The possibility of defining many price lists valid at the same time allows for handling prices depending on a customer/vendor, currently applicable promotions or a center in which a transaction takes place.
A price for an item is fixed during its addition to a document and the change of:
date on a document
main customer/vendor on a document
center on behalf of which a document is being issued (field Owner on a document form)
item code on a document
feature of an added item (only when changing a feature for which parameter Price List has been checked on an item form)
price type
quantity (in case of using threshold price lists)
Regardless of transaction type, when fixing a price, only those price types are taken into account, which are simultaneously available for:
center in which a document is being issued (logged-in center)
center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner)
operator group to which a currently logged-in operator belongs and which is available in a logged-in center
In case of retrieving prices for set components with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document, the system first searches for price for set components. If it does not find such a price list, it searches for prices of items which belong to the set.
In case there are several price lists which fulfill described criteria, a price on a document is always retrieved from the most current price list, that is in which:
date Effective Until is the closest to the date of issue of a document or
activation date for a given item is the closest to the date of issue of a document [/alert]
[Alert]If an operator group has permission Modification of confirmed price list granted, an operator logged-in within such a group can freely edit prices in a price list. However, if he/she modifies prices or a threshold in an active price list, then activation date for individual items can be later the activation (confirmation) date of the whole price list. [/alert]
If no price type fulfills all the above-mentioned criteria, the system sets:
price type – default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued
price on documents for received items equal 0
price in documents for released items:
retrieved from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of a price type which includes an item with the same item, price unit and features as the ones of a document item
if it does not find any price list with such an item and an additional unit of measure has been selected on a document item, it retrieves a price from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of that price type and containing an item with the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure of that item. Additionally, it recalculates this price to a price for an additional unit according to the unit conversion calculator defined on an item form
if it does not find any price list containing the right item, it sets the price 0
An exception to these rules constitutes the operation of copying documents. In this case a price type and a price are always transferred directly from the source document, even if an operator who is copying a document does not have access to price types present in the source document. However, if an operator changes a price in the source document, it will not be possible to set again a price type to which he/she does not have access.
To fix price of a document item, the system uses only active price lists and price list whose date Effective until has not yet exceeded.
Threshold price lists
A threshold price list allows for defining prices for items on the basis of defined quantity thresholds.
In each moment of work with a price list it is possible to check/uncheck parameter Threshold price list. The modification of the parameter is possible for a price list which is:
active – if an operator currently logged-in belongs to an operator group with permissions Modification of confirmed price list granted.
In a threshold price list, for each item, a base threshold is added automatically – column Quantity From contains value 0,0001. The first threshold is not subject to edition, that is its value in the column Quantity from cannot be changed and the threshold cannot be deleted. All the other thresholds added by a user can be freely modified and deleted, but the quantity in a given threshold cannot be higher than the quantity a subsequent threshold.
Threshold price list form
In case of changing a price list from:
Regular (not threshold) to threshold – (checking parameter Threshold) the system deletes sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document from the price list and the section Price List by Features is removed. The base threshold 0,0001 is added to all items in the price list.
Threshold to regular – (unchecking the parameter Threshold price list) the system displays an appropriate message regarding deletion of thresholds. At this moment, a user can decide whether to continue and delete thresholds or to not change a threshold price list into regular one. When performing such a change, the price for item from, that is 0,0001, will remain.
Deleting an item from a price list is tantamount to deleting all thresholds defined for it.
Change history in a price list
Change history of a price list is available in tab Change History on price list form. It presents changes regarding:
Price List – subtab containing basic information raging changes in a price list, such as status change.
Items – subtab presenting detailed data regarding modifications of individual price list items.
The subtab Items in change history is presented if parameter History Incrementally for object Price List – Items is checked in history configuration.
Tab Change History for price list items
Diferentiating prices by lots
In order to be able to define prices by lots, it is necessary to indicate which features assinged to an item should be involved inf differentiating of prices. From the level of item form tab Parameters → subtab Features, a user should check parameter Price List for selected features.
Checking features differentating prices of a given item
Only features affecting lots (parameter Affects lot checked) can be checked as the ones differentiating price (parameter Price List checked).
In a price list, it is possible to define prices only for these feature values which have been assigned to an item and make part of at least one lot visible in tab Parameters -> Codes. According to these features, the system will create in the price list a matrix and will consider them the only possible variants for the price specification. The process of creating a lot and associating it with a barcode is described in article Defining item.
[Alert]Section Price List by Features is not available for items of Set type. [/alert]
The matrix of features in a price list is created on the basis of the settings and data contained in a document form, available at the moment of creating the price list. If a list of features affecting a lot or a list of lots in the tab Barcodes has been modified after adding an item to a price list, such changes are not included in the price list. In order to update data, it is necessary to delete such an item from the price list and add it once again.
Tab Items in a price list with section Set Elements
A feature value in a matrix can take an “empty” value. Such a situation occurs when among lots available in the tab Barcodes there is a lot for which there are not any feature values with parameter Price List marked.
When the function of hiding purchase prices for price lists for received items is activated, the columns Price from Price List, Subtotal Price, Total Price and Margin % are hidden. In the feature matrix, the cells of the section Price Lists by Features are empty.
Item BZKD has assigned features: Color, Size and Expiration Date. Features Color and Size have parameter Price List checked. The following lots are included in the tab Barcodes:
Values for features Color and Size only are included in the matrix of features. As a result, the system creates also a cell with empty value for the feature Size. It is as follows:
Given that the parameter Price List for features on item form can be freely checked and unchecked, a situation in which originally its parameter Price List (on item form) was checked and an appropriate price list had been created but later the parameter got unchecked, may occur. In such a case, the system still includes such a feature in the matrix of that price list.
On item form of item A, Operator_1 has checked parameter Price List for features Color and Size. In the tab Barcodes, there are three lots of the item: white/L, black/M, white/S.
In the next step, Operator_1 creates a price list and adds price for item A with features: color – white, size – L to it.
Then Operator_2 unchecks the parameter Price List for the feature Color on the item A form.
Nevertheless, the system still will be including the feature Color in the feature matrix off the price list.
Deleting an item from the table Items results in deleting of items from the section Prices by Features which refer to that item of the price list.
Differentiating prices by unit of measure
In a price list, it is necessary to differentiate prices for each unit assigned to an item. If a given price list contains items with all units of measure of a given item, the system will no allow to add such an item to the price list again.
When adding an item to a price list the system suggests automatically:
basic unit – if no price for this item unit has been added to the price list yet (it concerns also a case when the price list contains a price for an additional unit)
additional unit – if the price list already contains an item in a basic unit
If a given price list should contain prices for several item untis, it is necessary to add such an item to a price list as many times as necessary and select an appropriate unit. The possibility of defining price for different item units is available also for the price list by features.
Item A has three units of measure – piece, kg, pack. Additionally, the item A has feature Color – white and black which affects the price list. In such a case, the item A can be added to the price list three times – each item with different unit. Besides, each of those three item features has its own feature matrix, so-called price list by features. As a result:
for the item with item A and unit piece a feature matrix will be created where prices defined for black and white color will be available only for piece unit
for the item with item A and unit kg a feature matrix will be created where prices defined for black and white color will be available only for kg unit.
To calculate prices of items in a price list, an operator can use one of calculation methods available from the level of a price list form, in a drop-down list, next to field Basis for Calculation.
As a basis for calculation, an operator can indicate:
After selecting a calculation method, the operation of calculating prices is activated by an operator with the use of button [Calculate Price List] available on the ribbon. For some calculation methods, before performing calculation, an operator must individually add items to a price list. In other cases, items are loaded autmatically from a file or from another price list during the process of calculation.
Price list calculation must be activated each time by an operator. [/alert] In the case of calculation methods such as The highest/Last purchase price and Other price list, receiving a PI document does not result in an automatic update of prices in a price list.
After performing a calculation, an operator still has a possibility of changing some parameter directly on price list items, e.g. he/she can change percentage margin vlue in column Margin % or value of the multiplier in column Multiplier, which results in an automatic calculation of subtotal and total price according to the changed value. However, it is necessary to remember that if an operator activates calculation again, the system will calculate a price on the basis of the margin or the multiplier defined in fields above the list of items in a price list.
Basis for Calculation – None
In this method, prices for items are not calculated automatically. An operator has to add items to a price lists and enter prices and thresholds for each item.
Basis for Calculation – The highest purchase price/Last purchase price
After selecting one of these calculation methods, purchase price is determined individually for each price list item. The calculation is based on all confirmed PI documents within the company indicated in a calculation heade which contain a document item with the same item, unit and features as those of the price list item being calculated. In the case of:
The highest purchase price – the highest (after conversion to the system currency of an indicated company) purchase price gor a given price list item is selected
Last purchase price – a price from a document with the latest date of receipt, expressed in the document currency for a given price list item, is selected. If in a price list, for a given item, a different currency has been selected, then, after the calculation, the system changes it to the same currency as the currency of the document from which the price was retrieved. In case there are many PI documents with the same erlies date of release, the price is taken from a document which was created as the last one (its ID in the databse is higher).
Methods of calculation The highest/Last purchase price are available only for price lists created on the basis of price for released items. For these methods, first, an operator must individually add items to a price list.
The highest purchase price
Company – list which can be dropped down when editing a price list from the level of a parent company. In this field, an operator can indicate a company whose documents should be taken into consideration during the calculation. From among them, the system selects the highest (after calculating to the system currency of an indicated company) purchase price for a given price list item and performs calculation for all companies, taking margin into account.
Margin – allows for defining value of percentage margin which will be used to calculate prices of items added to a current price list.
In the case of threshold price list, selecting The highest/Last purchase price requires deletion of all defined thresholds. After confirming it, the price is retrieved for the first default threshold 0,0001.
Basis for Calculation – Other price list
The basis for calculation Other price list allows for creating price lists based on another base price list. After selecting this option, additional fields are available:
Price List Name – button which opens the list of all defined price lists (both for released and received items) from which an operator can select a price list which will be the base for further calculations. If for a threshold price list, as a price list on the basis of which the calculation is performed, is selected:
Regular (not threshold) – after an operator decides to perform calculation, all thresholds defined so far for an item will be deleted. After confirming it, the price is retrieved for the first default threshold 0,0001. In case a given item is not found in a given price list, thresholds along with prices for this item will be saved.
threshold – after calculating a price list, thresholds in the base price list will be deleted and replaced with new thresholds and pries from a price list on the basiss of which the calculation was performed.
Regular price/Calculated price – allows for specifying which prices should be included in calculation. A user can select one of two options:
Regular Subtotal Price/Subtotal Calculated Price – the subtotal price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a subtotal price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Total Price/Total Calculated Price – the total price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a total price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Subtotal Price/Total Calculated Price – the subtotal price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a total price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Total Price/Subtotal Calculated Price – the total price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a subtotal price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Multiplier/Divisor – defines value by which the price from the base price list (price list which is a base for calculation) should be multiplied/divided
Items from Price List – the value of this parameter decided whether all items loaded from the base price list should be added to the currently created price list. If it is unchecked, an operator has to add manually the items for which the calculation is to be done. Depending on the setting of the parameter, after selecting calculation, the system:
retrieves items from the base price list and determines their new price by multipling their current price by a multiplier
finds items added to the currently calculated price list in the base price list and calculates new price only for those items which have been found in the base price list. The other items retain the price from before the calculation.
Basis for Calculation – Import from file
An operator can update a price list on the basis of a previously prepared file. After selecting the calculation Other pirce list, an additional field allowing for indicating file path appears:
A loaded price list file has to be saved in *.xls or *.xlsx. format Its rows should contain values for the following parameters, respectively:
Item Code
Time of Delivery – number of days defining time of delivery of an item/lot
Currency– currency in which the price of an item/lot is expressed
If a currency is not specified or a specified currency is not found in the system, the system will set the system currency in the price list. [/hint] In the case when various currencies have been assigned to the loaded file, for the same item and unit, but different lots, the system will set the currency for this item and unit in the price list from the first line found for this item and unit and will ignore the other currencies assigned to the next lots of this item defined in this unit of measure.
Lot Code – own lot code, defined on the item form, on the Parameters → Barcodes tab
The first row in a file is used only for inserting titles of price list columns and is not taken in consideration.
Example of a price list to be imported from a file
Import Method – an operator can select one of the following options from a drop-down list:
Update items from price list and add new items (default option) – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared. If an item with the same code is found, its data will be updated. If an item is not identified, a new item will be added to the price list.
Update items from price list – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared, if an item is identified in the price list, its data will be updated. If an item is not recognized, it is ifgnored and import of another item with the same code starts.
Update items from price list and add new items – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared, if an item is not recognized, a new entry will be added to the price list. Whereas, if an item with the same code is found, its data is updated and the item is skipped.
Updated Price – allows for specifying the prices on the basis of which the calculation will be performed
Defining price lists
In order to define new price list, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which is available above the list of price lists.
A price list form is composed of a header and the following tabs: Items, Attributes and Attachments
New price list form
Name – field allowing for entering name used for descibing an object. It is possible to add two or more price lists with the same name to the database.
Price Type – allows for selecting price type from a drop-down list containing elements defined in generic directory Price types. The price list will be created on the basis of selected price type.
Price on Documents – specifies whether a price from the price list is:
Subject to item discounts – option available for price list for released items only. It means that prices included in such a price list can be reduced as a result of calculating item discounts on a document.
Not subject to item discounts – it means that prices retrieved from such a price list canot be reducet as a result of item discount, except for the discount Header Percentage Discount
Active – checking this parameter determines the possibility of using a price list during work
Threshold Price List – allows for differentiating prices in reference to defined thresholds
Status – defines price list status:
Created – its prices can be modified and the price list itself is not taken into account when selecting price on a document. It can be used for creating another price list on its basis.
Confirmed – is taken into account when selecting price on a document. A price list takes Confirmed status after:
activating it with the use of button [Activate Price List]
selecting parameter Active and saving changes
Deactivated – a price list is not taken into account when selecting price on a document. Deactivation of a price list is done with the use of button [Deactivate Price List] or by unchecking parameter Active and saving changes. A deactivated price list can be used for defining new price lists on its basis, but also modified and activated again.
Effective From – indicates a date from which a given price list is valid. At the same it is the date of the end of validity of the previous price list created on the basis of the same price type, if there are the same items in both price lists.
In the system two price lists for the same price type Wholesale have been defined:
Spring 2019 Price List – includes prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40, effective from D1 date, e.g. 22 March 2019
Fall 2019 Price List – includes prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40 effective from D1 date + 6 months, e.g. September 22, 2019
For a document issued with the date between D1 and D1 + 6 months, i.e. between 22 March 2019 and 22 September 2019 prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40 will be retrieved from Spring 2019 Price List. For all documents issued after the date D1 + 6 months, e.g. with the date of 1 October 2010, prices for items BL001BLU36 and BL001BLU40 will be retrieved from Fall 2015 Price List., whereas for item BL001BLU38, the prices will be still retrieved from Spring 2019 Price List.
Effective Until – after selecting this parameter, a user can define a date until which a given price list is valid. This field is not subject to edition on an active price list.
[Alert]When retrieving a price onto a document, the system verifies whether a price list is still valid – in case its validity date is expired, such a price list is not taken into consideration. [/alert]
Calculation Date – field not editable, it shows the date of the recent calculation
Activation Date – field available only for active price lists, indicates their activation date
Basis for Calculation – allows for selecting one of available calculation methods
Permissions relating to price lists
The possibility of handling and modifying prices depends on permissions granted to operator groups from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → tab Other Permissions, such as:
Modification of confirmed price list
Modification of regular price
Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0
Modification of confirmed price list
After selecting this parameter, a logged-in operator who belongs to such an operator group, can modify an active price list from the level of:
tab Sales/Purchase → Price Lists, in price list header
tab Sales/Purchase → Price Lists, in tab Items
item form, tab General – for all available ones
Even if the parameter Modification of confirmed price list is checked, it is not possible to delete items from an active price list.
Modification of regular price
This permission allows a user to edit regular price (retrieved from a price list) in documents until a document is confirmed. However, only those items are subject to modification of regular price, whose price was retrieved from a price list created on the basis of price type to which a given operator has access. Otherwise, it is not available for edition – for example in case an operator edits a document issued by another operator.
An additional restriction regarding modifying regular price in a document is the paramete Check minumum and maximum regular price in documents. It is available from the level of System -> Configuration -> Trade After selecting the parameter the system controls whether an operator does not have entered a regular price exceeding price range defined on the basis of the most up-to-date price lists for a given item, created on the basis of price types associated with logged-in operator group and available both in the center issuing document and the center being a document owner.
The parameter Check minimum and maximum regular price in documents has been checked in the system and an operator group CA_Trade has the permission Modification of regular price.
New price types have been defined: PT1, PT2, PT3
Operator groups available in the system: b2_admin, b2_default, CA_Trade.
Price types are assigned to operator groups in the following way:
PT1 – b2_admin, CA_Trade
PT2 – b2_admin, CA_Trade
PT3 – b2_admin
PT4 – b2_default
In the center Company, all price types as well as operator groups b2_admin and b2_default are available.
In the center NYC, subsidiary to the center Company, the following price types are available: PT1, PT2, PT3 and operator group CA_Trade.
Document Date of Issue is 03/12/2013
The following price lists have been created on the basis of price types:
Price List Name
Price Type Name
Effective From
Item Price
Price List_1
20 USD
Price List_2
90 USD
Price List_3
120 USD
Price List_4
Price List_5
99 USD
An operator that belongs to CA_TRADE logs into the center TRADE CA/FOOD
While adding a document and modifying the price list, the system will select the most up-to date price lists for a given price type (date Effective From is the closest to the document date of issue) and price lists available for a currently logged-in group. On their basis, the system will set the price range that cannot be exceeded
Price List Name
Price Type Name
Effective From
Item Price
Reason for Rejection
Price List_1
20 USD
Price List_2 has been created on the basis of the same price type and is more up to date.
Price List_2
90 USD
Price List_3
120 USD
Price List_4
No access to the price type of an operator
Price List_5
99 USD
No access to the price type of an operator and a center
In the described case, the system will not allow a user to set a regular price beyond the allowed price range: minimum – 90 USD, maximum – 120 USD.
Modification of regular price is not available in corrections.
Regular price is not checked in documents:
which were previously saved, if no item on which regular price was changed, is edited
If a document is saved with changed regular price by one operator, and then another operator logs in and the set regular price exceeds his/her minimum and maximum price range, then, if he/her does not edit that item, it will not be possible to save and confirm the document.
Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0
This permission is available for edition only if the parameter Modification of regular price is checked for a selected operator group. Unchecking the parameter for a given operator group automatically unchecks the parameter Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0.
If initial price in a document (SI, R, SO, SQ, SOR, PI, PO, PQ, POR) equals 0, then, if the parameter is checked, the system does not allow to change discounted price from the level of:
list of EIP items in a document – fields in column Price and Value Subtotal/Total are grayed out
details of and item in a document – fields Price, Value and Margin are grayed out (both in the tab General and Calculation)
pack details in documents for received items (as above)
Only when regular price is changed, the fields with Price, Subtotal/Total Value and Margin are activated and available for edition.
Introduction to price lists
Each price list is created on the basis of one, selected price type. However, on the basis of one price type it is possible to create any number of price lists.
Price lists are available from the level of:
Configuration -> Trade/Warehouse → Price Lists
Sales → Price Lists (price lists for released items)
Purchase → Price Lists (price lists for received items)
The availability of price lists in a given company/center is determined by assigning price types to an appropriate subsidiary in the company structure. If selected price type is available in a given company or center, then all price lists created on its basis are available in that unit.
More than one price list can be active for the same price type and the same article at the same time.
It is possible to define two types of price lists:
Regular – allows for defining prices for items and lots, services, sets and set elements with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked.
Threshold – allows for differentiation of item price by sold/purchased quantity of a given item. In the price list, it is possible to define prices for items, services and sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked on item form, without possibility of adding prices for item features.
In the list of price lists, there are two predefined regular price lists:
Retail Price List
Purchase Price List
List of price lists
Coupon-based promotions
Coupons allow for calculating a percentage or value discount for purchased items by using an appropriate code.
In Comarch ERP Standard, a user can only define discount coupons which are later synchronized to Comarch POS where they can be used on a document.
Definition of coupons
From the level of the tab Sales →Coupons, a user can add and verify coupons existing in the system. The list contains basic information about coupon-based promotion, such as:
Name – field presenting name of a given coupon-based promotion, it is not a unique value
Active – information regarding activity of a given coupon
Effective From – indicates a date from which a given coupon is valid
Effective To – indicates a date to which a given coupon is valid
Calculated Discount – name of discount associated with a coupon
Discount Type – type of discount associated with a coupon
Schedule-Limited – informs whether coupon-based discount is associated with a schedule
In order to add new coupon, it is necessary to click on button [Add] placed over the list.
The following fields and parameters should be completed on the form:
Name – obligatory field, allows for entering any character (letters and/or numbers) sequence corresponding to the name of the object, it is not a unique value
Symbol – alphanumeric code on the basis of which a discount code is defined If in the field Symbol value DISCOUNT is entered, then field Code for a new discount code is automatically completed with the same value. After adding subsequent discount code, the following value will be set: DISCOUNT1
Numbering Scheme (Configuration Tool) – non-mandatory field After selecting button […] a list of configuration tools appears, limited to configuration tools based on the object Coupon. Only active configuration tool can be set as numbering scheme. On its basis a discount code in the field Code is created.
Discount – this field allows for associating an item discount (for which, in its definition, the parameter Coupon-based promotion is checked) and a header discount on transaction value with a coupon (discount name is displayed)
Discount Type – indicates the type of discount associated with a coupon (type retrieved from details of the associated discount)
Customer in Document – value in this field can be selected only after discount is first associated with a coupon. Defined value determines whether a discount code can be used in a document. Depending on associate discount type, the following options are available:
Non-mandatory – the system does not control the consistency of customers between a document and a customer associated with a discount code.
Mandatory – a discount code cannot be added to a document in which an Undefined customer has been selected.
Mandatory and consistent with discount code – the system controls consistency of customers between a document and a customer associated with a discount code.
Code usage limit – checking this parameter allows for specifying how many times a given discount code can be used in a document. Moreover, a user should define the nature of a discount with the following options:
Global – it can be used a specified number of times in the entire system
Center – it can be used a specified number of times in particular centers
Customer – it can be used a specified number of times for a given customer
Effective From – indicates a date from which a given coupon is valid
Effective To – indicates a date to which a given coupon is valid
Schedule-limited – parameter not available for editing, it is automatically checked upon attaching a schedule to a coupon.
Do not use other coupons – checking this parameter blocks the possibility of adding several discount codes to a document.
Tab Discount Codes
In subtab Codes, a user can define a new discount code which is automatically associated with a currently edited coupon. To add a new discount code, it is necessary to select [Add] button.
Selecting the button [Add] adds a new row to the list, where the basic data regarding created discount code will be displayed:
Code – mandatory field, code assigned automatically on the basis of an associated configuration tool or, if it does not exist, on the basis of the Symbol field. This field should contain a unique value in reference to defined codes with Inactive and Active status.
Valid From – the value of this field is retrieved from the definition of a discount, with a possibility of changing it. The date cannot be earlier than the date indicated in the coupon definition.
Valid To – the value of this field is retrieved from the definition of a discount, with a possibility of changing it. The date cannot be later than the date indicated in the coupon definition.
Status – discount code status. By default, it is set to Inactive, with the possibility of changing it to: Active – a coupon can be used in a document, Blocked – blocks the possibility of using it in a document.
Customer/Customer Group Code – field allowing for associating a customer/customer group with a discount code. In case, when adding a new discount code, one of the following options has been selected: for Group/for Customer in selected group/for Customer, the field is completed automatically, with the possibility of changing it.
Customer/Customer Group Name – field provided for information purposes, displays name of the associated customer/customer group
Source – indicates method of creating a discount code. In case a code was added manually or imported from file, the following option is set: Added manually. If a discount code was generated on the basis of a document, the number of that document is presented.
Note – in this field it is possible to enter additional notes to the added discount code
List of discount codes
If option Mandatory and consistent with discount code is selected in field Customer in Document, then it is possible to add discount codes in a single batch for selected customers/customer groups (the available options of batch addition depends on discount type).
Subtab Usage Count presents basic information about documents in which a given discount code was used. It is always the firs source document in which a given discount code was used. In the path SO → SI → SOR, a sales order number is only presented.
In tab Centers, a user indicates organizational units of a company which can grant a given discount. It is possible to attach here only centers of e-Shop type or a center attached to a POS workstation.
In tab Schedules it is possible to attach a previously defined schedule to a given discount.
It is possible to attach here only centers of e-Shop type or a center attached to a point of sale.
Promotion Terms – field allowing for introducing additional description of a promotion
Discount structure
Discount structure is a tool which enables user to verify discounts calculated on a document item and at the same time the final item price on an item of a document for released items.
Apart from the standard discounts, the value or the price of an item (and thereby a discount) can change as a result of:
minimum margin control
control: quantity * price = value (difference resulting from rounding)
Additionally, the following factors affect the method of discount calculation:
setting of the method of combining discount in discount definition – Add or Multiply
parameter Discount on Price parameter on item form
VAT direction in a document
Discount structure window
The structure of granted discount is available for documents: SI, R, SOR, SO and SQ. It is available in the form of an additional window opened from the level of a document or as an expanded section from the level of a document item form (tab Calculation) It presents detailed list of calculated discounts for a currently selected item. The order of discounts on the list is compliant with the sequence of their calculation on an item.
A user can change item selection without closing a window with discount structure.
The preview of an item structure depends on permission Access to discount structure in operator group. For users who do not have permission Access to discount structure granted, structure preview is not available.
Influence of the parameter Control: Quantity * price = value and Minimum margin control
If item value does not change after control: quantity*price=value, but total discount in discount structure changes – no entry is added.
If item value changes after control: quantity*price=value, the system registers such a change in the discount structure.
If an item is modified after minimum margin control, the system also adds an appropriate entry in the discount structure.
Flexible bundle
With the use of a flexible bundle, a user can determine deductions for items in case their sales volume acheives a specified threshold (value or quantity).
For each global threshold it is possible to define different discount conditions for selected items and add a freebie if bundle threshold is satisfied.
Flexible bundle thresholds
Flexible bundle is defined the same way as fixed bundle. In case of this type of promotion, in the tab Items, there is an additional section Threshold which allows for defiining quantity and value thresholds (so-called global thresolds) regarding the enitre promotion.
Section Thresholds on flexible bundle form
A column Threshold Type is available in section Items. Value defined in this field at the level of promotion items can be different from the global threshold. In this case, for a bundle to be calculated, a document must satisfy both all the specified thresholds at the item level, as well as global threshold defined for entire promotion.
In order to be able to save a flexible bundle, it must satisfy the same conditions as in the case of fixed bundle. Additionally, the system verifies whether the minimum item quantity/value defined in the threshold is not lower than the total of minumum item quantities/values specified for promotion items (section Items). In such a case, an appropriate message informing abount inconsistency of defined thresholds is displyed.
In the case of flexible bundle promotions, it is important to complete:
Values of global thresholds – section Thresholds
Values of thresholds on individual items – column Threshold Value (that is, item quantity which must be added to a document)
Adding freebies to selected thresholds
The following bundle has been defined:
Depending on document value, the system applies:
First threshold – if to a document:
is added any item a1, a2, a3 with a value of 2000 USD at least
is added combination of items a1, a2, a3 and their total value is 2000 USD
is added item a4
Calculated discount updates the value of the item a4 to 0 USD
Since items a1, a2, a3 have threshold value defined as 0, adding all three items to a document is not required in order to fulfill the bundle. It means that the bundle will be calculated even after adding one of the items if it fulfills requirements of threshold value.
Second threshold – analogical case, after exceeding the value of 3000 USD, item a5 will be updated as a freebie.
Fixed bundle
Fixed bundle is a promotion which is calculated only in case if all items defined as bundle elements are added to a document in a specified quantity or in a quantity being multiplication of it.
The following fields of the header of this discount are different compared to other item discounts:
Define Sort of Discount – depending on selected option, it allows for defining discount:
for particular bundle items – On item/freebie form
for an entire bundle, dividing a discount proportionally to all items – In discount header
Discounts with selected option In discount header are not calculated on documents issued in Comarch ERP Standard.
After selecting In document header option:
field Calculate Discount On is presented, which allow for specifying whether a discount is to be calculated on:
Basic Items, which results in hiding sections On item/freebies
Additional Items/Freebies – after selecting this options items added in section Items constitute discount conditions. If these conditions are fulfilled, a discount on items added in section Additional items/Freebies is calculated.
Items selected in section Additional Items/Freebies have parameter Required checked automatically.
field Distribute Discount To Bundle Items assumes the value Proportionally (without the possibility of changing it)
field Sort of Discount becomes available in discount header. It allows for selecting one of the following discount sorts:
Package Fixed Price Subtotal – (option available only for fixed bundles), allows for defining final subtotal value of a bundle
Package Fixed Price total – (option available only for fixed bundles) allows for defining final value of a bundle
Currency – allows for defining currency of a given discount
Tab Items on fixed bundle form
The tab Items is divided into two sections:
Added Items/Freebies (available when option Define Sort of Discount: On item/freebie form is selected)
After selecting items or item group, a user should define:
Sort of Discount – drop-down list with the following options:
Percentage Discount
Fixed Price Subtotal
Fixed Price Total
Quantity – required quantity of items which must be added to a document for a promotion to be calculated. In case of adding greater quantity of item than indicated in this column, document items are divided into quantity resulting from the promotion and quantity not subject to the promotion.
Minimum Item Quantity – field available for modifying only for a row regarding item group, defines the minimum quantity of different items from a given item group which must be added in order to be able to calculate a discount on a document.
UOM – unit of measure of an item for which a given discount is to be valid
Classification (column hidden by default) – field filled in only for a row regarding item group. It displays classification do which belongs a given group.
Additionally, in the section Added Items/Freebies, the following column is available:
Include header discounts – column available after selecting parameter Include header discounts. Allows for selecting method of distributing discount to bundle items
Value of the parameter Include header discounts
Method of distributing discount to items
Method of calculating discount
Successive discounts are not calculated on an item marked as freebie.
Successive discounts may be calculated on a freebie according to their definition; order and priorities.
checked (without the possibility of unchecking it)
Successive discounts may be calculated on a freebie according to their definition; order and priorities.
For the setting Distribute Discount To Bundle Items: Proportionally discounts are also calculated on items with discount Fixed Price calculated.
