
Generating SENT document

It is possible to generate a carriage document on the basis of: trade documents (invoices, sales orders) warehouse documents (POR/SOR) To do so, it is necessary to select an appropriate document on the list and click on [SENT] button. PUESC platform on tab My documents will be opened. The user […]

SENT configuration

Polish law of 9 March 2017 on the monitoring of rad transport of goods imposes new registration obligations and defines liability for their infringement to three types of entities: sending entity – natural person, legal person, organizational unit not holding legal personality, running a business, delivering goods, delivering goods in […]

Integration with Comarch e-Shop

Comarch e-Shop was created in order to meet on-line sales-related market needs of companies. Comarch e-Shop is dedicated to companies which want to extend the possibility of reaching clients by offering their merchandise in a widely available on-line store. The cooperation of Comarch ERP Standard with Comarch e-Shop consists in: […]

Data Service synchronization logs

In Data Service synchronization logs, information regarding all objects uploaded from Comarch Retail POS to Comarch ERP Standard is saved. On the basis of such logs, it is possible to tell whether an object has been uploaded correctly or some errors occurred. Service synchronization logs are saved in the path […]


Parameter Sales in different currencies by currency exchange rate option allows for carrying out of transactions (sales) in all defined currencies. By default, in Comarch ERP Standard system denominations are defined for PLN, EUR and USD currencies. If a new currency is added in the system, it is possible to […]

Document types

Working with documents on POS workstations To be able to preview, add, modify or delete a document on a POS workstation, the operator must possess appropriate permissions to objects which are granted in the Comarch ERP Standard system. Depending on the setting of the parameter Method of Searching for Documents, […]

Context scanning

Comarch Retail POS, it is possible to identify a scanned object based on a code format defined for it. The section POS Workstations on the ribbon (in the tab POS Workstations available upon editing a center of the Company type) has been provided with a new button [Barcode Templates]. Selecting […]

Drawer configuration

Tile [Open Drawer] allows for opening cash register drawer directly from the level of Comarch Retail POS application. In order to take advantage of this functionality, it is necessary define a device of Drawer type from the level of Configuration → External Devices and select the defined device in the […]

Configuration of basic items

The functionality of base products allows a user to associate items which are differentiated by some feature (e.g. size, color) in case separate item forms are created for each of these items. Base products are related through a grouping attribute assigned to items and by relation of Base Product type. […]


Availability The tile [Customers], available in the main menu or in the side menu, displays the list of active customers defined in company database of Comarch ERP Standard system and shared on the POS workstation. All classification categories of customer groups active in ERP system are synchronized to the application. […]


All changes made in interface configuration and views are saved in themes. It is not possible to change default theme for Comarch Retail POS application. When attempting to save the entered modifications of that theme with the use of [Save] button, the following message is presented: “Cannot edit the default […]


The list of discounts handled in Comarch POS is available in article Discounts. Discounts are defined in Comarch ERP Standard. Rules and order of discount calculation are described in article Discounts – General information. To define a new discount, it is neccessary to select in Comarch ERP Standard Sales → […]


Attributes are used for collecting additional information about the following objects existing in Comarch Retail POS application: customer, item, trade document, correction, complaint, CD/CW. An attribute will be available for previewing/editing on a POS workstation if parameter Preview/Edition is checked in the attribute definition in section Retail POS from the […]


Availability Selecting [Items] tile in the main window or from a side menu displays the list of items defined in Comarch ERP Standard system which are shared for the structure center to which a given POS workstation is attached. The application synchronizes all item group classification categories that are active […]

DS synchronization service configuration

Operator to POS workstation An operator, in order to be able to log in to a POS workstation, must fulfill the following criteria: Belong to a group of operators available in the Operators, in section Groups. Be of Universal or External type Be associated with an employee Have external password […]

Adding new POS workstation

Necessary requirements POS workstation is added in Comarch ERP Standard system, in POS workstation tab, which is available on the form of company or local center edition. Before adding a POS workstation, it is necessary to define objects, such us cash-bank accounts or numeration series which are necessary to be […]

