Rules of generating documents

  • A new document can only be generated from a confirmed or posted document (it is not possible to generate document from an unconfirmed, cancelled or fully corrected document).
  • Items of a document being generated take on VAT rates of their equivalents in the source document, exception is generation: PQ SQ and SO PO, when VAT rates are retrieved from item form.
  • Field Handled By in a generated document takes on, by default, the same values as in the source document (both in document header and on items). It can be edited until a document is confirmed.
  • It is not possible to generate a document from a sales/purchase quote with expired validity date.
  • It is not possible to generate a PO from SO and a POI from SOI for items of Set type (with unchecked parameter Retrieve elements onto document).
  • It is possible to generate documents from a document which has not been corrected in full.
  • From one source document it is possible to generate maximum as many documents as the number of available subitem units. If the generated documents execute the whole source document, in order to generate another document, it is first necessary to delete or cancel one of the previously generated documents. Exceptions include inquiries and quotes from which it is possible to generate any number of documents.
  • While issuing value corrections to trade documents associated with warehouse documents, value corrections of warehouse documents are generated automatically.
  • A cost correction is generated automatically as the result of correcting the value of items in a POR or SOR which introduce a resource to warehouse and this resource has already been released.
  • It is not possible to generate a SOR if there are not enough resources in a warehouse (e.g. in the case of sale below stock levels or from an order whose items are not associated with any items and at the moment of SOR generation there are not enough resources that could be associated).
  • It is not possible to generate warehouse documents containing merchandise which is being inventoried in a given moment.
  • It is possible to generate automatically warehouse documents to trade documents through applying proper settings on document types.
  • In the case of SOI, SO, POI, PQ, PO, PI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate document from a list of document items including only a part of the items.
  • In the case of PO, SI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate documents only for selected packs.
  • It is possible to generate:
    • another different document from one document (e.g. one WM+ from one WM-);
    • one document from several documents (e.g. it is possible to generate one SI from several SOR documents if all SOR documents fulfil appropriate conditions);
    • several other documents from one document (e.g. in one SI are generates as many SOR documents as the number of warehouses from which the SI retrieves resources);
    • several other documents from several documents (e.g. from several purchase quotes it is possible to generate several sales quotes for different customers);
  • During manual generation of a trade document from several warehouse documents, the system determines the sales/purchase date at the level of the lowest (earliest) of dates of release for SOR documents or dates of receipt for POR documents.
  • During manual generation of a warehouse document from several trade documents, if the sales/purchase dates are different, the system generates separate warehouse documents for each date.
  • The value of header discount of the source document is transferred onto generated document only as user discount on items (header discount values are reset), an exception is the generation of SI to R, because these documents are always generated at 1:1 relation.
  • While generating documents the system does not control operator’s permissions to a discount granted on the source document items.
  • On a SI generated in the consignment process packs are not created.
  • It is not possible to generate a SI from a partial SOR, if a trade document contains a set (which on item form has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked) which is not fully available in a warehouse.
  • When generating: R → SI, R/SI → RQC/SIQC, SQ→SO and SO→R/SI/ASI, information regarding active contact person set in the source document at the moment of generation is transferred.
  • Information regarding loyalty card number (tab Customer/Vendor) is transferred onto generated documents (R→SI/TG, R/SI→RQC/SIQC, R/SI→RVC/SIVC, SO→R/SI/ASI, SQ→SO, ASI→ASIVC). In case the field remains empty, when generating SQ and SO documents, the system verifies whether an active loyalty card exists for the customer/vendor indicated in the document:
    • If yes – the field is filled in with the number of an active card
    • If not – the field remains empty

In the system there is a set with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked. The set contains items:

A – item quantity: 1pcs

B – item quantity: 1pcs

The set witch parameter Retrieved elements onto document is added to a SO document. In a warehouse there are 10 pcs of item A and 0 pcs of item B. The order document gets confirmed.

A SO release document is generated from the sales order. The SOR contains only one element of the set – item A. When a user attempts to add the set again onto the generated warehouse document, only the element already included in the SOR is added. To be able to add the entire set, the user should modify, for instance, the quantity in column Quantity in the generated document and add the set onto the document again.


Directions of documents generation

Below are presented directions of manual generation of documents:

  • SOI SQ or POI
  • selected items of SOI SQ, POI
  • POI PQ
  • SQ SO
  • OZ  ZZ lub OS
  • PQ PO or SQ
  • selected items of PQ SQ
  • SO SI, SOR, R, PO (blocked, if SO subitems indicate own consignment warehouse), ASI, IO, or WM- (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected items of SO PO
  • selected items/packs of PO PI, POR
  • manual RQC IR+
  • manual SIQC IR+
  • selected items/packs of PI POR
  • manual PIQC IR-
  • CSR PI
  • SOR SI, R, SORQC, SORVC or CSR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected items/packs of POR PI, WM-
  • IR- IR-QC
  • IR+ WM-, IR+QC, IR+VC
  • selected items/packs of IR+ WM-
  • WM- WM+, RDR or CSR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • selected packs of WM- RDR
  • IO WM-, WM+, PO
  • selected items of IO WM-, WM+, PO
  • IQC PO, IO or WM-
  • selected items of IQC PO, IO, WM-
  • INV IR-, IR+ or SOR, POR (only when consignment handling is activated)
  • DF PO, IO
  • selected items of DF PO, IO


Generation of documents

In document generation process, it is possible to distinguish source document from which another document is generated and generated document, which is created by generation. Both the documents are strictly related with each other and they complement each other, giving a wider view of performed operations.