A fixed bundle with a proportional distribution of discounts to item Buy purse and an accessory – pay only for the purse.
The following items are added to invoice:
1 pcs of item BAG002NAVONE – regular price 100 USD
1 pcs of item EAR200 – regular price 90 USD
A discount corresponding to the value of the item EAR200 is distributed according to the definition, that is proportionally to all document items. As a result, discounted prices of the items are as follows:
BAG002NAVONE – discounted price: 52.63 USD
EAR200 – discounted price: 47.37 USD
Additionally, in section Additional items/Freebies, the following column is available:
Required – parameter allowing for marking an item as a freebie required for a bundle discount to be calculated.
In case at least one freebie has been marked as required on the list, the system, in order to calculate a bundle discounts, verifies whether at least one freebie occurs in the list of document items.
If none of freebies is marked as required, the system calculates discounts even if freebee is not included in a document.
Least Expensive – option available in case of selecting a group of items in the section Freebies. Its selection determines calculation of a discount for an item with the lowest price/value.
Most Expensive – option available in case of selecting a group of items in section Freebies. Its selection determines calculation of a discount for an item with the highest price/value.
In order to save a fixed bundle, it is necessary to:
add at least one basic item
define quantity for all added items in the list Items and Added Items/Freebies
attach a customer
define center
Bundle promotion of Fixed Bundle type has been defined.
The following items are added to the document: 500300047 quantity 3 pcs and 500300050 quantity 2 pcs
Upon calculating the promotion, discounts in the document are as follows:
500300047 2 pcs 10%
500300050 1 pc 1 USD
500300047 1 pcs – without discount
500300050 1szt. – without discount
In case of purchasing 4 pcs of item T1 and 2 pcs of item T2, total quantity of items would constitute multiplication of value from Minimum Item Quantity field defined in the discount, so a user could be granted the discount and 2 freebies (as that would be equivalent to two bundles).
Bundle promotions
Bundle promotions are used in order to increase sales of in low demand with those which are most frequently purchased. With the use of “bundles” a user can define a promotion in which, for example, a purchaser, upon purchasing an item from specific group, receives a freebie. Combining bundle promotions with header discounts allows for maximum increase of sales of the whole assortment.
It is possible to define two types of bundle promotions:
fixed bundle
flexible bundle
On their basis it possible to define promotions such as:
a customer receives a freebee when purchasing any item/items from the list
a customer is granted discount on particular items when purchasing specific quantity of items
a customer is granted discount on particular items when purchasing items of specific value
a customer is granted both discount on particular items and receives a freebee upon satisfying specific promotion conditions
If a bundle promotion is defined for whole item groups, their list is limited to those
groups only, which belong to a classification category with selected parameter Assign items multiple times
to item groups.
Calculation bundles in a document
In definitions of SQ, SO, Sor, SI andR is available parameter Handle bundle promotions which specifies method of calculating discounts: A user can select one of two options:
Automatically when adding items – upon selecting this option, bundle discounts are calculated when adding items to a document
Manually – bundle discounts are calculated only after clicking on the button [Bundle Promotions]
When in document definition (SQ, SO, SOR, SI, R) the parameter Handle bundle promotions is unchecked, on a given document type, the system:
does not verify assignment of items to a bundle when document items are added
does not calculate discounts when confirming or modifying data in a document
In the column N., bundle promotions are marked with icons informing about:
– an item for which there are bundle promotions defined
– fulfilling all conditions defined in the definition of discounts and calculating a bundle discount
In case bundle discounts are calculated manually, after selecting the button [Bundle Discounts], a user can select one of the following options:
Calculate discounts – bundle discounts are calculated in accordance with conditions defined for each bundle.
Delete Discount – allows for deleting a discount from a document This option is active if in a document there is a bundle discount calculated.
Combining bundle promotions and header discount
If bundle promotions have been calculated on a document, then header discounts are calculated on items which:
are not included in bundle discount
are included in a bundle promotion with parameter Include header discount checked and are not marked as freebies
User and document header discounts
User discounts are the discounts granted by an operator when a sales document is being issued. On the same document, an operator cannot grant a discount higher than the discount which has been assigned to him/her in the system.
A list of the users, along with the maximum discount value assigned to them, is available from the level of the tab Sales →(Discounts) → User Discounts.
User discounts can be expressed in percentage or value (amount) form and they are calculated:
by granting a discount on a specified document item (manual change of prace, discount or value of an item on document item; hereinfafter referred to as a user discount)
to the whole document, the so-called document header discount
Before defining a discount, it is necessary to create an account for a specified user (Configuration → Company Structure → Operators) and assign an employee that account. Them, from the level of the tab Sales → (Discounts) User Discounts, define the maximum amount of a discount that can be granted by the user.
User discount and header value discount are always calculated by adding (they sum up).
Header discounts are available on SI, R, SOR, SO and SQ.
Header percentage discount
The percentage header discount is defined on the discount list as the only one from the user discounts (Sales → Discounts). However, its definition is subject to minor modifiactions – a user can change its name and a method of combining with other discounts.
A percentage discount can be granted both before adding items to a document and after it. Depending on the settings of the method of conbining with other discounts on the the definition of a deader percentage discount, such a discount:
reduces the value of an item after discount by the header percentage discount and after reducing the value, recalculates the price and the effective item discount – option Multiply
An item discount Customer discount on item has been defined in the system – items LAC001 and K00020, customer Shoes4You, discount value 4%. Price of items LAC001– 10 USD, K00020– 20 USD. In the definition of the discount header, the parameter resposible for the method of combining with other discounts is set on value Multiply.
1. An invoice for the customer Shoes4You has been issued. VAT direction on a document is calculated form subtotal, whereas discounts are calculated from a price.
2. A discount of 2% (0.0200) has been entered in the document header
3. While adding the item LAC001 (quantity 1 pcs), item discounts of this item are calculated as first
LAC001: 1* (10 USD * (1 – 4%)) = 9.6 USD
4. Then the header percentage discount of 2% is calculated
LAC001: 1* (9.6 USD * (1 – 2%)) = 9.41 USD
5. Item value LAC001 after discounts, amounts to 9.41 USD
adds the header discount to the item discount and will finally calculate an item price, depending on the parameter settings Discount on price – option Add
An item discount Customer discount on item has been defined in the system – items LAC001 and K00020, customer Shoes4You, discount value 4%. Price of items LAC001– 10 USD, K00020– 20 USD. In the definition of the discount header, the parameter resposible for the method of combining with other discounts is set on value Add.
1. A sales invoice is issued. VAT direction on a document is calculated form subtotal, whereas discounts are calculated from a price.
2. A discount of 2% (0.0200) has been entered in the document header
3. While adding the item LAC001 (quantity 2 pcs), item discounts of this item are calculated as first
If the header percentage discount has been granted after calculating the value discount, the system will recalculate this discount on the items in accordance with the standard order – item discounts, a user discount on item, a header percentage discount and a header value discount.
Header value discount
After entering the amount of header value discount in the document header, the system divides this amount into document items proportionally to their values.
When adding items to a document, the value discount is calculated:
only on the items which were added to the document before entering the discount
if a user enters the header percentage one morde time, then, the system recalculates all discounts for each item according to the standard order
The minimum margin control may lead to the situation that the item value cannot be reduced by the proportional part of the header percentage discount of this item. In such a case the system will try to divide this amount into the remaining items on a document.
In case of deleting an item from a document on which a header value discount was calculated, the system verifies whether the total of header value discount amounts on the other items equal to the amount specified in the header.
A user discount and a header value discount are always calculated by adding.
In the system, there are two items:
LAC001, price from a price list (regular amount) = 12.20 USD
K00020, price from a price list (regular amount) = 20.00 USD
A SI was issued for 1 unit of the item LAC001 and 1 unit of the K00020:
LAC001, 1 pack * 12.20
K00020, 1 pack * 20.00
SI document value is 32,20 USD. A header value discount was granted in the amount of 30.00 USD. Values of the items change as follows after calculating a discount:
LAC001, discount value 11.37 (93.20%), discounted price 0.83 USD
K00020, discount value 18.63 (93.15%), discounted price 1.37 USD
Next, the quantity of the LAC001 was decreased on the document item from 1 pack to 0.5 pack. As a result, the system does change neither the discounted price (the price 0.83 USD will remain) nor the total amount of the header value discount (11.37 USD), it will just add a negative user discount to the items amounting to -5.69 USD so as to equalize the total discount to that from before the changed item quantity. This way it can be observed in the discount structure that the item was still modified after the header value discount had been calculated.
[/alert] The header discount value is calculated only on these items which have been added on a document before this discount has been set. If a user sets a header value discount on a document and then adds new items, the system does not divide this discount one more time and will not take it into account on all items added as new. [/alert]
Header discount on transaction value
Header discount on transaction value allows for calculating a discount which depends on the value of the whole document. The discount is granted to a customer if the value of the transaction reaches one of defined thresholds.
A user can only define a header discount on transaction value which, upon synchronization to Comarch POS, can be used in a document.
A step necessary defining a discount is defining the value of granted discount for at least one threshold. A user determines the value/percentage of a granted discounts, its currency and a threshold defining its effectiveness.
When creating a header discount on transaction value, apart from the standard fields available in the discount definition <<item discounts>>, a user can also define additional parameters determining the method of calculating document value:
Include items not subject to discounts – selecting this parameter allows for including into transaction value items which have parameter Subject to discounts unchecked on item form
Include bundles not subject to header discounts – selecting this parameter allows for including into transaction value bundle promotions for which the parameter Include header discounts is unchecked in discount definition
Header discount on transaction value
Discount types
Discount types are models predefined in the system; on which basis a user can define discounts with specified conditions of their calculation.
From the level of tab Sales →Discount Types, a list of all item discount and header discount types is available, where a user can determine the order of calculation of item discounts and bundle promotions.
List of discount types
Two columns are available in the list
Type – defines type of discount and indicates general criteria according to which the system calculates discount and which have to be specified in a detailed way by an operator defining a given discount.
Priority – defined on discount type, affects setting a default priority for a newly added discount which determines the order of discount calculation (a discount with the lowest priority value is calculated as first). Exceptions include header discounts (percentage and value) and bundle discounts which are always calculated as the last ones.
Item discounts include the following:
Customer discount in item – a special discount on a given item or several items is granted to a specified customer or several customers
Customer discount on item group – a discount on item from a given group/groups of items is granted to a specified customer or several customers
Customer group discount on item – a special discount on a given item or several items is granted to a specific group/groups of customers, e.g. partners of a company
Customer group discount on item group – similarly as the described above
Threshold discount on item – thresolds regarding the quantity of a purchased item/items and the amount of a discount for each threshold are defined, e.g. below 100 pcs of a given item – no discount, from 101 to 1000 pcs – 5% discount, over 1000 pcs – 7%
Customer discount on payment form – defined for specific customer/customers on a given payment form
Customer group discount on payment form – similarly as the Customer discount on payment form, but it is defined for a group/groups of customers
Bundle promotions include the following:
Fixed Bundle – applied after adding specific items (creating a bundle) to a document, only in determined quantity or its multiplication
Elastic Bundle – a global quantity or value threshold is determined after exceeding of which a discount is granted on items or groups of items indicated in a given bundle
Header discounts include the following:
Header percentage discount – type of user discount, granted by a customer directly in the header of an issued document and then divided into particular document items by the system; an operator has to earlier define if a discount is to be calculated with other discounts by adding or multiplying.
Header value discount – type of user discount, similarly as in the header percentage discount, it is defined directly in the header of an issued document and divided by the system into individual document items, proportionally to their value.
Header discount on transaction value – discount granted depending on defined value thresholds. It can be granted both in the value and percentage form. A discount defned in Comarch ERP Standard will be calculated only in transactions processed in Comarch POS.
Discounts – General information
A discount is a parameter defining a reduction in respect of a regular price. The system handles the mechanism of discount allocation in trade transactions.
On the basis of the above-mentioned discount types, a user can create discounts defining detailed conditions of their calculation.
The discounts are available form the level of tab Sales section Discounts.
The following buttons are available in Discounts button group:
Discount Types – list of predefined item discount types, bundle promotions and document header discounts for which a user can define the order of their calculation.
User discounts (including document header discouts) have calculation order determined by default and are not subject to any edition – they are always calculated as the last ones after item discoutns and bundle promotions.
User – list of system operators along with the maximum user discount granted them, that they can give to a customer when issuing a document, regardless of item discounts.
Discounts – list of item discounts and bundle promotions defined by an operator
Principles of calculating discounts in the system:
discounts are granted in document currency (if a discount is expressed in another currency, then it is recalculated into the currency of a given document at a rate binding on a given document)
depending on VAT direction in a document, a discount is calculated:
on value/subtotal price – if a document is issued on subtotal
on value/total price – if a document is issued from total
depending on the Discount on Price parameter on the item form, discounts are calculated from either a price or an item value of a document
value-based discounts (amount-based discounts) as well as user discount on items are combined with other discounts always by the Add method
the system takes into account the parameter of control: quantity*price=value
the system takes into account the minimum margin control – after calculating discounts, a price can be increased so as to fulfill the conditions of the minimum margin
order of discount calculation:
line item discounts (item discounts) according to the order defined in the list of discount types
user discount (given directly on the line item of a document)
header percentage discount
header value discount
checking the control of minimum margin and control: quantity*price=value
the value of the whole document calculated on the basis of the item value of a document
receiving and delivery report when a WM+ has not yet been generated for a WM- document, the system generates a confirmed WM+ at the moment of confirming RDR
From one WM- document it is possible to generate only one WM+ document for entire quantity of the items from the WM- documents. It is not possible to generate a WM+ for a part of items from a WM-. Moreover, if on a WM- there are packs specified, the structure of packs from the source WM- document will be maintained on the WM+. Packs created this way cannot be deleted, nor their content can be changed.
WM+ document form
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
On a generated WM+ document it is possible to modify:
date of issue
delivery method
UPC code and description of packs
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
WM- document form
Additionally, the header contains information on:
source warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM- document type in the center issuing a document is set by default. The source warehouse can be changed until the first item has been added.
target warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM+ document type in the center issuing a WM- document is set by default. As a target warehouse on a WM- document it is possible to set a warehouse which is available in:
the parent company and its child centers, on condition that parameter Dedicated for the parent company is checked on the warehouse form.
in a center of Company type and its child centers there will be warehouses attached to the given company available for selection
The system does not permit item movement within the same warehouse – source and target warehouses should be different.
On a WM- document, it is possible to define packs. The process of adding packs to a document and their handling is similar as in the case of documents for received items, including the following differences:
on the pack form, there are two fields relating to warehouses – Source Warehouse and Target Warehouse, whereas these fields are inactive and filled in with the warehouses from a document header by default
the uniqueness of UPC codes is not checked on WM+ documents
a pack value always receives a subtotal value
it is not possible to add many packs at the same time
packs can be copied to a WM- only if the quantity of resources in stock is sufficient for all the items of a pack
the value of a copied pack is calculated on the basis of the actual values of the collected resources and not on the basis of the source pack
Warehouse movements – General information
Warehouse movement documents (WM- and WM+) reflect movement of items and sets between two warehouses – a source warehouse and a target warehouse. A WM- document decreases stock levels in a source warehouse (release) and a WM+ document associated with it increases stock levels in a target warehouse (receipt)
Warehouse movement documents are placed in two separated lists:
WM- – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) → Movements
List of WM- documents
WM+ – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) Movements
List of WM+ documents
WM-/WM+ documents:
are issued in the system currency
present subtotal value
do not contain services
require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
can have a customer/vendor or an employee indicated
do not allow for releasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
retrieve item value from a resource without possibility of changing it
A WM- is a source document, whereas a WM+ is a secondary document and it is created through generation from a WM-. A WM- can exist independently, whereas a WM+ is always associated with a source document that is a WM-.
Documents generated from IO
Generating WM- from IO
A WM- generated from an IO allows for releasing items from a source warehouse to a target warehouse.
It is possible to generate a WM- in a center, in which to WM- document type the warehouse being a source warehouse on a confirmed IO document is assigned.
The features selected on an item/subitem of an IO are included, with a possibility of editing them on the generated WM-. It is possible to generate many WM- documents to one IO:
the quantity in a WM- document can be decreased/increased in relation to the quantity in an IO
while generating a WM- document, the system checks the quantity which has already been “released” with other WM- generated from the IO – if WM- documents have already been generated for all items included in the order, then the system blocks generation of another WM- and displays an appropriate message; otherwise, it generates another WM- for quantity remaining to be executed on the IO
If in a WM- generated from an IO an item gets deleted and added again, the association between that item in the WM+ and the item in the IO will not be recreated.
A WM- document generated from an IO document is visible in the list of warehouse movements in the center issuing the IO and, in the centers, who own the source or the target warehouse indicated in the WM-.
Generating WM+ from IO
A WM- generated from an IO allows for releasing items from a source warehouse to a target warehouse.
It is possible to generate a WM+ to a WM- in a center, in which to WM+ document type the warehouse being a target warehouse on a confirmed target IO document is assigned.
When generating a WM+ “purchase reservations” are processed, which were generated during the first confirmation of an IO.
Except for generating a WM+ from the level of the list of IO to a document from which a WM- was previously generated, the system enables also the standard method of generating WM+, from the level of the list of WM-.
In case many WM- documents were generated from an internal order and they are not yet associated with WM+ documents, then, when trying to generate a WM+ from the level of an internal order, the system displays a list of WM- documents associated with a given IO and allows a user to decide to which WM- the WM+ should be generated.
If many WM- documents were generated from an internal order, but to all of them, except for one, WM+ documents were generated, then the system immediately generates a WM+ to that WM-.
Generating PO from IO
A PO is generated from an IO to the source warehouse specified in the IO. It allows for handling a situation when there are insufficient resources in a warehouse from which one of the centers wants to order an item.
The system allows for generation of a PO from the center in which to PO document type the warehouse being the source warehouse on an IO document is assigned and if IO status is Confirmed.
Such generation is performed according to the same rules as generation of a PO from a SO. After the system is started, it displays a generation optimization window in which a user must decide whether all items from the source IO are to be included in the PO or only those not yet executed.
When generating a PO from an IO, the system also includes the features selected for items/subitems on the IO along with a possibility of editing them on the generated PO.
Reservations on IO
On an IO, similarly as on a SO, it is possible to
associate manually resources and lots with sales subitems of an IO. Such a possibility is available from the moment of generation of sales subitems by the system, that is after the second confirmation of an IO.
These operations can be performed only for subitems of orders with Confirmed or Pending status. Moreover, there must be subitems for which unprocessed quantity is higher than zero.
Both operations can be initiated for many documents, items or items at the same time. Button [Release Resources]/[Reserve Resources] used from the level of:
list of orders – releases/reserves resources for all the items of selected orders and their unprocessed items
document form – releases/reserves resources for all unprocessed subitems of selected items
item form – releases/reserves resources for selected subitems of a given item, for unprocessed quantity
After the operation is performed the system displays a message containing detailed information on released/retrieved resources. Number of details contained in the message depends on the level from which the release/reservation has been performed.
Criteria verified during the association of resources with IO subitems:
item – consistent with the item of the subitem
warehouse – consistent with the warehouse of the subitem
date of creating a resource/lot (warehouse receipt) – not later than the current date – not applicable in the case of AVCO
features – consistent feature values of resources/lots with those of IO subitems:
if in the item of an order the value of features affecting lots was specified, the resources/lots being searched for must have the same feature value
if in the item of an order the value of features affecting lots was not specified, the resources/lots being searched for may or may not have any value assigned to the feature
The order of collecting resources/lots initiated with the button [Reserve Resources] depends on the method of queuing resources defined in the system. A user cannot indicate resources/lots with which subitems on an IO must be associated.
In the case of issuing an IO in a center in which a warehouse being the source warehouse on the IO has not been assigned to IO document type, columns Document and Source Document in subitems will not be filled out (because this center does not have permissions to that warehouse in reference to this document).
When processing an IO with a WM-, the system decreases the quantity of the IO document subitem.
In tab Deliveries in section Lots/Deliveries lots and deliveries are presented only if the center in which an IO document is being edited has access to the source warehouse.
Two types of reservations will be generated to one item of an order: purchase reservations – generated during the first confirmation of an IO (confirmation on a target warehouse) and sales reservations – generated during the second confirmation of an IO (confirmation on a source warehouse). Sales reservations are executed through WM- documents from the source warehouse and purchase reservations are executed through WM+ documents on the target warehouse.
Operations on IO
Unconfirming submitted/confirmed IO
The system allows for unconfirming an IO document if its status is:
submitted – from the level of the center issuing a document or from the level of a center in which a target warehouse is assigned to the IO document type – the status of an IO is changed into Unconfirmed
confirmed – from the level of the center receiving a document or from the level of a center in which a source warehouse is assigned to the IO document type – the status of an IO is changed into Submitted
When unconfirming IO documents, the following reservations are canceled:
purchase reservations – when unconfirming an order with Submitted status
sales reservations – when unconfirming an order with Confirmed status
Closing IO
Documents with Submitted, Confirmed or Pending status can be closed.
To be able to close a pending IO, documents generated from such order must be confirmed. Additionally, in the case of WM- documents, it is necessary to generate WM+ documents, otherwise it will not be possible to close the IO.
Confirming IO
Second IO confirmation – button [Confirm]
Conditions which are necessary to perform the operation of the second confirmation:
necessary condition – the center performing the operation has permission to the source warehouse (the warehouse to which sales subitems will be generated during the second confirmation) granted, that is this warehouse is assigned to the IO definition in this center
additional conditions
to be able to confirm an IO with Initiated or Unconfirmed status immediately with the use of [Confirm] button and without confirmation with the button [Submit], a center must have permissions both to source warehouse and target warehouse granted; it results from the fact that the system generates purchase subitems as well as sales subitems simultaneously
if the target warehouse on an IO is not a warehouse assigned to the IO document type in a given center, the system allows for the second confirmation in this center, only if the status of the order is Submitted (if it is confirmed by the issuing center)
During the second confirmation of an IO document:
the system generates sales reservations in the target warehouse for items included in the order, taking into account the parameter Reserve resources – the same as it is in the case of confirming a sales order
sales reservations are collected from the source warehouse with a WM- document
the system enables generation of other documents from the IO
Submitting IO
First IO confirmation – button [Submit]
After first confirmation of an IO document, the system changes its status into Submitted. In order to be able to submit an order it is necessary to:
specify source warehouse
specify target warehouse
add at least one item
During the first confirmation of an IO document:
the system generates purchase reservations (increases quantity in column Orders in the stock levels) in the warehouse selected in an IO document as a target warehouse – the same as it is in the case of confirming a purchase order
“purchase reservations” are collected from the target warehouse with a WM+ document
no document subitems are created
An IO can be submitted by the center issuing a document and the center in which a target warehouse from the IO has been assigned to the IO document definition
Internal orders
Internal orders allow for ordering items between warehouses of the same company. Execution of these orders is performed through WM documents which register warehouse movements.
A list of internal orders is available from the level of Warehouse →(Orders) Internal.
The list contains internal orders:
which include a warehouse (source/target) assigned to the document type in a given center
issued in a given center, regardless of warehouses associated with center and IO document.
Creating IO
Internal order form
On an IO document it is necessary to specify:
source warehouse from which items are ordered and, subsequently, released to a target warehouse. It is possible to change the source warehouse until the second confirmation of a document (by a center receiving a document). As a target warehouse it is possible to set a warehouse which is available in:
the parent company and its child centers, on condition that parameter Dedicated for the parent company is checked on the warehouse form.
in a center of Company type and its child centers there will be warehouses attached to the given company available for selection
A warehouse of Distant type cannot be set as a source warehouse.
target warehouse in which items are received. Active warehouses assigned to the IO document type in the center in which a document is being issued/generated, are available for selection. After first confirmation of an IO (by the center issuing an order – button [Submit], the possibility of changing a source warehouse is blocked.
If a target warehouse is the same as a source warehouse the system blocks the possibility of document confirmation.
Parameter Reserve resources is activated only after the first confirmation of a document, when its status is Submitted. Only a center being the owner of the source document has permissions to edit the document. The other rules of using the parameter are the same as in the case of sales orders.
Value of an IO item
The value of an item of an IO is calculated on the basis of the last purchase price of a given item. The purchase price is determined on the basis of those documents whose owner is a company or its child centers, in which a document is being issued.
IO items
When adding an item with features affecting the lot assigned to it, a user can indicate values for individual features of an item. It is not possible to define features for subitems. It is possible to edit feature values until the first confirmation of an IO document.
Options available for internal orders
For internal orders, it is possible to submit an order with the use of button [Submit]. After clicking it, an order receives status Submitted, which means that it has been confirmed by the center issuing it (source center). The first confirmation results in generating an order in a target warehouse.
During the first confirmation of a document, purchase subitems are generated (not visible form the level of section Subitems on item details).
Detailed information on submitting orders can be found in article Submitting IO.
The document status changes to Confirmed only after it has been confirmed by the center receiving the order (source center). Then, sales reservations are generated and it is possible to generate other documents.
Section Subitems of the tab General contains sales subitems assigned to a source warehouse. Sales subitems are created during the second confirmation done by the center who owns the source warehouse and from which the merchandise is ordered.
When generating sales subitems, the system retrieves resources (if the parameter Reserve resources is checked) according to feature values indicated on an item or sets features on subitems without resources on the basis of item features.
Detailed information regarding submitting orders can be found in article Confirming IO.
Generating PO from IQC
Purchase orders can be generated only from a confirmed IQC.
All items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is greater than zero will be added to the generated purchase order. In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse in the IQC is unchecked, their subitems will be assigned to a warehouse:
from IQC, if only one warehouse was indicated
default from the PO definition, if there is more than one warehouse in the IQC
If parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked on IQC, a window with warehouse selection is displayed while generating a PO:
Window with warehouse selection during generation of PO document
The displayed list includes only those warehouses for which quantity in column Quantity To Order is greater than 0. Upon checking option Order, it is possible to generate a purchase order document with <All> warehouses set in the document header.
Parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked on IQC document.
The list of warehouses includes: Main Warehouse, Complaint Warehouse, Outlet Warehouse
Item BZKD is added onto IQC document.
For warehouse:
Main Warehouse – 15 pcs
Complaint Warehouse – 5 pcs
Outlet Warehouse – 10 pcs
Parameter Order is checked for Main Warehouse and Complaint Warehouse in the warehouse selection window during generation of PO.
One item BZKD in quantity 20 pcs and two is added onto PO document with two subitems:
Main Warehouse – 15 pcs
Complaint Warehouse – 5 pcs
It is possible to change a unit on a PO document generated from IQC without recalculating quantity in accordance with the settings on an item form.
On purchase orders generated from IQC, each item lot is displayed as a separate item.
Generating IO from IQC
Generating internal orders is possible only from a confirmed item quantity calculation, for items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero.
In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is:
unchecked – an IO document can be generated of there is only one warehouse in the IQC document. Upon selecting the option of generating, a list of warehouses enabling to select a source warehouse from which the resources will be ordered, is displayed. The warehouse defined in the IQC will be set as the source warehouse.
checked – upon selecting the option of generating IO a list of warehouses possible to select, will be displayed
After selecting the option of generating [IO] a window with warehouse selection appears:
Source Warehouse – it is possible to select warehouses associated with IO document in a center from the level of which the document is being generated. A warehouse checked as default in definition of IO document is suggested automatically.
Target Warehouse – displays warehouse retrieved from the IQC document for which quantity in the colum Quantity To Order is higher than zero.
Generate – it is necessary to check the parameter for warehouses for which an IO document is to be generated.
An IO document will be generated with Unconfirmed status.
Window with warehouse selection during generation of IO document
It is possible to change a unit on an IO document generated from IQC without recalculating quantity in accordance with the settings on an item form.
On internal orders generated from IQC, each item lot is displayed as a separate item.
Generating WM- from IQC
Generating of a warehouse movement WM- is possible only from a confirmed item quantity calculation, for items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero.
In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is:
unchecked – a WM- document can be generated if there is only one warehouse in the IQC document. Upon selecting the option of generating, a list of warehouses enabling to select a source warehouse from which the resources will be ordered, is displayed. The warehouse defined in the IQC will be set as the source warehouse.
checked – upon selecting the option of generating WM- a list of warehouses possible to select, will be displayed.
After selecting the option of generating [WM-] a window with warehouse selection appears:
Source Warehouse – it is possible to select warehouses associated with WM- document in a center from the level of which the document is being generated. A warehouse checked as default in definition of WM- document is suggested automatically.
Target Warehouse – displays warehouse retrieved from the IQC document for which quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero.
Generate – it is necessary to check the parameter for warehouses for which a WM- document is to be generated.
A WM- document will be generated with Unconfirmed status.
Window with warehouse selection during generation of WM- document
It is possible to change a unit on a WM- document generated from IQC.
On WM- documents generated from IQC, each item lot is displayed as a separate item.
It is not possible to generate a WM- when:
many warehouses are indicated in an IQC and the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is unchecked
there are not enough resources in the source warehouse
Components is the section in which components included in the calculation of the IQC are defined. In the case of unchecking a parameter (in the column next to a relevant component) and clicking on button [Recalculate], the corresponding column will be deleted from the list of merchandise and the balance will be recalculated without including the selected component.
Components of IQC document
Components correspond to the following columns in the list of merchandise:
Quantity Ordered in Other Warehouses – corresponds to the column In Transit (+)
Quantity Ordered by Other Warehouses – corresponds to the column Ordered (-)
Next to each of the components its corresponding quantity in the table of items, which relates to the item marked in the list, is displayed.
Section Documents is strictly linked to the section Components.
In this section the source documents of the type indicated in the area Components for an item marked in the list of merchandise, are displayed. It presents the numbers of documents and the quantity of an item from a given document.
Section Documents
Section Parameters is intended for defining a time interval on the basis of which an IQC is to be created, the values of planned inventory as well as warehouses included in the IQC.
Section Parameters
Date of Issue – date of creating an IQC, not subject to edition
End Date – defines the maximum date for documents included in an IQC
Planned inventory – allows defining whether an IQC is to be calculated for the minimum or optimal planned inventory
Separate calculation for each warehouse – the value of this parameter is retrieved from definition of IQC document, but it can be changed directly in a document form
Upon checking parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse, column Warehouse appears in Items section on the list. Upon unchecking the parameter, the column is automatically hidden and the ICQ is recalculated. If the parameter is checked, then after adding an item onto IQC, that item is included separately for each warehouse. It is not possible to change value of Separate calculation for each warehouse parameter if an item has been added onto IQC.
Parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked on IQC document.
