Configuration settings relating to the functionality of settlements

The functionality of settlements allows for:

  • associating received or executed payments (cash/bank transactions) with receivables or payables
  • compensating documents whose cash flow is opposite e.g., revenue transaction with expense transaction or receivable with payable

Only payments of confirmed documents are subject to document association. The exception are payments of opening balance which are subject to completion also if the balance opening document is unconfirmed.

In the system, it is possible to complete only the documents within one company to which the operator is logged in. Documents issued within the same company but in different centers can be completed both from the level of that company and from the level of its centers, however, to do so, several configuration settings are required. Documents, which are to be visible in center and to which payments can be made, must be made available in the center which is the owner/issuer of such documents. Additionally, from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → Visibility, it is necessary to attach cash/bank accounts to centers. If a document is available in a given center, its payment is visible too. In case a shared document was completed from a cash/bank transaction which is not available in given center or company, values of that transaction are masked.

Completions can be made from the level of:

  • Payment details of a given document
  • Cash/bank transaction details
  • List of payments (receivables, payables)
  • Customer and vendor payments
  • Payment estimate
  • Lists of documents and document details

To be able to make payments in all available places of the system, it is necessary to, from the level of <<Configuration → Operator Groups → edition of specific operator group → Other Permissions>>, check parameter Application of payments

Canceling trade documents, VAT invoices, corrections of VAT invoices, debt collection documents and deleting VAT invoices and corrections of VAT invoices automatically deletes clearing/compensation of canceled/deleted document. The following message will be displayed: Are you sure you want to delete the selected invoice? The associated payments will be deleted.


Completing payments in different currencies

In the system, it is possible to complete payments in the system currency with cash/bank transactions in foreign currency. When making payments to such documents, an exchange rate difference is not calculated.

A CD transaction amounting to 1 000.00 USD at the exchange rate of 1 USD = 4.30 PLN was registered and an SI amounting to 700 USD. The documents have been completed and as a result of this operation:

  • The SI is paid in full
  • The transaction is paid partially:
  • Amount paid in the system currency: 700 USD
  • Amount paid in the foreign currency: 162.79 PLN
  • Amount to be paid in the system currency: 3 600 USD
  • Amount to be paid in the system currency: 837.21 PLN

A deposit in a foreign currency is completed from a payment denominated in the system currency in the same way as the completion of documents in different currencies. In such case, in the payment confirmation window it is possible to select the payment currency and the change currency.

In case of selecting voucher as payment form in a document, it will not be possible to make payment and give change in the currency different than system currency.


Completing payments partially

In the system, it is possible to make payments for documents in an amount lower than the amount for which they were issued.

A deposit transaction from customer ABC was registered for the amount of 10 000 USD. After selecting the button [Complete] two payments appear on the list of uncompleted payments of that customer:

  • first payment for the amount of 10 000 USD (amount to be paid: 6 000 USD)
  • second payment for the amount of 3 000 USD (amount to be paid: 3000.00 USD)

The parameter Partial payment has been checked and then, directly in the column To Be Paid, the amount to be paid for the first payment has been changed to 4 000 USD. The payment has been checked and the button [Combine] has been selected. As a result of those operations:

  • the first payment has been partially completed (amount paid: 4 000 USD, amount to be paid: 2 000 USD)
  • the second payment has been entirely completed
  • the transaction has been partially completed (amount paid: 7 000 USD, amount to be paid: 3 000 USD)

Parameter Partial payments on the list of of uncompleted receivables after selecting the [Complete] button.
An SI for the amount of 1 000 USD has been registered A payment amounting to 200 USD has been indicated in the window Payment Confirmation. After completing the payment of the purchase invoice, the amount of 800 USD remains to be paid. An automatically created transaction has been entirely completed.

Making payments with the use of the buttons: [Combine] [Combine Selected], [Complete], [Pay]

Payments can be made with the use of the following buttons:

Button graphic symbolThe button is available from the level of:
• cash/bank transaction details
• payment details
• payment estimate
• customer and vendor payments
• payment estimate
• customer and vendor payments
• list of receivables/payables
• cash/bank transaction details
• payment details
• payment estimate
• customer and vendor payments
• lists of payables/receivables
• trade documents (invoices and receipts)
• details of a sales invoice

Making payments with the use of [Combine] button

The button [Combine] is available from the level of <<payment details>> and <<cash/bank transaction details>>, i the tab Payments.

Button [Combine] in the Payments tab
Detailed description of the tab Payments can be found in article <<Adding receivable/payable>>.

In order to complete a given payment, it is necessary to select an appropriate document On the list Documents to Be Paid and select the [Combine] or double-click on the selected document. After making a payment, in the section Paid Documents, the document completing the payment will appear. Additionally, if such document has been paid in full, it will not be displayed on the list Documents to Be Paid anymore.