Options of generating of the following documents are available among generation options:

  • trade document from warehouse document (e.g. SI from SOR)
  • warehouse document from trade document (e.g. POR from PI)
  • trade document from trade document (e.g. SI from SO)
  • warehouse document from warehouse document (e.g. WM+ from WM-)

List of documents possible to generate is available on:

  • lists of particular documents
  • from the level of document details main menu Generation button group (available only for several options of generating)

Exemplary [Generation] button groups in main menu, on documents list
Properties of generated documents

  • In case a document is generated from a trade or a warehouse document, depending on the setting on a document definition (Configuration → Company Structure Company Documents), a newly generated document can have Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Initiated status
  • generated document can be partially edited, deleted, confirmed, posted or cancelled
  • generated cost correction cannot be edited
  • on the majority of generated documents, it is possible to edit only customer/vendor, document date and payment
  • on the majority of generated documents, it is possible to edit document item name, provided that parameter Edit item name has been checked on that item form
  • in trade documents generated form warehouse documents and vice versa, it is not possible to fully edit the items
  • generated document currency is the same as the source document currency
  • generated trade document (except for inquiries) generates payment

It is not possible to change unit on an invoice or a warehouse document generated from an order.

Generated document inherits most data from the origin document, except when a document of a type different than the source document type is generated – generation of a document of release type from a document of receipt type and inversely. In such a situation, generated document usually inherits only those items, which are the subject of transaction of the source document. The other parameters, e.g. customer/vendor, payment method, due date, transaction type or item prices, are determined as if the document was issued manually, not generated.

Creation of value corrections for invoices and receipts which previously have been associated with warehouse documents automatically generates confirmed value corrections for those warehouse documents. If value or/and quantity corrections are issued for a trade document not associated with any warehouse document and inversely, generated warehouse or trade document includes source document corrections. It means that the value and quantity number on such a document is corrected compared to the source document.

Other principles of document generation are described in article Rules of generating documents.


Tab Associated Documents

The tab is divided into two subtabs:

  • System – contains information about all documents associated with a given document, e.g. about a VAT invoice, corrections, generated warehouse documents or other trade documents. This information is automatically updated in accordance with performed operations.
  • Reference – presents external links associated with document

It is possible to preview each of associated documents by selecting it and clicking [Edit] button which is placed above the list.

The tab is not editable and serve for informational purposes.

Exemplary Associated Documents tab on sales invoice form

If on the basis of the current sales inquiry a purchase inquiry has been generated and in turn, e.g. two purchase quotes have been generated from it, then the purchase inquiry will be shown twice in the tab Associated Documents.


Tab Amounts

This tab presents detailed information regarding document’s VAT amounts, associated payments and advance invoices. The tab is not present on purchase/sales inquiries. On other documents it is divided into two or three sections: VAT Items, Payments, Advance Invoices.

The tab Amounts is divided into three sections in sales and purchase invoices.

Tab Amounts on sales invoice form

VAT Items

This section allows for defining the following data:

VAT Account – defines VAT account in which a VAT invoice is registered. VAT accounts are defined in Accounting module.

VAT Direction – determines method of calculation of VAT, which can be calculated on subtotal or total prices. A default value for this field for individual documents can be defined in documents definitions. The exception are advance invoices and receipt, for which the parameter always assumes the value On Total and is not editable. Depending on entered settings, item prices on documents are displayed and edited as total or subtotal prices.

In a document definition, the user can select one of three options defining the default VAT direction on particular documents – on subtotal, on total and depending on customer status.

If the option Depending on customer status has been selected, then:

  • if a document is being issued for a customer/vendor with status Entity, the system sets the direction as On Subtotal
  • if a document is being issued for a customer/vendor with status Retail Customer, the system sets the direction as On Total

When changing the customer on a document in definition of which the parameter concerning the method of calculating VAT is set as Depending on customer/vendor status, the system changes the direction of VAT calculation only on condition that there are no items added to the document yet.

VAT Aggregation – defines values on which the VAT has to be calculated. There are two possibilities:

  • Total of VAT Items – each item has its value of VAT calculated separately, including its subtotal and total value. Total VAT value for the whole document is equal to the VAT total of individual items and the combined subtotal and total value of a document is the sum of items with the subtotal value and the sum of items with total value, respectively.
  • VAT on values total – depending on the setting of the parameter VAT Direction, each document item has its total or subtotal value calculated. If there are items with different VAT rates, the system divides them into groups and sums items value in each of them. Then It calculates VAT on each group value. The total VAT value of a document is equal to the total of all the rate groups. It is a default value of the parameter VAT Aggregation for most documents.

In the case of advance invoices, VAT aggregation always assumes the value VAT on values total and is not editable.

A default value of the VAT Aggregation parameter on a document can be specified in particular documents definitions.

Subtotal/Total value of one document and particular items may slightly differ, depending on settings of the parameters VAT Aggregation and VAT Direction.

The values of the parameters VAT Direction and VAT Aggregation have to be defined before any item is added onto a document. Once an item is added, the fields of the parameters become inactive.

Reverse charge – the parameter allows for reverse charge handling on a document. The value of the parameter is retrieved from customer/vendor form and can be changed until the Transaction Type is changed into a different than National or until the document is confirmed. More information regarding reverse charge handling can be found in article Reverse charge.