The list of warehouses includes: Main Warehouse, Complaint Warehouse, Outlet Warehouse
Situation 1:
Item BZKD is added onto IQC, it is presented in three separate rows:
Situation 2:
Item BKZD with feature white/S and black/M is added onto IQC, it is presented in the following way:
List of warehouses contains warehouses whose resources are included in the calculation. In a newly added IQC document, these are warehouses set as default in the IQC document definition.
Several default warehouses can be associated with an IQC document.
If the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked, quantity for individual components of IQC is calculated individually for each warehouse.
The last column on the list of warehouses in section Parameters is column Reservations without Specified Warehouse. Depending if parameter in this column for a given warehouse is:
checked – quantities of items which have option <All> (reservations without resources) selected in subitems of orders are included in item quantity calculation for a warehouse for which the parameter is checked
unchecked – quantities of items which have option <All> (reservations without resources) selected in subitems of orders are not included in for a warehouse for which the parameter is unchecked
Section Items
In this article, particular columns contained in the section Items, are described.
Section Items in IQC document
Detailed description of the basic columns contained in the list can be found in article Tab Items.
Other columns available in the list:
Column Quantity in Stock corresponds to a quantity:
of resources of a given item/lot available in a given warehouse, indicated in section Parameters
reduced by shortages resulting from SI and R documents
reduced by reservations of resources from SI, R and SIQC trade documents not associated with any warehouse documents
reduced by reservations resulting from unconfirmed SOR, IR-, WM-, PORQC, IR+QC warehouse documents
reduced by quantity resulting from subitems associated with resources derived from not executed orders, when the due date or activation date in SO or IO is later than the final date in IQC
increased by quantity resulting from SIQC or RQC, but only if no warehouse documents were generated to SI and R associated with them.
Column In Transit (+) presents quantity of items/lots resulting from:
not executed purchase orders – Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Pending
not executed internal orders – submitted, confirmed or pending, whose target warehouse is a warehouse indicated in IQC and whose expected date or activation date is not later than the final date of IQC
not executed sales orders – initiated, unconfirmed, confirmed, pending
not executed internal orders – confirmed or pending, whose target warehouse is a warehouse indicated in IQC and whose expected date or activation date is not later than the final date of IQC. A quantity calculated this way is presented as a negative value.
The quantity of the component Demand Forecast results from the quantity forecasted in demand forecast document for individual items/lots. It its proportional to the period indicated in the IQC. Forecast quantity is presented with a minus sign, because it reduces the balance by increasing a quantity necessary for order.
In the item quantity calculation, for item BZKD, a period from 01/01/2019 to 15/01/2019 was defined. The forecast quantity from the forecast document, in which the quantity of item BZKD was forecasted for a period from 01/01/2019 to 31/01/2019, will be included in the IQC Quantity resulting from the forecast = 310 pcs of BZKD. However, the quantity of 150 pcs only from this forecast will be included in the item quantity calculation (for 15 days from a period from 01/01/2019 to 31/01/2019).
The quantity of the components Forecast Realization results from the quantity of a given item/lot released with the use of a confirmed warehouse document (IR-, WM-, SOR) whose:
date of release – for SOR documents
date of issue – for IR- and WM- documents
falls within the period indicated in the item quantity calculation. The value of forecast realization is displayed with a minus sign, because it decreases the forecast quantity.
If quantity resulting from a demand forecast document is less than quantity resulting from warehouse documents for released items (SOR, IR-, and WM-) included in component Forecast Realization, column Forecast Quantity takes on value 0.
In case of adding onto IQC document an item with features, quantity is retrieved for that specific lot from DF document for components Demand Forecast and Forecast Realization.
The value in column Planned Inventory is retrieved from the item form, where in tab Resources → Planned Inventory a user can define the minimum and optimal quantity of an item in individual warehouses.
In an IQC, in section Parameters, in field Planned Inventory, it is necessary to specify which value should be included the calculation.
In case of adding onto IQC document an item with features, quantity is retrieved for that specific lot from DF document for components Demand Forecast and Forecast Realization.
On item BZKD form, the following values of planned stock are defined for the main warehouse:
Item BZKD (without division into lots) – 10 pcs
Item BZKD with features Red/S – 5 pcs
The item is added onto IQC document with the use of button:
[Add], [Add Group] – quantity in column Planned Stock will be 10 pcs
[Add By Features], [Add By Features Through Form] and selection of lot Red/S – quantity in column Planned Stock will be 5 pcs
The balance shows the quantity of an item that is a sum of quantity in columns:
Quantity in Stock – positive values
In Transit (+) – positive values
Ordered (-) – negative values
Forecast Quantity – negative values
Planned inventory – negative values
Quantity to Order takes on the value required to cover the balance. The field is editable. If the balance has a positive value or equals zero, then the quantity to order will be zero.
Subtotal Price is retrieved from the last up-to-date and active purchase price list.
Value is the product of price and quantity to order.
f currency of the price retrieved from a purchase price list is different from system currency of a company, a recalculation is made according the default exchange rate type for that company by the recently available value of the exchange rate.
A list of items can be narrowed down through selecting in field Items, located immediately below the list, one of the following options:
All – default value; it displays all items regardless of the assumed values
All with non-zero subitems – it shows items which assume value other than zero in particular columns
All with balance less than zero – it displays items whose balance assumes a negative value
Introduction to item quantity calculation
Item quantity calculation (IQC) is a document which allows determining what quantities of given items should be ordered to satisfy the requirements of a company.
A list of IQC is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → IQC.
Creating IQC
IQC form
Section regarding items contains a list of items whose quantity is calculated or item lots. It is possible to add items onto a document with the use of the following buttons:
[Add] – with the use of this option an item is added onto document without lot
[Add Group] – enables addition of a whole group of items. With the use of this option an item is added onto document without lot
In case a parent item group is selected, all child groups are added as well.
[Add By Features] – allows for indicating items which should be included in an item quantity calculation. Selecting an item from item list results in adding all lots defined for this item to a document.
[Add By Features Through Form] – allows for indicating items along with lots which should be included in an item quantity calculation.
Beside buttons allowing for adding and deleting items, there is also [Recalculate] button, thanks to which it is possible to recalculate an item quantity calculation in accordance with the settings in sections Parameters and Components.
Generating an IO from demand forecast
It is possible to generate internal orders only from a confirmed demand forecast.
When generating a document, an optimization window is opened which allows for specifying whether an IO should be generated for all periods and all warehouses or only for selected ones.
Optimization window of IO generation
Target warehouse is a warehouse defined in demand forecast as forecast warehouse. Source warehouse is a warehouse from which items are to be ordered. A default warehouse for the document is suggested by default. However, it can be edited.
The button [Generate] is active only when at least one period and one pair of warehouses has been checked and the source warehouse is different from the target warehouse.
Subsequent internal orders can be generated until the entire forecast quantity has been used up
In internal orders generated from DF each item lot will be displayed as a separate document item.
Generating a PO from demand forecast
It is possible to generate purchase orders only from a confirmed demand forecast.
When generating a document, an optimization window is opened which allows for specifying whether a PO should be generated for all periods and all warehouses or only for selected ones.
Optimization window of PO generation
Option All – is used when ordered merchandise will be released within a short period. For a long-term plan it is recommended to use option Selected. In that way, we avoid a situation of creating large stock levels in a warehouse, which can be slow movers for a longer period, but ensure a quantity required to meet the sales on an ongoing basis without the unnecessary overfilling for several periods ahead
After selecting option Selected in section Periods and Warehouses, sections Period Selection and Warehouse Selection are activated. They display information about forecast periods and warehouses defined in the source demand forecast document. Next to each item there is column Order, which allows for defining whether a given period and warehouse should be included in generation of a purchase order.
Subsequent purchase orders can be generated until the entire forecast quantity has been used up
In purchase orders generated from DF each item lot will be displayed as a separate document item.
Creating a demand forecast
Demand forecast form – tab General
Tab General on demand forecast form
Warehouses to Calculate is a list of warehouses on the basis of which the historical stock levels are calculated. <<Forecast Coefficient>> defines size or weight (priority) of a warehouse and affects the distribution of the forecast quantities among warehouses.
Immediately above the list, button [Add To Forecast] is available, which allows for copying selected warehouse to the adjacent list.
Forecast Warehouses is a list of warehouses for which an item forecast is calculated. It is identical to the list of warehouses to calculate. Immediately above the list, button [Add To Calculation] is available, which allows for copying selected warehouse to the adjacent list.
Section Periods presents time intervals for which item sales forecast is calculated. The number of days is calculated automatically upon entering the dates. When changing the number of days, the end date of the period are modified accordingly in relation to the start date of the forecast period.
It is not possible to define identical periods within one DF document.
Tab Calculation
Calculation is a stage during which items for which a forecast is calculated and the method of its calculation are defined.
It is possible to select items upon clicking on button:
[Add] – opens a window with list of items, an item is added onto the document without lot
[Add By Features] – opens a window with list of items, all lots defined for a given item are added onto the document
[Add By Features Through Form] – opens a window allowing for selecting items along with their lots
For the selected items it is necessary to define a historical period on the basis of which the forecast is calculated. The following options are available for selection:
Corresponding period of the preceding year – default option, the calculation of the historical sales (calculated quantity) is performed on the basis of corresponding periods of the preceding year for each defined period
The following periods have been defined in a forecast: January 2018, February 2018, March 2018. For parameter Calculate on the basis of, the option of corresponding period of the preceding year has been selected. When calculating the historical sales, therefore, the following quantities will be calculated:
for January 2018 – sales from January 2017
for February 2018 – sales from February 2017
for March 2018 – sales from March 2017
Preceding period – the calculation of the historical sales (calculated quantity) is performed on the basis of a period preceding the forecast period.
The following periods have been defined in a forecast: January 2018, February 2018, March 2018 For parameter Calculate on the basis of, the option of preceding period has been selected. The periods on the basis of which the historical sales will be calculated will the preceding three months before the start of the first forecast period: December 2017, November 2017, October 2017. The basis for calculating a forecast for:
January 2018 is the sales from October 2017
February 2018 is the sales from November 2017
February 2018 is the sales from November 2017
Specified period – the calculation of the historical sales (calculated quantity) is performed on the basis of an entered date starting the historical period – date From and the end date of this period – date To which constitutes the basis for calculation of historical quantity.
Sales for historical periods is calculated on the basis of confirmed SOR, IR-, SORQC and IR-QC documents whose “stocked” date is included in the indicated period.
It is also necessary to specify percentage value of sales change in forecasted periods.
Next to the name of each item there is a + sign. It expands a list of periods for which a forecast is being prepared along with information regarding the quantity calculated on the basis of the historical period.
If forecasted quantity is supposed to be different, its value can be changed manually in field Change [%] and <<Forecast Quantity>>. In such a case it is displayed in red to highlight the modified rows which will be changed after recalculation.
Percentual forecast quantity regards all warehouses indicated in the tab General.
In order to recalculate forecast quantity, e.g. after changing the method of calculation forecast quantity or the parameter Change (%), it is necessary to click on one of the following buttons:
[Recalculate] – recalculates the forecast quantity only for the items selected in the list
[Recalculate All] – recalculates the forecast quantity for all items defined in the list
Tab Calculation on demand forecast form
Tab Forecast For Warehouses
In this part of the demand forecast form the forecast quantity is distributed into forecast warehouses. After confirming forecast quantities indicated for each warehouse constitute the final result of the forecast included in item quantity calculation or when generating a purchase order.
It is necessary to define the method of distribution of the forecast quantity into selected warehouses. The following options are available for selection:
Evenly – after activating the distribution into warehouses the quantities of items will be distributed evenly into all warehouses within the forecast periods (regardless of the forecast coefficient defined for a warehouse)
For period: January 2018, the forecast quantity of item BZKD is 800 pcs After distributing this quantity for this period into 2 warehouses, which were defined for the forecast (Warehouse CHIC and Warehouse NY), according to the Evenly method, 400 pcs were assigned to each of them.
Proportionally – after activating the distribution into warehouses the forecast quantity for each item in each period will be distributed in accordance with the forecast coefficient defined in the warehouse form
For period January 2018, the forecast quantity of item BZKD is 800 pcs the warehouses have their coefficients defined:
Warehouse CHIC – 3
Warehouse NY – 5
After distributing this quantity for this period to Warehouse CHIC and Warehouse NY according to the Proportionally option, the following quantities were assigned: to Warehouse CHIC = 300 pcs (3/8 from 800), to Warehouse NY = 500 pcs (5/8 from 800).
In order for the quantities to be distributed, it is necessary to click on button [Distribute To Warehouses].
Section Forecast Quantities displays items for which a forecast is performed, including the calculated forecast quantity broken down into warehouses and periods.
Detailed information on individual items is available after clicking on sign “+” that is located next to each item.
In tab Calculation it is possible to change forecast value. A modified row is displayed in red to highlight the rows which have been modified manually and will be changed after recalculation.
Tab Forecast For Warehouses on demand forecast form
Upon completing tabs General, Calculation, and Forecast For Warehouses a document can be confirmed. The current date (confirmation date of a document) will automatically appear in a list of demand forecast documents in a given document in column Confirmation Date.
Introduction to demand forecast
Demand forecast is used for analyzing the sales volume of items from defined warehouses in a specified time interval. On its basis it is possible to forecast the future sales volume and generate documents allowing for replenishing a warehouse with an appropriate quantity of items within an appropriate time.
A list of demand forecast documents is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) Demand Forecasts
The demand forecasting process can be executed in several stages:
defining warehouses on the basis of which the historical stock levels will be calculated
defining warehouses for which the quantity forecasts will be calculated
defining the periods for which the forecasting will be performed
determining the method for calculation of item forecasts:
defining the period as the basis for calculation
determining the percentage quantity change in relation to the quantity calculated on the basis of the selected period
calculating the forecast quantity on the basis of the selected criteria for items
defining the method of distributing the forecast quantity into warehouses
distribution of the forecast quantity into individual warehouses
Scheme of creating demand forecast
Generating documents correcting discrepancies
From a confirmed inventory document, it is necessary to generate documents correcting the system quantity, which will reconcile any possible discrepancies.
The documents, which level the stock levels and which are generated as a result of inventory, may differ from an inventory sheet value. It results, among others, from the fact that documents for released items collect a particular resource, hence, the value of these documents is determined on the basis of the value of a resource being released and not as in the case of inventory sheet, where it is calculated as an average value of all the resources available in stock.
In the case of inventory:
of a local warehouse, IR- and IR+ documents are generated
of a consignment warehouse of own type, POR and SOR documents are generated
In case the system quantity is:
greater than the actual quantity in a warehouse, a document for released items will be generated
greater than the actual quantity in a warehouse, a document for released items will be generated
The quantity of individual items in the generated document is equal to the difference between the system quantity and the actual quantity.
Depending on the setting of parameter Confirm inventory documents automatically (available from the level of System → Configuration →Trade), documents correcting discrepancies can be generated with Unconfirmed status, which allows for their modification, or with Confirmed status.
Documents correcting discrepancies can be deleted/canceled until an inventory is closed.
The system allows for generating discrepancy document, regardless of whether item stock levels are sufficient or not. An IR- document will be generated for the quantity available in stock in the unit specified on inventory sheet. After IR- document is generated, the system displays a list of items for which the correction of shortages was not complete.
In an IR+ document generated from an inventory, the price for individual items is set on the basis of:
an average purchase price available on a resource warehouse – if at least one unit of a given item is available in a warehouse
the last purchase price (price from the last POR, IR+, WM+) – if there are no resources of a given item in the warehouse
Prices and values in an IR- document are calculated in accordance with the values of resources which are being released with a given IR- document.
Adding items to readout
Items can be added to a readout:
by selecting items on an inventory sheet and generating a readout with the use of button [Generate Readout] – when generating a readout, the system creates readout along with the items selected on the sheet
by means of button [Add] – the system adds a new row to the list of readout items, in which an operator can enter item code or company barcode of a lot; if an operator enters item code, all lots of a given item will be added to the readout; upon clicking a button with three dots, available in field Code in item list, the system opens the list of items from which an operator can selected searched items.
by means of button [Add Through Form] – the system opens item adding form where an operator can indicate an item or its particular lot and enter an actual quantity
by importing data from a file saved on disk, to do so, it is necessary to select option Import and click on button [From File]. A user can import a file with *.txt and *.csv extension. A file for import should contain the following information:
items are imported basing on UPC code assigned to a given item/lot, item code, name. If an item gets found, it is added to the readout. If an item has been found by UPC code, then the code, by which it has been found, is saved in field UPC. If an item has been found by code or name, then the basic UPC code for the basic unit is saved.
A dot or a comma can be the separator of decimal places in a file. Whereas code must be separated from quantity with a semicolon.
After an item is found by UPC code, the system searches for an item associated with a given unit and features. After an item lot is found, the system verifies whether this lot can be added to a readout, that is whether it occurs on another sheet and whether the control of document conformity is maintained. If a lot:
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is enabled in the system, a new item is added along with basic unit assigned to the item, related UPC code and quantity downloaded from the uploaded file
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is disabled in the system and that lot is not included in the readout, a new item is added along with unit assigned to the item and quantity
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is disabled in the system and that lot is included in the readout, then quantity in field Quantity for the existing readout item is increased by quantity in the basic unit downloaded from the file (if the item on the readout is defined in unit other than basic unit, the quantity is recalculated into unit of the existing readout item).
In case if a given item is omitted, the system proceeds to verification of subsequent item from the file and information about the reason why the item was omitted is displayed in the log window.
If an item does not get found by UPC code, the system verifies codes and item names. In case code or name gets found and item type is Merchandise, the system verifies whether a given lot can be added to a readout, that is whether it occurs on another sheet and whether the control of document conformity is maintained. If a lot:
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is enabled in the system, a new item is added along with basic unit assigned to the item, related UPC code and quantity downloaded from the uploaded file
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is disabled in the system and that lot is not included in the readout, a new item is added along with unit assigned to the item and quantity
can be added to a readout and the option of duplicating item lot in a readout is disabled in the system and that lot is included in the readout, then quantity in field Quantity for the existing readout item is increased by quantity in the basic unit downloaded from the file (if the item on the readout is defined in unit other than basic unit, the quantity is recalculated into unit of the existing readout item).
In case if a given item is omitted, the system proceeds to verification of subsequent item from the file and information about the reason why the item was omitted is displayed in the log window.
by means of a collector, by connecting a collector to a workstation and selecting option Import on the ribbon and, next, clicking on button [Read From Collector] – the data is read from file created by the collector; next, item/item lot will be searched by code and added to the readout; the first 13 digits in a file record is the UPC code, the other 11 digits is the quantity of an item.
Adding of items to a readout with the use of a collector is only possible if no items has been added to the readout yet.
If parameter Allow for duplicating item lot in readout is checked, each record from a collector will be retrieved as separated item onto document. If the parameter is unchecked, then the items added onto a readout are grouped by UPC code.
When adding an item to a readout, this item is automatically added to the inventory sheet associated with the readout. However, deleting an item from a readout does not result in deleting analogical items from the sheet.
To a readout, it is possible to introduce item quantity in any unit assigned to an item. However, before it is put on an inventory sheet, it is recalculated to the basic unit.
Readout form
When adding an item manually or generating a readout for selected items of an inventory sheet, the system sets its actual quantity to 1, by default. The quantity can be changed, both increased and reduced, until the readout is approved. The possibility of introducing negative values allows for correcting wrongly entered in previous readouts.
Resetting actual quantity on an unconfirmed readout for selected/all items is possible with the use of button [Reset Quantity], which is available in the main menu.
When performing an inventory with the use of readouts, a warehouse being inventoried can be divided in several areas, e.g. one readout can concern one shelf or one rack. Number of readouts can also result from number of people performing a physical inventory – one readout for one person.
Readouts are added within inventory sheets.
A list of readouts is displayed in context of a marked inventory sheet and it is collapsed by default. It is possible to expand it by clicking on a vertical bar Readouts placed on the right site of the inventory sheet list.
If a readout has been added to an inventory sheet, text Readout on the bar becomes bold. At the same time, the number of readouts assigned to the sheet is displayed in brackets.
Inventory form with collapsed list of readouts
List of readouts contains:
readout ordinal number
date of issue
Created By – username of the operator who created the readout – column hidden by default
Modified By – username of the operator who recently modified the readout – column hidden by default
Readouts can be added:
from the level of an initiated or unconfirmed inventory sheet, by means of button [Generate Readout] which allows for adding a readout for selected items and from the level of the list of readouts, for a selected sheet
with the use of button [Add], after clicking on it, it is possible to add an empty readout (option [Add] [Add]) or loading inventoried items from a file saved on disk (option [Add] [From File]). A user can import a file with *.txt and *.csv extension. Selecting the option results in opening a new readout for the selected sheet with the following data filled in the header:
Readout name – name of the file selected from disk along with its extension
Status and Collector – default values are set for the field Status value To Collect and for the field Collector option <undefined>
Handled By – employee associated with the account of a currently logged-in operator who is importing data from a file
Date of Issue – current date is set
A file for import should contain the following information:
item UPC code
: A dot or a comma can be the separator of decimal places in a file. Whereas code must be separated from quantity with a semicolon.
When confirming a readout, an actual quantity for individual items is transferred onto items corresponding to them in the sheet. If confirming a readout results in transferring an actual quantity lower than 0 onto the sheet, the system blocks such an operation.
In case on a readout:
a given item lot occurs more than once, an actual quantity from individual items including item lot will be summed up – a given item lot can occur only once on a sheet.
the quantity is expressed in secondary item unit, it will be converted to the basic unit according to the conversion calculator defined on the item form.
there is an item which is not included in the sheet, it will be automatically added to the sheet.
In case more than one readout has been assigned to a sheet and the items of the readouts overlap one another, when confirming a subsequent readout, the actual quantity on the sheet will be increased by a quantity resulting from the readout being confirmed.
If a user specified actual quantity on a sheet first and later added and confirmed a readout, then the actual quantity on the sheet will be overwritten by the quantity specified in the readout.
Unconfirming a readout
For a confirmed readout, there is option [Unconfirm] available which reverts readout status to Unconfirmed and decreases the actual quantity on the sheet by quantity from that readout. However, it is possible to unconfirm a readout only if the sheet associated with it is not confirmed.
Copying a readout
Copying readouts is available for unconfirmed sheets. All items are transferred onto a copied readout, but without defined quantities. Data from the readout header is not copied either
It is not possible to modify, cancel, delete, and copy a readout if a sheet to which the readout is added has been confirmed. Actions can be performed on readouts only if a sheet including them is unconfirmed.
Operations on inventory sheet
Confirming an inventory sheet
When confirming an inventory sheet, it is verified:
whether there is an unconfirmed readout associated with the sheet – if yes, it is not possible to confirm a sheet
whether the blockade of confirming sheet is enabled, if there are documents creating reservations – if yes, the system displays a message with information regarding those documents and it will be not possible to confirm the sheet.
If during the confirmation of a sheet the system displays information regarding blocking documents, correction of the status of those documents will be possible only after previous deletion of the sheet or deletion of an item blocking sheet confirmation from the sheet. It is tantamount to performing inventory for a given item once again.
Unconfirming an inventory sheet
It is possible to unconfirm a confirmed inventory sheet with the use of button [Unconfirm]. This option is available for an inventory sheet which belongs to an unconfirmed inventory.
After clicking on the button [Unconfirm], the status a sheet changes back to Unconfirmed and the sheet can be edited.
Only items of Merchandise type can be subject to inventory.
[Add] – adds a new row to a sheet in which it is possible to enter:
item code
company barcode of a lot
scan barcode
and press [TAB] or [Enter] on the keyboard to add the item/lot.
If a user enters:
code of an items with features affecting lot, all lots of this item will be loaded on the sheet
company barcode of a lot, only this lot will be loaded on the sheet
[Add From List] – opens list of items as in the case of the button [Add], if a selected item/item lot has features affecting lot, all lots of this item will be loaded on the sheet.
[Add Through Form] – opens item adding form. An item can by selected:
be opening item list with the use of the button located in field Item
by entering item code
be entering company barcode of a lot
Then, it is necessary to define lots (feature values) which are to be added to the sheet and actual item quantity for a given lot. In case of entering company barcode of a lot, the system fills automatically the values of features which define a given lot and an operator can enter actual quantities.
Batch collectors – allows for entering an item by means of a collector. To do so, it is necessary to attach a collector to the workstation on which the inventory is being done and select button [Read From Collector]. The system verifies if on a given inventory sheet there are any lots loaded on collector and inserts an actual quantity for them. If it does not find such lots, they will be added to the sheet along with actual quantity.
Readouts – allows for adding items by means of readouts added to a sheet. After an item is added to a readout, it is also automatically added to an associated sheet.
A given item lot can occur on a given inventory sheet only once.
Sales/release of an item lot that has been added to an inventory sheet is blocked until a sheet is confirmed.
After adding an item to an inventory sheet, it is possible to fill in their actual quantity. It can be filled in:
by a readout from a collector – button [Read From Collector]
by copying items with the use of the button [Transfer Quantities] located in the main menu, in button group Items – if system quantity and actual quantity are identical
by confirming readouts – in such case quantities from readouts will be transferred on the sheet
After entering an actual quantity, in the column Difference, the system calculates discrepancy between system quantity and actual quantity in a warehouse.
Inventory sheet
Inventory sheets (IS) are added within a given inventory document from the level of the form of this document.
In order to add new sheet, it is necessary to click on button [Add].
If in the system, for the warehouse being inventoried, there are:
unconfirmed warehouse documents for released items
trade documents for released items not associated with confirmed warehouse documents which create reservations of resources
then, when trying to add a new inventory form, the system displays a message informing about presence of items subject to reservation, as a result of which a full correction of item quantities might be impossible.
The header of an IS contains:
sheet number
warehouse for which the inventory is being done (transferred from the inventory document header)
sheet name given by a user
status of retrieving a sheet onto a collector
collector used for items inventory on this sheet
code of the employee handling the sheet
current document status
its date of issue (the date is grayed out after an item is added to the sheet)
value of the sheet in the system currency of the company in which the inventory is being done. The value is the difference between system quantity and actual quantity of inventoried items. The value of a sheet is calculated on the basis of average value of resources available in a warehouse for a given lot. If, according to the quantity system, a given item is not present in a warehouse, but actually it is available, then the value is calculated on the basis of the last purchase price from warehouse documents (without distinction to lots).
The date of issue of a sheet cannot be later than the confirmation date on an inventory document form.
Inventory sheet form
List of items indicates items/item lots with listed:
UPC codes (own codes defined on item form, in tab Parameters Barcodes)
basic unit in which an item is registered
system quantity of a given item/lot
actual quantity (by default it is zero)
discrepancy between quantities
discrepancy status
current operations – (column hidden by default) column available if on inventory form the parameter Block item sales is checked. The value in this column is calculated as the difference between current quantity of a lot in a warehouse and a quantity presented on inventory sheet. It is possible to transfer quantity from this column to the column System Quantity, with the use of button [Recalculate System Quantity]. Quantity in column Current Operations is updated during edition/saving/confirmation of a sheet and upon refreshing the list. If during the confirmation of an inventory sheet, the quantity from the Colum Current Operations is different than the system quantity, the system displays appropriate message.
Quantity in column Current Operations changes after a warehouse operation on an item subject to inventory is performed.
Only items of Merchandise type can be subject to inventory.
An item listed on an IS does not affect the quantity of an item in a warehouse nor its value.
For the inventory sheet form, in the main menu, in button group Generation is also available button [Generate Inventory] is available, which allows for adding a new inventory for marked sheet items. The button is active only if an inventory is confirmed, canceled or closed. When generating an inventory from this level, the system verifies whether a user has granted permissions to add inventory document and sheet and whether there are not any unconfirmed inventories for the same warehouse. If both conditions are fulfilled, an inventory document is created with information concerning warehouse and items retrieved from the source sheet. The other files are filled in as if the inventory was issued manually. When adding items to a sheet on the inventory being generated, the system also verifies whether the control of document correctness for added items is enabled. If it is enabled, only items that fulfill control conditions will be added.
Operations on inventory
Unconfirming an inventory
It is possible to unconfirm a confirmed inventory sheet with the use of [Unconfirm] button, which allows for opening a confirmed inventory with which are not associated any documents correcting discrepancies with status different than Canceled.
Unconfirming an inventory changes its status back to Unconfirmed. When unconfirming an inventory:
it is verified whether in the warehouse of the inventory being unconfirmed there is no other confirmed inventory – if it is, opening of the document is canceled
all confirmed inventory sheets of the given inventory are unconfirmed – their status changes to Unconfirmed (the status of canceled sheets remains without changes)
readouts present on the inventory are not unconfirmed
Copying an inventory
It is possible to copy inventories with the use of button [Copy] which allows for copying a document with status:
It is not possible to copy an inventory, if:
its status is Unconfirmed
more than one document is marked on the list
in system configuration, parameter Inventory – control correctness of documents is checked and is selected the option: When confirming an inventory sheet or When adding an item to an inventory sheet.
there is an unconfirmed inventory for the same warehouse as the warehouse of the inventory being copied
The following elements are transferred when copying an inventory:
information from the header of an inventory document
inventory sheets with their items
The following elements are not transferred when copying an inventory:
readouts and actual and system quantities in sheets
dates of documents
center set in the inventory
setting of the parameter Block item sales
quantities in the column Current Operations
When adding/copying an inventory document, it is verified whether there is an unconfirmed inventory for the same warehouse. In case there is an unconfirmed inventory, the system displays appropriate question allowing a user to decide whether a new inventory for the same warehouse should be created.
Closing an inventory
It is possible to close an inventory with the use of button [Close] for an inventory for which:
all documents correcting discrepancies between system and actual quantity of inventoried items were already generated
there are no discrepancies
If an inventory has Unconfirmed status, it is not possible to:
generate discrepancy documents
open it
cancel documents correcting discrepancies
Inventory consists in taking an actual physical inventory of quantity levels of all tangible assets, as well as reconciling any differences between the status ascertained during an inventory (actual status) and the status resulting from the stock records.
A list of inventories is available from the level of the main menu Warehouse → (Resources) Inventories
List of inventories
Inventory documents include:
inventory sheets – items/item lots can be added to an inventory sheet before a physical inventory is done or after it, at the moment of entering actual quantities to the system. The first method is often used if only selected items should be subject to inventory. The second method is used when an entire warehouse or store is subject to inventory and people doing physical inventory are not searching for any particular items, but they do the inventory of a selected part of the warehouse or store.
readouts associated with sheets – if items/item lots should be added to inventory sheets only at the moment of entering actual quantities to the system, it is recommended to use readouts. They can be completed with items/item lots on a regular basis at the same time a given area is being inventoried or can be completed with a collector readout after a physical inventory is done. When successive item lots are entered to readouts, they are automatically added to a sheet connected with it. When successive readouts are confirmed, their actual quantities are summed up on a sheet.