On the list Documents to Be Paid, there are only transactions and payments of the opposite type associated with the entity whose payment is currently being applied.

In order to delete a payment, on the list Paid Documents, it is necessary to select an appropriate document and select the button [Remove Combination] or double-click on that document. After deleting such payment, the document disappears from the list Paid Documents and it appears again on the list Documents To Be Paid.

Making payments with the use of [Combine Selected] button

To complete a payment, on the list of payment estimate or on the list of customer/vendor payments, it is necessary to select at least two documents which are to be associated one with another and select the button [Combine Selected].

Button [Combine Selected] on the list Customer payments

Making payments with the use of [Complete] button

Payments can be completed with the use of the button [Complete] from the level of:

  • payment estimate
  • customer and vendor payments
  • list of receivables/payables
  • cash/bank transaction details
  • payment details

Selecting the button [Complete] opens a list of all open transactions for a given customer/vendor (in case of completing payments) or payments (in case of completing transactions). After selecting appropriate documents, it is necessary to click on the [Combine] button. The system also allows for editing documents presented on the list.

The documents are presented on the list of open transactions/open payments only if the user is authorized to <<read payment or transaction>>. Additionally, on the list of open transactions/open payments, there are all objects available in the center to which the user is currently logged-in.

Window Open Cash/Bank Transaction during a payment completion

Making payments with the use of [Pay] button

Making payments with the use of the button [Pay] is described in article <<Making payments with the use of Payment Confirmation window>>.

Customer and vendor payments

List of payments for customers/vendors is available from the level of the menu Finances, under the button [Customers]/[Vendors].

The visibility of data in a payment estimate depends on the center to which an operator is logged-in. The document is presented in the list, if:

  • it was added by a current center (center to which an operator is logged-in)
  • it was added by a center which is subordinate to the current center
  • it was added by a center which makes it available (by specifying its visibility for document types) for the current center or its child center

All payments are displayed in the list, regardless of whether accounts indicated on those payments are available in a current center. If an account which is not available in a given center, is indicated on a payment, such a payment can be edited only in the preview mode.

Only transactions entered to accounts available in a current center are displayed in the list.

The list contains standard buttons which have been described in article <<Standard buttons>> and, additionally:

  • <<[Combine Selected] – completes selected payments
  • [Complete] − allows for completing a given payment
  • [Compensate] − allows for compensating a given payment
  • [Pay]>> − opens the Payment Confirmation form, by means of which it is possible to make a payment by automatic creation of a cash/bank transaction

Customer Payments list

The list of payments for customers/vendors is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Number
  • Reference Number − number entered by a user for providing an additional identification
  • Entity Code − payer’s code on payment and entity’s code on transaction
  • Receivable − amount of a payment of Receivable type or expense transaction
  • Payable − amount of a payment of Payable type or of a revenue transaction
  • Receivable – To Be Applied – receivable amount to be applied
  • Payable – To Be Applied – payable amount to be applied
  • Due Date/Date − payment due date or date of document for c/b transaction
  • Currency − document currency, depends on the settings in the filter
  • Payment Form
  • Status
    • C − Completed
    • U − Uncompleted
    • NS − Not Subject

And columns hidden by default:

  • Document/Transaction Date − document date for payment or transaction date presented in transaction form for transaction
  • Days of Delay − number of days passed from the due date of payment. After selecting parameter Show days of delay the column appears automatically in the list
  • Cash Register/Bank − number of account indicated in the document
  • VAT Amount − displayed only for payments and bank transactions with checked parameter Split Payment
  • Entity Code − payer’s name indicated on payment and entity’s name indicated on transaction
  • Voucher Number − number of voucher indicated on payment or transaction
  • Description − payment description for payment and value of the field For for a cash/bank transaction
  • Document Description – description entered in the source document of a payment and transaction description for a cash/bank transaction
  • Voucher Sort − sort of voucher indicated on payment or transaction
  • Applied − amount cleared by now
  • System currency − currency of the company in which the document was issued
  • Value − value of payment or c/b transactions from the payment’s point of view (a receivable with plus sign and a payable with minus sign)
  • Owner − center of the company structure which is the issuer of a document.
  • Affects Balance − indicates whether a given payment affects the balance of the account

 Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>> and in article <<Payment Estimate tab>>.


For it is possible to sum up under the list of payments, it is necessary to indicate specific currency or the option <All in system currency> in the filter. If system currency of displayed payments is different, value 0 is displayed in the summary.

Generating advance invoice on the list of customer and vendor payments

On the list of customer and vendor payments, it is possible to generate an advance invoice on the basis of open cash/bank transactions. This function is available only if the transaction currency is the same as the currency of the order to which the invoice is being generated.