VAT table is filled in automatically after adding an item in the tab Items of a document. It presents summary of a whole document, both in the system currency and in the document currency. If a document contains items with different VAT rates, then the VAT table shows totals of values split into particular VAT rates.

In the case of final invoices (sales and purchase) which include advance invoices, VAT tables for particular VAT rates present advance values derived from those advance invoices. These values are presented with the sign “- “.

It is possible that a final invoice does not contain the VAT rate deducted on advance invoice. Such a situation may happen, e.g. when a final invoice does not include all items from the source order or VAT rates of final invoice items have been modified.

The user can edit VAT table records on unconfirmed purchase invoices, advance purchase invoices and on their corrections. Such an edition concerns subtotal value, VAT value and total value, both in the system currency and with the document currency, with a reservation that on a purchase invoice including advance invoices there is no possibility of modifying values referring to those advance invoices.

Such a solution makes possible to determine the above-mentioned values in accordance with the values derived from an invoice/correction received from a vendor. Discrepancies appear if on an invoice issued by a vendor have been applied methods of VAT calculation (on subtotal/total, total of VAT items, VAT on values total) different than when registering a document in Comarch ERP Standard.

Usually, the differences are minor, however the scope of changes which can be used by an operator in Comarch ERP Standard is wide. Limits result mainly from the character of modified documents. The scope of edition of particular documents is presented in the following table:

DocumentField edition scope
Subtotal (SV)VATTotal (TV)
calculation direction On Subtotal calculation direction On Total
PI/APISV ≥ 0VAT ≥ 00 ≤ VAT ≤ TVTV ≥ 0
SIVC any edition

Edition of one value in a table record causes an automatic change of the other values of that record and of the table summary. However, the change of one of currency document items causes change only on the other values in a given currency. The values in currencies different than the modified one remain without changes and are not recalculated. A possible change has to be made by the operator.

If on a currency PIVC there is a situation that the values in document currency and the values in system currency have opposite symbols, the system does not allow to save such a document. The values in both currencies need to have the same symbol.

During the edition, the system maintains the principle: subtotal + VAT = total. An exception is a situation when all the values have value equal 0, then the system “artificially” modifies one of the values. If VAT on a document is calculated on total on the level of 0,01 and on PIQC/APIVC on the level of -0,01. The same applies to documents on which the VAT is calculated on subtotal, for PI/API the system sets value on the level of 0,01 and for PIQC/APIVC on the level of -0,01.

Change made in the VAT table has an impact on document header value and on payment value. It does not have any impact on value of document items.

For a confirmed purchase invoice, advance purchase invoice and their correction the table values are not editable. However, the change of one of currency document values results in change only on the other values in a given currency. A possible change has to be made by the operator.


The second part of the Amounts tab contains a list of payments associated with a given document, which similarly as the VAT table is filled automatically with data, immediately after entering an item into a document.

Immediately above the list there is Terms field, which in case of applying appropriate settings on customer/vendor form, is automatically uploaded or its value can be selected manually from a predefined terms list defined in Configuration (Finances) Types of Terms. It is not possible to specify terms on a receipt.

While issuing a document, the system suggests one payment for the document basing on the values of fields in document header, particularly on the value of field Payment Method. The user can edit it or add another one (e.g. when customer pays partially in cash and partially by card or in several instalments). If the document value decreases, the system appropriately decreases payment with the latest due date and, in case it is necessary – deletes it. If the document value increases, then, if the document contains one payment, the system appropriately increases its value and if the document contains many payments, the system adds another payment.

On quotes and orders documents it is possible to determine due date as a specific date or in relation to invoice date. By default, option Number of days from the invoice date is set and the data referring to number of days and parameter EOM is retrieved from document header. However, the operator can change this option by editing a given payment and checking option Due Date.

Changes can be applied on payments only until a document is completely paid. Only invoices (SI/ASI/PI/API) and receipts are subject to completion. It is not possible to complete a document before it is confirmed. Payments on orders and quotes documents are only expected payments and they are not subject to completion. More information concerning dividing, combining and completing payments can be found in category Payments.

The list contains the following information:

Entity – payer’s name

Receivable – value of receivable

Payable – value of payable

Amount Remaining – amount remaining to be paid

Due Date – payment date by which a customer should settle their payment with vendor. In the case of payments on quotes and order, the field may contain information about number of days from invoice date until when the payment must be made.

Currency – symbol of the currency in which the payment has been generated. It is automatically consistent with the document payment, unless the user has changed it. However, it should be remembered that a document can be issued in a currency that is different than the payment currency.

To Send – the field informs about amount which should be entered in a transfer document in order to clear the payable in respect of a vendor

Advance invoices

The third part of the tab Amount is called Advance. Until a document is confirmed, this panel displays all advance invoices fulfilling the following criteria:

  • they have Confirmed status
  • the customer on advance invoice is the same as the customer on final invoice
  • the currency of the advance invoice is consistent with the currency of the final invoice
  • they have not been fully completed on another final invoice
  • center defined on an advance invoice is available for a center selected in a final invoice
  • they are not marked for deduction on another unconfirmed final invoice
  • they have not been fully corrected
  • the value of the parameter Reverse charge in advance invoice header is the same as the value of this parameter in final invoice header

After a document is confirmed, only the invoices which have been deducted on a given invoice are displayed.