An inventory process can be divided in three stages:
Stage 1 – defining items that are to be inventoried and preparing inventory document
Stage 2 – taking an actual physical inventory
Stage 3 – entering actual quantities to the system and issuing documents correcting discrepancies
Inventory document:
concerns one selected warehouse. If more warehouses should be inventoried, it is necessary to create an individual inventory document for each warehouse.
can contain any number of inventory sheets that contain list of items/item lots along with quantity resulting from documents and actual quantity.
Permissions affecting performance/completing of an inventory:
Confirmation Date – the date is not subject to edition and is filled in automatically when confirming an inventory. In case the date in a sheet is later, when confirming an inventory, the system asks whether the document confirmation date should be changed to the latest issue date from the sheet.
System quantities retrieved onto an inventory document are calculated on the basis of all documents, regardless of the date in which inventoried items were received, released or reserved. The inventory issue date indicates the day in which the inventory process was executed.
Parameters relating to inventory
This article contains description of parameters which allow for more efficient handling of inventory process.
Parameters available from the level of System →Configuration → Trade
Inventory – control correctness of documents – when adding an item to an inventory sheet, it is possible to verify, whether a given item lot is not currently reserved, which would make impossible later correction of discrepancy between system quantity and effective quantity. Parameter Inventory – control correctness of documents is used to enable the control. It is unchecked by default. Upon its checking, it is possible to determine at which moment the control should be performed: When confirming an inventory sheet orWhen adding an item to an inventory sheet. The value of the parameter can be changed at any moment.
If the parameter is unchecked and there are reservations of merchandise for the warehouse which is subject to inventory, then, an appropriate message is displayed when adding an inventory sheet.
If the parameter is checked, then, depending on selected option, it is not possible to add a lot to an inventory sheet or confirm an inventory sheet with lots included in:
unconfirmed trade and warehouse documents: IR-, SOR, WM-, WM+, SI, IR+QC, PORQC, PIQC
confirmed SI and R not associated with SOR
confirmed PIQC not associated with PORQC
confirmed WM- not associated with WM+
The control is performed on the level of the subitems of the abovementioned documents. SO, and IO are no subject to the control.
If the system finds documents blocking the addition of a given lot to an inventory sheet or the confirmation of the sheet with given lots, it will display a message informing which documents contain reservations.
Parameters Automatically confirm inventory documents and Automatically generate inventory documents during inventory confirmation are described in article System configuration – Trade tab – Inventory.
Parameters available ininventory document definition, which is available from the level of Configuration →Company Structure →Rights Structure → edition of a selected center/company → tab Documents.
Collecting Resources Received After Inventory Date
Parameter Collecting Resources Received After Inventory Date available in the definition of Inventory document
When creating/converting a database, the parameter is set to Warn.
When adding items to an inventory sheet, the system verifies the setting of the parameter. In case of option:
Collect – while system quantity is being determined on a sheet, all existing resources are included, regardless of their date of receipt
Ignore – while system quantity is being determined on a sheet, resources received by the sheet date of issue are included. For a resource to be included in a sheet, its receipt date must be earlier or equal to the sheet date of issue
Warn – while system quantity is being determined on a sheet, first it is verified if in a warehouse being inventoried there is at least one delivery (derived from POR/IR+/WM+/SORQC/IR-QC), whose date of receipt is later than the sheet date of issue, if there are reservations or unconfirmed documents issued on it including a given item. When adding such item, a message is displayed asking user to decide whether the item should be added onto the inventory sheet or not.
The following resources are available in the main warehouse for item BZKD
10 pcs with date of receipt 01.01.2019
20 pcs with date of receipt 10.01.2019
8 pcs with date of receipt 8.02.2019
Date of issue on inventory sheet is 01.02.2019
In case if parameter Collecting Resources Received After Inventory Date in definition of inventory document is set to:
Collect – system quantity on the sheet will be 38 pcs
Ignore – system quantity on the sheet will be 30 pcs
In case of AVCO method of collecting resources, system quantity is decreased by quantities resulting from subitems of IR-, POR, WM+, SORQC, IR-QC documents whose date of receipt is later than the sheet date of issue.
In case of generating an IR- document from inventory, for databases with AVCO method of collecting resources and enabled control of resource chronology, the IR- is generated as unconfirmed.
Item blockade – this parameter is responsible for its default setting in inventory document form. Functioning of the parameter has been described here.
Parameters available in inventory document form.
Item blockade – if the parameter in the document header is:
checked – the items included in the inventory sheet are blocked for sale
unchecked – the items included in the inventory sheet are not blocked for sale
The parameter is available for editing in an initiated or unconfirmed document, for an operator who belongs to an operator group with permission Inventory – Blockade of item addition granted.
For B2_admin operator group the permission is checked by default, for the other groups it is unchecked.
During conversion and creation of a database, the parameter in inventory document definition is unchecked, by default.
In document form, the parameter is blocked for editing, if:
there is at least one inventory sheet with a status other than Canceled
an operator editing the inventory does not have permission Inventory – Blockade of item sales granted
Release reserved – parameter available for editing in an initiated or unconfirmed inventory document, for an operator who belongs to an operator group with permission Inventory – Release of reserved resources granted. For B2_admin operator group the permission is checked by default, for the other groups it is unchecked.
Performing an inventory in a warehouse in which there are resource/quantity reservations may disable evening system and actual stock level. In such a situation the discrepancy is regulated through generation of IR- document from the inventory. If quantity of a resource needed for a release is reserved by SO, it is not possible to created IR- and thereby, to even actual and system stock level.
Owing to that, a user can release reservations of resources while generating IR- document from inventory, with the use of option Release reserved.
It is possible to select one of the following options:
release quantity and resource reservation – the system verifies if there are unprocessed subitems of SO/IO documents and releases them
release quantity reservation – the system verifies if there are unprocessed subitems of SO/IO documents and releases them starting from the latest expected date of item – until required available quantity is released or quantity reservation is released from all items included in such type of reservation.
In the main warehouse there is BKZD item in quantity 35 pcs:
10 pcs of item BKZD without specified lot
10 pcs of item BKZD with feature Green
15 pcs of item BKZD with feature Red
The following resource reservations are registered in the system:
5 pcs of item BKZD with feature Green
5 pcs of item BKZD with feature Red
The option of releasing quantity reservations is checked on inventory document.
Case 1:
In the system, there is quantity reservation for 25 pcs of item BKZD (without specified lot):
20 pcs on SO/000001/2017 document with expected date 01.01.2019
5 pcs on SO/000001/2017 document with expected date 30.01.2019
Overstock of item is registered in the inventory document in quantity 6 pcs for item BKZD with feature Red.
Result: While generating an IR- document from the inventory, the following reservations will be released in quantity:
5 pcs from the document SO/000002/2019
1 pcs from the document SO/000001/2019
Case 2:
In the system, there is quantity reservation for 25 pcs of item BKZD (without specified lot):
10 pcs on SO/000001/2019 document with expected date 01.01.2018
5 pcs on SO/000002/2019 document with expected date 30.01.2018
Overstock of item is registered in the inventory document in quantity 6 pcs for item BKZD with feature Green.
Result: While generating an IR- document from the inventory, the following reservations will be released in quantity:
5 pcs from the document SO/000002/2019
Additionally, greater quantity will not be released because that would disable releasing greater quantity of item lot Green.
Case 3:
In the system, there is quantity reservation for 10 pcs of item BKZD with fracture Red.
Overstock of item is registered in the inventory document in quantity 6 pcs for item BKZD with feature Green.
Result: While generating an IR- document from the inventory, quantity reservations will not be released because that would disable releasing greater quantity of item lot Green.
The following operations are registered in the main warehouse for item BZKD:
The item was received with POR document in quantity 10 pcs
Purchase invoice was generated to the confirmed POR
SOR document was issued for 3 pcs with unconfirmed status
SO document was issued for 3 pcs – resource reservation was registered
Item quantity in the warehouse – 10 pcs
Quantity reserved – 6 pcs
On an inventory sheet, the difference between actual and system quantity is 10 pcs.
Therefore, IR- document should be generated for 10 pcs.
In case the reservations are not released, IR- document will be generated for 4 pcs.
If the reservation is released, the IR- will be generated for 7 pcs, since reservation on the sales order is a reservation without resources (non-blocking reservation).
Parameters available ininventory sheet form.
In section Items in inventory sheet there is parameter Allow for duplicating item lot in readout. It is strictly related to readouts which can be added to a given inventory sheet. In readouts, differently than in inventory sheets, a given item lot can appear many times, if the parameter is checked.
In case the parameter is unchecked, in a readout it is possible to add only one item lot. The parameter is checked by default. At the moment of adding the first readout to a given inventory sheet, the parameter is grayed out and it is not possible to modify its setting on readouts.
If no readout has been assigned to an inventory sheet, it is possible to:
add new items to it
enter actual quantity
delete items from the sheet
load data from a collector onto the sheet
If at least one readout has been added to the sheet, in the sheet it is not possible to:
edit actual quantity (the column is filled in only with date from associated redoubts)
add and delete items which are present also on a readout
load data from a collector and transfer system quantity to the actual quantity
However, it is still possible to delete items from the inventory sheet if it is not on a readout.
On a readout, the parameter can be previewed (without possibility of changing it).
Canceling devaluation – AVCO
During the cancellation the system verifies if in a warehouse there is any quantity of a resource from delivery as that which was subject to devaluation. In case the quantity:
is available – the value of a resource in a warehouse is update by the whole value of a given item of the devaluation document
There are 20 pcs of item Boots available in main warehouse:
10 pcs of lot size 37 for 10.00 USD/pcs
10 pcs of lot size 38 for 10.00 USD/pcs
1. Devaluation document was issued, in which price was reduced to 9.00 USD both for size 37 and size 38 lot
Resource status after the release:
Lot with size 37: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90,00 USD
Lot with size 38: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90,00 USD
2. 5 pcs of the lot with size 37 was released with document SOR/2016/00004.
Resource status after the release:
Lot with size 37: 5 pcs * 9.00 USD = 45 USD
Lot with size 38: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90.00 USD
3. The devaluation was canceled
Resource status after the release:
Lot with size 37:
Value: 51.66 USD
Lot with size 38:
Value: 103.34 USD
is not available – a CC is generated for a given warehouse for the whole value of a given item of the devaluation document
There are 20 pcs of item Scarf available in complaint warehouse:
10 pcs of lot striped for 10.00 USD/pcs
10 pcs of lot polka dot for 10.00 USD/pcs
1. Devaluation document was issued, in which price was reduced to 9.00 USD both for striped and polka dot lot
Resource status after the release:
Striped lot: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90,00 USD
Polka dot lot: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90,00 USD
2. 10 pcs from striped lot was released with SOR/2016/00006 document
Resource status after the release:
Polka dot lot: 10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90.00 USD
3. The devaluation was canceled
Resource status after the release:
Polka dot lot:
Value: 90.00 pcs * 20.00 USD = 110.00 USD
In case of issuing two devaluation documents for one warehouse, it is not possible to cancel the one issued earlier – first, the later document must be canceled.
Canceling devaluation – FIFO/LIFO
During the cancellation the system verifies if in a warehouse there is any quantity of a resource from delivery as that which was subject to devaluation. In case the quantity:
is available – the value of a resource in a warehouse is update by the amount which was devaluated for that resource
A delivery was received into outlet warehouse with document POR/2016/00001 including item Scarf 10 pcs for 1.00 USD/pcs.
5 pcs of item Scarf was released from the outlet warehouse with document SOR/2016/00001
The resource was devaluated:
There are 5 pcs of item Scarf from document POR/2016/00001 for 1.00 USD/pcs available in the outlet warehouse before the devaluation – resource value is 5.00 USD.
Price of the item was reduced on the devaluation document to 0.90 USD.
Delivery status after devaluation:
5 pcs * 0.90 USD = 4.50 USD
4 pcs of Scarf item were released from the outlet warehouse with the use of SOR/2016/00002 document
Delivery status after the release with the use of the document SOR/2016/00002
1 pcs * 0.90 USD = 0.90 USD
The devaluation was canceled
Delivery status after devaluation:
Value: 1.40 USD (0.90 USD resource value + 0.50 USD from the canceled devaluation)
is not available – a CC is generated. A CC generated this way is not associated with any warehouse document.
A delivery was received into complaint warehouse with document POR/2016/00002 including item Tie: 20 pcs for 10.00 USD/pcs.
10 pcs of item Tie was released from the complaint warehouse with document SOR/2016/00002.
The resource was devaluated:
There are 10 pcs of item Tie from document POR/2016/00002 for 10.00 USD/pcs available in the complaint warehouse before the devaluation – resource value is 100.00 USD.
Price of the item was reduced on the devaluation document to 9.00 USD.
Delivery status after devaluation:
10 pcs * 9.00 USD = 90.00 USD
10 pcs of the item received with POR/2016/00002 document was released with document SOR/2016/00003
Resource status after the release:
No resource.
The devaluation was canceled
CC document for the complaint warehouse was created.
CC value: 10.00 USD
In case of issuing two devaluation documents for one warehouse, it is not possible to cancel the one issued earlier – first, the later document must be canceled.
Confirming devaluation
Confirming a devaluation document results in updating:
value of a resource in the warehouse according to value specified in field Value After Devaluation
price of a resource in the warehouse according to formula Value after devaluation/Quantity of resource in the warehouse
purchase value of a given lot, which will be calculated as total of values after devaluation of resources and other resources
unit price, which will be calculated according to formula Lot value after devaluation/Quantity of the given lot resources
resource which has been reserved with a warehouse document for released
Upon confirming a devaluation document, purchase/acquisition values are not updated in SO/SI documents which reserved resources of the devaluated items.
When confirming a devaluation document, Devaluation Date is verified.In case of resource queuing method:
FIFO/LIFO – if delivery date is later than devaluation date, it is not possible to confirm the document
AVCO – parameter Control chronology of resource modifications is verified.If date of the last modification of resources uploaded onto the DV document is later than devaluation date, it is not possible to confirm the document
Creating devaluation
In order to add a new devaluation document, it is necessary to select [Add] button. It results with opening a new devaluation document form
Devaluation document form
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
Unique fields of devaluation document header:
Value Before Devaluation
Value After Devaluation
Devaluation Value – value of devaluation document, calculated as a difference between value before devaluation and value after devaluation
Devaluation Date – date on which value of a warehouse resource was changed. The devalued resource retrieved onto document for released items has always value the same as after devaluation, irrespective of date of sale set on that document. Devaluation date is taken into account in archival stock levels, item history and delivery history.
Devaluation document can be issued only in the system currency.
Unique fields of devaluation Items tab:
Delivery Date – date with which a given item was received into original warehouse (available only for databases with FIFO/LIFO method selected)
Document – number of a document which registered receipt of an item into warehouse (available only for databases with FIFO/LIFO method selected)
Source Document – number of a document which created a delivery (available only for databases with FIFO/LIFO method selected)
Price Before Devaluation – unit purchase price of an item before devaluation
Price After Devaluation – unit purchase price of an item after devaluation
Value Before Devaluation – purchase value of an item before devaluation
Value After Devaluation – purchase value of an item after devaluation
Devaluation Value – value of an item, calculated as a difference between value before and after devaluation
Items derived from deliveries with confirmed total quantity are not subject to devaluation.
When adding an item onto devaluation document, whole quantity of a resource stored in a given warehouse is retrieved (also those quantities which have resource reservations registered) with a possibility of deleting a selevted delivery. Moreover, depending on the set resources collection method:
FIFO/LIFO – all deliveries associated with a given item, which are stored in warehouse selected in a document header, are added. Document item is in this case delivery of the given item.
AVCO – all lots of a given item, which are stored in warehouse selected in a document header, are added. Document item is in this case lot of the given item.
It is not possible to ad an item onto devaliation document if there is an Unconfirmed/Initiated devaluation document issued for the same warehouse.
It is not possible to generate a SOR warehouse document to a trade document, if a resource is subject to devaluation.
Upon selecting at least one item a user is able to recalculate entire Devaluation document. Selecting [Recalculate] button results in opening the following form.
Form with parameters of recalculating items
It is possible to determine fields which are to be subject to modification:
Change Direction
Fixed Value
Value by which change will be made
Introduction to devaluation
Devaluation allows for changing values of resources in a warehouse. Depending on resource collection method determined in the system configuration, it is possible to:
change price or value of specified deliveries for FIFO/LIFO databases
change price/value of specified lots registered in a warehouse for AVCO databases
A list of documents is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → Devaluations.
List of devaluations
Possibility of creating devaluations is available for a user who belongs to operator groups with permission Access to purchase prices granted.
In case in a warehouse there is a devaluation document with Initiated or Unconfirmed status, in a document including devaluated deliveries (FIFO/LIFO)/lots (AVCO), it is not possible to:
add an item lot to a document (database with AVCO method of queuing resources)
deleting an item from the list of items in an unconfirmed document
change quantity of an item/subitem in an unconfirmed document
issue a quantity/value correction (value correction for documents for released items)
confirm a document and its corrections
change warehouse to a warehouse subject to devaluation
add/remove a subitem
introduce modifications in the tab Deliveries in item details
add/remove a subitem
delete an unconfirmed document
cancel a document
Discrepancy report
Discrepancy report is a differential document. It is created automatically when confirming an RDR document, in case the system finds a difference between items in a WM- document and items in an RDR document associated with that WM-. It is in form of a printout and is not registered on a separate list of documents; each of the generated reports has a unique number which is assigned according to the numeration scheme determined for DR document type.
DR printout
A DR printout is activated for a confirmed:
WM- to which an RDR was generated – both from the level of the list and document details
WM+ associated with an RDR – both from the level of the list and document details
RDR – from the level of the list of documents
DR printout can be previewed only by those operators who have permissions to read DR documents In order to preview such printout, click on the button [Print Document/Print], select printout Discrepancy Report and option Preview.
A report contains information on
DR document number
RDR document number for which a DR was created
number of a source WM- document
source warehouse name and target warehouse name
DR document status
lists of discrepancies
A report presents items:
included in a WM- which are not included in an RDR
included in an RDR, but not included in a WM-
for which a defect was reported – value in column Discrepancy is other than Consistent
When comparing a WM- and an RDR, the system takes into account:
item code
features assigned to an item
item quantity on a WM- and on an RDR
units of measure on an item registered in a WM- and units of measure of an item registered in an RDR
Information provided on the list of discrepancies is the following:
item code and name
item quantity registered for a selected item in an RDR or WM- (depending on where the discrepancy originates from)
unit of measure in which item quantity is defined
type of discrepancy determined on the basis of discrepancy code from an RDR document or assigned automatically by the system if quantities in RDR and WM- documents are inconsistent; if a discrepancy results from differences in quantity registered on documents, then in column Discrepancy, the quantity along with UOM, consistent with quantity from column Quantity, is displayed in brackets at the end of cell; however, in case if in RDR an item from a WM- is missing, this quantity will be displayed with “-“ sign
description copied from an RDR
Example of presenting discrepancies on a DR:
Scenario 1:
WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020 from lot 30 ml
RDR: 1 pcs of item K00020z from lot 50 ml
In DR there is:
Hand cream
30 ml
No item in RDR (-1 pcs)
Hand cream
50 ml
No item in WM- (1 pcs)
Scenario 2:
WM-: 2 pcs of item K00020
RDR: 3 pcs of item AP
In DR there is:
Hand cream
No item in WM- (1 pcs)
Scenario 3:
WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020
RDR: 2 pcs of item K00020, one of which was registered as damaged
In DR there is:
Hand cream
No item in RDR (-1 pcs)
Golden earrings
No item in WM- (2 pcs)
Golden earrings
In case if none differences were registered between a WM- and an RDR, message No discrepancies is displayed.
Packs in DR
If packs were created in a source WM- and, at the same time, not all items were assigned to the pack, a list of discrepancies is divided into separate sections: for each pack and item not associated with any pack. Each section contains total of discrepancies calculated as total of reported items.
Canceling DR
Cancellation of a DR is perfomed automatically, at the momento of cancelling the source WM- or cancelling at least one of receiving and delivery reports associated with a given DR.
Receiving and delivery reports
Receiving and delivery reports
Issuing a Receiving and delivery report (RDR) allows for registering what item was actually received in a target warehouse and in what condition When moving an item between warehouses of a given company , it may happen that there is a different item registered in a warehouse movement document than the one which was physically received in a target warehouse or an item delivered to a target warehouse is damaged.
A list of RDR documents is available from the level of Warehouse Reports and provides information about:
RDR document number
its date of issue
number of WM- document to which an RDR document refers
number of WM+ document which was generated upon confirming an RDR document
code and UPC number of a pack to which an RDR document was generated (only such an RDR document was generated directly to a pack, not to the whole WM- document)
discrepancy report number
current RDR document status
From the level of the list, an operator can confirm, edit, delete or cancel a previously generated RDR document, but cannot add a new one. An RDR document can be generated from a WM- document.
Generating an RDR
An RDR is generated for all items of a WM- document which are not included in any pack or to a single pack from a WM- document.
Options regarding generation of an RDR are available from the level of:
list of WM- documents – an RDR for items of a WM- document not included in any pack
details of a WM – document, tab Items – an RDR for items of a WM- document not included in any pack
details of a WM – document, tab Packs – an RDR for a selected pack from a WM- document
pack monitor – an RDR for a selected pack from a WM- document
If an unconfirmed receiving and delivery report is already associated with a source WM-, then the system opens this report form in the edit mode.
In case a WM- document to which an RDR is generated is already associated with a WM+ document (and this document is not canceled), the system associates the generated RDR with this WM+.
An RDR document:
can be generated in a center to which belongs the target warehouse from the WM- document
is based on permissions to warehouses determined for WM+ document type No warehouses are assigned to RDR document type in its configuration.
allows for adding an item of a Merchandise or Set type which on item form has parameter Retrieve items onto document checked and does not contain an element of Service type. Upon adding such set, its elements are displayed on the list of items without information that they are contained in a set.
source warehouse from which an item was released – uploaded from a source WM- document, not editable
target warehouse in which an item is to be received – uploaded from a source WM- document, not editable
number of a source WM- document to which an RDR refers – determined on the basis of WM- document for which RDR generation was started, not editable
code and UPC of a pack to which an RDR was generated (visible only if an RDR was generated to a pack) – determined on the basis of data from the pack on WM- document for which RDR generation was started, not editable
center in which an RDR is issued – by default, it is a center to which an operator issuing an RDR is logged in, however, until a document is confirmed, it is possible to change the center to the one to which operator group including the logged in operator is assigned
document status
date of issue – RDR generation date, not editable
section for additional description
list of items which were actually delivered to a target warehouse – the list is empty, by default; it is possible to add items which were received in a delivery, specify discrepancy and add its detailed description
Adding an item to RDR
List of RDR items displays data on:
ordinal number
item code and name
features of a given item lot
quantity of received item lot expressed in basic unit
type of discrepancy and its description – a user can select a discrepancy type from a dropdown list. The list is retrieved on the basis of generic directory Discrepancy Codes which is available in Configuration General) (Generic Directories) General group of directories.
When creating a database, four types of discrepancy codes are created, but only one of them – Consistent – is available in an RDR document. It means that an item being received is of standard value. The other three discrepancy codes are used only in discrepancy report in case if an item is missing in a WM- document/pack, whereas it is registered in an RDR, and the other way around. An operator is able to add his own discrepancy codes to the generic directory and use them when issuing RDR documents.
Adding an item to an RDR document is performed with the use of button [Add]. In the item list, the system creates a new row, in which, in column Code, an operator can:
load an item/lot code with a barcode scanner
type an item/lot code on a keyboard
select item from the list of items opened upon clicking on the three-dot symbol, which is available in the column
In order to fill in the column with features, it is necessary to add an item to an RDR by providing the code assigned to a given lot. It is not possible to select a given item lot upon adding this item by specifying its code.
List of items registered in a WM- document which should be received in a target warehouse
RDR document form including a list of items and which were actually received in a target warehouse along with their condition
Barcode scanners and adding items to an RDR
The system enables to configure cooperation with scanners in two ways – to require manual entering of quantity before another item is added or to automatically set the quantity of such item to 1 and create subsequent row upon uploading a code with the use of scanner.
In order to determine the manner of using barcode scanners, check parameter Barcode scanner handling in RDR document definition in a given center and select one of the options: without quantity or with quantity.
If parameter Barcode scanner handling is unchecked only means that, upon uploading the code to Code field, the system moves the cursor to the next column and will wait for filling it in and another row will have to be added manually.
Option without quantity means that an operator uses only a scanner and each code is read separately. RDR document will include as many items as many times the operator uploaded a code with the use of scanner. The system will not aggregate the same elements to one item – for each uploaded code, the quantity will be set to 1, by default. It will be possible to change quantity of individual items.
Option with quantity means that an operator will read a code with the use of scanner, but quantity will be specified each time manually. Upon specifying the quantity, the operator must click [Enter] or [Add] for a new row to be added to an RDR and in the added row it will be possible to upload another code.
Confirming an RDR
After adding to a receiving and delivery report all items which have been physically delivered to the target warehouse, the document can be confirmed.
Confirming an RDR results in verifying whether a given RDR is the only or the last RDR that can be created for a given WM- document. The number of RDR that can be created for a WM- depends on whether in the WM- there are any packs and whether there are items not assigned to any pack from the WM-.
If a WM-
does not contain packs – it is possible to generate only one RDR document and it will refer to the entire WM- document
contains packs and all items from that WM- are associated with a pack – it is possible to generate as many RDR as the number of packs in the WM-; one RDR for one pack
contains packs but not all items from that WM- are associated with a pack – it is possible to generate as many RDR as the number of packs (one RDR to one pack) and another one RDR to the items not associated with any pack.
In case a given RDR is the only/the last RDR that can be created to a given WM- document, after confirming that RDR, the system:
generates a confirmed WM+ to the whole WM- document, but only if no WM+ has yet been generated to that WM-
generates a DR which includes discrepancies between RDR and WM-, if such discrepancies occur
A WM+ document generated as a result of confirmation of an RDR does not contain information on discrepancies. It reflects the WM- document, the same as in the case of the standard generation of a WM+ from a WM-.
Canceling an RDR
Canceling an RDR might result in simultaneous canceling of a DR associated with the RDR. However, such a situation occurs only if:
the DR is not associated with any other RDR or
the DR is associated with other RDR documents, but all those RDR documents have been already canceled
If conditions of simultaneous cancellation of RDR and DR are fulfilled, when canceling the RDR, the system asks whether a user wants to continue the cancellation.
Packages (PC) are transport documents which are used for collecting all items earmarked for shipping to a one recipient into one document. A document can be printed and stocked to the pack in which the items indicated in the document are transported.
A list of defined packages documents is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → Packages.
In order to add a new pack, it is necessary to click on [Add] button and indicate one of the available options:
External package
Internal package
The package form is comprised of a header and a list of items (external package)/list of documents (internal package) and constitutes a basis for a correctly created package document.
Basic fields available on the package form are described in article Document header. Additionally, the following fields are available:
Package Type – field provided for information purposes, completed on the basis of the type selected during pack creation
Destination – field available on internal package form, allows for indicating a center in which at least one warehouse visible in the center being the owner of the package is available
Processing Status – field with dropdown list retrieved from generic directory Package Processing Status (Configuration Generic Directories General Package Processing Status). The following predefined values are available in the directory:
Picking (predefined value)
Ready For Dispatch
Partially Unpacked
Received in Stock
The necessary requirement for completing a list of:
external package is prior completion of the field Customer
internal package is prior completion of the field Destination
External package
External package form
The list of items contains information regarding:
code and name of an item being shipped (retrieved from the source document item)
quantity and <<unit of measure>>
number of a source document from which an item originates and its ordinal number in this document
When adding an item, a list filtered by a customer is opened. After marking the selected documents all items contained in them will be added to a package. However, an operator can delete a part of added items or reduce a quantity.
Particular items of documents can be only added to one PC document.
Internal Package
Internal package form
The list of items contains information regarding
number of WM- document added to package
processing status of the source document, field with dropdown list retrieved from generic directory Package Item Processing Status (Configuration Generic Directories General Package Item Processing Status). The following predefined values are available in the directory:
Ready For Dispatch (predefined value)
Awaiting Pickup
Picked Up
Received In Stock (WM-)
Unexpected – Received
Unexpected – Rejected
associated WM+ warehouse document
To a package document it is possible to add only those WM- documents which:
do not have WM+ documents generated
were not added to another package or are contained in a canceled package
have Confirmed status
have target warehouse available in the center indicated in the package document in the field Destination
After confirming a package document, it is possible to:
modify field in the column Package Item Processing Status
generate a WM+ document
It is not possible to cancel a WM- document added to a pack. First, it is necessary to cancel the package document.
Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
SO release
SO releases are warehouse documents confirming release of merchandise outside (to a customer). They result in reduction in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value.
A list of SOR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Releases)→SOR.
List of SOR documents
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
SOR documents:
allow for indicating a customer/vendor
require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
do not allow for realeasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
Internal release
Internal releases (IR-) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. They are used for documenting losses, disposal of damaged items, collecting an item from a warehouse for a test period, lending or collecting components processed in the production process, inside a company.
A list of IR- documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse →(Releases) IR-.
Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
IR- documents:
are issued in the system currency
present total value
do not contain services
require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
can have a customer/vendoror an employee indicated
do not allow for realeasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
retrieve item value from a resource without possibility of chaning it
PO receipt
PO receipts are warehouse documents confirming reception of merchandise in a warehouse from a vendor, under the specified purchase terms and conditions. They result in an increase in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value.
A list of POR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Receipts) → POR.
List of POR documents
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
POR documents:
allow for indicating a customer/vendor
require determination of a warehouse in which te resources are supposed to enter
allow for introducing to a warehouse a merchandise withoud defined purchase value and for its releasing by quantity confirmation of a document.
Internal receipt
Internal releases (IR+) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. It is used for recording excess stock or merchandise produced within a company.
A list of IR+ documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse →(Receipts) IR+.
IR+ document formDetailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
IR+ documents:
are issued in the system currency
present subtotal value
do not regard services or sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked
require determination of a warehouse
can have a customer/employee indicated
retrieve values of items from the recent warehouse document for received items (POR, IR+, WM+) which belong to the company or its child companies, in the context of which a document containing a given item is being issued, regardless of whe warehouse
can have item value modified
allow for introducing to a warehouse a merchandise withoud defined purchase value and for its releasing by quantity confirmation of a document.