To issue an advance invoice, it is necessary to:

  • select a specific cash/bank transaction
  • select the button [API]/[ASI] from the Generation group of buttons. The buttons are available, if in the filter Transactions, value Deposits or Withdrawals is selected. Selecting one of the buttons opens the list of sales/purchase orders for the customer/vendor indicated in a given transaction.
  • check an order and click on the button [Select] This action opens a new advance sales/purchase invoice.

Detailed information regarding advance invoices can be found in article <<Advance invoices>>.


Making payments with the use of Payment Confirmation window

Payment confirmation – general information

With the use of the window Payment Confirmation, it is possible to entirely or partially compete a payment thanks to an automatic creation of a cash/bank transaction completed by a given payment. The Payment Confirmation window can be opened:

  • automatically, when confirming a document or when confirming and posting a document at the same time
  • manually, by clicking on the button [Pay]

The possibility of completing a payment through the Payment Confirmation window during the confirmation of a payment is available only if in the <<definition of a given document>>, the parameter Payment confirmation has been checked. The parameter is checked by default for the following documents:

  • R, RQC, RVC

Parameter Payment confirmation in the SI document definition

Completion of a payment in the window Payment Confirmation with the use of the button [Pay] can be performed from the level of:

  • payment estimate
  • list of receivables/payables
  • customer and vendor payments
  • list of trade documents (purchase invoices, sales invoices, receipts)
  • details of a sales invoice

The option is available only for documents issued in a company to which the user is logged-in. If the payment regards several documents, an inconsistency on at least one of them will make it impossible to register the payment.

Completion of payments with the use of the Payment Confirmation window can be made also by operators who do not have any rights to <<make payments>>.

Elements of the Payment Confirmation window

Payment Confirmation window

In the upper part of the Payment Confirmation window, there is a list of planned payments defined on a document. The list is composed of the following columns:

  • Pay – the parameter determines whether a given payment has to be made
  • Document Number – number of the document from which the payment comes
  • Amount – payment amount
  • Currency
  • Payment Form – form in which a payment will be applied
  • Amount Remaining – amount remaining to be applied
  • Entity Code – entity’s code indicated on payment

And columns hidden by default:

  • Terms Expiration Date – the date by which payment must be made to be able to grant terms.
  • Amount to Be Paid – remaining amount after the payment is corrected by the terms value
  • Number of Days – number of days within which payment must be made for terms to be granted
  • Entity Name
  • Terms Base – payment amount calculated on the basis of document items determined as subject to terms
  • Terms [%] – percentage value of terms
  • Value Not Subject To Terms – difference between payment amount and terms base
  • Terms Value – value of granted terms

The values of columns hidden by default regarding terms are retrieved, by default, from the tab Terms which is available on the payment of a given document. Detailed description of the columns can be found in article <<Defining terms on payment>>.

An operator can decide whether in the Payment Confirmation window displayed after confirming a trade document, all open payments of a given document should be shown or only these of a given type. To do so, from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Object Availability → Payment Forms object, it is necessary to select the parameter Payment confirmation for a given payment form. If the Payment Confirmation window is opened after selecting the [Pay] button after confirming a document, it will contain all not applied payment, regardless of the value of the parameter Payment confirmation for payment form.

The lower part of the Payment Confirmation window is composed of the following elements:

  • Customer/Vendor – by default, a customer/vendor indicated on document’s payment is suggested, with the possibility of changing it
  • Payment Form – the form selected on the document’s payment is indicated by default, with the possibility of changing it
  • Account – by default, an account associated with a given payment method is suggested, with the possibility of changing it
  • [Add Report] – allows for adding a report to a selected account. The button is active if a report with a time interval including th date of payment confirmation has not yet been defined in the system.
  • To Be Paid – payment amount remaining to be paid. For a payment expressed in a currency different than system currency, the amount to be paid is presented in two different currencies – payment currency and system currency. The field cannot by edited.
  • Paid – the amount to be paid is suggested by default, with the possibility of changing it. For a payment expressed in a currency different than system currency, the amount to be paid is presented in two different currencies – payment currency and system currency.
  • Change – a difference between the amount taken from the payee and the amount do be paid. For a payment expressed in a currency different than system currency, the amount of change is presented in two currencies – payment currency and system currency and in the lower part of the window, a section with a conversion calculator is displayed. A user can select exchange rate for such payment. In case the payment is made for several documents, the system allows for introducing separated exchange rate for each document.
  • Document Date – date and time of transaction registration in the system. By default, the system date is suggested, with the possibility of changing it.
  • For – text field with Automatically The default setting of this parameter depends on the setting of the parameter Fill in field “For” in c/b transaction automatically and it can be changed by the user. If the parameter Automatically is:
  • checked, the text field is hidden. In a transaction resulting from completing a given receivable, the system number of the payment is retrieved onto the field In a transaction resulting from completing a given payable, the reference number of the payment is retrieved onto the field For.
  • unchecked, it is possible to insert any text to the field
  • Description – text field allowing for entering an additional information which will be saved in a transaction generated as a result of completing a given payment. If such description is provided in a payment being completed, it will be copied to this field.