Advance invoices are handled with the use of the following buttons:

[Edit Advance Payment] – displays preview of a selected advance payment without possibility of editing it

[Edit Order] – displays preview of a selected order without possibility of editing it

[Check Amount to Deduct] – opens a window containing information about the number of a currently highlighted advance invoice and the amount to deduct defined by the operator, as well as a list containing the following columns:

  • VAT Rate – information about VAT rates included in a given advance invoice
  • Advance Payment – value of advance payment assigned to a given VAT rate
  • Remaining to Deduct – amount remaining to deduct for a given VAT rate derived from a given advance invoice (this is the value of the maximum advance payment for a given VAR rate reduced by the amount already deducted on other final invoices and corrected by corrections issued to advance invoices)

[Recalculate Deducted Amount] – displays a window total of amounts that can maximally be deducted from advance invoices with checked parameter Deduct. It allows for entering value from a range from 0 to the maximum amount that can be deducted. Splitting the amount between marked advance invoices is performed in accordance with the selected FIFO/LIFO option of the parameter Method of dividing deducted amount among advance invoices on SI/PI document definition

[Update] – updates advance invoices list

[Export to Spreadsheet] – the button allows for exporting data to an Excel spreadsheet with possibility to select one of the options: DataAware (default option) or WYSIWYG. The user can set default export mode from the level of System Configuration Computer Default Export Mode.

In case of selection of the following export mode:

  • DataAware – generated file presents data in accordance with conditioning rules applied to the list
  • WYSIWYG – generated file presents data in a layout similar to the layout displayed on the screen

The list contains the following fields:

Deduct – selected parameter decides whether a given advance invoice has to be deducted from a final invoice

Number – advance invoice number

Order – number of purchase/sales order to which an advance invoice has been issued

Advance invoices which have been issued to orders associated with a current final invoice, are marked by default.

Date – this column contains date of issue for ASI or date of receipt for API

Total Value – total value of a given advance invoice

Deducted Amount – amount which has to be deducted from a given advance invoice. Upon checking parameter in column Deduct, field in column Deducted Amount becomes editable. By default, it displays a maximum value of advance payment that can be deducted from a given advance invoice. The operator can specify a different amount, but the maximum amount possible to deduct cannot be exceeded.


Tab Currencies

Tab Currencies cannot be edited by the user. It contains information about currencies used on a document along with their exchange rates for a given day. The number of items on the list may differ depending on how many currencies have been used while issuing a document. In case document currency and currencies of items are different, it is always marked, which currency is the document currency.

Exemplary Currencies tab on sales invoice form


Tab Packs

This tab is available on documents of receipt type and on WM- document. It presents list of packs grouping document items and indicates how they will be packed. In the system, it is also possible to define “empty” packs, that is packs to which non document items have been assigned. However, they are not transferred onto another generated document.

One document can contain any number of packs. The packs list provides information regarding pack code, pack UPC code, quantity (presented quantity is always 1) and pack type.

There are two methods of adding a pack – individually ([Add Through Form] button) or in a single batch ([Add Many Packs] button).

More information regarding packs and adding them can be found in subcategory Packs.

From the level of the pack list, apart from adding, editing and deleting existing packs, the user can also copy packs and generate documents directly to selected packs.


Tab Customers/Vendors

This tab is divided in two parts. The left-hand side presents information regarding customer/vendor and the right-hand side presents information about secondary customer/secondary vendor.

Both tabs contain the following customer/vendor data:

  • contact and address data,
  • GLN number
  • data of customer’s/vendor’s default contact person,
  • code,
  • name,
  • loyalty card number
  • TIN number
  • EIN
  • NIN

The data is completed automatically, upon selecting a customer/vendor in document header.

Exemplary Customers tab on sales invoice form

The field Loyalty Card No is available in definition of SQ, SO, R, SI, ASI and their corrections and on TF and DM documents. Its value is completed automatically, if a given customer/vendor has an active loyalty card assigned. When changing customer/vendor on a document, the system re-verifies loyalty cards assigned to customer/vendor:

  • if in the system there is an active loyalty card, its number is automatically filled,
  • otherwise, the field Loyalty Card No remains empty.

Upon selecting customer(s)/vendor(s) on a document, their main address is automatically set as customer’s/vendor’s address. The default delivery address (provided that such an address has been defined on customer/vendor form) or the default main address (if no delivery address has been defined for customer/vendor) is set as secondary customer’s/secondary vendor’s address by the system.

An address, which has been retrieved by default by the system onto a document, can be:

  • changed – by selecting another address defined in the customer/vendor form or by creating a new address and uploading it into the document
  • completed – in case of absence of some information (data can be specified in empty fields of the address uploaded into a document)
  • edited – the displayed data can be modified

The possibility of completing and editing customer’s/vendor’s contact and address data directly in a document is available only for operators, who belong to a group which has the permission Edition of address in a document and right to modify address assigned.

An operator who belongs to an operator group which does not have rights to edit an address, can only change an address on a document to a different one using […] button, the other fields from the tabs Address and Contact Person and fields on their subtabs (Contacts and Description) are inactive. In such a case, an operator can only select another address defined on the card of this customer/vendor or create a new one, provided that he/she has permission to add addresses.

Change address type button

It is not possible to define new addresses for customer Undefined in the address list opened from the level of a document form.