Sales targets
The functionality allows for defining individual sales targets for employees of particular shops. A sales value is calculated with the use of external services, e.g. dedicated BI reports.
Sales targets can be specified from the level of Sales(Targets) Sales Targets.
The possibility of defining sales targets depends on permission granted to an operator group: Sales Targets
List of sales targets
The list contains standard buttons which have been described in articleStandard buttons.
The list is composed of the following columns:
Target Type
Effective From/Effective To
Shop Target
Creating new sales target
In order to add new target, it is necessary to click on button [Add], which results in opening of a definition form.
Sales target form
The sales target form is comprised of:
Side panel, containing the following fields/parameters:
Target Type – non editable list, allows for defining time interval in which a given target is to be effective. It is possible to select one of the following types: Daily (default), Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual.
Shop – field in which a user indicates a center associated with the POS workstation
Effective From/Effective Until – non editable list, allows for defining time interval in which a given target is to be effective
Shop target– parameter unchecked by default, checking in results in graying out section with Employees
In tab Parameters, placed in the upper part of the window, depending on the selected target type, the following columns are available:
Priority (available only for the option: Daily
Application (available only for the option: Daily) – non editable list, allowing for selecting one of the following options:
Standard Day
Weekdays (available only for the option: Daily) – field editable only if the option Weekdays has been selected in the column Application. The filed allows for selecting a day from a list of weekdays or option (Select All)
Date From/Date To (available only for the option: Daily) – field editable only if the option Date/Period has been selected in the column Application. The fields allow for defining a time interval.
Amount – field allowing for defining a value for a given target
Currency – basic currency of the company to which belongs the center associated with the POS workstation, indicated in the form header
Period (available only for the options: Monthly, Quarterly, Annual) – drop-down list allowing for indicating time interval in accordance with the selected period. For option:
Monthly – it is possible to select particular months or option (Select All)
Quarterly – it is possible to select particular quarters
Monday, 3.12. (fulfilled condition: standard day) – 3000,00
Saturday, 15.12 (fulfilled conditions: standard day, weekdays: Saturday) – 4500,00 – the priority for the option Weekdays is more important than the priority defined for the option Standard
Saturday, 22.12 (fulfilled conditions: standard day, weekdays: Saturday, period: 20.12-23.12) – 6000,0 – the priority for the option Period (1) is higher than priorities for the other options
In the section Employees it is necessary to indicate an employee associated with an operator who belongs to the center indicated in the filed Shop.
In case the parameter Shop Target is checked, the target is not defined for individual employees, but for the whole hop.
In order it is possible to indicate an employee, first it is necessary to indicate a center in the field Shop.
Cost correction
Cost corrections are generated automatically as a result of completing operations resulting in a change in the cost of items sold.
A CC document can be generated:
while confirming or canceling a PORVC/IR+VC, whereby the resource received by the corrected document has already been released (CC for confirmed SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+)
while confirming WM+, whereby there exists a cost correction to the source WM- document
upon confirming SORQC/IR-QC, if there exists a cost correction to the source SOR/IR- documen
in the event of canceling documents: SOR, SORQC, IR-, WM-, WM+, if there exists a cost correction to these documents
in the event of issuing or canceling a manual PIVC
if a resource has been entirely corrected quantitatively and in the warehouse there is acquisition value for this resource left (e.g. if additional costs are not included in the PORQC)
The cost of sales in SI, R documents as well as their corrections (being issued prior to issuing a warehouse document) is treated as an estimated cost, if they are issued before a document which generates a warehouse movement. The actual cost is calculated only in SOR documents generated to trade documents, on the basis of a current value of retrieved resources.
Cost corrections cannot be deleted, canceled or added manually. Upon canceling a value correction, for example, which has resulted in generating a cost correction, another cost correction correcting the existing one will be created. In the event of confirming a WM+, IR-QC or SORQC, the system will generate one CC document on the basis of all CC documents generated to the source documents – WM-, IR-, SOR.
Cost corrections do not generate paymetns.
A list of generated cost corrections is placed in module Sales. The list displays information regarding:
correction number
date of issue, that is the actual date of the operation of generating a correction (current date)
date of correction, that is the date of an “event” that has resulted in generating a CC Depending on situation as a result of which a CC document is created, correction date in a CC is retrieved from:
date of correction from PORVC, PORQC
date of issue from IR+VC
date of issue from WM+, SORQC, IR-QC
date of receipt from PIVC
date of release, that is a “warehouse date” in which an item whose prime cost is changing a given CC was released/returned. Depending on a document to which a CC is being generated, the date of issue of such a CC is determined on the basis of:
the date of release from a SOR
the date of correction from a SORQC, manual PIVC, PORQC
date of issue from a IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+
value of a cost correction calculated on the basis of the purchase value
value of an acquisition cost correction based on the acquisition value
document status
number of the source document as a result of which a correction has been created
Details of a correction are available after clicking on button [Preview] located in the group of buttons List in the main menu. A correction form is comprised of standard document tabs: Items, Analytical Description, Associated Documents, Attributes and Change History.
The majority of fields in the tab Items is grayed-out. Only a Correction Date and a Date of Release are subject to changes, but only until a document has been posted.
Similarly, as the other trade documents, the cost correction form is comprised of:
header in which the number of a correction document is shown,
the number of a source document which has resulted in creation of a correction,
center in which a document has been issued,
current document status (a correction is always generated for the status Confirmed),
issue date, correction date and release date,
value of a cost correction and value of acquisition cost correction,
list of items
The list of items presents items along with the value of a cost correction and the value of acquisition cost correction. Those are the items whose purchase price and acquisition price have been corrected as a result of confirming or canceling the source document for a CC. Each item can only be previewed to obtain more details.
Commission invoices
Commission invoices are used to reward customers who make the largest purchases in terms of value.
The list of commission invoices is placed in Sales module and serves for informational purposes. It contains a list of all customers registered in the system. After defining a time interval (closed, open or open or open on one side) and clicking on [Calculate Commission] button, information on the total value of sum of sales transactions (sales invoices) in which the customers participated, the margin earned that way, percentage value of commission which is due for the amount obtained as well as the actual commission value is displayed.
List of commission invoices
Characteristics of commission invoices in the system:
to differentiate the amounts of commissions received by customers it is possible to define appropriate thresholds after exceeding of which the percentage of a commission amount is increased accordingly
it is not possible to define the same comission amount for thresholds with different invoice values Similarly, it is not possibile to add one two different comission amounts to one invoices value
configuration of comission invoices is defined for particular company
from the level of the parent company, it is possible to define limits and comissions for each company and a global limit for all companies
in case a user is logged-in to a company different than the parent company, he/she is able to define limits for this company and to read global limit, but cannot modify them
Configuration of thresholds for commission invoices
Configuration of thresholds is available from the level of Configuration →(Documents)→Commission Invoices.
In order to define a new threshold, it is necessary to select button [Add] which is placed immediately above the list or in the main menu, in List button group. The number of thresholds can be unlimited.
The following values should be defined in the new row:
minimum total value of sales invoices – amount which a cutomer should exceed to receive a percentage amount of commission
comssion amounts corresponding to a given threshold of values of invoices
Method of calculating commissions depends on the value of parameter Company: If indicated value is:
Company – commission value is calculated only for customers available in a company for which the comission is being calculated
Option <All> – comission value is calculated for all documents and customers, regardless of company. Documents are summed up according to the system currency
Memos are used for decreasing/increasing a payable of a customer/vendor resulting from a trade transaction. They are also used in case of sales of vouchers.
The list of credit/debit memos registered in the system is available from the level of the module Sales/Purchase → Credit Memos/Debit Memos.
A list of memos, except from standard information available in the majority of lists, presents also Payment Status, which allows to quickly verify whether a given memo has been already completed or not.
In order to register a new credit/debit memo, click the button [Add] from the List button group, which opens a new form. For both types of memos, the form is nearly identical. The primary difference is the subtab – Vouchers, available in a debit memo form, in which it is possible to register the sale of fixed amount vouchers.
Credit memo form
The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.
Characterictics of memos:
A memo can only be issued in the system currency.
A condition required to be able to confirm a memo is indicating a customer/vendor and introducing memo value higher than 0. The exception is a situation when a note registers sale of vouchers. Then, such a document can be issued for undefined customer/vendor.
In order to complete a sales/purchase invoice from a credit/debit memo, it is necessary to edit the payment created in the invoice and select the parameter Compensations which can be found in the Payments tab. Then, in a list of documents to be paid relevant memos, which have yet not completed any other document, appear.
Credit memo
A credit memo is issued by a vendor to record payables in respect of a customer, but in contrast to corrections it does not contain elements (items).
Credit memos can be used in the following situations:
issuing a memo as a result of incorrect invoicing of the quantity or value in comparison with the actual delivery. A larger quantity or greater value of merchandise has been invoiced than it was actually delivered. In this case, a credit memo is issued which enables a customer to receive a discount in the amount of the memo received during subsequent purchases.
issuing a memo on the basis of an earlier agreement under which it is stipulated that after purchasing merchandise for a specific amount a customer can receive a discount in the form of a credit memo
Debit memo
Debit memo is used in situations that are opposite to situations involving credit memo, if quantity or value of provided merchandise is superior to the quantity or value indicated in an invoice. It is used in order to document debits associated with payments not subject to VAT taxation.
The source document for a debit memo can be a credit memo document issued by vendor or an internal document which constitutes basis for charging a given customer.
A debit memo can also register the sales of gift vouchers, because only the use of a voucher, that is the physical purchase of goods by a vendor making a payment by handing a goods voucher (a gift card), will be the activity taxable with VAT.
The complaints functionality envisages handling of the complaint process for items both purchased by customers (sales complaints) and purchased from vendors (purchase complaints).
Complaints can be created both for items of merchandise type and for services.
Functionalities relating to complaint handling, depending on a complaint type, are available from the level of tabs Sales/Purchase → Complaints.
The status of a complaint document depends on the stage of the complaint process. A document can assume one of the following statses – To consider, Accepted, Rejected, Processed.
Detailed description of functionalities related to complaints can be found in subcategory Complaints.
Consignment sales report
Consignment sales report is used for collecting the whole sale of the resources received from one customer/vendor in one consignment warehouse of Own type in a given period.
The consignment sales report is a document which reflects the sale of items from delivery from a specific customer/vendor to a consignment warehouse of Own type on the basis of SOR documents. A report also includes the “sales” for the customer, whereby the item is moved from the consignment warehouse by means of WM documents to a local warehouse of the customer
List of CSR documents and the functionality relating to these documents are available in module Sales → CSR.
List of CSR documents
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
In order to issue a new report, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which results in appearing of a new form.
Tab General is slightly different than in other trade documents. The header contains:
document number
vendor for whom the report is being created
warehouse in which the resource delivered by a given vendor has been received (it can only and exclusively be an own consignment warehouse)
center in which the document is being issued
field with a space for providing an additional description to the report
current document status
document date of issue
total and subtotal value of the report
range of dates within which the dates of issue of documents including in the created CSR fall
The list of CSR items displays items and their quantity which has been released within the selected period of time by means of SOR and WM- documents from own consignment warehouse that is the basis of the report.
These items can only be added after selecting a vendor as well as a warehouse. Then, by means of buttons [Add SOR], [Add WM-], a user can select specific SOR or/and WM- documents from the list filtered by dates, vendor or warehouse. The other option involves the automatic addition of all SOR and WM- documents fulfilling the criteria set – button [Add Automatically].
Characteristics of CSR documents:
in the document header, in field Warehouse, by default is set the warehouse for which, in configuration, the CSR document has been set as default. However, it is possible to change it into a different consignment warehouse of Own type.
It is not possible to issue a CSR for a consignment warehouse of customer’s type or a local warehouse
When adding an item to a CSR its quantity is converted to the basic unit.
In databases with FIFO/LIFO methods selected, the system does not include the documents which have already been added to another CSR, SOR documents which have been completely corrected, and WM- documents associated with a SORQC.
Retrieving prices into a CSR
Prices of the individual items are retrieved from the current price list for received items assigned to the vendor selected in the CSR, in the system currency of a company being the document owner. They are not editable and are only used for information purposes.
The prices can differ from the prices in the POR and PI, which ultimately document the purchase.
Generating a CSR document
A CSR document can be generated from the list of SOR and WM- documents.
Generating is possible for one or many documents marked on a list.
In the case of WM-, these can be documents, whose source warehouse is a consignment warehouse of Own type and the source warehouse is set as a local warehouse.
After confirming a CSR document, it is sent to the vendor, who, as a response, provides a sales invoice including exactly the same items.
Statement of retail sale and correction of retail sale
Statement of Retail Sale (SRS) and Correction of Retail Sale (CRS) are the documents presenting the total value of retail sales recorded by means of receipts as well as their corrections within a specified time interval in a given company/center.
SRS/CRS documents register sales broken down into the subtotal, total as well as VAT rate values.
As a result of confirming an SRS/CRS a VAT sales invoice/VAT sales invoice correction is automatically generated. This way, the sales value registered with receipts/receipt corrections is recorded in a VAT account.
Functionalities relating to the statement of retail sale and corrections of retail sale are available from the level of the tab Sales → SRS/CSR.
List of SRS documents
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Automatic generation of SRS/CRS documents
In the system it is possible to set the frequency of creating SRS/CRS documents separately for each center. The parameter determining method of generating SRS/CRS is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents.
SRS document definition
The parameter can assume the following values:
For each document
Every month
After a user selects an option different than None, when adding a new R/RQC/RVC, the system verifies whether exists an SRS/CRS to which a given document can be added.
If it exists – the system adds the document being issued to it
If it does not exist:
the system creates an SRS/CRS in the background and sets the range of dates according to selected option of automatic generation
saves such document as unconfirmed
adds to it newly created documents fulfilling criteria specified on it
Manual generation of SRS/CRS documents
In case an SRS/CRS document is created manually, a user can add receipts/corrections from different centers of the same company.
In order to add receipts/corrections to a statement, a user:
has to click on button [Add] on the form of an SRS/CRS document
select from the list confirmed receipts/corrections which have been issued within a defined range of time
Only those receipts are displayed on the list that have not been included in another statement.
Example 1:
When SRS/CRS is issued with owner set as:
Company – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Company, Center 1, Center 2, Subsidiary 1
Center 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 1
Center 2 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 2 and Subsidiary 1
Example 2:
When SRS/CRS is issued with owner set as:
Company 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Company and Center 1
Center 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 1
Company 2 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents will be added whose owner is Company 2 and Center 2
Combine all document types on CRS
In definition of CRS document (available in Configuration → Company Structure → Company/Center → Documents), there is parameter Combine all types of documents.
It decides whether a correction of retail sales should contain quantity and value corrections of receipts and TAX FREE documents
It can be edited if an option different than None has been selected in the field Generate document automatically
It is checked by default
Additionally, in the CSR document, there is a parameter Document type which allows for indicating the documents that should be included in a statement, it is possible to select one of the following options:
<All>– default option; value and quantity receipt corrections as well as tax free documents are included in CRS Receipt Quantity Correction Receipt Value Correction Tax Free
Receipt Quantity Correction
Receipt Value Correction
Tax Free
Value of the parameter can be changed until the first document is added onto CRS form.
Inquiries constitute a first step in the complete process of sales/purchase of an item. It is an inquiry that commences this process, which subsequently is converted into a quote, an order, ending with an invoice or a receipt (in the case of the process of sales).
Inquiries can contain specific items or only a general description of a sought item.
From the level of modules Sales and Purchase, are available, respectively, list of sales inquiries and list of purchase inquiries.
List of sales inquiries
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Sales inquiry form
The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.
Sales inquiry
A sales inquiry is a document reflecting the interest of a customer in our items – merchandise, set or service. Either submitted verbally or sent electronically, it is subsequently registered in the system.
The functionality of sales inquiries is available from the level of Sales → Inquiries.
Generating SQ from SOI
Generating sales quotes from confirmed sales inquiries is possible from the level of:
list of SOI (from one or many SOI documents)
list of SOI items (for one or many checked items)
tab Associated Documents
The fields in the form of a new SQ document assume the same values as the analogous fields in the source SOI. The description as well as a list of items, if defined in the SOI, is also transferred in the same form.
There are two ways of generating SQ from SOI:
According to the price list – it is necessary to mark selected items or documents and click on button [Generate SQ] selecting option [By Customer’s Price List].
On the basis of vendors’ quotes – it is necessary to mark a relevant SOI from the documents list or mark required items from the list of SOI items and click on the button [Generate SQ] selecting option [On the Basis of Vendor Quotes].
Generating POI from SOI
Possibility of generating a purchase inquiry from a confirmed sales inquiry is used in order to obtain information on an expected date and at what price we can receive a given item.
The operation of generation a POI is possible for one or simultaneously many customers:
from the level of a list of SOI (from one or many SOIs simultaneously)
from the level of a list of SOI items (from one or many checked items)
Purchase inquiry
A purchase inquiry is directed at a vendor/secondary vendor in order to obtain information whether they have an item in which we are interested and whether they are in a position to deliver it to us.
As a result of accepting the inquiry by a vendor we receive a sales quote which is entered in the system as a purchase quote associated with the inquiry placed by us.
The functionality of purchase inquiries is available from the level of Purchase -> Inquiries.
Generating PQ from POI
Generating purchase quotes from confirmed purchase inquiries is possible from the level of:
list of POI (from one or many POI documents)
list of POI items (for one or many checked items)
In a generated PQ document:
the fields on the form take assume the same values as the analogous fields in the source POI.
the other fields are filled in with the values retrieved from the form of the customer for which the quote is being issued. The description is also transferred.
if a list of items has been defined in the POI, it is transferred to the PQ.
Prices for the items of the generated quote are retrieved from the active, current price list for received items assigned to a customer, or, if no price list has been assigned to a customer, from the price list which is default for the active center.
While generating purchase quotes from many purchase inquiries, the system generates as many quotes as the number of different customers appearing in the POI documents. In the event of a quote generated from several inquiries, the items in such a quote are not aggregated, whereas the description is transferred from the POI which has the lowest number among the marked ones.
Quotes document a trade proposal which a vendor submits to a customer. They result in calculation of a subtotal, total value, an amount of VAT tax and generate a payment, which is not, however, displayed in the payment plan and is not subject to completion.
From the level of modules Sales and Purchase, are available, respectively, list of sales quotes and list of purchase quotes.
List of sales quotes
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Sales quote form
The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.
Quote expected date
The expected date of a quote can be defined through the number of days calculated from the date of issue of a quote or in form of a specified date or as a number of days from the date of issue of an order (order issued after a customer confirms a quote).
It is also possible to define expected date of individual items of a quote.
Fields Time of Delivery and Expected Date on quote items are strictly connected with each other. The time of delivery is a difference between document date of issue and expected date of a given item. Changing values of the fields results in recalculation of the dates.
The expected date of a quote can be defined or undefined
Options of quote confirmation
A standard business process assumes conversion of a sales/purchase quote to a sales/purchase order upon prior acceptance of the quote’s conditions by its addressee.
A reaction of the addressee to the quote sent to it can be recorded in the confirmed document, through selection of a confirmation option in the quote’s details:
rejected − after selecting this option an additional field with a drop-down list appears in which it is possible to specify the reason, defined in the area Configuration → (General) → Generic Directories.
Generating orders to quotes
For an order to be generated, an offer document must be confirmed, its expiration date cannot be elapsed and its status cannot be Rejected. While generating an order, the system takes into account the expected date of items and of the document header and retrieves the basic data from the quote, especially the price and the value of an item in the document currency.
Moreover, the following rules are observed when generating orders from quotes:
the item name is be set in an order item form on the basis of the item name from a quote item form, with the possibility of editing the name in the generated document (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
the final price of items determined in a quote as well as the value of the whole quote expressed in the quote currency is not subject to being changed while converting the quote into an order and is transferred to an order
the expected date in the document header is determined in accordance with the latest date among expected dates on items
payments in an order are set on the basis of the payments in a quote being converted
the terms and conditions of any terms will also be transferred along with the payment
If in the payment of a sales quote a specific date of planned payment has been defined, but this date has already passed, then the terms and conditions of a terms are not be transferred (there is no chance that the recipient of a quote will pay before the due date)
Sales quote
Sales quotes are issued for the purpose of attracting a customer to our product range and persuade it to make a purchase.
An item of Merchandise, Set or Service type can be an item of a sales quote.
The functionality of sales quotes is available from the level of menu Sales → Quotes.
Minimum margin control in regard with quotes
If control of minimum margin is enabled in the system, it starts at the stage of a sales quote. Although a quote does not retrieve resources from a warehouse, purchase price required for calculation of the minimum margin is determined on the basis of last purchase price from PI documents.
Purchase quote
Purchase quote is a reflection of the quote directed to us by another vendor/secondary vendor for the purpose of presenting its range of items to us and encouraging us to make purchase.
An item of Merchandise or Service type can be an item of a purchase quote. It is not possible to issue a purchase quote for a set.
The functionality of purchase quotes is available from the level of menu Purchase → Quotes.
Generating price list from a PQ
From the level of the details of a confirmed purchase quote whose expiration date has not passed yet, a user can generate a regular price list (it is not possible to generate a threshold price list from a quote).
To do so, in the quote details it is necessary to check relevant items and click on button [Generate Price List]. The system verifies whether the checked items have assigned features on an item form for which the parameter Price List has been marked (tab Parameters → Features).
If it does not find such features, it places the marked items in a price list together with prices, units and a delivery time, which has been assigned to them in a quote.
If it finds such features, then all marked items are placed in a price list, but additionally, on the basis of lots of a given item, creates a matrix of all possible feature combinations for them, for which an individual feature can be defined.
If there is no cell corresponding to features of a PQ document item in a matrix cell, the price is not added to a price list.
Generating SQ from PQ
It is possible to generate sales quotes from a confirmed purchase quote.
In the case of generating a sales quote for one customer, the prices of items on the generated quote are retrieved from the current, active price list for released items that is the default price list for a given customer/vendor. A user can select the method for calculating prices for sales quotes generated for many customers.
The following rules are observed when generating sales quote from a purchase quote:
the system sets the prices in SQ on the basis of the currently applicable price lists as well as promotional offers
the price from the source purchase quote is retrieved as the regular price (purchase price) on which a margin is calculated
the item name in a SQ item form is set on the basis of PQ item; the name can be edited in the SQ (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
generation of SQ is possible only when a purchase quote has been confirmed, it cannot be rejected or canceled
it is not possible to generate SQ from a purchase quote whose expiration date has already passed
expected date in SQ items is set as the later of the dates – expected date from PQ item or expected date determined on the basis of time of delivery from a given item price list.
expected date in SQ item takes on the same form as the expected date on the source item of PQ – an exact date or number of days from the date of order
expected date in SQ header takes on the same form as the expected date in the source PQ – if there are many source PQ, then the system takes the form of the first of them
expected date in SQ header is determined on the basis of the current date, unless that date is earlier than the latest from dates in quote items – then it is appropriately postponed.
Tax Free
The functionality allows for handling of tax returns for tourists – Tax Free. Natural persons without permanent place of residence within the European Union’s territory are entitled to receive a return of tax payed when purchasing items on a country’s territory, which were exported undamaged outside the European Union. A vendor issues a printable receipt to a customer, with tax calculated according to national rates. Moreover, a filled in Tax Free document form is attached to the receipt, including items, their prices and paid tax amount.
Tax Free is available only for databases created in Polish
The list of Tax Free documents is available from the level of main menu, in the tab Sales → Tax Free.
A TAX FREE document can be generated from a receipt printed on receipt printer. It is not possible to add a document manually to the system.
Upon selecting a R document in the list of receipts and clicking on the button [TF] placed in the group Generation, a form of a new TAX FREE document appears.
Tax Free form
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
A TAX FREE document can be generated:
only from a receipt printed on receipt printer, it is not possible to generate a TAX FREE from a receipt correction
from one receipt
if a receipt has Confirmed or Posted status
if a receipt does not have any corrections or all its corrections have been canceled
if no sales invoice has been issued to a receipt
from a receipt to which no TAX FREE document has been generated or TAX FREE document generated to it has been canceled
In a TAX FREE document, it is possible to check parameter Export Confirmed. By default, the parameter is unchecked and can be edited only in a confirmed document. In case the parameter gets:
checked – a payment (debit) for document amount is created
unchecked – the payment is deleted
The parameter is not available for edition, if:
a TAX FREE document has been included in CRS
a TAX FREE document has been posted
the payment has been settled (?) in full or partially
the payment has been included in SRO or SPO
It is possible to issue a TAX FREE document for an item of service type in accordance with the data included in the receipt. If TAX FREE document is to be generated only for an item of merchandise type, it is necessary to issue separate receipts for merchandise and services.
Receipt is a trade document which documents retail sales. A receipt is the confirmation of a purchase and is issued by vendors, who have fiscal cash registers or receipt printers, in the form of a printout. It contains basic information on the price of an item, calculated taxes as well as data relating to the vendor. An issued receipt generates a payment but the related record is not registered in VAT accounts
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document Forms.
Characteristic features of a receipt
it can be confirmed without selecting a customer (it remains Undefined)
a confirmed receipt can be converted into a sales invoice
a receipt is not included in VAT account
a receipt is issued solely and exclusively in the system currency. However, payments can be made in foreign currencies.
parameter VAT Direction takes on the value On Total and it is not possible to change it
while issuing a receipt it is possible to use the option Confirm and Print which confirms and, at the same time, prints a receipt
a confirmed receipt can be printed many times
Generating trade and warehouse documents from a receipt
it is possible to generate SI (if customer’s TIN number on the receipt is the same as the TIN number on generated invoice) or SOR from a confirmed receipt
An invoice generated from a receipt without customer’s/vendor’s TIN number defined, can be saved/confirmed only, if:
the documets have been issued for a natural person
the receipt has been issued before 01/01/2020
it is not possible to generate a SI from several receipts
it is not possible to generate SI or SOR from an unconfirmed or cancelled receipt
a receipt can be converted to invoice only one time
it is not possible to generate an invoice from a receipt only for a part of items
converting a receipt to invoice can result in creating an entry in VAT account
it is not possible to generate SOR from an invoice from which a SI has been previously generated. An opposite situation is possible, that is it is possible to generate SI from a R to which a SOR has been previously generated.
of on the basis of a receipt another document has been generated – first, it is necessary to cancel the generated document, and then the receipt
Generating VAT invoices to invoices generated from receipt
For a receipt to be included in VAT accounts and in tax return, it must be contained in SRS or CRS document. Additionally, in Polish version of database, it is possible to generate entries in a VAT account to invoices issued to receipts. To enable such possibility, check parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts in System → Configuration → Accounting – by default, the parameter is unchecked. Upon checking it, VAT invoice or VAT invoice correction will be created while generating a sales invoice to a receipt.
After checking parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts, in definitions of SI/SIQC/SIVC document types it is possible to specify in which VAT account such invoice should be registered.
VAT invoices are generated only to invoices issued since 01/01/2017 and they do not generate payments.
Blocking retail sales
To activate the option of blocking retail sales, it is necessary to select on the form of company a VAT rate group: VAT FR as well as the Compliance with French VAT Law parameter. After these conditions are fulfilled, it will not be possible to do the following:
perform any operations in receipts and their corrections (such as addition, deletion, confirmation, confirmation and posting, printing documents)
generate receipts from orders and warehouse documents
issue receipt corrections following complaint actions
print invoices on a receipt printer
perform operations (such as confirmation, correction generation, cancellation) in a sales invoices, advance invoices and their corrections (corrections issued to a document and manual corrections) if customer’s TIN was not specified in the document
Operations that can be performed with blocked retail sales option:
posting addition of SRS to CRS
generation of a warehouse document SOR
Sales (SO) and purchase (PO) orders are trade documents. Sales orders are issued for items in the purchase of which a given customer is interested. It can be an item of merchandise type, a set or a service. Purchase orders register an event of ordering merchandise or services from vendors/secondary vendors.
From the level of modules Sales and Purchase are available, respectively, list of sales orders and list of purchase orders.
List of sales orders
The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.
Sales order form
Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.
Characteristic properties of orders:
they cause calculation of total and subtotal value as well as VAT tax and generate payment not subject to completion
orders must be issued for a specific customer
orders can be confirmed, opened and closed in a single batch
changing date of issue of a document affects its expected – expected date is the same as the date of issue increased by the number of days defined for the expected date
in the section Subitems, on individual order items, are presented only those subitems which have not yet been executed
Closing and opening orders
Possibility of opening and closing a document is characteristic only for order documents.
It is possible to open an order with Confirmed status whose execution has not started yet. In such a situation it assumes Unconfirmed status again and can be modified in any way and, after that, confirmed one more time or deleted.
Closing an order is tantamount to finishing its execution, e.g. due to client’s cancellation of order of a part of items. It is possible to close orders with Confirmed or Pending status, but only if documents generated from those documents are confirmed. Closing an order results in deleting reservation from stock levels. A closed order cannot be opened anymore.
Excluding order items from processing
The system provides a functionality allowing for excluding document items/subitems from the processing of order. In order to enable the option of excluding order items from processing, it is necessary to check the parameter Exclude order items from processing in the document definition, in the selected center.
After the parameter is checked, in the definition of SO/PO document and on a SO/PO item form, button [Exclude from Processing] appears. The button is active for orders with Confirmed or Pending status.
An item can be excluded from processing, if:
selected item/subitem derives from a warehouse available in the center in which the operation is being performed
documents generated from the order (SOR/SI/R/PI/POR) are not unconfirmed
an item is not fully executed and after excluding it from processing the quantity of reservations/orders properly decreases
A subitem can be excluded from processing, if:
selected item/subitem derives from a warehouse available in the center in which the operation is being performed
documents generated from the order (SOR/SI/R/PI/POR) are not unconfirmed
Only those subitems/items can be excluded from processing, which have not yet been executed.
Warehouse on orders
A user can define a warehouse in which delivered merchandise should enter or from which merchandise should be collected, as well as values of individual features assigned to an item, which affect lot. Such a warehouse can be defined yet in a document header.
When defining such a warehouse on subitems, it is possible to assign each subitem to a different warehouse. However, such a possibility does not exist if on the definition of a SO/PO has been checked parameter Operations on a single warehouse.
Sales order
SO only results in a reservation of an item displayed in a list of items in column Blocking Reservations. If, while adding an item to a sales order, there are insufficient resources or a user will uncheck parameter Reserve resources located in header of the document, then the items of an order will not be associated with specific resources in a warehouse.