Consent record

Consent record allows for managing all consents for processing personal data registered in the system and makes it possible to quickly verify all received consents. The consent record is available from the level of the menu CRM → Consent Records. After selecting [Add] button a consent form is opened. Before […]

Consent batch addition

From the level of the consent record list (CRM → Consent Records) and the tab Consents To Personal Data Processing available on the forms of: customer/vendor contact person employee, it is possible to add and withdraw consents for a selected consent giver. Selecting the button [Add In Single Batch]/[Withdraw in […]

Consent withdrawal

To withdraw a registered consent, it is necessary to uncheck parameter Active on a selected form. Consent form is available from the level of the menu CRM → Consent Records. After deactivating a consent, the following fields appear on the form: Withdrawal Date – field defining the date when a […]

Breach records

Breaches allows inspector for registering cases of breaches in personal data protection and generate a printout   containing information on the registered breach. Breaches are available from the level of the menu CRM → Records of processing activities and breaches → tab Breaches. Selecting the button [Add] opens a breach details […]

Processing activities records

Records of processing activities and breaches allow for keeping records of personal data processing activities, such as defining o persons responsible for personal data administration or specifying data processing category. The record is available from the level of the tab CRM → Activity and Breach Records. After selecting [Add] button […]

Personal Data module activation

Section Personal Data contains a set of tools facilitating complex management of personal data stored in the system by designated users (so-called personal data administrators). The section is available from the level of CRM → Personal Data. To activate buttons dedicated to records and data export, it is necessary to: […]

User’s CRM area

All the CRM data is shared not only on the lists of particular objects they refer to. The data can also be reviewed on the lists dedicated to a logged-in operator. In those lists, there are objects (customers/vendors, persons, activities) assigned to an employee who is, in turn, assigned to […]

Subordination structure

Subordination structure allows for defining hierarchy between employees and company units on the asis of which are assigned permissions related to CRM functionalitires. The structure tree is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Subordination strucutre. If the subordination structure has not been defined, then it will […]

Operator permissions

From the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → tab Other Permissions, are available permissions to: list of activities (of employess in child centers/co-workers/all empolyees) list of customers and vendors of co-workers list of contact persons of co-workers list of tasks (of employess in child centers/co-workers/all empolyees) […]

Activation of CRM module

CRM objects are available from the level of: dedicated CRM menu Main menu list of customers/vendors available from the level of the tab Main → Customers/Vendors Upon starting the system, the CRM-related functions are disabled.  To activate the functions, it is necessary to: define a new employee associate the employee […]


Calendar allows for easy managing of tasks, questionnaires and CRM activities. Thanks to the calendar form, employees can quickly preview tasks assigned to them and managers are able to supervise work of employees. Depending on <<permissions>> granted to operators, in a calendar it is possible to: preview and manage tasks, […]


Tasks allow for registering activties and topics assigned to employees, which are automatically saved in their calendars. The list of tasks is available from the level of Main → CRM → Tasks Depending on <<permissions>> granted to an operator, the list presents task assigned to: currently logged-in employee all employees […]

Batch generation of questionnaires

Batch addition of questionnaires allows for assigning a given questionnaire to serveral objects simultaneously. The functionality is available under [Generate] button, placed on the ribbon above the following lists: Customers/Vendors Employees Contact Persons CRM Activities To add a questionnaire in a batch, it is necessary to: In Questionnaire field, select […]

Questionnaire templates

The system provides the user the possibility of creating his/her own questionnaires based on previously defined questions and answers. A list of questionnaire templates is available from the level of Configuration → CRM → Questionnaire Templates. The Questionnaire Templates list presents templates defined in the system. The questionnaire form is […]

Defining questionnaire

Questionnaires allow for collecting additional information about employees and customers/vendors which can later be used in sales processes, e.g. when creating new <<opportunities>>. A questionnaire is composed of a list of questions which can be defined from the level of: Configuration → CRM → Questions questionnaire form → section Questions […]

List of opportunities

Opportunities reflect forecast sales of particular items divided by customers/vendors. Thanks to reporting the chances of sale, they can be analyzed in BI. An example can be an analysis of chances (quantity-based and value-based) in reference to the actually achieved results. To display opportunity list in the menu available from […]