Lack of permission to add an address does not block the possibility of adding a contact to existing addresses. Possibility of adding a contact to an address is blocked only in case of lack of permission to edit addresses.

If an operator has the permission to edit an address granted and decides to edit or complete missing address data on a selected document, this has an impact on information saved on customer’s registration form. Such an address is automatically archived and replaced with a newly created address, including all changes applied by the operator. Exception is the situation when a modified address has not yet been used anywhere in the system (e.g. on another document). Then, such an address is updated – it is not archived and no new address is created.

In practice, it happens that it is needed to issue documents with an address which has been already archived. In order to issue a document with an archived address, it is necessary to select the change address type button ([…]) and on the opened in this way customer’s contact list uncheck parameter Only active. Unchecking the parameter displays archived addresses which can be selected on the document.

By default, the system does not allow to update customer’s data and address on a document with one of the following statuses: Posted, Posted and Printed on Receipt Printer

Modification of customer’s data on confirmed documents is available only for an operator who belong to a group which has permission Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed documents granted, which is available from the level of Configuration Company Structure Operator Groups edition of a selected group tab Other Permissions. Upon selecting the parameter, it is possible to update address on most of documents in the system from the level of:

  • document header
  • Customers/Vendors tab

The possibility of updating customer data on confirmed documents is not available for documents belonging to a center/company with parameter Compliance with French VAT law checked.

For most of trade/warehouse documents it is not mandatory to complete customer/vendor address. It is required by law only in reference to invoices.

In the case of invoices, the system does not allow to confirm a document, if the field City is not completed for a given customer/vendor.

GLN number, presented among the address data, is used during electronic document exchange between the partners. It identifies a company and its location in accordance with the global standards.

Tab Items

This tab contains basic data which should be completed in order to issue a trade or a warehouse document, that is items the document relates to.

Exemplary Items tab in sales invoice form

Items list

One document can be issued for many different items. This part of form contains the list of all items for which a given document has been issued.

In the case of advance invoices, the list is not editable and serves to present an order item for which the advance payment has been generated. The exception is column Collect VAT available only on advance invoices generated in French databases. Parameter available in this column can be edited a document is confirmed.

If a set with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document is added on document, on the document form appear as many items as have been added to the set on item form. In addition, the user can set color in which items of the set (with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document) are displayed on the document. It is possible from the level System Configuration Trade Mark with color set elements in documents.

No. – ordinal number of an item; if one of document items is deleted, the other items are automatically renumbered

Code – code of a selected item

Name – name of a selected item, by default, retrieved from the item form

If parameter Edit item name is checked on item form, it is possible to edit item name on document. The name can be changed only from the level of the document item form. However, it does not affect the item name on the item form. A name changed this wat is valid.

Features list of values of features of a given item, separated by commas. These are the values defined in section Features, on item form. If resources retrieved onto item possess features, but their values have not been inserted in the section Features, these features are bot visible in this column.

Quantity quantity of item, which has to be sold/bought/ordered/offered or about which a customer inquired. After a set with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document is added onto document, the column Quantity may be inactive, if on the form of such a set, in section Modification of a single item in documents, option Block is checked. If on item form of a set, option Allow is checked, after changing quantity in the column Quantity, the system displays a question decomposing of the set with possible answer Yes (the set will be decomposed) or No (the operation will be aborted).

In case parameter Divide Delivery is checked in item form for basic unit, in documents of receipt type (PO, PI, POR, IR+), while increasing/decreasing quantity, subitems are automatically added/deleted (number of subitems for an item is always equal to the quantity on the item). In case of changing:

  • a unit with checked parameter Divide Delivery to a unit for which that parameter is unchecked – the list of subitems remains unchanged
  • a unit with unchecked parameter Divide Delivery to a unit for which that parameter is checked – new subitems are automatically created (in the same way as when adding a new item)

While generating documents (POPI, POPOR, PIPOR, PORPI, IR+ from a manual correction), subitems are transferred from the source document, the value of the parameter Divide Delivery is not taken into account. For an IR+ document generated as a result of an inventory or a complaint, the items are added in accordance with the parameter Divide Delivery.

UOM – unit of measure in which item quantity is expressed in a document (it can be a basic or an additional unit). A unit which can be available for selection on a document, has to be active and assigned to a given item. It is not possible to issue a document with an inactive unit. In case of generating documents, if the source document had been issued in a unit which later was deactivated, the unit from the source document is transferred onto generated document. The exception are the following generations: SOPO, SQPQ, DFPO. In those cases, the unit is not transferred, but the items are recalculated to the basic unit according to recalculations in item form. Also, price in the basic unit is recalculated.

Regular Price (column hidden by default) – price of one unit of an item before calculation of discounts (total or subtotal, depending on the setting of the parameter VAT Direction in tab the Amounts). Until a document is confirmed, an operator can edit regular price, provided that the group to which the operator belongs has permission Modification of regular price granted.

Price Type (column hidden by default) – type of price on the basis of which a regular price for an item has been determined. Until a document is confirmed, an operator can change a price type to another price type available for a given customer/vendor, operator and center in which and on behalf of which the document is being issued.