The list of issued document is available in the tab Sales → Orders.
Generating documents from sales order
It is possible to generate:
from one sales order – one or several SI or SOR
from several sales orders – one sales invoice or one warehouse document, if the orders:
concern the same customer
are issued in the same currency
have the same VAT directions and aggregations
have their merchandise collected to the same warehouse – in case of generating SOR warehouse document
from several sales orders – several sales invoices and warehouse documents, if the orders:
concern different customers
are issued in different currencies
have different VAT directions and aggregations
have their merchandise collected from the same warehouse – In case of generating SOR warehouse document
from a SO document it is also possible to generate: R, ASI, PO, IO and WM- (only in case of handling consignment).
In a situation when a customer orders merchandise which is currently not available in stock, a user can generate an appropriate PO from SO for vendors, which will allow for a subsequent execution of the customer’s order.
Resources can be uploaded to a SO both automatically and manually.
Purchase order
Issuing a purchase order results in increasing quantity in the column Orders on items list, which provides information about the quantity of a given item which can be assigned soon to the stocks.
The list of issued orders is available in the tab Purchase → Orders.
Generating documents from purchase order
It is possible to generate:
from one purchase order – one or several PI or POR
from several purchase orders – one purchase invoice or warehouse document, if the purchase orders:
concern the same customer
are issued in the same currency
have the same VAT directions and aggregations
introduce merchandise to one warehouse – in case of generating POR warehouse document
from several purchase orders – several purchase invoices and warehouse documents, if the purchase orders:
concern different customers
are issued in different currencies
have different VAT directions and aggregations
introduce merchandise to more than one warehouse
have their merchandise collected from the same warehouse – In case of generating POR warehouse document
from a purchase order it is also possible to generate: PI, POR and API
Advance invoices
Advance sales and purchase invoices are trade documents recorded as a result of receiving or paying cash against a future sale/purchase. When clearing a sales/purchase transaction of merchandise or services, the value of a sales or purchase invoice is decreased by values of the advance invoices registered earlier. They result in calculation of subtotal and total values, VAT tax and generate payments.
Advance sales invoices are located in module Sales in the same list as sales invoices, and advance purchase invoices in module Purchase in the same list as purchase invoices.
Characteristic properties of the advance sales and purchase invoice
A saved (unconfirmed) advance invoice:
is partially editable
can be deleted
can be confirmed from the level of a document form or a list of invoices
cannot be posted
generates uncleared payment
A confirmed advance invoice:
is not subject to edition – it is only possible to preview details of a document or of an item, without a possibility of editing it
cannot be edited, but only canceled
can be posted
generates payment which, depending on selected payment form, can be cleared or uncleared
generates an entry in VAT accounts
it is possible to generate a value correction to it
Generating advance invoice
Advance invoices are generated from a sales/purchase order which is confirmed or being executed. It is possible by selecting an order on a list of orders and clicking on button [ASI]/[API] from the group of buttons Generation. This action results in opening of a new window which enables determining the value of advance payment.
Window for determining the value of advance payment
In the window it is necessary to define the total value of advance payment for the entire document or for individual VAT ratesV included in the order collected/transferred towards a future sale/purchase of items from the sales/purchase order.
Generating advance invoice is also possible on the basis of open cash/bank transactions, available from the level of the list of customer/vendor payments, in the tab Finances. This operation is available from the level of a list of operations limited to a specific customer and an appropriate type of an operation of a release type. Generating advance sales/purchase invoice is possible only on the basis of cash/bank entries registered in a currency corresponding to the currency of the order to which the invoice is to be issued.
In order to issue a new advance sales/purchase invoice, it is necessary to select a cash/bank transaction from the list of customer or vendor payments and click on the button [ASI]/[API] placed in the Generation button group.
Editing advance invoice
The majority of fields of a generated advance invoice is filled in, by default, with the data from the source document. The following fields are not subject to edition:
transaction type
VAT rates
document currency
order items
method and conditions relating to the due date
VAT table in advance purchase invoice
VAT direction and VAT aggregation always take on value on total and VAT on values total, regardless of the setting on the sales/purchase order, therefore advance payment value is always presented as total value.
Parameter Collect VAT on ASI/API
In a database created in French, on item form, item group form and on advance invoices, there is parameter Collect VAT on ASI/API available.
When generating an advance invoice to an order, additional column Collect VAT is available on the invoice form in tab Order Items. For a national transaction, this parameter setting is retrieved, by default, from a given item form, however, it is possible to edit it until the advance invoice is confirmed.
If Transaction Type on advance invoice form is set to:
National – value of parameter Collect VAT is copied from item form. It can be edited on the advance invoice.
Intra-Community and Non-EU – parameter Collect VAT is always checked and is noneditable
If parameter Collect VAT is unchecked on the list of order items on an advance invoice, the system operates in the following way:
an item is treated as it was not subject to VAT; value of this item in the VAT table has NS (not subject)
VAT rate assigned a total value of order for which an advance invoice is generated is taken into account for calculating the maximum advance payment
checking/unchecking Collect VAT parameter on an advance invoice results in dividing the advance payment amount into individual VAT rates once again
Checking/unchecking Collect VAT parameter does not change the amount of advance payment.
Deducting an advance invoice on a final invoice
The VAT table (available in tab Amounts) on a final invoice contains VAT rates included in this final invoice as well as VAT rates from advance invoices marked to be deducted (those by which parameter Deduct was checked in tab Amounts). Amounts for VAT rates from included advance invoices assume a negative value thereby decreasing the value remaining to be paid.
In the tab Amounts on a final invoice there is also Advance Invoices section containing a list of advance invoices issued to the same order to which the final invoice is being issued. From the level of this list it is possible to:
open an order or selcted advance invoice for editing
check amount to be deducted
set deducted amoun manually, however it can only be lower or equal than the value of the advance invoice
exclude an advance invoice from deduction by unchecking the parameter Deduct
In a database created in French, after deducting advance invoices from the final invoices, Total and Subtotal values presented in the tab General do not change. The total value of advance payment which has been deducted can be found in the field Advance Invoices located under the total value of the document.
General information
Sales (SI) and purchase (PI) invoices are trade documents. They constitute a basis for recording sales and purchase transactions of items. They result in a calculation of subtotal and total values, VAT tax and generate payment
From the level of modules Sales and Purchase are available, respectively, the list of sales invoices and the list of purchase invoices.
Detailed description of the document form can be found in subcategory Document forms.
Each confirmed invoice should be associated with an appropriate warehouse document – a sales invoice with a SOR, a purchase invoice with a POR. SI/PI documents, both unconfirmed and confirmed, affect only the reserved/orders quantity of items that is displayed in a list of items as well as warehouse resources in column Blocking Reservations/Orders. They do not result in the items being recorded in the stock records
In the system, there is also a possibility of printing invoices on a receipt printer, which has been described in article Printing invoices on a receipt printer.
Clearing an invoice from the document level
There are several methods of clearing a document from the level of trade area:
from a list of documents – button [Pay]
from a list of documents – button [Confirm]
from a list of documents – button [Confirm and Post]
from details of a document – button [Pay] (available only for SI documents)
from details of a document – button [Confirm]
from details of a document – button [Confirm and Post]
The methods of clearing documents have been described in articles from the category Clearings.
Sales invoice
The functionalities relating to sales invoices are available from the level of the tab Sales → Invoices.
A SI can be created:
manually, by clicking on the button [Add] on the sales invoices list
by generating it from trade documents R, SO
by generating it from a warehouse document SOR
What is characteristic for a SI document is the possibility of selling below stock levels, therefore a SI can be issued for an item whose stock levels amount to zero. More information about selling below stock levels can be found in Sales below stock levels.
Purchase invoice
The functionalities relating to purchase invoices are available from the level of the tab Purchase → Invoices.
A PI can be created:
manually, by clicking on the button [Add] on the purchase invoices list
by generating it from a trade document PO
by generating it from a warehouse document POR
Characteristics of sales and purchase invoices
A saved (unconfirmed) invoice has the following characteristics:
it is subject to edition
it can be deleted, which results in deleting an order (PI) or reservations/shortages from a warehouse
it can be confirmed from the level of a document form or from the level of a list of invoices
it is not possible to post it
it generates an uncleared payment
it is not possible to generate any other document (SOR/POR) from it
it is not possible to generate an advance invoice from it
it is not possible to generate any corrections from it
A confirmed invoice has the following characteristics:
it is not subject to edition – it is only possible to preview details of a document or of an item, without a possibility of editing it
it does not affect item quantity in a warehouse, it only creates reservation or order
it cannot be deleted, but only canceled, which results in decreasing quantity in the column Quantity Reserved (Blocked)/Orders and can create shortages
it can be posted
it generates a payment which, depending on selected payment form, can be cleared or uncleared
it generates an entry in VAT account
it is possible to generate another document from it (SOR/POR)
it is possible to generate quantity and value corrections to it
Additional costs
On a PI document form, in the tab Additional Costs -> General, are defined costs included in calculation of an acquisition price of a resource of a given item. These costs can be introduced manually in system currency or through indicating cost documents.
List of additional costs on a PI document
From the level of the list it is possible to add, edit and delete individual additional costs, with a breakdown of additional costs into general costs and costs assigned to a specified item.
Below the table of additional costs, the user has a possibility to define an algorithm of additional costs breakdown for individual items of an invoice.
Among available options, it is possible one of the following algorithms:
Quantitative – it apportions the costs proportionally to the quantities of individual items of a purchase invoice
Value-based –it apportions the costs proportionally to the values of individual items of a purchase invoice.
Weighed Net – it apportions the costs proportionally to the net weight of individual items of a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The weights are defined for each unit of measure of an item in the item form.
Weighed Gross – it apportions the costs proportionally to the gross weight of individual items of a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The weights are defined for each unit of measure of an item in the item form.
Volumetric – it apportions the costs evenly in accordance with the volumes of items entered in a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The volume of an item is defined for each unit of measure of a given item in the item form.
Any – it allows apportioning the costs at the discretion of a user. After selecting the method Any the definition of the proportions in which the costs are to be apportioned will be entered in the tab Additional Costs.
Moreover, additional costs in a PI document possess the following features:
addition and edition of additional cost can be performed on an unconfirmed document only
to a PI document generated in a consignment process cannot be added additional costs affecting acquisition price
it is not possible to include additional costs in VAT tax base in a PI document
Tab Attachments
In the system, it is possible to define attachments, that is adding images, text documents or any other files. Next, such files can be attached to a document item.
Handling attachments in the system is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attachments.
Tab Attachments on item details allows for assigning attachments to a given document item and it displays a list of already assigned attachments.
It is also possible to share an attachment in particular modules/applications collaborating with the system, by checking a dedicated parameter on the list.
Tab Attachments with an exemplary attachment
Tab Attributes
Attributes store additional information regarding objects existing in the system. Attributes along with their values can be attached to documents and their items.
Defining attributes and their values and assigning them to objects is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attributes
The tab Attributes on item details allows for attaching attributes defined in the system and associated with an item of a given document types, which characterize a given item and for introducing values for them.
If a given attribute has been marked in configuration as required, it will be automatically attached in a given document to a newly added item and value default for it is also retrieved.
If an attribute is not marked as required, then such attribute can but does not have to be attached individually. After confirming documents, in order to modify attributes, it is necessary to use buttons placed in section Attributes on the ribbon.
Tab Attributes with an exemplary value
Tab Set Elements
Tab Set Elements appears only if a user has selected an item of Set type which has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked on item form.
The tab is divided into the following sections:
Items – included in a given set along with the quantity of individual components expressed in basic unit for a given item for number of sets specified in tab General and the unit.
Subitems and Lots/Deliveries – these sections contain data analogous to the data in tab Deliveries in case if the selected item is of Merchandise type.
The data displayed in those sections refer to the component of a set marked in the table below.
It is not possible to change delivery for an item of Set type.
Tab Deliveries
Tab Deliveries is available only for items of Merchandise type. It is divided into the following sections:
Lots/Deliveries (the last one is available only for documents for released items).
Sections: Quantity, Features and Subitems are composed of fields identical with those in the tab General. All the changes entered in tab General are synchronized onto the tab Deliveries and the other way around.
Handling of resources on document item
In section Subitems in the form for adding items to documents for released items, next to the table of subitems, there additionally appear fields enabling decreasing (in the case of SI and R) as well as disassociation (in the case of SO) of the resources transferred from a warehouse into a document.
To do so, it is necessary to:
check a relevant subitem
enter the quantity which needs to be returned in field Value
click on the button with down-arrow – [Return]
The resource will be returned to a warehouse again increasing its stock level. In the event when the items in a SO document are not associated with a resource, the system will not undertake any action – it will not decrease the quantity of subitems, however, if the subitems are associated with a specific resource, such association will be deleted, the resource will be returned to a warehouse, but the quantity of subitems will remain unchanged.
For SO and IO documents is available an option of total releasing of resource from many uncompleted subitems at the same time. In order to use it, it is sufficient to mark appropriate subitems and click on the button [Release Resources].
Conditions, which have to be fulfilled in order to release a resource:
subitem associated with a resource/lot “sales” subitem in a case of IO
Criteria verified while associating resources with subitems of SO/IO:
item – compliant with an item of a subitem
warehouse – compliant with a warehouse of a subitem:
if a specific warehouse has been given on a subitem, then resources/lots will be searched only in this warehouse
if option <All> has been selected on a subitem of SO, then resources/lots will be searched in all warehouses assigned to a document definition in a center issuing a document
date of resource/lot creation (warehouse receipt) cannot be later than a current date – not applicable in case of AVCO
features – compliance of feature values of resources/lots with subitem features values of SO/IO:
if a value has been given for features affecting lots on a subitem of an order, all searched resources/lots need to have the same feature value
if no value has been given on a subitem of an order for features affecting lots, then all searched resources/lots can have any value for this feature or have no values assigned
Section Lots/Deliveries contains information on the lots/resources of a selected item available in a warehouse.
it is not available for documents for received items, nor for SQ.
If an item is stored in a warehouse, appropriate entries will appear in the table.
In the case of a lack of resources, the table Lots/Deliveries will be empty.
Depending on the set method of queuing resources, the system will verify whether a resource can be released.
In case of FIFO/LIFO, only these resources are included in a document for released items, which date of delivery is earlier or equal to “stocked” date in this document.
The AVCO method does not impose such restrictions.
If an item has features affecting the lot assigned, it is possible to filter the table by specific lots (values of features) specified in section Features.
The table placed in that section displays the following information:
Warehouse – it defines a warehouse in which a given lot is located
The subsequent columns contain attributes which have been assigned to a given item. Their quantity varies depending of the number of properties affecting a lot,
Quantity – the available quantity, including reservations, expressed in a unit defined in section Calculation
Quantity in Basic Unit – the available quantity, including reservations, expressed in the basic unit
Unit Price – the price of one item unit actually located in a warehouse (price is calculated dynamically on the basis of purchase value and available quantity)
Purchase Value – the value of resources of a given item located in a warehouse expressed in of system currency of a company being the document owner
Acquisition Value – the purchase value of resources of a given item located in a warehouse, increased by additional costs, expressed in of system currency of a company being the document owner
Currency – this column is hidden, by default, it presents symbol of system currency of a company being the document owner
In case of FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources, parameter Show Deliveries located next to the table is also available. Checking it results in changing the method of presenting available quantities – a lot will be divided into resources. Owing to that, three additional columns appear:
Delivery Date – it specifies the date at which a given resource was received in a warehouse
Document – it identifies the document with which a given resource was recorded in a warehouse
Source Document – it specifies the document with which a given resource was originally recorded in the stock records
Change of deliveries in confirmed documents
It is a functionality allowing for changing deliveries in subitem of a confirmed document. For a user to be able to change delivery in a confirmed document, he or she must be assigned to operator group with granted permission to Change of delivery in confirmed documents.
This permission is unchecked, by default, with possibility to check it in Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → selected group edit → tab Other Permissions. The permission is unavailable for French version of a database and for AVCO method of queuing resources.
Conditions which must be fulfilled to be able to change delivery in a confirmed document for released items (SI/SOR/IR-) are as follows:
the operator is assigned to operator group with granted permission to change delivery in confirmed documents
the document is not posted
there is no posted correction to the document
there is no quantity correction for a subitem
there is no cost correction for a subitem
there is no associated document which is posted
quantity of item being changed is available in stock
one subitem in section Subitems is marked
one delivery to be changed is selected
there is a consistency of warehouses between lots to be changed and deliveries
there is a consistency of quantity between associated documents, e.g. a SOR was generated from SI for the entire quantity
To be able to change delivery in a confirmed document in Deliveries tab, it is necessary to:
select a subitem for which the delivery will be changed. In field Quantity in Subitems section there will be quantity displayed in accordance with currently marked item
check parameter Show deliveries and select delivery which should be uploaded onto document
click [Change] which will change delivery in the document
It is also possible to change deliveries for many subitems which has been described in article Verification of deliveries.
Tab Calculation
This tab is an extension of section Calculation from tab General. Depending on the document and assigned permissions, the following sections can be identified on it:
Discount Structure
In addition to these, in the upper part of the tab, as is the case in tab General, fields: Price Precision and Control: quantity * price = value have been placed.
Tab Calculation in the form for adding items in SI
Section Calculation contains the same fields as contained in Calculation panel in tab General, which have been described in article General tab.
Additional fields contained in the tab Calculation:
Regular price (S)/(T) – shows the current price of a given item unit retrieved from the current, active price list expressed in the currency defined in this price list for a given item
Price (S)/(T) – presents the current price of a given item unit including any discounts and is expressed in the item currency (defined in the price list from which the regular price is retrieved)
Value (S)/(T) – presents the value of the specified quantity of an item expressed in the currency of, successively: firstly – an item (defined in the price list from which the regular price is retrieved), secondly – the system
Section Currency is provided for information purposes only and is not editable. It presents information on currencies and currency exchange rates as well as the date a given currency exchange rate was obtained. This data is identical to the data located in in a document header and is retrieved automatically.
Currency exchange rates are presented in the following order:
exchange rate of the item currency to the document currency
document currency
system currency exchange rate to the document currency
Section Marginappears only in documents for released items. It presents:
subtotal purchase value
subtotal acquisition value (field with acquisition value does not appear in SQ)
margin expressed as value and percentage
Fields with purchase value and acquisition value are calculated automatically and are not subject to edition. The margin is also calculated automatically, on the basis of the data contained in the section Calculation. If a margin imposed on an item does not meet expectations of the user, he/she can modify its percentage value, which simultaneously results in recalculation of the values of the fields Margin (expressed as percentage), Discount, Price and Value in the group Calculation.
SectionDiscount Structure is available on documents for released items SQ, SO, R, SI and SOR, but only if an operator belongs to the operator group, which has granted permission Access to discount structure in tab Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → Other Permissions.
This section can be collapsed/expanded with a help of an arrow placed on its header. It presents a detailed discount list calculated on a given item.
Tab General
Tab General of the item details form contains basic data related to an item. Normally, the tab is divided in several sections (depending on document and item):
Form for adding an item
Besides the above-mentioned sections, the following fields are placed in the upper part of the tab:
Handled by – allows for selecting an employee handling a given transaction
Price precision – determines number of decimal places presented in fields with prices, in calculation and on document item. The range of price precision (from 1 to 4 decimals) available in a drop-down list depends on the settings of precision in document types.
SENT – parameter allowing for handling tracking of transport on item
Control: quantity * price = value – checking this parameter allows for entering only such an item value which can be calculated as the product of quantity and price. In case the condition of this formula is not fulfilled, the value is changed by the system.
Reverse charge – this parameter enables handling reverse charge on an item. More information about the functionality can be found in article Reverse Charge.
Section Items contains the following fields:
Item – in this field it is possible to select an item which should be included in a document. Only active items, defined in Items directory, can be selected.
Description – field presenting a description placed on the form of a selected item
CN Code – this field enables to enter a customs code of a given item, used in trade in the EU. In case the parameter SENT is checked, it is necessary to enter a CN code for which Upload to SENT parameter has been checked.
Country of Origin – this field enables to enter a country a given item comes from. Value of the field is retrieved from item form; however, it can be changed by the user.
After changing the item, in the section Calculation it is possible to determine price details, by using the following fields:
Quantity – specifies the quantity of an item which is to be registered in a document. Upon selecting additional unit in a document item, it is possible to edit quantity both in basic and additional unit.
UOM – field with the symbol of a unit assigned to an item. The basic unit is automatically displayed, or – if it has been defined – an additional unit set as default for a given document type. A user can change it, however, into another unit active and assigned to the item form.
Regular Price (Subtotal/Total) – the subtotal/total price of one item unit expressed in the document currency for which any possible discounts will be calculated.
Discount (%) – the percentage value of a discount calculated in a current document item
Price (S)/(T) – the subtotal/total price of one item unit expressed in the document currency including the discounts
Acquisition (Price) – the acquisition price of an item expressed in the system currency. The field is available in documents for received items.
Value (S)/(T) – the subtotal/total value of an item expressed in the document currency
Acquisition (Value) – the field available only for documents for received items. It shows the acquisition value for the quantity of an item defined by a user and expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner.
Points – a sum of points which a customer will receive when buying an item. Points are defined in the price list.
VAT Rate – the rate assigned to an item is displayed, by default. In a situation when VAT rate assigned to an item is inactive, the system downloads the rate set in the configuration as default which can be edited by the user.
Volume – item volume uploaded from item form
Net Weight – net weight uploaded from item form
Gross Weight – gross weight uploaded from item form
SAF-T Item Group and SAF-T Procedure – fields on item details of the following documents:
sales invoices and their corrections
receipts and their corrections
manual corrections
purchase invoices (regards SAF-T Procedure field only)
By default, the fields present values defined in analogical fields of item form, retrieved from dedicated generic directory (with a possibility of changing it).
After synchronization of a document from Comarch POS, in the Comarch ERP Standard system, the values of the fields SAF-T Item Group and SAF-T Procedure will be automatically set on the basis of item form.
For orders and quotes, this section contains additional fields:
Time of Delivery (days) – the allows for determining a time of delivery of an item. Its value is updated automatically in accordance with item price list however it can be edited.
Expected Date – the date by when a given item of an order should be executed, i.e. sold/released to a customer or delivered by a vendor. Change of value for the time of delivery implies change of the expected date and the other way around.
Section Subitems contains a list with the following data:
No. – the ordinal number of a subitem
Warehouse – depending on the document type it is a warehouse from which the resources are collected or in which a given resource is to be received. If a warehouse is selected in a document header, a warehouse from the level of subitems of the documents for received items cannot be edited. In the case of documents for released items, this field is not editable, except for the sales order in which a subitem is not associated with a resource
The subsequent columns contain features which have been assigned to a given item and affect the lot. The system enables issuing a document for one item with different values of features. The following fields are available:
Delivery Date – a column appearing in documents for released items; it displays the date of receipt of an item in a warehouse
Document – a column available in documents for released items. It presents the number of a warehouse document on the basis of which an item has been received in the warehouse.
Source Document – a column available in documents for released items. It provides information on the source document with which a resource has been received in the warehouse. For example, if an item has been received in warehouse A with a POR document and subsequently moved to warehouse B with a WM document, then in this column, for warehouse B, the number of the POR document is presented
Quantity – the quantity of an item (subitem) expressed in a unit of measure defined in Calculation panel, retrieved from a warehouse within a given document (in the case of documents for released items), or which is to be received in a warehouse (in the case of documents for received items). For documents for received items this field is editable directly in the table by means of the edit in place method.
Reservation of Quantity – the field is available only in subitem of SO/IO document. If the parameter is checked, it means that such reservation blocks sales of particular item quantity without indicating specific delivery
Purchase Value – the value of a subitem expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner
Acquisition Value – the purchase value of a subitem increased by additional costs, expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner
Currency – (column hidden by default) this column presents symbol of system currency of a company being the document owner
In Stock – this column is only available if AVCO has been set as the method of queuing resources in the system. It provides information whether a subitem retrieves a resource from a warehouse or is a subitem not associated with any resource
In the case of AVCO method of queuing resources, columns Date of Delivery, Document, and Source Document are always empty. Parameter in additional column In Stock determines whether a resource has been retrieved onto a document.
Add By Features
In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add By Features], which is available from the level of:
list of document items
context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list
Clicking on the button results in opening form of adding item by features.
Form of adding items by features opened by clicking on the button [Add By Features]Clicking on the button results in presenting a form on which, after adding an item, is created a matrix with possible lots for a given item and an operator has a possibility to indicate quantities for individual variants, associated with a given transaction.
An operator can define a quantity directly in a matrix cell, as well as write or scan a barcode of a given lot and specify a quantity by which an item is to be increased.
In order to add selected lots on a form, it is necessary to click the button [Save]. Depending on the settings of the parameter Separate document items, located on a form of adding item by features, the system adds lots as separate items or creates a new item with many subitems.
An item of Set type cannot be added to a document through the option Add By Features.
Add Through Form
In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add Through Form], which is available from the level of:
list of document items
context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list
Clicking on the button results in opening a form, which allows for selecting a specified item and defining its parameters.
Item form opened by clicking on the button [Add Through Form]The button allows for a more detailed definition and presentation of item information. On such form a user can indicate:
an employee who served the customer when choosing the merchandise (field Handled By),
item chosen by the customer, by opening the list of items with the use of the button placed in field Item or by typing manually item code or barcode in this field,
other parameters, e.g. deliveries, lot, features or item unit
The form differs depending on the type of selected item (merchandise, set or service) and on the type of document.
Normally, the form is composed of the following tabs:
After filling in the item addition form, it is necessary to click the button [Save]. As a result, the defined item appears on the list of document items. In order to withdraw from item selection, it is necessary to click the button [Close].
In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add], which is available from the level of:
list of document items
context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list
Clicking on the button results in appearing of a new row on the list, which allows for a quick add of an item with the use of its code, without defining any additional parameters (e.g. price type, warehouse from which the item has to be retrieved, lot or resource).
New row on the list of items which appears after clicking on the [Add] buttonAfter selecting the button [Add], an operator can add an item to a document by:
typing manually the item code or scanning its barcode and pressing the [Tab] or [Enter] key on the keyboard in order to add the item
clicking on […] button in order to open the list of items and selecting one or several items from it. In a row added in this way, a user can edit quantity, unit, price, discount, value and VAT rate of a given item, as well as assign an employee who served the customer when choosing the merchandise
Other, more detailed data is available on the item form, which is opened by selecting [Edit] button. This form has been described in the category Document item details.
Document UPC
Each newly created document can have a UPC code assigned which is presented on document printout. In order to enable it, an operator has to create his own printout presenting such a code. On a printout, document UPC code can be displayed as numbers or as a barcode, depending on the font used in the printout.
In standard system printouts of documents available in Comarch ERP Standard document, UPC is not presented.
Document UPC is generated on the basis of a given document ID with which it is saved in the database and type of this document.
It is possible to search documents by their UPC codes in the lists. This functionality has been provided for the following lists:
Sales Invoices
Sales Orders
Sales Quotes
Sales Inquiries
Statements of Retail Sale
Consignment Sales Reports
Sales Complaints
Credit Memos
Purchase Invoices
Purchase Orders
Purchase Quotes
Purchase Inquiries
Purchase Complaints
Debit Memos
SO Releases
Internal Releases
Warehouse Movements
Receiving and Delivery Reports
PO Receipts
Internal Receipts
Control panel for searching a document by UPC code
It is irrelevant on which list the UPC code of a document being searched for has been saved/uploaded. If we save/upload it in a list of purchase invoices, for example, and a document is other than a purchase invoice document, it will nevertheless be edited.
A list of purchase invoices is opened. In the field Document UPC the UPC code of a document is entered.
If the document being searched for is a purchase invoice, the document will be checked in the list and picked up for editing.
If the document being searched for is other than a purchase invoice, that is, a sales invoice, for example, then a new tab containing a list of sales invoices is opened. In that list, the document being searched for will be marked and picked up for editing.
If the database does not contain a document with a given UPC code the message: “Incorrect document code.” is displayed.
Sending documents by means of e-mail messages
From the level of a documents list or from the level of a document form it is possible to access the function of sending e-mail messages containing a document printout in *.pdf format to a customer or an employee. It can be done with the use of the button [Send] placed in the button group Printouts.
To be able to send such an e-mail, it is necessary to:
indicate an employee on an operator form (Configuration → Company Structure → Operators)
fill in tab E-mail Account and introduce e-mail address (Main → Employees → selected employee edition → tab General → section Contacts
add at least one printout definition to each document type
In order to sand an-email, it is necessary to check selected documents from the list of documents of a given type or from the level of a document form and the button [Send].
The button is divided into two parts:
the upper part, with an envelope symbol, allows for sending a default document printout, in accordance with the definition of the printout marked as default for a given document type.
the lower part, with the Send inscription, enables selection of one printout from the list of available printouts or opening window of <<Printout Configuration>>
Automatic sending of a message (without opening a form) occurs when:
documents selected for sending are issued for different customers/employees with different e-mail addresses
among the selected documents, there are documents issued for customers/employees without specified e-mail address, the system sends messages only to those customers/employees whose e-mail addresses are specified and ignores the other customers/employees informing about not sending of a part of the messages due to missing e-mail addresses.
A message send form is displayed only if:
a message is being sent from the level of a document form
the selected documents have been issued for customers/employees for whom has been defined the same e-mail address
the selected documents have been issued for customers/employees for whom no e-mail addresses have been defined
the selected documents do not contain any customer/employee data, e.g. WM-
The form of e-mail message contains the standard fields used in all e-mail applications, that is:
message recipient fields (To, Cc, Bcc):
if on the form of the customer/employee, for whom the document being sent was issued, no e-mail address has been specified, the system will display the message form without a completed recipient and will not allow sending the message without completing the To field
if e-mail address has been specified on the form of the customer/employee, for whom the document being sent was issued, that address will be automatically added to To field and preceded with the customer/employee name
in the case when sending a message was initiated for several documents issued for different customers/employees who have the same e-mail address specified of their forms, the system adds that address and precede it with the name of the customer/employee for whom the document, which has the highest number from among the documents being sent, has been issued
subject – by default, the name of printout is entered according to which an attachment and the number of the document being sent was created; in the case of sending more than one document, the highest number from among the numbers of the attached documents will be copied to the subject
message content – filled in by a user or uploaded from field Signature available in tab E-mail Account on employee form
attachments – a file with document printout, saved in .pdf format, is added, by default
Form for sending an e-mail message with a sales invoice
Data in the message can be freely modified – it is possible to add or delete recipients, attachments, message content as well as change the subject. Recipients and attachments are modified with the use of dedicated buttons available on the ribbon.