CRM contacts

Contacts are used for registering information about planned and conduced conversations carried out by an employee with contact persons of customers/vendors. A new contact can be added from the level of: Main → CRM → My Activities Main → Customers/Vendors → CRM Activities To save a new meeting, it is […]

CRM meetings

Meetings are used for registering information about conducted and planned conversations carried out by an employee/employees with contact persons in the specified time limits and generating certain costs. On the CRM Activities list, in All Activities tab, all actions previously defined for a given customer/vendor are displayed. The following fields […]

Types of CRM activities

The user can use activities registiered in the system can be used for creating BI analyses, e.g., when preparing report on negotiations with a client, on efectiveness of actions of particular employees or on probability of acquiring customers from different sectors etc. To register marketing and sales actions, it is […]

Personal data export

Personal data administrator is obliged to grant access to processed data to a person whom it concerns, if that person makes such request. For that purpose, it is possible to export data in the form of an XML file and print it. Exporting of data, which is available from the […]

Personal data anonymization

Data anonymization consists in disabling the possibility of identifying of a specific person on the basis of data available in the system. On demand of a Consent Giver, an operator who has permission Personal Data – Anonymization may delete personal data of a given customer/vendor or contact person. The functionality […]

Sorting, grouping and summing data on lists

Grouping, sorting and summing up data on lists allows for incrementing their clarity in accordance wit user’s needs. Sorting By default, a list of items is sorted in alphabetical order according to a value displayed in the first column.  However, all displayed items can be arranged by value displayed in […]

Search engine

Search engine is used for quick retrieval of key information present in the system. Contrarily to <<search panel>>, opened with the use of <Ctrl>+<F> keys, the search engine allows the user for searching whole system, not only a currently opened window. The functioning of the search engine is based on […]

Assignment of profiles to user groups

Each profile can be assigned to any user group. Profiles are assigned on the form of selected operator group. Forms of operator groups contain tab Profiles, in which it is necessary to assign a profile to a group. The tab Profiles is divided into two panels. In the first panel […]

Conversion Manager

The conversion manager is a tool allowing for generating a script containing the differences between versions. The script can next be run in a selected profile generated on the basis of a standard profile with enabled tracking changes option. The script will add all the newly added buttons referring to […]

Creating and editing profiles

General information To add a new profile, it is necessary to select button [Add] from the Profile Editor ribbon. A window opens, where the user can define the name of the new profile. A profile can also be defined on the basis of already existing profile. To do this, you […]

Profile composition

The purpose of the profile editor is to enable the user to interfere in the layout of the main menu (ribbon), context menu, quick access bar, or the ergonomic panel. An easy modification or addition of a profile is possible thanks to the created frame structure of the profile which […]

Profile editor – general information

General information Profile editor is a tool allowing the user to customize the main menu and interface of Comarch ERP Standard to individual needs and preferences. The profile editor is available in the database manager in menu Configuration. Layout of profile editor The layout of the profile editor is composed […]

Importing and exporting of interface settings

This article presents two methods of importing and exporting interface modifications provided by Comarch ERP Standard. Owing to that function, settings can be easily transferred among multiple company databases of the system. The first method allows for exporting all changes made in the interface which were applied in a database. […]

Interface item management

General information This article describes how the system allows for adapting the interface to the user’s needs. If a user selects (marks) an item in the layout tree view available in the interface editor, it is marked with blue lines in the edited window. It helps user to find quickly […]

Interface editor structure

General information The interface editor is composed of a button container, a list of operators and operator groups and tabs Hidden Items, Layout Tree View and General. After selecting for editing of an operator group, also Container Properties tab becomes available. Interface editor buttons [My Profile] – this button opens […]

Interface editor – general information

Interface editor allows for changing the appearance of all key windows in the system. Thanks to that tool, the system administrator can easily hide and block items on forms or take away from users and user groups the access to a given column or field, while a user can adapt […]

Permissions to modify interface

Comarch ERP Standard System allows for handling permissions to interface modification. On the form of an operator group, in Other Permissions tab, there is Modification of interface permission available, which allows operators from a given group for opening interface editor. Once the permission is withdrawn, operators from that group will […]