Total/Subtotal Price – price of one unit of an item after discounts calculation (subtotal or total, depending on the setting of the parameter VAT Direction in the tab Amounts)

Subtotal/Total Price (column hidden by default) – column available on SI, SO, SQ, PI documents. Price of one unit of an item after discounts calculation. The column Total/Subtotal is hidden inversely to the setting of the parameter VAT Direction in the tab Amounts. Upon selecting on a document VAT direction:

  • On Subtotal, the column Total Price is hidden by default
  • On Total, the column Subtotal Price is hidden by default

Discount – total value of discount granted for a given item, expressed as percentage

Subtotal/Total – value of a given item after including a discount. Displaying subtotal or total value depends on the setting of the parameter VAT Direction in the tab Amounts.

The value of items does not always fulfil the equation quantity * price = value. Such a situation can take place when, for example, parameter Control: quantity * price = value has not been checked on a document item and calculation of discount on price (parameter Discount on price available on item form) has been deactivated for the item added as the document item.

Number of Sets (column hidden by default) this column contains information regarding number of sets added onto a document. The column is filled only for items of Set type with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked.

Set (column hidden by default) – this column presents code of a set added onto document. The column appears when a set with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document is added onto document. In case the set is decomposed, its code disappears from the column.

Set Unit (column hidden by default) – presents unit of a set with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked

Item Type (column hidden by default) this column presents item type in accordance with merchandise/service item form

Collect VAT column available only for advance invoices issued in French databases. Determines whether for a given document item the system has to calculate VAT tax or the item is not subject to taxation and is supposed to assume NS (not subject) rate. If a transaction type of the advance invoice is National, then, by default, for each item, the parameter in the column assumes the same setting as the parameter Collect VAT on ASI/API on a given item form. Until the document is confirmed, it can be modified. In case transaction type on advance invoice is Intra-Community or Non-EU, the parameter is always checked, without possibility to change it.

Modification of the parameter Collect VAT on advance invoices with national transaction is possible only on first advance invoice generated for a given order. Subsequent advance invoices assume the parameter value from the first advance invoice.

In a situation when the parameter Collect VAT has been unchecked on an order item on advance invoice and the value of advance determined for the rate VAT rate NS does not cover in full the total value of the item, then, on subsequent advance invoice issued for this order, the parameter Collect VAT is unchecked for this item and it is not possible to check it.

The same way, when the parameter Collect VAT has been unchecked and the value of advance determined for its VAT rate does not cover in full the total value of the item, then, on subsequent advance invoice issued for this order, the parameter Collect VAT is checked and it is not possible to uncheck it.

Even if on an advance invoice issued to a given order, the parameter Collect VAT is checked for an item, then on a final invoice generated to the same order and including advance invoice associated with that order, VAT rate set on items is the same as VAT rate on the order.

VAT % (column hidden by default) – value of VAT rate that has been applied for a given item. It can be edited when issuing a document. It is associated with field VAT Rate – changing value in one field changes value in the other field.

VAT Rate – name of VAT rate applied for a given item

While saving or confirming documents SI/R/SO/SQ/PI/PO/PQ/SOR/POR, on which VAT rate type is set as National and VAT rate applied for items is different than VAT rat set on the form of a given item, the system displays an appropriate information and asks whether to continue.

Reverse Charge – this column is available on the list only, if from the level of System Configuration Trade has been selected parameter Handle reverse charge. If the parameter is unchecked, the column is hidden by default. The column presents the value of the parameter Reverse Charge retrieved from a given item. Its modification is possible only from the level of the list of items.

SENT – this column is available on the list only, if from the level of Company has been checked parameter Monitor SENT Transport. If the parameter is unchecked, the column is hidden by default. It is available for documents: R, SI, SOR, PI, POR. The column presents the value of the parameter SENT retrieved from an item form.

Handled By (column hidden by default) this is the same field as that in a document header. It allows for indicating an employee who handles a given transaction, precisely – an employee who participated in selection of a particular item by a customer. Such a functionality is very useful, for instance, in shops, where salespersons are remunerated or receive premiums for their sales results. If a customer purchased a product to which he/she was stimulated/persuaded by a given salesperson, such fact can be recorded right in the Handled By field. his field can also be used in preparing many analyses/reports, such as an analysis of the share of salespersons in general sales (in what percentage do salespersons/sales consultants participate in the processed sales transactions and in what percentage do customers choose the purchased goods by themselves) or separation of the sales transactions involving particular products, which are classified to the employees handing those transactions

If in a document header, an employee was selected in the Handled By field, then when adding a new item to the document the same employee will be suggested in the relevant field in the item details window. However, the operator can change employee on each document item separately, until the document is confirmed. Employee is changed/selected by entering in this field their code/name and surname or by selecting them from employees list expanded with the use of the button […] placed in the field. It is possible to set different employees for each item.

In the case of corrections, an employee can be edited in the Handled By field not until a document item is actually corrected in terms of its quantity or value. When correcting the document item, a suggested employee will be the one from the source document item (from the source document).

While copying and generating documents, the value of the field Handled By in document header and on items is transferred from the source document. Employee can be changed until a generated or a copied document is confirmed.

Pack Code (column hidden by default) – this field is not editable. Displays code of the pack to which a given item belongs. It is possible that an item does not make part of any pack. In such case no value is presented in the column.

Pack UPC (column hidden by default) – this field is not editable. It displays UPC code of the pack to which a given item belongs. It is possible that an item does not make part of any pack or its UPC code is not defined. In such case no value is presented in the column.

Available Quantity (column hidden by default) – this field is not editable. It is available on documents: SI, R, SOR, IR-, WM-, SO, IO with Initiated or Unconfirmed status. It displays quantity of a given item which is equal to the quantity available on items list excluding reservations without resources.