Making payments including existing transaction

In the system, it is possible to make payments for a document with the use of the payment confirmation window including already existing cash/bank transactions. To do so, in the definition of a given document, it is necessary to check the parameter Open transactions. When making payment for a given document, the list of open transactions associated with a given customer/vendor is opened.

Window with documents to be paid for a given customer/vendor.

The list presents cash/bank transactions which have status Open and fulfill predefined requirements specified in the filter placed under the list. Above the list, the amount To Be Applied is presented. This is the amount of the currently paid document.

To combine the completed payment from a document with selected transaction, it is necessary to select that transaction and click on the [Combine] button. It is possible to combine more than one transaction with a document. The system also allows for editing transactions presented on the list.

Moreover, an operator entitled to <<make compensations>> can also compensate a payment from the level of the window Documents To Be Paid. To do so, it is necessary to check the parameter Compensations, which is available in the filter under the list. A payment of the type opposite to the type of the payment currently being settled, will appear. Additionally, the name of the column Document Date will be automatically changed to Date/Due Date and either document date from a cash-bank transaction or a due date from a payment of the opposite type will be displayed there.  In order to add a compensation, it is necessary to select an appropriate payment from the list and select the button [Combine]. Detailed information regarding the functionality can be found in article <<?>>.

After combining the payments, the user must click on the button [Save] or [Close]. The button [Close] interrupts the operation of payment completion, however, all completed payments are remembered. Clicking on the button [Save] closes the window (if the payment is already entirely completed) or opens the window Payment Confirmation (if there is still an amount of the payment which should be settled).

Making payments with the use of Pay all option

After selecting more than one payment on the payment estimate or on the list of receivables/payables and then clicking on the button [Pay], the payment confirmation window with active parameter Pay all is opened. If the parameter is:

  • checked – the system creates one collective payment, amounting to the total of all payments, where payer, payment form and account are retrieved from the firs payment
  • unchecked – data regarding payer, amounts, account, document date and payment form are displayed separately for particular payments after highlighting each of them

Parameter Pay all in Payment Confirmation window

If several payments are marked and they are of the same type, then the button [Pay] will be active.

Terms in the payment confirmation window

If there are several terms specified for a given payment, the system will retrieve those which were specified on the basis of a document date indicated in the payment confirmation window. Changing a document date will update the terms value.

  In section with payments in an invoice amounting to 4 0000.00 USD and which due date is 4.30.2019, there are the following terms defined:

  • 10% if payment is made within 2 days, expiration date is 4.10.2019, amount due is 3 600.00 USD
  • 5% if payment is made within 7 days, expiration date is 9.15.2016, amount due is 3 800.00 USD

The table below presents the amounts due, depending on the document date specified in the payment confirmation window:

Document DateTrems ValueAmount Due
4.9.201910%3 600 USD
4.9.20195%3 800 USD
4.15.20195%3 800 USD
4.17.2019=4 000 USD

Registering change in the payment confirmation window

In the system, it is possible to register change also in the currency of a payment from the level of the Payment Confirmation window. In Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Object Availability → Payment Forms, it is possible to specify whether change should be registered for a given payment form in a given center. By default, the parameter Registering of Change is activated for the payment forms Own Voucher and External Voucher, with no possibility to modify it. The parameter is deactivated for other payment forms, and the user may activate it anytime.

If the parameter Registering of Change is deactivated for a given payment form in a center, upon paying for a payable with change in the same currency, the system will only create a transaction for an amount from the field:

  • Amount Remaining – if the field Amount Paid contains an amount which is greater than or equal to an amount from the field To Be Paid
  • Amount Paid – if the field Amount Paid contains an amount which is lower than an amount from the field To Be Paid

If the parameter Registering of Change is activated for a given payment form in a center, a cash/bank transaction is also created for a payment with change in the currency of the payment. Transactions associated with change are automatically compensated with a payment transaction created with the use of the Payment Confirmation window. Additionally, the tabs Associated Documents of those transactions display information about the association between a payment transaction and a transaction related to the registration of change.


Payment form is set as Cash, and the parameter Registering of Change is active:

  1. The user adds SI1 for $70, paid with cash
  2. A customer pays $100, so this amount is set in the Amount Paid field of the Payment Confirmation window
  3. The system creates two cash transactions: CD1 for $100 associated with SI1 and CW1, and CW1 for $30 associated with CD1


Payment form is set as Cash, and the parameter Registering of Change is unchecked:

  1. The user adds SI1 for $70, paid with cash
  2. A customer pays $100, so this amount is set in the Amount Paid field of the Payment Confirmation window
  3. The system creates one cash transaction: CD1 for $70 settled with SI1.