Searching panel and filters

General information The user can search and filter data by: Using searching panel Defining filter in column headers Defining filter in filter builder On lists of objects, filters have different applications and may refer to: Values selected from a list Values entered manually Searching panel The functionality of searching panel […]

Exporting data to spreadsheet

The system allows the user for exporting data presented on lists and forms to a spreadsheet. Data export configuration Default settings of the functionality of exporting data can be changed in the menu System → Configuration → Computer, in section Export To Spreadsheet. The section Export To Spreadsheet contains the […]

Conditional formatting

The functionality of conditional formatting allows for distinguishing particular values in columns with the use of colors, change of formatting and adding appropriate icons classifying values of columns to specific intervals. Thanks to the conditional formatting, the user can decide, according to his/her own needs, how data is displayed on […]

Column adjustment

Deleting and adding columns The system allows for deleting (hiding) and adding (displaying) columns available on a given list. Thanks to that, is is possible to adjust the appearance of a given list to user’s needs. To delete a column, it is necessary to click right mouse on button its […]

Standard buttons

In the system, there is a set of standard buttons allowing for handling particular window. They are placed on the ribbon (main system menu), in context menus, on quick access bars and in particular sections of forms. The list below presents the most common system buttons: *Detailed description of the […]

Advanced column edition

Besides the standard possibilities related to adjusting columns on lists, the system offers also a set of options allowing the user for an advanced column edition. The user can, for example, configure the visibility of columns for a specific operator group, add or delete additional columns or modify data related […]


Forms represent the basic type of windows present in the system. Their layout and content vary depending on the type of a currently handled document or object.  Most common forms available in the system are document form and object form. Form layout Most of forms are composed of similar parts: […]

Window docking

In order to optimize the area of the application, it is possible to use the functionality of window docking which allows for displaying two or more windows next to each other. To do so, it is necessary to open selected windows and drag the tab of a given window to […]

Main menu (ribbon)

The main menu of the system is also called ribbon. It allows to access all areas and actions used for handling the system. The ribbon is thematically grouped, which facilitates using of the system. In the upper left corner of the ribbon, there are the following icons and buttons: System […]

Context menu

Context menu is expanded with the use of right mouse button. It contains a list of possible actions whose availability depends on the place in which the menu is being expaned. Within one window, it is possible to expand different context menus.

Basic settings

This article contains information about the basic settings related to the user interface and customizing of the system. In the menu System → Configuration, tab General contains settings regarding the appearance and default system language. In this tab, the user can: Check the default database language (non editable field) Define […]

Keyboard shortcuts

Using of the keyboard After launching the application, the main menu (ribbon) appears in the upper corner of the screen. Operating the system with the use of shortcuts can be initiated by pressing the left <Alt> key. After pressing that key, in the menu, you will see the letters symbolizing […]

General information

Comarch ERP Standard system contains a set of functionalities allowing the user to edit user interface: Information regarding the basic settings and keyboard shortcuts can be found in General information category The functioning of the menu and of the most used keyboard shortcuts is described in System menu category Information […]

Migration – Before updating

Before proceeding to update Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch Retail versions, it is necessary to take note of changes implemented between versions. Changes which should be verified before updating version are described in this article. In <<Update process>> article, processes and changes which should be carried out or verified in […]

Running the program

In order to run the program, it is necessary to click on the shortcut located on desktop or in the Start menu. Once the program is started, a login window is opened. To log in to the system, the following fields must be filled in: Database – name of a […]

Transferring of a key to another computer

Transferring of a key to another computer requires execution of the following steps: deleting it from the first installation activating it later on a new computer after installing Comarch ERP Key Manager Without deleting the virtual key from the   primary computer, it will not be possible to activate it in […]

Functions available in Configuration tab

Virtual keys available in the Key Manager require a cyclic connection to Comarch servers, which is executed every 2 hours in order to verify the availability of license modules on a key. The maximum time between subsequent connections is 72 hours. The following options are available in Configuration tab: Advanced […]