In case if option All is selected in a document header for field Warehouse, quantity in column Available Quantity is calculated on the basis of all warehouses assigned to that type of document in a center in which an operator is logged-in.

Quantity in the column is updated upon performing the following operations:

  • adding an item
  • editing quantity
  • changing unit
  • changing warehouse for the whole document
  • saving item details
  • editing unconfirmed document

For items of Service type, quantity is not presented in this column. For items of Set type (both with checked and unchecked parameter Retrieve elements onto document), there is maximum quantity of an element with the lowest available quantity displayed.

Ordered Quantity (column hidden by default) – this field is not editable. It is available on documents: SI, R, SOR, IR-, WM-, SO, IO with Initiated or Unconfirmed status. It displays quantity of a given item equal to quantity specified in the column Orders on the item list

Quantity in the column is updated upon performing the following operations:

  • adding an item
  • editing quantity
  • changing unit
  • changing warehouse for the whole document
  • saving item details
  • editing unconfirmed document

Currently Ordered (column is hidden by default) – this field is not editable. It is available on order documents. The column presents item quantity decreased by:

  • quantities resulting from closing order
  • document item quantities/subitems excluded from processing
  • Unprocessed (column hidden by default) – this field is not editable. It is available on order documents. The column presents item quantity decreased by:
  • quantities resulting from closing order
  • document item quantities/subitems excluded from processing
  • quantities processed through a generated document

Expected Date (column hidden by default) – this field is available for sales orders, purchase orders and internal orders. It allows for determining a date by which a given document item should be processed.

It is possible to edit expected date in the case of:

  • sales/purchase orders – on documents with Confirmed and Pending status. The possibility of editing is available for items which haven’t been excluded from processing or haven’t been processed in full
  • internal orders – on documents with Submitted status

Attachment (column hidden by default) – presents thumbnail of a default attachment assigned to a given document item, if none of attachment assigned to items has parameter Default checked, the field remains empty.

Document Item Attachment (column hidden by default) – presents thumbnail of a default attachment assigned to an item added as document item. If none of attachments assigned to item has parameter Default checked, the field remains empty.

The item list, both on documents of release type and of receipt type, works in the edit in place (EiP) mode, which means that it is possible to change item quantity, unit of measure, user discount value, price, value, VAT rate and employee handling the transaction can be edited directly in the list. Each change of one of those values (except employee handling the transaction) causes recalculation of the rest of values.

It is not possible to open an item for editing by double clicking a field working in the edit in place mode.

Items on offers and on purchase inquiries do not affect in any way warehouse resources and no subitems are created for them.

On purchase/sales inquiry document, adding, deleting and editing an item is possible only with the use of the mechanism edit it place. Such an edition concerns columns with code, quantity and unit of measure of an item.

Items List – Advance Payments

This list is available for advance invoices. It contains the basic data regarding advance payments generated for a selected order.

VAT rates list is constructed on the basis of VAT rates indicated on the source order document.

Column Max Advance Payment presents amount of order for a given VAT rate. Thereby, the max advance payment for a given rat cannot be superior to that amount. Column Advance Payment contains the amount charged as prepayment of a future purchase/sales. Column VAT Rate determines VAT rate to which the advance payment is assigned.

In the case of French database, among the VAT rates on an advance invoice may appear NS (not subject) rate, which is not present on the source order items. The NS rate appears in a situation, when on at least one item on order items list of an advance invoice the parameter in column Collect VAT is unchecked. Total value of such an item is assigned to the NS rate and, if there is no other item with the same rate as that assigned to the item on the source document, then, the item with this rate disappears from the list of VAT rates on the advance invoice and is replaced by the NS rate. If the parameter Collect VAT is unchecked for more items, then the total of their total values is assigned to the NP rate.

The item list works in edit in place mode, which means that it is possible to edit advance payment value directly in the list, upon clicking [Edit] button. The advance payment value can be also modified with the use of [Recalculate Advance Payment] button which opens a separate form. In this way, the user can enter the total value of the advance payment and the system splits this amount proportionally against the maximum advance payments amounts for particular VAT rates.


Document header

Document header contains basic information about document. The user can hide/present document header from the level of each tab available on document with the use of the buttons: .

Example of sales invoice header

Document header presents general information concerning document:

Document status – indicates status of the currently opened document. Available statuses are described in article List of documents.

Number – document number assigned according to applied numbering schemes. Depending on numbering scheme, two to eight fields in order set by the user are displayed. Those fields contain specified elements of numerator. If in numbering scheme has been defined section containing, e.g. warehouse (company has more warehouses) or series (more series are available for one document) – selecting the arrow next to the field displays list of all the options and allows for selecting the proper one. Selected symbol is presented in the number.

The number is assigned automatically while issuing a document. It is possible to use a free available number. Upon deleting a saved document, the number assigned to this document is released. If the issue date on deleted document is the same as system date, released number is assigned to the next, newly created document, whose issue date is the same as the issue date on the deleted document.

If the issue date of deleted document is different than the system date, then a gap remains in the document numeration and the system assigns the following number automatically.

In order to use the number of a deleted document, click on arrow to expand list of numbers and select an available and not used number.

Possibility of using a free number

In the system, there are three sales invoices with the following numbers:

  • SI/2019//00001,
  • SI/2019//00002,
  • SI/2019//00003.