After verifying data contained in the e-mail message, it is necessary to select the button [Send] from the button group General. Selecting the button [Cancel] results in giving up sending the message.
If a password to e-mail account, from which messages are to be sent, has not been specified on the form of employee, the system will display an additional window for providing password when attempting to send a message. If the password is not provided, the message will not be sent.
Statuses of documents
Basic document statuses:
Initiated – a document is being created, it has not yet been saved
Unconfirmed – a document has been saved, but it is possible to make any changes to it
Confirmed – on a confirmed document, a user with granted permission Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed documents can update customer/vendora data and his/her address, the other fields are uneditable and it is only possible to preview document and item details. A document with this status cannot be removed, but only cancelled.
Canceled – a document is displayed on the list but it does not cause any other consequences, e.g. a canceled POR document does not increase resources of an item in the warehouse
Posted – a posted document is not editable; it is only possible to preview the details of a document and its items; it cannot be deleted or canceled
A posted document can be canceled after prior removal of the posting entry
Additional document statuses used only in some documents:
Pending – relates to:
purchase/sales orders
internal orders
it occurs while generating on the basis of the order/complaint another document, which has not been yet confirmed or generated and the confirmed document executes only a part of the order/complaint
Executed – relates to:
purchase/sales orders
internal orders
demand forecasts
it occurs when trade or warehouse documents have been generated and confirmed for all items in the document; in case of a DF we can only generate a PO
Closed – relates to:
purchase/sales orders
internal orders
it is given to those orders whose execution has been intentionally canceled by the operator, complaints whose complaint process has ended as well as those inventory documents which have been closed by the user after having generated all possible IR+/IR- documents
Rejected – relates to:
purchase/sales inquiry
purchase/sales quote
it is given to those documents which have not been executed, have been rejected due to a specific reason, e.g. lack of interest on the part of a customer
Accepted– relates to:
purchase/sales quotes
it is given to those quotes which have been accepted by a customer
Printed – relates to:
sales invoices
advance sales invoices
it means that the document has gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more
Posted and printed on receipt printer – relates to:
sales invoices
advance sales invoices
it means that the document has been posted and gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more
Confirmed Quantity Total – relates to:
PO receipts
it means that the quantity from a document has been introduced to the warehouse and can be sold without determined acquisition cost. Detailed information regarding quantity confirmation can be found in articles: FIFO/LIFO – quantity confirmation and AVCO – quantity confirmation.
Submitted – relates to:
internal order
it means that a document has been confirmed by the center issuing it and is currently awaiting confirmation from the target center.
It is possible to handle statuses which can be assumed by a document, through modification of the statuses diagram. Detailed information can be found in article Confiugration – document definition.
List of documents
A list of documents contains basic information on a given document type, such as, for example:
document number compliant with the numbering scheme
document date
customer/vendor code, name and address
warehouse – column available in warehouse documents and in the list of sales orders. It presents warehouse specified in a document header.
In case in the header of a SO document, in the field Warehouse, the option <All> has been selected, the value Various is presented in the list.
document total and subtotal value
document currency symbol
total value of acquisition of document items expressed in the system currency (column hidden by default)
number of associateted document (in the case of warehouse documents this is the number of a trade document and the other way around; if more than one trade/warehouse document is associated with a given warehouse/trade document – the system displays the number of the firs document ant triple dot)
document status
reference number (source document number)
payment status
Depending on the current state of a document, it is displayed in a specified color. Each status has its color assigned by default, but a user can modify. The details have been described in article Configuration – document definition.
On the list, documents being edited on another workstation or in another tab are marked in pink in the first column. The system does not allow for a parallel modification of documents. A document being edited can be previewed – the fields on its form are inactive.
List of sales invoices
Additionally, to the standard buttons described in the articleStandard buttons, the ribbon also contains other functions that are specific only for a document list.
Menu of sales invoices list
All the functions available from the level of document list have been divided into groups. Each group contains the buttons which are specific for a given element, e.g. List contains the functions for handling a list of documents, Generation enables generating another document on the basis of the document checked in the list, Corrections contains the function for handling corrections, Posting – for posting of documents.
The description of the buttons appearing in lists of documents is presented below:
[Confirm] – it confirms a document thus preventing its further edition
When confirming SI/R/SO/SQ/PI/PO/PQ/SOR/POR documents on which the rate type is
set as National and a VAT rate different than the one set on a given item form is applied to a
given item form, the system will notify the user about this fact and ask whether to continue.
[Confirm and Print on Receipt Printer] – it confirms a document and sends it to a receipt printer, if are fulfilled
[Print on Receipt Printer] – it is active only for previously confirmed documents; it prints a document on a receipt printer if conditions for such operation are fulfilled
[Cancel] – it cancels a confirmed document
It is possible to cancel only confirmed documents. Documents with the following statuses cannot be canceled:
Posted and Printed on receipt printer
[Pay] – it enables completing a document/documents marked in a list, which are partially or not fully completed
[Update VAT Rates] – it enables updating VAT rates of items on SI/R/SO/SQ/PI/PO/PQ/SOR/POR document which is initialized or unconfirmed, on which VAT rate type is set as National and which was not generated from SOR/POR/SI/R/PI. New rates will be uploaded from item form or, if VAT rate on item form is defined as inactive, a VAT rate defined in the configuration as default will be uploaded. Method of recalculating prices/values of items during update of VAT rates depends on settings of VAT Direction parameter on a given document. In case of documents registered with method On Total, subtotal prices/values will be changed and the other way around. The update is executed for the marked documents
<<[Statistics]>> – it is available on most of document lists in the system. It enables checking weight/volume of individual items on a document and displays a summary of weight and volume for all the items. The window with statistics is provided for information purposes only
[Correct – Value, Quantity, Quantity (Total Return) or VAT Rate] – it generates a value , quantity or a VAT rate correction to a confirmed document. The difference between option Correct Quantity and Quantity (Total Return) is that a correction document created with the use of option Quantity (Total Return) returns all the items from the source document by default, whereas on a correction created with the use of option Correct Quantity, quantity to return is set to zero, by default – a user must select items and quantity to be returned. What is more, an additional costs correction is also available on the list purchase invoices upon opening the correction menu
[Manual Correction – Value, Quantity or VAT Rate] – it enables issuing a manual, value, quantity or VAT Rate correction to documents registered in another system
[SOR] – in the group Generation – it enables generating a warehouse document (SOR) for a confirmed SI. The number of the buttons as well as their appearance will be different depending on the document type in a list, e.g. for PI – generate a POR, for SOR – generate a SI, R, CSR, for SO – generate a SOR, SI, R, etc. Furthermore, it can have additional sub-options displayed in the form of a list as is the case, for example, in generating a SQ from a list of SOIs
[Print List] – it enables previewing and printing a list of documents. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part leads to automatic printing which is set by default. The lower part expands a list of printouts available for a given list of documents and allows to select a printout as well as to activate a printout configuration window. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. After clicking a mouse on one of the printouts, the next list is expanded, which displays printers configured on a given workstation and an option enabling printout preview before actual printout. Printouts are available in database creation language. For German and English version of database, no dedicated printouts are available
[Print Document] – it enables previewing and printing out a document. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part will lead to automatic printing, set by default, the lower part expands a list of printouts available for given document types and allows to select a printout as well as to activate a printout configuration window. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. After clicking on one of the printouts, the next list is expanded, which displays printers configured on a given workstation and an option enabling printout preview before actual printout. Printouts are available in database creation language. For German and English version of database, no dedicated printouts are available
[Send] – it enables automatic sending of document printouts to a customer or opening a printout configuration window. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part leads to automatic opening of the email window with a printout attached and marked as default. The lower part expands a list of printouts available for a given document type and enables selection of the one which is to be sent to a customer and also enables opening the printout configuration. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. Configuration allowing for sending e-mails has been described in article Sending doucments by means of e-mail messages
Manual VAT rate correction
In item details of a manual VAT rate correction, similarly as on items of a value correction, in section Calculation – Before Correction it is possible to specify quantity, price, value and VAT rate.
In the item details of a manual VAT rate correction, in section Calculation – After Correction it is possible to define only a VAT rate. Quantity and price are copied automatically from the section Calculation – Before Correction.
Corrections to documents of release type – SI and R do not have section Subitems, because items in these corrections do not refer to the resources in stock.
When generating a correction, the system generates a VAT correction in a VAT account.
There is no need to generate warehouse documents to manual VAT rate corrections since they do not cause any warehouse movements.
Manual value correction
In a value correction of an item form, in section Calculation – After Correction, it is possible to define the price and value. The quantity is automatically transferred from section Calculation – Before Correction.
Corrections to documents for released items – SI and R do not have Subitem section, because items available in them do not relate to resources in warehouse.
In the case of PIVC, changing the price and the value of an item affects the purchase and acquisition costs of items located in a warehouse.
For each item the system independently creates one subitem of a manual PIVC in which only the warehouse can be changed. The value of such a subitem is determined on the basis of the subtotal value of an item of a correction expressed in the system currency. A user cannot delete/add a subitem. If the correction of a given document is to relate to many warehouses, a user will need to create many items on a document of manual PIVC.
While confirming a PIVC the system generates a CC document on the basis of its subitems. In this way, the whole value of a correction is reflected in the sales cost correction. However, the system will not correct the value of warehouse resources. It is caused by the fact that we do not know which resources are to be corrected.
Warehouse documents are not generated to manual value corrections, such corrections do not cause any warehouse move.
Manual quantity correction
On an item of a manual quantity correction, it is necessary to define quantity, price and value before the correction. Besides that, on the item addition form fields relating to the price type, regular price and discount, are hidden.
For SIQC/RQC manual corrections:
subitems of “release” type are created, for which a user can indicate a warehouse to which the item is to be returned, define its features, as well as provide the purchase cost of such an item.
purchase/acquisition value on subitems of RQC/SIQC must be entered with a negative sign.
after confirming a SIQC/RQC, the system will generate, automatically or upon request of an operator, IR+ documents receiving an item with a specific feature into the selected warehouse.
If on subitems of manual RQC/SIQC a user does not define purchase/acquisition value, then when confirming the document, the system notifies about it and asks whether to continue.
When generating an IR+ document:
the system ignores subitems of SIQC/RQC for which IR+ documents have been created in full and subitems to which warehouse an IR+ document is not entitled
IR + subitem values are determined on the basis of the costs defined by a user in the source SIQC/RQC. The value in the IR+ is determined on the basis of the total of the values of subitems.
In an IR+ created as a result of SIQC/RQC confirmation:
the quantity on a subitem can be modified and decreased
it is not possible to add new subitems
For PIQC manual corrections:
one subitem of “release” type is created with quantity resulting from correction. Such a subitem does not indicate any resource
resource value is determined on the basis of the value of the correction item
warehouse and feature value can be modified
for a merchandise which is to be returned from several warehouses, several items must be created
When generating an IR- document:
the system retrieves the resources in a quantity not exceeding the quantity form the PIQC, in accordance with the order defined in the system (FIFO/LIFO/AVCO), including feature values defined on particular subitems of the PIQC document. In the event when a merchandise is to be returned from many warehouses, an operator will need to create many items on a document of manual PIQC
the items are not grouped
Manual corrections
Manual corrections allow for correcting:
VAT rate
and concern the following documents:
sales invoices
purchase invoices
To be able to issue manual corrections, it is necessary to grant the permission Generation of manual correction from the level of the operator group, in tab Other Permissions.
Manual corrections are based on standard correction documents generated to documents. They are presented on the same lists, use the correction definitions, as well as the numeration scheme of a corresponding correction.
Owing to the fact that the manual correction does not have any source document, a user has to independently define the basic data relating, among others, to:
document header data – customer, transaction type, correction date, etc.
currency and exchange rate
data relating to the source document – number and date of a corrected document
data relating to items – item, quantity and price before correction, quantity and price after correction
costs of returned merchanise
features of returned merchanise
warehouse in which the merchanise is to be received (SIQC, RQC) or from which it is to be released (PIQC)
The warehouse documents generated to quantity corrections are internal documents: -IR-, IR+.
It is not possible to generate warehouse documents to several manual corrections at the same time.
Manual value corrections generated to documents for released items do not affect neither the value of resources in a warehouse nor their quantity. Their issue is only related to the refund or acceptance of a receivable arising from changing the price of items of a document for released items. The question of PIVC looks slightly different. It does not concern any specific purchase document, and thus any specific resources, therefore the whole manual purchase value correction is reflected in a cost correction document (CC) that is generated to it.
Properties of manual corrections:
manual corrections (not associated with warehouse documents) do not affect the quantity of resources in a warehouse, neither the reserved quantity nor the ordered quantity
one correcting document can correct either the quantity or the value in a primary document; simultaneous correction of both of them is not possible
manual corrections are issued to documents SI, R and PI from outside the system
it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a set
it is not possible to issue a manual correction to a warehouse document
the item name which is an item of correction is subject to edition, but only if the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form
it is not possible to delete a confirmed correction; it can be canceled only
it is not possible to generate warehouse documents to unconfirmed or canceled quantity corrections
no warehouse documents are generated to value manual corrections
automatic generation of warehouse documents to manual corrections is contingent on the settings in the types of correction documents
the code and name of the item in a IR+/IR- document generated from a manual correction are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, whereas it is possible to edit the name (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
a quantity correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
a value correction can be confirmed only if there exists at least one item with a non-zero quantity
w celu zatwierdzenia korekty faktur, musi być zdefiniowany kontrahent
to confirm invoice corrections a customer/vendor must be defined
Tab Associated Documents, besides a standard list of associated documents, contains also section concerning the “source“ document. It allows for defining source document number, issue date and sales/purchase date.
Manual corrections are displayed as “flat” in a list of the corresponding document types, regardless of the option of displaying corrections (on the list/below the source document). In column Warehouse, warehouse documents IR+, IR- that correspond to the manual corrections are displayed. The column will be empty for value manual corrections.
Button [Manual Correction] in the group of buttons Corrections, including the available option of selection of the type of correction – value, quantity, is used for creating a new correction.
Generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction
It is possible to generate (value and quantity) invoice correction to a confirmed (value and quantity) receipt manual correction. The generated invoice reflects receipt correction document. It is not possible to add/delete items from such correction.
It is not possible to generate invoice correction from several receipt manual corrections. Such generation is possible only for one marked document.
The following fields can be modified on a generated invoice correction document:
Reference number
Reason for Correction
Date of Issue
Perameter Confirmation
Delivery Method
Reason for VAT Exemption
Handled By
VAT Account
In the case if a RQC document:
is associated with warehouse document, generated invoices are also associated with it.
is not associated with warehouse document, such a warehouse document can be generated from the level of created SIQC.
The same as in case of generating invoices on the basis of receipts, also in case of generating invoice corrections payments are completed and analyzed from the level of source document (RQC/RVC).
After confirming receipt manual correction and generating invoice to it, depending on system language version, the system:
does not generate VAT invoice correction – it will be created only for CRS document – for Polish system version
generates VAT correction to receipt; VAT invoice correction document is not be created for invoice generated from receipt manual correction – other language versions
After a VSIC is generated in result of generating invoice correction to receipt manual correction, parameter Invoice to Receipt is checked in the header of such document, without the possibility to edit it.
Additional cost corrections
Additional cost correction is only available for two types of documents:
purchase invoices – correction can be issued manually
PO receipts – correction can be only generated automatically, by the system, as the result of change of additional costs on a purchase invoice related to this PO receipt
Adding new purchase invoice additional costs corrections (PIAC) is possible upon marking a PI document (approved or posted) on a list and selecting [Correct → Additional Costs]. A form partially completed with data retrieved from the source document is opened. The following items are editable:
document date
field Delivery
Handled by
center, on behalf of which the document is being issued
reason for correction
additional costs
analytical description
The other data must be consistent with the source document, therefore it cannot be edited.
The most important tab of a PIAC document is the tab Additional Costs, where it is possible to correct additional costs. The tab is handled in the same way as the tab Additional Costs on purchase invoice, but its data is slightly different – it contains additional information.
When issuing a PIAC, to the tab Additional Costs are automatically added items containing additional costs assigned to the source PI and to all PIAC previously issued to this PI.
Until a PIAC is confirmed:
it is possible to add new additional cost items
it is possible to correct already existing additional cost items
it is not possible to remove additional cost items deriving from the source PI or other PIAC
it is possible to delete items added by the operator to the current PIAC document
The list of additional costs contains the following columns:
Acquisition Price – contains parameter informing whether a given additional cost affects the acquisition price. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs.
Name – displays additional cost name. For items retrieved from a source document or other PIAC, the parameter is greyed out. It can only be edited for new items with additional costs. This field operates the same way as on PI form.
Value Before Correction (system currency symbol) – value of additional cost expressed in the system currency, resulting from document on which this cost was added, corrected by possible PIAC documents including this cost and preceding the current PIAC. If item with a given cost has been added on the current PIAC, the field takes on value 0.00. This field is not editable in any case.
Correction Value (system currency symbol) – value by which an additional cost is to be increased or decreased. If a cost is being decreased, the maximum value by which it can be decreased cannot exceed value from field Value Before Correction – a total of both fields cannot be less than 0. For an item with additional cost calculated as a percentage of PI or VPI, the correction value is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the system currency).
Correction Value in Currency – field filled in automatically by the system only if an item with additional cost refers to PI or VPI. Value of this field is calculated in the following way: (current percentage of document * 523 Logistics Version: 2019.0 value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency) – (percentage of document before correction * value of document retrieved as a cost in the document currency)
Currency – displays currency in which a given additional cost is expressed.
Document Percentage – percentage of a document indicated as additional cost. When correcting an item with such cost, percent of document value which must be used as an additional cost after the correction should be specified in this field. On this basis, the system calculates value of additional cost correction. Minimum value which can be entered here is 0.00%, which indicates that item with additional cost has been entirely corrected. Maximum possible value in this field is 100.00%.
PI1 is issued, document value is 100 USD
PI2 is issued, document value is 50 USD, additional cost from another PI document is added:
acquisition price: Yes, name: PI1, value in system currency: 50.00, value in currency: 50.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%
PIAC is issued to PI2, cost from the source PI2 is automatically transferred to tab Additional Costs Acquisition:
acquisition price: Yes, value before correction (USD): 50.00, name: PI1, correction value (USD): 0.00, correction value in currency: 0.00, currency: USD, document percentage: 50%
Additional cost must be decreased so that after correction it will be 40% of PI1 value. To do so, 40% should be entered in Document Percentage field. The system automatically calculates correction value which is – 10.00
Below the list of additional costs, there is a panel available regarding costs division algorithm – the same as on a PI. On each PIAC, the operator can decide whether value by which additional costs are corrected (increased or decreased) is to be divided into document items according to one of the following algorithms: quantitative, value-based, weighed or volumetric, or according to the operator’s preferences.
If PIAC is issued to a PI including at least one item for which POR for full quantity from that PI has not been generated, in tab Additional Costs of the PIAC it will not be possible to enter negative value of correction. The system will enable only increasing the additional cost value.
When confirming a PIAC:
If it corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for the PI associated with it already exists – the system automatically generates confirmed PORAC documents to relevant PO receipts
If none of the additional costs being corrected affects acquisition price – PORAC is not generated
If it was created for a PI without a POR – PORAC will not be generated; when generating POR for this PI later, the POR will include additional costs from both the PI and all the PIAC associated with it which had been created before the POR was generated
If no additional costs have been calculated on a PI, it is possible to add a positive additional cost only on a PIAC document.
If PORAC is created as a result of PIAC, the system:
updates acquisition value on unconfirmed warehouse documents for released items (SOR, IR-, WM-) which collect the corrected resource
generates CC to confirmed warehouse documents for released items which released or returned the corrected resource (SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM+)
updates acquisition value of the corrected resource still available in the warehouse
in case of AVCO resource collection method:
if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is greater than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -7 USD, total: 10 USD – 7 USD = 3 USD > 0), then the system adds/subtracts the value by which additional costs have been corrected to/from the value of additional costs on this resource
if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected equals zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -10 USD, total: 10 USD – 10 USD = 0 USD), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource
if the total of additional costs of a given resource still available in the warehouse and the value by which additional costs have been corrected is less than zero (e.g. value of additional costs of a resource = 10 USD, value by which the costs have been corrected = -15 USD, total: 10 USD – 15 USD = -5 USD < 0), then the system zeroes additional costs of the resource and creates a cost correction for the difference of additional costs value before correction and value of the corrected costs, which indicates the correction of document for received items
if resources of a given items are no longer available in the warehouse, the system creates cost correction for the amount by which additional costs have been corrected
When canceling a PIAC, the system automatically cancels PORAC documents associated with it and performs operations which “undo” changes introduced in result of registering the PIAC/PORAC. Such cancellation has the same consequences as confirmation of a PIAC/PORAC with “opposite” value.
It is not possible to cancel PORAC directly. Such operation is performed by canceling the associated:
PIAC – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation
PI – if PORAC has been created in result of PIAC confirmation on which additional costs were added and that PI had been generated from POR
PORAC document is very similar to PORVC. The elements distinguishing PORAC from PORVC are as follows:
lack of Amounts tab
data is always presented in the system currency
acquisition value and prices and not purchase value and prices are corrected
In a PORAC document:
it is possible to edit correction date in documents with statuses different than Posted and Canceled
the date of receipt from the POR is set as correction date, if the purchase date in the PI is earlier than the receipt date in the POR (e.g. purchase date in the PI: 01.01.2019, receipt date in the POR: 01.03.2019), then, in the POR document, the receipt date from the POR 01.03.2019 is set as correction date
the receipt date from the POR is set as correction date, if the correction date in the PORAC is earlier that the receipt date in the POR
There are only two cases in which PORAC document can be created:
if PIAC corrects additional costs affecting acquisition price and a POR for PI associated with the PIAC already exists
if POR has been generated to a PI on which additional costs affecting acquisition price were added
VAT rate corrections
VAT rate correction allows for correcting VAT rate for the following documents:
In order to issue a VAT rate correction, it is necessary to mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct VAT Rate], which opens correction form with the filled in data, is similar to the source document form. The following fields are editable:
document date
field with the reason for correction
reference number
payment method
due date
field Handled By
reason for VAT exemption
delivery method
reference number
center issuing the document
customers ‘/vendors ‘addresses
VAT account
analytical description
VAT rate on a given item
The other fields must be consistent with the source document; therefore, they are inactive.
A user can change VAT rate from the level of:
items list – to do so, in column VAT Rate After Correction, it is necessary to expand the list and select appropriate VAT rate
item details – do to so, it is necessary to edit an item and in section Calculation – After Correction, in the field with VAT rate, indicate a correct value
It is not possible to correct VAT rate on document items, for which reverse charge option has been selected.
A list of VAT rates available for change on a correction is retrieved from the group of VAT rates.
Form of item details allows for editing VAT rate in the section Calculation – After Correction. Changing the value of this field causes an automatic recalculation of subtotal or total value and of correction value.
In case VAT rate correction document is issued:
on total – a correction subtotal value is calculated
on subtotal – a correction total value is calculated
Each subsequent correction issued to one document takes into account the quantities and prices/values changed (decreased or increased) with previous correcting documents.
SOR/2018/00001 is issued for 1 pc of item TSD amounting to a subtotal value of 1,24 USD and 23% VAT rate
SOR/2018/00002 is issued for 1 pc of item TSD amounting to a subtotal value of 1,24 USD and 20% VAT
One invoice is generated from the warehouse documents
A VAT rate correction is then generated to the SI. The VAT rate is changed from 23% to 8%, thus total value of the document is reduced by 0,37 USD
The correction is next confirmed
In the effect, the following two VAT rate corrections were created automatically to documents: SOR/2018/00001 and SOR/2018/00002:
SORTC/2018/00001 amounting to a total value of -0,19 USD
SORTC/2018/00002 amounting to a total value of -0,19 USD
A VAT table contains two records: the first one is retrieved from the source document and the second record applies to the modified VAT rate.
VAT table in a VAT Correction document
A VAT rate correction can be issued:
to a confirmed SI/R/SOR document
to a trade document from which one warehouse document has been generated
when the associated document has been confirmed/posted
only to a trade document if it is associated with a warehouse document
when all the corrections, that are associated with the source document, have been confirmed
A VAT rate correction can be confirmed only when all the items, aggregated in a warehouse document into one item, have been corrected in the invoice.
A SI is issued for two of the same item TSD, in the same quantity of 1 pc and in the same price of 5 USD
The document is confirmed
A SOR document is generated to the SI automatically; the items in the warehouse document are aggregated to one item
A VAT rate correction is then generated, in which only one of the items is corrected
When attempting to confirm the correction, the system displays a message informing that it is impossible to confirm it, because not all the items, aggregated into one item in the warehouse document, have been corrected
Then, the second item is corrected, where VAT rate is changed to the same rate as on the first item
The SI document is confirmed
A VAT correction (SORTC) is generated automatically to the warehouse document for all items
Confirmation of VAT rate correction generates the following:
a relevant warehouse document (if the source document is associated with a warehouse document)
VAT invoice correction
Payment (if VAT direction is set in a document to: From subtotal)
If invoice items are in a warehouse document aggregated into one item, then the same VAT rate must be set for all the aggregated items when generating a VAT rate correction to the SI. Otherwise, it will not be possible to confirm SITC/RTC.
Cancellation of VAT rate correction (SITC, RTC) cancels automatically a warehouse document and its correction from the level of VAT accounts.
Value corrections
A value correction allows for:
changing sales or purchase
correcting a given value of a document
changing document item value by a specific percentage
Such a change is made in relation to price/value provided on the source document. In the case of advance invoice corrections, only advance payment amount can be corrected, not price of items.
In order to issue a value correction, it is necessary to mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct – Value] in the main menu in the group of buttons Corrections. The form of a correction with the filled in data, which is similar to the source document form, will be opened. The following fields are editable:
document date
reference number
field Handled By
center issuing a document
VAT account
price and quantity of a given subitem
Values of the other fields must be consistent with those in the source document; therefore, they are inactive.
By default, the price/value after the correction is equal to the price/value before the correction. In order to make changes:
it is possible to select button [Correct Value], which opens a window containing the following fields:
Before Correction – this field is not editable, it presents document value before correction in the document currency. In case other corrections have been issued previously, they are included in the filed Before Correction.
Field allowing to indicate whether total or subtotal value should be corrected. Its value is set according to the VAT direction on the document with a possibility of changing it. The change does not result in changing VAT direction for the whole document.
Correct by – field allowing to insert an amount by which the whole document value should be decreased or increased
Field with percentage value – allows for specifying percentage by which document value should be corrected
After Correction – document value after correction
Document Value Correction window
After saving introduced changes, correction value is divided into individual correction items:
In case VAT direction in a document is the same as VAT direction in the correction window, value from field Corrected By will be divided, proportionally to correction item values, subsequently into items of that correction.
In case it is not possible to divide the entire corrected value, the system divides the maximum possible value and displays appropriate message.
If VAT direction in a document is not consistent with VAT direction specified in Document Value Correction window, value specified in field Corrected By may not be tantamount to value of the actual correction.
in prices/values, it is necessary to edit individual correction items
Item edition form in the value correction (document for received items)
The edition form of items of a value correction is almost identical to the edition form of items or a quantity correction. Unlike the quantity correction, the discount, the price and value of an item are editable in section Calculation – After Correction as well as the value in section Correction Value. When changing values of one of these fields, the value of others is automatically recalculated. In addition, value corrections of documents for released items do not have section Subitems, but their corrections include fields with acquisition value and prices, however, these fields are not editable.
The value correction, in contrast to the quantity correction, can be issued “in plus” as well as “in minus”. In the first instance, the price/value of item is increased in relation to the price of the source document, in the other – the price is decreased. An exception is constituted by advance invoice corrections which can be issued only “in minus” and which decreases the amount an advance payment deposited.
Price/value after correction cannot be less than zero.
After inserting correction value, the system automatically calculates new item price/value. However, it is not possible to edit values directly on subitems, as it is possible in the case of quantities on quantity corrections. If an item contains more than one subitem, the system divides value of the correction proportionally to all subitems.
Item quantity
Item price
7 (previous value: 5)
6 (previous value: 7)
column Document presents the type of an issued document (SI – Sales Invoice, SIVC – Sales Invoice Value Correction)
column Item quantity displays the quantity of units of an item for one item
the price of an item displays the current price of an item in a document and the price from the previous document is displayed in the brackets
the value of an item is the product of the item quantity and the current item price
the last column displays the value of a correction, that is, the value by which the source document, including the previous corrections, has been corrected
consecutive rows of the table mark the order of issuing documents
The combined correction value is equal to the sum of the values of corrections of the individual items.
The VAT table is calculated in a similar way as in the other documents. Furthermore, it should be remembered that any VAT rates of items cannot be modified in a correction, which means that the items being corrected have the same VAT rates as the ones in the source document.
Confirmation and cancelation of value corrections of warehouse documents for received items results in:
generation of cost corrections to confirmed warehouse documents (SOR, IR-, WM-. WM+), which are releasing the resources from POR or IR+ being corrected, and to their quantity corrections (SORQC, IR-QC)
update of purchase costs in initiated and unconfirmed warehouse documents (SOR, IR-, WM-) which are releasing the resources from POR or IR+ being corrected
update of values of resources from POR or IR+, which are still in stock
In an unconfirmed SORQC, IR-QC, WM+, costs are not updated as a result of IR+VC/PORVC confirmation or cancelation. Costs in these documents are determined on the basis of SOR, IR- and WM-, respectively. Only after these documents have been confirmed, will CC documents be generated.
Quantity corrections
Quantity corrections – introduction
Quantity corrections are issued in case of:
introducing wrong quantity of an item in the source document which has already been confirmed and released to a customer/vendor
returning a part or whole merchandise purchased by a customer
cancelling by customer part or whole planned delivery
In order to issue a quantity correction a user should mark a relevant document on the list and click on button [Correct – Quantity] or [Correct – Quantity (Total Return)] in the main menu in the group of buttons Corrections. The button opens correction form which contains filled in data, which is similar to the source document form. The following fields are editable:
document date
field with the reason for correction
reference number
payment method and due date
field Handled By
center issuing the document
customers’/vendors’ addresses
VAT account
analytical description
quantity of a given subitem
The other fields must be consistent with the source document therefore they are inactive.
It is not possible to generate IR+QC to an IR+ which has been generated to a manual SIQC or manual RQC.