Key Manager Monitor

The Key manager consists of the monitor application (ComarchMLTray). This is the application which is responsible   for displaying the padlock icon at the right bottom corner of the screen.  The Monitor is run from the level of the Key Manager installation directory. By default, its: C:\Program Files (x86)\Comarch ERP Key […]

Installation and configuration of Key Manager

Key Manager is installed on a server on which SQL sever is installed, on Comarch ERP Auto Update main profile. Comarch ERP Auto Update configuration window with selected Comarch ERP Key Manager After adding Comarch ERP Key Manager product and component, it is necessary to configurate them. The following fields […]

Database update

If you already have a database that was generated for an earlier version than that you are going to work on, it is necessary to update the database to the current version of the system. Before the conversion, it is recommended to make a backup copy and reindex it. Since […]

Actions related to company database

In the menu Database Manager → Databases, there are additional options available for the list. The following buttons are available in the menu: Restore – restores previously created backup copy of a database Make Backup – creates a backup copy of a selected database Create – opens a company database […]

Creating a company database

A company database can be created in the menu of Database Manager, as well as from the level of the list of company databases. To create new company database, it is necessary to click on [Create] button. A database creation window will be opened. It is necessary to complete all […]

Database manager

Database Manager contains information regarding configuration database and attached company databases of Comarch ERP Standard system. Database Manager is opened from the level of the system login window. Database Manager main menu is divided into two menus: Database Manager and Configuration Menu of the database manager window is divided into […]

Add-ons wizard

Add-on wizard is a tool which improves the creation of extensions for Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch POS products. Add-ons created in this way are adjusted to be propagated and installed in each subsidiary of a company structure via Comarch ERP Auto Update program. In order to install add-on wizard, […]

Managing structure of child agents

From the level of the parent agent it is possible to manage the structure of child agents with the use of remote actions, such as: updating of Comarch ERP Auto Update application version (child agent) downloading of (sending to the parent agent) an updated or the most recent component version […]

Child agent configuration

Before installing a child agent it is necessary to deselect the Connect this agent to Comarch server. A child agent will connect to he main agent. In the Agent Code field, a a code defined for the child agent in the settings of the parent agent should be entered. In […]

Adding child agent

Child agents are added from the level of More → Agent Structure In the window for adding new child agent, it is necessary to specify child agent code (the same code should be entered during the configuration of the child agent) and select a product to install. From among available […]

Advanced actions

The window of advanced actions wizard can by opened by selecting [Advanced Actions] button, available in the left down corner of the Comarch ERP Auto Update main window. The wizard of advanced actions allows for: Downloading selected product version Installing selected product version Making a rollback of selected product version […]


The functionality of profiles allows for installing several product versions on one machine. A profile is a set of configurations which enables creating an independent work environment. In Comarch ERP Auto Update, there are two types of profiles available: Main Profile – created during installation of Comarch ERP Auto Update […]

Configuration of additional profile

All defined profiles are available from the level of Configuration –> Profiles.  To add a new profile, it is necessary to select [Add] button and complete the following parameters: Profile Name Profile Code – it can be composed of 5 characters maximum and it must be unique Client ID/Agent code […]

Parent agent configuration

In the agent structure, a parent agent always connects to Comarch server at the address and the port 8466. In case there is no connection, that is when the message Agent has not registered with parent agent appears, it is necessary to check whether the entered client ID is […]

Comarch ERP Auto Update preconfiguration

When Comarch ERP Auto Update is launched for the first time, the interface language selection window is opened. A language can be selected for the duration of a given program session or language selection can be remembered by the system permanently by selecting the parameter Remember selection. There are five […]

Auto Update installation

Before beginning the installation and configuration of Comarch ERP Standard system, it is necessary to properly   install and configure Comarch ERP Auto Update program. To do so, it is necessary to: Download the installer file UpdateAgent_Setup_[version_no]_EN.exe Run the installer Accept the software terms and conditions of warranty and use Select […]

Hardware requirements for a workstation

This article presents minimum hardware requirements for a workstation, which are necessary to run   Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch Retail systems as well as other components of those systems. *In case of client applications (such as the BI Reports Book) installed on server version of Windows systems, RAM should be […]

