paid contains all uncompleted documents and cash/bank transactions of expense type and positive value and those of revenue type with negative value, associated with the same customer as a given receivable.

Check Compensation parameters which is available over the list Documents To Be Paid. Checking it displays the payments of the opposite type associated with the same payer on the Documents to Be Paid list (for receivables, uncompleted payables are displayed and for payables, the list presnts uncompleted receivables). Detailed description of compensating payments can be found in article <<Compensations with the use of [Associate], [Compensate] buttons>>.

Next to the parameter Compensations, there is the field Owner which allows for reducing documents displayed on the list only to the documents issued in a selected center. The default value of the field is All available documents. If a user is not entitled to read a given payment, it will not be visible on the list.

The list Documents To Be Paid is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Number
  • Reference Number
  • Entity Code
  • Amount – transaction/payment value
  • Amount Remaining – amount remaining to be cleared
  • Due Date – document date for a cash/bank transaction and payment due date
  • Currency
  • Owner – center of the company structure which is the issuer of a document

and columns hidden by default:

  • Amount in system currency:
  • Entity Name
  • To Be Paid In System Currency – amount remaining to be cleared, expressed in system currency
  • Paid – the amount which has been paid.
  • Paid In System Currency – cleared amount, expressed in system currency
  • For

The Paid Documents list presents a list of documents from which the payment was completed of compensated. Documents which user cannot access are displayed with masked data. The list Paid Documents is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Number
  • Reference Number
  • Entity Code
  • Paid – the amount which has been paid.
  • Amount Remaining – amount remaining to be cleared
  • Due Date – document date for a cash/bank transaction and payment due date
  • Currency

and columns hidden by default:

  • To Be Paid In System Currency – amount remaining to be cleared, expressed in system currency
  • Amount – transaction/payment value
  • Settlement Amount – amount settled with a given payment
  • Settlement Amount in System Currency – amount settled with a given payment, expressed in system currency
  • Amount In System Currency – value of a transaction/payment in system currency
  • Paid In System Currency – cleared amount, expressed in system currency
  • For
  • Owner – center of the company structure which is the issuer of a document

Detailed description of clearing payments from the level of the tab Clearings can be found in article <<Clearings with the use of [Associate]…>>.

The list Statement of Remittance Orders presents SRO documents containing a given payment. The list is composed of the following columns:

  • Number – SRO document number
  • Date of Transfer – date of transfer from the SRO document
  • Amount – transfer amount indicated in the SRO for a given payment
  • Status – SRO document status

Tab Entity

The tab contains payer’s data, that is code, name, TIN, EIN, NIN, address, contact person’s data. Information is completed automatically, upon selecting a payer in the side panel of a payment.

Tab Terms

This tab is available only for payments created automatically when adding a document. It contains information regarding terms defined in a given payment. Detailed description of the tab can be found in article <<Defining terms>>.

Tabs Attributes, Attachments, Change History

Detailed description of the tab Analytical Description can be found in <<Article>>. Change History


Dividing and combining payments

Dividing payments

A payment can be divided with the use of [Divide] button from the level of:

  • tab Amounts of a document with payment
  • list of receivables/payables

Button [Divide] on the Receivables list
It is not possible to divide a payment which is completed, partially competed, payment of an accounting note, payment of an opening balance and payment of a posted document.

Clicking on the [Divide] button opens a window composed of two tabs – New Payment and Divided Payment

Dividing payment window

In the tab New Payment, it is necessary to indicate the amount a if a newly created payment which should be bigger than 0 and lower than the value of the divided payment. The other data is transferred automatically from the divided payment. In the tab New Payment, it is possible to change the currency and the values of the following fields: Reference Number, Payment, Due Date, Days of Delay, Expected Due Date, Account, Completion, Payer, Bank Account, VAT-ZD.

In the tab, it is not possible to edit any data. The system updates the amount of the divided payment automatically as a difference between the amount of the original payment and the amount of the new payment.

The user has entered SI/1/2019 amounting to 300 USD with a payment completed by bank transfer. However, it was decided that the payment would be competed in two installments – 250 USD by bank transfer and 5 USD in cash. To divide the payment, it is necessary to:

check the given payment on the list of receivables

select the [Divide] button

in the window of dividing of planned payment insert 50 USD as the amount of the new payment

change the payment form of the new payment to cash

The system has changed the amount of the divided payment automatically to 25 USD. After saving the payment, on the list of receivables/payables there are two independent payments.

When dividing payment in a foreign currency, the default exchange rate for of the currency of the payment is retrieved automatically and it cannot be changed.

Combining payments

In the system, it is possible to combine payments relating to the same document. To do so, it is necessary to:

  • check given payments from the level of document details (tab Amounts) or on the list of receivables/payables.
  • select the [Combine] button

It opens a window of a newly created payment whose value is tantamount to the total of all selected payments. The value and the currency of the new payment are not subject to edition. The other data is retrieved from associated payments with the possibility of changing it. If associated payments have different payment forms, account or payer, the newly created payment will not hae any payment form, account or payer selected and the user will be able to select such values manually.

Rules of combining payments:

  • it is not possible to combine completed payments
  • it is not possible to combine payments of different types, e.g., receivable and payable
  • it is not possible to combine payments with different currencies
  • it is not possible to combine payments in external currencies with different exchange rates
  • it is not possible to combine payments associated with different documents, e.g., two payments one of which refers to SI/2013/00001 and the other to SI/2013/00002
  • it is not possible to combine payments associated with trade documents and payments added manually
  • it is not possible to combine payment subject to completion with payments not subject to completion
  • it is possible to combine payments for different payers – no payer is transferred onto newly created payment
  • it is possible to combine payments with different payment forms/accounts – newly created payment will not have any payment form/account selected