Correct Quantity (Total Return)
In the case of the option [Correct – Quantity (Total Return)] as the quantity to be returned the system suggests, by default, the maximum quantity of a given resource. This option should be used when the user wants to return all or most of items from the source document. If the correction is supposed to correct partially the source document and given items, it is necessary to open these items to edition and insert quantities.
Correct Quantity
Option [Correct Quantity] can be used for documents which include a lot of items and only several of them are to be corrected. By default, on quantity correction form, no item is corrected. In order to correct a given item it is necessary to:
mark it and click button [Correct Total]
open it for editing and modify quantity after correction
Options [Correct Total] and [Reset Return]
In case of correcting a given item in total or cancelling a quantity inserted as to be returned, it is also possible to use the following buttons:
[Correct Total] – sets the maximum and possible to correct quantity of a given item in column Quantity After Correction
[Reset Return] – resets value in the column Quantity After Correction – the item will not be returned
Buttons available for quantity corrections enabling easier handling of quantities of the corrected items
Item edition form in a quantity correction (document for released items)
Tab General of item edit form contains several sections. The first of them allows for indicating an employee who handles transaction.
In the case of correcting document, editing employee in the field Handled By is possible only after an item is effectively corrected in terms of its quantity or value. While correcting an item, the employee from the item of the source document is suggested.
Section Item indicates item whose quantity is being corrected. Item name and code are retrieved from the source document.
Section Calculation – Before Correction, depending on document type, provides information regarding quantity, price, discount value, currency and VAT rate assumed by item in the source document after any prior corrections to the source document. In addition, documents PIQC and PORQC present information about price and acquisition value of a given item and system currency in which they are expressed.
Section Calculation – After Correction allows for introducing item quantity which remains in the source document after creation of correction. In the case of documents of receipt type, it is not always possible to return the entire quantity and, therefore, to set 0 quantity in this section. The maximum quantity, which can be specified as to be returned, can be lower than the quantity before correction, because a part of resources received with the sources document might have been already released, reserved or moved to another warehouse to which the center, in which the correction is being issued, is not authorized. The fields referring to prices and values are not – they are recalculated automatically as the result of changes in the field Quantity.
Field Quantity in section Correction Value is related to field Quantity in the section Calculation – After Correction. Changing value in one of the two fields causes recalculation in the second field. Corrected quantity is always introduced with a minus sign and its absolute value cannot exceed the value presented in the field Quantity in the section Calculation – Before Correction. Next to the quantity in section Correction Value, the total value of purchase and acquisition correction for a given item as well as its net weight, gross weight and volume are displayed.
Section Subitems indicates resources to which a correction applies. In the case of corrections of documents:
for released items, presented subitems contain data regarding resources returned to a warehouse (warehouses from which they were retrieved, dates of particular deliveries, numbers of documents originally and secondarily registering resource in stock records, corrected quantity, purchase and acquisition value of corrected quantity)
In this section, column Quantity is editable on the same conditions as quantity in the section Correction Value. In the case of the section Subitems, the maximum quantity to be returned is calculated for each subitem separately, while in the section Correction Value for the whole item. Changing quantity on subitems causes automatic calculation of quantity in the section Correction Value (quantity in the section Correction Value is total of quantities from subitems). Immediately above the list, there is a button with book symbol, which allow for displaying preview ofhistory of deliveryfor a given subitem.
When returning items to a warehouse, these items are assigned to resources from which they were retrieved. If such resources do not exist (an item was sold), they are restored during document creation.
Positive item correction
On a correcting document issued to a source document, it is possible to indicate quantity higher than the quantity in the source document.
In order to do so, first, it necessary to check parameter Positive quantity corrections on correcting document definition (….), in case in a document there should be a possibility to indicate a quantity higher than the quantity in the source document.
Option Positive quantity corrections on the example of SIQC document
In order to be able to create positive item corrections, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
a document is not issued for a consignment warehouse or a warehouse of WMS type
in the case of documents of release type, a resource is available in a warehouse
the status of a source R document is not Printed on Receipt Printer
for a source SI document, parameter Printable on receipt printer is not checked
a document/item has not been entirely corrected
Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items
Depending on the setting of the parameter Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items, which is available in the system configuration (System → Configuration →Trade), the system:
returns purchase costs, while additional costs incurred during the purchase are not returned – parameter unchecked
returns purchase costs along with additional costs incurred during the purchase – parameter checked
The parameter is available for editing only until the first quantity correction to a PI or POR is issued. Even if the user cancels all the corrections of that type, the parameter is no longer available for editing.
In case the parameter Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items is unchecked and a resource is entirely corrected, the system automatically generates cost correction document which corrects only acquisition value.
Additional costs
Purchase value
Acquisition value
10 USD
20 USD
100 USD
120 USD
10 USD
20 USD
100 USD
120 USD
10 USD
-100 USD
-100 USD
A PORQC returns the entire resource received with a POR document. However, additional costs related to delivery received with the POR document are not returned in the PIQC and PORQC documents. Therefore, even though the resource is no more available in a warehouse, the warehouse records still contain acquisition value equal to 20 USD.
Tab Calculation is available for corrections of documents for released items. It is composed of three areas:
Correction Value – Indicates quantity and value by which a source document will be decreased/increased
Currency – presents type of exchange rate, calculator of conversion to the system currency and exchange rate date which is indicated in a correcting document
Prime Cost – presents value of purchase cost and value of acquisition value of corrected item quantity, along with symbols of currencies in which they are expressed
Tab Items is a standard tab described in article: <link>
If several quantity corrections are issued to one document, the system, when issuing each subsequent correction, verifies what quantity of the item still remains to be returned.
Confirmed quantity correction to:
documents for received items (PI, POR, IR+) decreased quantity in column Orders – for PI or stock levels – for corrections to POR and IR+
documents for released items (SI, R, SOR, IR-) – decreases quantity reserved by R or SI (if R and SI do not have any associated SOR documents) and increases stock levels during the correction of SOR and IR-
Unconfirmed quantity correction to:
warehouse documents for released items increases quantity presented in column Orders
warehouse documents for received items increases quantity presented in column Reservations
trade documents for released items not associated with SOR decreases quantity presented in column Reservations
trade documents for released items associated with SOR does not affect presented quantities
Generating corrections for a default warehouse in a center
Many trade companies, especially clothing retail chains, reach more often towards the expectations of their clients by making it possible to return the purchased items in other outlets than the one in which a client has purchased a product. This may cause discrepancies between stock levels registered in Comarch ERP Standard system and the actual stock level. A solution to this problem is returning an item to a default warehouse of the store in which the item is being returned.
A default warehouse for returned items is selected with the use of the parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items which, by default is deselected, whereas a negative (minus) quantity correction returns an item into the source warehouse specified for a document for released items.
A positive (plus) quantity correction gets an item into a document’s source warehouse.
Configuration of the parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items is available from the level of document edition for a selected center. In case the parameter is:
selected – a corrected item is returned into a default warehouse specified for a correction document
deselected – a corrected item is returned into a warehouse from which it was retrieved into a SI or R document
Parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items in the definition of quantity correction document
If the default warehouse, selected in a given center in the definitions of SIQC/RQC documents, is a consignment warehouse, a correction will then be generated for a warehouse from the source document
Changes in warehouses in case of selected parameter Prefer default warehouse for returned items, depending on the resource collection method:
In case of generating a value correction for a delivery that was released from a warehouse and then received with a quantity correction document into another warehouse, a cost correction will then be generated for both warehouses
A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item KD amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 1 pc
A SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item
A SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued
After the PORVC is confirmed, the following CC documents are generated:
CC1 amounting to -10.00 USD for the main warehouse
CC2 amounting to 10.00 USD for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
If stock level of a given item lot is non-zero in the warehouse into which the item lot was received, then a changed delivery value resulting from a value correction issued to the delivery document is entirely included in the resource that is available in the delivery’s source warehouse
A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item I1 amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 2 pcs A
SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item
A SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued
After the PORVC is confirmed, value of the resource in the main warehouse is 80.00 USD and in the WHS_CHIC warehouse it is 100.00 USD
If stock level of a given item lot is zero in the warehouse into which the item lot was received, then a changed delivery value resulting from a value correction issued to the delivery document is included in a cost correction document generated for the delivery’s source warehouse
A receipt of a delivery is taken into the main warehouse with a POR document for an item I1 amounting to 100.00 USD in the quantity of 1 pc
A SI from SOR is issued for 1 pc of the item A
SIQC is next issued to the SI for the warehouse WHS_CHIC
Next, a value correction PORVC, reducing the amount to 90.00 USD, is issued
As a result of that correction, a CC document amounting to -10.00 USD is generated for the main warehouse, whereas the value of the resource in the WHS_CHIC warehouse is 100.00 USD
Corrections generated to documents registered in the system
The following types of documents can be corrected with the use of corrections generated to documents:
10 pcs of article were sold at price 5 USD/pcs – SI was registered in the system.
A customer decided to return 3 pcs of purchased item (price 5 USD/pcs) – a quantity correction of the SI document for 3pcs is being issued.
In case of issuing another correction to the SI document, as the result of previous transactions 7pcs at price of 5 USD. Thereby, the second correction (of any type) regards only those 7 pcs.
It is possible to issue many corrections to one document. Each subsequent correction always regards quantity and value after the previous correction, not quantity and value of the source document.
Issuing quantity or value corrections to trade documents results in automatic generation of new payments. The type of a newly created payment (receivable/payable) depends on the value of a correction (negative, positive) and the type of a corrected document. E.g. for a correction decreasing value of a SI a payment of payable type is created and for an increasing correction. The functionality of payments created as the result of correction is the same as the functionality of payments of the source documents. Payment on the source documents remains unchanged.
Corrections to documents issued in currency different than the system currency have the same currency and exchange rate as the source document. Exchange rate is not changed neither when the date of issue of a correction is different than issue date of the source document.
Correction of a currency document has the same exchange rate as its source document.
During work with correcting documents it is necessary to remember that:
one correction document can correct:
additional costs
VAT rate
it is not possible to correct all values at the same time
it is possible to issue several corrections to one document; each subsequent correction takes into account corrections issued previously
it is not possible to issue correction to an initiated, unconfirmed or cancelled document
before issuing another correction, first it is necessary to confirm or delete previously issued corrections
it is not possible to issue correction to a correction
it is not possible to issue correction to a receipt converted into invoice – the invoice should be corrected
it is not possible to issue correction of a warehouse document associated with a trade document – first it is necessary to correct the trade document
it is not possible to generate quantity correction to IR+ and IR- if IR+ and IR- are generated from manual quantity corrections
it is possible to generate value correction to IR+ created as the result of generation from manual SIQC and RQC
it is possible to generate quantity and value corrections to IR+ and IR- issued from inventory and complaint
an issued correction cannot be deleted, it can only be cancelled
it is not possible to issue a quantity correction to documents for received items, if resources received with such documents have been completely released, reserved or moved to another warehouse, to which the center within which an operator wants to issue the correction, does not have permissions
it is not possible to cancel a correction after which has been issued another correction
it is not possible to cancel quantity corrections issued to documents for released items If resources returned with correction have been released with another document or moved to another warehouse
item name and code are determined on the basis of the item from the source document, without possibility to edit name
it is not possible to generate a correction if it does not have permission to the warehouse from the source document
it is possible to modify fields Volume, Net Weight, Gross Weight on a correction issued to document, in section Correction Value. Units related with these fields are not editable.
on manual quantity corrections, fields related to weight and volume are fully editable,
both in section Calculation – Before correction and Correction Value
in the case of value corrections of trade documents, value corrections are automatically generated to warehouse documents associated with the source trade document
in the case of quantity corrections of trade documents and of warehouse documents, it is possible to generate correction automatically or manually. Automatic generation of quantity corrections of warehouse documents can be defined in configuration of document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents).
it is not possible to generate corrections to trade documents from corrections of warehouse documents. Detailed information can be found in category Generation of documents.
Methods of presenting corrections
Creating correction to a document results with associating of the two documents with each other. The documents are available from the level of the same list, e.g. corrections to SI are displayed on the list of SI.
From the level of the list, the user can select one of the options regarding presentation of correcting documents:
below the source document
on the list
Access to corrections placed below the source document is possible by clicking on symbol “+” located next to each document number displayed on the list. As a result, a list of corrections associated with a given document is extended. That way, the user can see the documents associated with each other already from the level of a list.
List of SI with the option of displaying corrections below the source document
When presenting corrections directly on the list, the only way to find the association between a correction and its source document, is by displaying tab Associated Documents in document details. Thanks to such a presentation, the user can quickly find a correction.
List of SI with the option of displaying corrections directly in a list
It is possible to change the method of displaying corrections on the list at any time while working with the system.
Correcting documents
Correcting documents – introduction
Among correcting documents, two types can be distinguished:
corrections generated to documents existing in the system (“automatic” corrections)
manual corrections, issued to documents from outside the system
In terms of type of corrected data, it is possible to distinguish documents correcting:
additional costs
VAT rate
It is not possible to correct at one time additional costs, value, quantity and VAT rate in one document type.
A quantity correction issued to a document can be both positive and negative. It means that it is possible to increase or decrease the quantity in the correction in reference to the initial quantity.
In a manual correction it is only possible to decrease item quantity.
In a value correction it is possible both to increase and decrease purchase price/value of items in the source document. Exception includes corrections of advance invoices which can be negative only.
VAT table edition
For unconfirmed corrections of PI/API (both “automatic” and manual) it is possible to edit values in VAT table, which results in changing document value and payments. Such a change does not affect values of document items.
On currency documents, changing one of values (subtotal value, VAT, total value) causes change only on the other items in this currency. Values in currency different than edited one remain without changes – are not recalculated. Any change has to be made by an operator.
In the case of purchase invoice quantity corrections and advance purchase invoice quantity corrections, it is not possible to enter a value higher than zero and for document with VAT direction on total, additionally, VAT value cannot be lower than total value. This is due to the type of document.
Purchase invoice quantity corrections have no such limits. An operator can enter both negative and positive values.
If on a currency PIVC there is a situation that values in the document currency and values in the system currency have opposite signs, the system does not allow to save such a document. Values in both currencies need to have the same sing.
Receipt printout numbers on corrections
On forms of corrections issued to receipts (value and quantity corrections, both automatic and manual), there is a need to enter printout number assigned to a source receipt by a receipt printer. Such an information is entered in field Printout No. placed in document header, immediately below correction document number.
Reason for correction
For all types of corrections, both automatic and manual, it is possible to specify whether a document is being issued in the result of a return from customer or a mistake made in a source document to which a correction is being issued. Such information is essential for registering returns, complaints and mistakes. The reason for correction is determined in field Reason for Correction, located in document header immediately below the field with document status. The field Reason for Correction contains a drop-down list from which an operator selects an appropriate option. A list of options is retrieved from generic directory (Configuration (General) → Generic Directories →General → Reasons for Corrections). By default, the dictionary contains the following options:
Change of VAT rate
It is not possible to modify, deactivate or delete predefinted options. New values can be added to the generic directory Reasons for Corrections, upon adding new values and selecting one of the available options: Mistake, Return, other in field Type.
Field Reason for Correction assumes the following default values:
for RQC – Return
for RVC – Mistake
for the other correction documents the field is not filled in automatically.
An operator can freely modify value in this field, until a document is confirmed.
It is not possible to save/confirm a RQC and RVC for which the field Reason for Correction has not been filled in.
Generating corrections and reason for correction
On correction documents generated as the result of other corrections, the field Reason for Correction assumes the same value as the field Reason for Correction on the source correction, regardless of whether correction generation has been activated by the system or by the user.
A SOR document was issued and confirmed.
A SI to the SOR is generated and confirmed.
A SIQC with reason for correction Return is generated to the SI. The correction is confirmed.
A SORQC to the SQIC is created – automatically, as the result of SIQC confirmation or manually (generation activated by an operator). The value Return is set in the field Reason for Correction.
In the system, there is also a possibility to perform the following business situations which result in automatic generation of not editable correction documents, without operator’s input. On such documents, an operator cannot indicate or change reason for correction.
The first two situations regard generations of a SI to R, the last one refers to a terms defined on a SI.
Scenario I: A SI is generated to a receipt, and next the operator issues SIQC/SIVC for this SI. In the result of confirming the SIQC/SIVC, the system automatically generates RQC/RVC corresponding to these corrections and associated with the source receipt. If a reason for correction has been specified in corrections issued to the SI, value in field Reason for Correction is copied to RQC/RVC from corresponding SIQC/SIVC. If field Reason for Correction on the SIQC/SIVC has been left undefined, then on the corresponding RQC/RVC the option set in field Reason for Correction is the same as when RQC/RVC are issued manually – Return for RQC and Mistake for RVC.
Scenario II: The operator issued a RQC/RVC to a receipt and then generated a SI for the receipt. When confirming the SI, the system automatically generates appropriate corrections to the SI. In corrections generated this way, field Reason for Correction has the same value as it was specified on the corresponding correction to the receipt.
Generating warehouse document to SIVC and PIVC on account of terms
If terms is defined on a SI/PI document and payer has fulfilled its conditions, then, depending on setting of parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms on definition of SIVC/PIVC document type:
the system generates a warehouse to SIVC/PIVC on account of Terms – if the parameter is checked
the system does not generate any warehouse document to SIVC/PIVC on account of Terms – if the parameter is unchecked
Scenario I: (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is checked): On SI/PI document, terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC and SORVC/PORVC. In both corrections option Terms is set as a reason for correction.
Unchecked parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms affects the value of SOR/POR document if the trade document has been corrected on account of the terms.
Scenario II (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. SORVC/PORVC document is not generated.
Scenario III (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SOR/POR document was not generated to SI/PI. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. During manual generation of warehouse document, SIVC/PIVC is not taken into account, so the value is uploaded from the trade document.
When generating subsequent corrections to the warehouse document, only those quantity and value corrections of trade documents are taken into account, which were not generated in result of calculating terms.
Scenario IV (parameter Generate a warehouse document on account of terms is unchecked): On SI/PI document a terms was defined and the payer fulfilled the terms conditions. SI/PI document was issued to which a warehouse document was generated. When paying for the SI/PI, the system automatically generates a SIVC/PIVC. Correction to the warehouse document is not generated. Another value correction resulting from Mistake is issued and confirmed. A warehouse document is generated to the second value correction.
During conversion of a databases, the parameter is checked, by default. In case of creating a new database:
in French – the parameter is unchecked by default
in version different than French – the parameter is checked by default
Receipt confirmation
In Polish version of the system, it is possible to check confirmation of receipt of a correction by a customer on all types of corrections, both automatic and manual, issued to a sales invoice document. The fields are editable regardless of a correction document status. However, in case of SIQC/SIVC with Posted status possibility to edit such a document depends on setting of parameter Change of parameters in a posted VAT invoice. This permission is available in Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → group edit → tab Other Permissions. Value of fields referring to receipt confirmation is transferred onto automatically generated VAT invoices and may affect the date of inclusion of a correction in VAT-7 declaration. Completing information regarding receipt confirmation on VAT invoice results in transferring this information onto SIQC/SIVC correction.
Field on a correction referring to confirmation of its receipt
The parameter Receipt Confirmed On is unchecked by default; its checking activates fields:
date – system date is set automatically but it can be freely modified by a user
By – list with contact persons assigned to a customer; the field is not mandatory and can remain empty
Regardless if parameters referring to receipt confirmation are changed from the level of SIQC/SIVC or from the level of a generated VSIC, relevant data is automatically updated on the associated document.
From the level of the list of receipts, under button [Print Document] and from the level of RQC form under button [Print], there is a printout called Return/Complaint receipt report available for RQC. Data for this printout is retrieved from the form of document for which the printout has been started. Date of return in the printout refers to correction date from the RQC form. Field For Receipt on the printout contains number of a receipt associated with a given correction, which was assigned to the receipt by Comarch ERP Standard system; whereas receipt printout number (assigned by a receipt printer), which was entered in field Printout No. in the RQC form, is displayed by this number in brackets.
From the level of the list of receipts for correction documents, there are also collective printouts available which refer to registration of mistakes and returns – Statement of Mistakes and Statement of Returns/Complaints. Both of them are located under button [Print List]. The first one presents a statement of corrections for receipts having option Mistake set as their type in the Reason for Corrections generic directory. The other includes corrections for receipts whose type is set as Return. When starting a given printout, it is necessary to specify a range of dates for which a statement of mistakes or returns must be generated. When preparing a statement, a correction date from correction document form is verified.
Printouts Statement of Mistakes and Statement of Returns/Complaints include only receipt corrections.
The functionality is available only in Polish version of the system.
Due date and payments
When generating trade documents on the basis of warehouse documents, determination of due date in trade documents by the system depends on whether the warehouse document has been generated from an order:
if a warehouse document has been generated from an order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved, by default, from the warehouse document.
if a warehouse document has been generated from and order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved from the order – the settings derived from the warehouse document are not included
Warehouse documents do not generate payments. However, it is possible to generate payment conditions, i.e. payment method and due date, in SOR documents and their corrections.
During the process: order →warehouse document → invoice/receipt, in an unconfirmed warehouse document, an operator can change customer/vendor to a different than customer/vendor in the order. After confirming the warehouse document containing changed customer/vendor and generating an invoice/receipt from it, in the generated document, the system sets by default the same customer/vendor as in the warehouse document. However, this condition does not exclude the possibility of creating payment in an invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment derived from the order. If conditions required for creation of such a payment are fulfilled, the system creates payment in the invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment in the order, but as a payer of the invoice/receipt is the customer/vendor from the invoice/receipt and thus from the warehouse document and not the customer/vendor from the order.
In case of generating advance invoices from orders, payment method in generated document is set on the basis of:
payment method from order header (source document) – if it has been indicated in the order
payment method from customer form – if payment method <Different> is indicated in the order
In the case of such a generation, the number of days is always set as 0, so due date in advance invoices is always equal to the date of issue of a document.
When generating a document, it may occur that an address on the source document is already archived, e.g. in case an address has been archived after the issuance of the source document, but before generating another document from it.
Retrieving address onto generated document is determined by the setting of parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation which is available from the level: System → Configuration → Trade. It is possible to select one of the following options:
From source document
Current customer’s/vendor’s address (default)
When generating document, the system verifies whether the addresses indicated on the source document are active. If an address is:
active – regardless of the setting of the parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation, it is retrieved onto generated document
archived, when the option From source document is checked in configuration – the address from the source document is transferred onto generated document
archived, when the option Current customer’s/vendor’s address and archiving of the address from the source document has been done:
automatically, as a result of modification of that address – an updated address, created after modification of the address from the source document, will be retrieved onto generated document.
manually, by unchecking the parameter Active on customer/vendor form – the default main address of a customer/vendor is retrieved on generated document
Verification of activity of addresses is performed separately for customer’s/vendor’s address and secondary customer’s/secondary vendor’s address. It may happen, for instance, that one address is retrieved from a source document and the second is updated.
When generating a document from several source documents, the address on generated document is determined on the basis of the address from the first source document (order of documents is set on the basis of their IDs in the database). If the address is archived, it is retrieved in accordance with the above described algorithm.
When generating documents:
POR/PI from PO documents list
POR from PI documents list
PI from POR documents list
POR from PI documents list
PI from POR documents list
WM- from POR/IR+ documents list
in generated documents, the system creates packs as in the source document and assigns to them appropriate items generated on the basis of source items.
In the case of partial generation, quantities for individual packs in generated documents might be minor than in the source document.
Parameters of generated packs are filled in basing on the parameters of source packs, except for the pack status, which is set in accordance with performed action and status assigned to it.
On generated pack, value of total weight and capacity are set in accordance with values on the source pack, also in the case of partial generation.
It is also possible to generate PI, POR and WM- directly for selected packs of PO/PI/POR/IR+ documents. Such generation includes:
unprocessed PO items – in case of generating PI or POR from a pack in PO
subitems of PI/POR to which POR/PI has not been yet generated – in case of generating POR from pack in PI or PI from a pack in POR
subitems from POR/IR+ for which free resources are available – in case of generating WM- from a pack in POR or IR+
The difference is that from the abovementioned items are selected only those which refer to items making part of indicated packs.
Parameters of the header of a POR/PI generated on the basis of an indicated pack and its items are set in the same way as in case of standard generating. When generating a WM- from POR/IR+ both from list of documents and from indicated packs, only a source warehouse and the employee handling the transaction are retrieved from the source document. Target warehouse is set in accordance with the warehouse chosen by the operator during the generation.
Both when generating a WM- from list of documents POR/IR+ and directly from packs, for FIFO/LIFO methods of queuing resources the system retrieves only that quantity of resources received with a source POR/IR+, which is available for release. In the case of AVCO method, the system retrieves onto a WM- that quantity of a given lot received with a POR/IR+ which is currently available in the warehouse matching the warehouse in POR/IR+, but not bigger that quantity received with the source POR/IR+ document.
if generation of a PI/POR is started for several packs from different warehouses, as many POR documents will be created as the number of warehouses on packs
if for a PI document has been checked parameter Operations on a single warehouse, as many documents will be created as the number of warehouses indicated on packs
in case of generating WM-, if there are packs indicated in POR/IR+, the system asks the user, whether to generate separate WM- documents for the packs
it is not possible do add packs to a PI generated from consignment
In a POR/PI document generated from a PI/POR it is possible to modify in any way e.g. code, weight, capacity, type and content of packs (except for addition of items). An operator can create new packs basing on existing items and delete them. The editing scope of a pack item is the same as the editing scope of standard items of POR/PI documents generated from PI/POR.
In the case of WM- documents generated from POR/IR+, an operator can fully modify packs, including the possibility of adding new items to them.
During generation, both from the level of list of documents and from the level of indicated packs, an association between the source pack and generated pack is created. Thanks to this association, it is possible to follow the chronology of a given pack. Tracking pack chronology is available from the level of pack monitor (Purchase → Warehouse →Pack Monitor).
Aggregating document items
Aggregation of items depends on the setting of parameter:
Combine items from orders – available on the definition of SI, R, PI, SOR and POR
Join items of warehouse documents – available in the definition of documents: SI, R, PI
In case of generating SOR and POR from SI, R and PI, if items are cosisntent, they are aggregated to one document item.
Items are aggregated, if there is consistency in the scope of:
code and item name (it may happen that code and name are different in individual documents, even though it is the same item, in such a case the items are not aggregated)
prices (regular and discounted)
price type
VAT rate
values of features in section Features on an item (values of features on subitems can be different – several subitems for one item will be created)
employee in field Handled by
pack to which items are assigned (only on documents for received items)
parameter Reverse Charge and its classification
Modifying document item
Rules of modification of items in generated documents:
Field Handled by is fully editable regardless of document type.
It is possible to delete an item or decrease quantity on an item/subitem in:
PI generated from POR
POR generated from PI
SOR generated from SI/R
Reducing of quantity on items of POR documents starts from the last subitem and on items of SOR documents, contrary to FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources set on an item. The system takes a minimum quantity in the following way:
0,0001 when item unit precision is 4
0,001 – when precision is 3
0,01 – when precision is 2
0,1 – when precision is 1
1 – when precision is 0
Deletion of an item from SOR/POR document results in losing the relations with an item on a source trade document. To rebuild the relations, the user must generate a SOR/POR document for that item again.
If the user has decreased item quantity, which caused deletion of one subitem, while increasing subitem quantity, the system restores this subitem (preserving its current features). While decreasing item quantity, the system increases first quantity on non-zero subitems and, next, proceeds with restoring subsequently reset items – starting with the item which has been reset as the last one.
item – 9pcs:
subitem_1 (S1) – 3pcs, feature value: red
subitem_2 (S2) – 4 pcs, feature value: green
subitem_3 (S3) – 2 pcs, feature value: white
item – 9pcs
subitem _4 (S4) – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
subitem_5 (S5) – 4pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)
subitem_3 (S3) – 2pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3)
Quantity on POR item is reduced to 4pcs:
S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
S5 – 1pcs, item value: green (relation with S2)
S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset
Quantity of item on POR is increased to 6pcs:
S4 – 3pcs, feature value: red (relation with S1)
S5 – 3pcs, feature value: green (relation with S2)
S6 – 0pcs, feature value: white (relation with S3) the subitem is not visible, because it has been reset
For items which have not been included in generated document, it is possible to generate other documents until all the items are used.
In a PI document generated from a POR document it is possible to:
increase quantity – new subitem will be added to a PI document. After increasing quantity on a document item, it is not possible to modify price/value of this item, it will be automatically recalculated.
In case of modifying quantity of items on documents SOR/SI/R generated from SO, it is possible to increase quantities until all available resources are used fully.
The system cannot process completely a SO, if on a generated document, the operator first increases item quantity and then deletes or decreases quantity on those subitems, which have been transferred from the sources document. Subitems added in this way are treated as completely independent of SO.
The operator can also increase quantity of items by direct actions on subitems (buttons [Return]/[Add]) and decide which resources have to process the source SO. Selected resources, the same as it is in case of increasing items quantity with the use of field Quantity (referred to the whole item), can be different than resources originally retrieved by the system when generating SOR/SI/R.
If new item is added manually to generated document, even though theoretically it is the same as on the SO, the system treats it as completely new one (additional), not related with the order and apart from the reservation for the given item, kept by the SO, it creates new reservation, resulting from the item added to the new document.
It may occur that system deletes/decreases quantity of a subitem different that subitem selected by the user, because on such an item it has found a newer/older resource from the same lot.
A full modification of items is possible for a WM- document generated from POR or IR+, whereas operating with quantity is limited by resources available for release.
When generating IR+ and IR- or POR and SOR from an inventory document, it is possible to edit only an employee assigned to a given item (employee who handles a transaction), price and values of individual items, it is not possible to change quantities.
Modifying Item name and code on document subitem
Modification of item name
Item name in generated documents depends on the value of parameter Edit item name, which is available on item form. If the parameter is checked and the name has been changed in the source document, then the name on the item in generated document is set in accordance with the name on the source item.
The exceptions, when the name is set in accordance with the name on item form, include documents generated in the following way:
PO, IO from IQC, DF
WM- from IQC
IR-, IR + from INV
In the majority of cases, it is also possible to change name on generated document with unconfirmed status. Such an option is not available for the following documents:
SI generated from SOR or R
R generated from SOR
SOR generated from SI, R
corrections to R, SI, PI, POR, SOR, IR-, IR+
WM+ generated from WM-
PI generated from POR
POR generated from PI
Modification of item code
Modification of item code is possible only directly from the level of this item form. Modification of field value does not determine an automatic change of code in already issued documents. The code in generated documents is retrieved from:
items of the source document, in case of generating warehouse documents from trade documents and inversely, generating corrections to SI and R
from item form, in case of generating other documents