Additional requirements

Environment management In order to facilitate management of system infrastructure and application environment, all servers should be   assigned to one domain and all SQL instances used in stores should be linked in the Headquarters. Performing   of administration activities for many subsidiaries is significantly simplified in case of having a domain […]

BI requirements

Minimum requirements for BI server, BI Web Reports Book and BI Point are presented in tables below. In case of BI server, it is recommended that server collation is the same as collation of Comarch ERP Standard collation and collation of SQL server on which the production environment is located. […]

Comarch e-Shop requirements

Cooperation between Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch e-Shop requires: .NET Framework 4 environment Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime add-on SQLXML 3.0 component TLS 1.2 Protocol Cooperation between Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch e-Shop Depending on version, Comarch ERP Standard system cooperates with the following versions of Comarch e-Shop:

Comarch Retail POS requirements

Minimal technical parameters necessary for a workstation are described in <<Hardware requirements for a workstation>>. Additionally, to install and ensure proper operation of Comarch Retail POS application, the following components must be installed: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.2 Express version of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or higher in a version compliant […]

Requirements for a terminal server

The suggested configuration does not assume that the terminal server operates also as file server for users   working on it. In a case when such solution is necessary, number of required hard disks must be increased in   proportion to that suggested below. The set of minimum requirements for database server […]

Requirements for a database server

Comarch ERP Standard system runs in Client/Server architecture. In case of the simplest installation on a single workstation, both the layer of the database server and the application may be running on one workstation.  In practice, the functions of the database server are available on a separate hardware platform. Below, […]

Basic elements of Visual Basic .NET syntax

When creating BPM processes, it is possible to use VB language syntax. For instance, initial values can be assigned to parameters in such way or operations on numbers or texts inside processes can be performed. Operators Visual Basic supports the following types of operators: Intellisense mechanism Comarch ERP Standard BPM […]

Integration with BI

In the Comarch ERP Standard BPM system, it is possible to use reports created in Comarch Business Intelligence. Before proceeding to the BPM configuration, it is necessary to: Install Comarch Business Intelligence module Create BI databases for the company database (DW, LOG, META and REPO) and transform the company database. […]

Starting a process

Starting of processes with parameters to complete BPM processes can be started in the ERP context, from the level of the process designer or from the level of the task inbox. To start a process, it is necessary to select the [Run] button and select process from a drop-down list […]

Working with tasks

Tasks and information received by the task inbox during the work remind of e-mail messages, however they offer much more possibilities related to the integration with the Comarch ERP Standard System. Each task is defined in the process editor with the use of Send Decision and Send Information activities. The […]


In the group, there are activities allowing for executing of operations on directories defined as groups of key-value pairs. Before adding an activity from that group, it is necessary to specify key and value type. Update Or Add To Directory Allows for adding values for a specific key to a […]


This group contains activities which make it possible to assign values to variables or to execute methods. Delay Process The activity allows for stopping a process for a time specified in the property window. Such process remains with active status, which means that it is not possible to execute another […]

SQL Activities

SQL Activities category contains categories executing operations directly on a database.   Create Row Adapter The activity is used for creating SqlRecordAdapter object from IDataReader object, which allows for an easier analysis of an SQL query results. Suppress Transaction Scope After using this activity, all operations within it are executed beyond […]

Task Inbox

Tab Task Inbox contains three activities Create Hyperlink With the use of this activity, it is possible to create a hyperlink to a business object which can be used later, e.g., when sending information to the user. From the level of the task inbox, with the use of that reference, […]

Good practices

Below, there is a list of good practices, that lis suggesions, thanks to which the work with processes can turn out easier and processes more effective. Readibility Using flowchart as a main avctivity It is neccessary to group activities with the use of the activity Sequence/Flowchart activities with the same […]

Loggin in to the Task Inbox

Task Inbox is a tool integrated with the Comarch ERP Standard system by means of which an employee can control whole BPM process flow (within possessed authorizations) and receive information regarding execution of processes. The Task Inbox can be opened in two ways: with the use of a button available […]