The SI with the number SI/2019/00002 (unconfirmed) and the date of issue 08.27.2019 ha been deleted. If the system date is 08.27.2019, then after deleting this invoice, a newly added document issued on 08.27.2019 with its date of issue 08.27.2019 will be assigned with the number SI/2019/00002. If the system date is later than 08.27.2019, then even after deleting SI/2019/00002, subsequent document issued with date 08.27.2019 will not receive number SI/2019/00002, but SI/2019/00004. To use a free number, expand field with available numbers and select number 00002 so that the invoice number will be SI/2019/00002. When changing the numerator to an unused number, the number assigned automatically will be released. Upon manual change of the number, the document must be saved.

In French databases it is not possible to select number manually. In those databases the number is assigned automatically without possibility to change it.

The functionality of using free number is limited by permissions for operator groups. In order to share the functionality to operators, it is necessary to check the parameter Using of free document number, which is available in the tab Other Permissions of a given operator group. The permission is unchecked by default for all operator groups.

Upon placing the cursor on document number and clicking the right mouse button, option Copy Numerator is available. A copier number can be pasted in any other place.

Subtotal – subtotal value of a document expressed in document currency. This field serves for information purposes and cannot be edited. Its value matches the value in the table VAT in the tab Amounts.

Total – total value of a document expressed in document currency. This field serves for information purposes and cannot be edited. Its value matches the value in the table VAT in the tab Amounts.

For purchase invoices, advance purchase invoices and their corrections, total of item values does not have to match subtotal and total value of the document.

In French databases subtotal and total values on final invoices are not reduced by amounts resulting from deducted advance invoice. It means that subtotal and total values presented in document header don’t match subtotal and total values from the table VAT in the tab Amounts.

Advance Payments field available only for French databases. Contains total of total values of advance invoices deducted on a given invoice.

Amount Paid – amount which has been already paid for a given document. This field serves for information purposes and cannot be edited.

Amount Remaining – amount which remains to be paid for a given document. This field serves for information purposes and cannot be edited.

Discount Value total value of discount granted on a document. Presented amount results from the difference between initial value and final subtotal/total value of items. Method of calculating total discount depends on settings of the parameter VAT Direction on the document, in the tab Amounts. The initial value is calculated as quantity * initial value (price from price list) and items for which initial price equals zero ale not included in calculation.

Credit Limit – this field serves for information purposes and cannot be edited. It is displayed only a credit limit is set for the customer and limit control is activated in document types configuration. Provides information regarding amount of merchant credit which remains available for the customer. The value of remaining credit limit is expressed in the system currency.

Reference Number – document reference number, e.g. number of the source document which identifies a given document in customer’s system

Source – field divided in two part. The first part is a drop-down list and indicates the source of provenance of the document, e.g. order placed by phone, generated by EDI or created directly in the system. The second part allows for inserting reference number of the document.

Customer/Secondary Customer or Vendor/Secondary Vendor – these fields allow for loading data of customer for whom the document is supposed to be issued (displays name only). In the system it is possible to distinguish the following customers:

  • on documents of release type:
    • Customer – indicates the purchaser of an item
    • Secondary Customer – indicates recipient of an item, that is a consignee
  • on documents of receipt type:
  • Vendor – indicates the seller of an item
  • Secondary vendor – indicates the supplier of an item

In the first case, such a distinction is justifiable in a situation when the item is being sent to an address which is different than the current customer’s address, both when the customer is the same as the secondary customer and when they are different.

The other case is when the item is being delivered by a company which is not the vendor of the item or when the vendor and the secondary vendor is the same customer, but it has different addresses.

Customer/Vendor as well as Secondary Customer/Secondary Vendor are selected from the “tree” or the customer/vendor list which is opened with the use of the button: or can be expanded by clicking on the arrow: .

Upon selecting a customer their name appears in the document header. Other address data can be previewed or completed in the tab Customers/Vendor where is also possible to complete most of missing fields or to edit them (code, name, EIN and NIN are not subject to editing). Modified data will be updated in the directory Customers/Vendors.

The system does not allow for confirming invoices (SI, ASI, PI, API) without customer or TIN number and full customer/vendor address data.

Usually, the fields concerning customers/vendors are editable until a document is confirmed. An exception is the situation, when:

  • in the header of a document of release type, a resource from a secondary customer’s consignment warehouse has been selected in the header/retrieved – the secondary customer cannot be edited, the customer can be modified
  • on a document of receipt type (in the header, on a pack or on a subitem), an own consignment warehouse associated with the customer has been selected – both vendor and secondary vendor cannot be edited.

Date of Issue – date when a document has been issued. A document is registered in VAT account or included in trade periods with accordance to this date. Normally the system date is suggested as date of issue.

In case of sales/purchase quotes, the date of issue cannot be later than the expected date.

Date of Receipt – date of receiving a document from vendor

Date of Sale – date of actual sale or release of an item from warehouse. It affects stock level records (so called “stocked” date). When issuing a document, the system dat eis suggested. While generating a trade document from a warehouse document, the date of sale is set in accordance with the date of release indicated on the warehouse document.

Date of Purchase – date of purchase of an item (date of sale of an item by vendor). It affects stock level records (so called “stocked” date). When issuing a document, the system date is suggested. While generating a trade document from a warehouse document, the date of purchase is set in accordance with the date of receipt indicated in the warehouse document.

Correction Date – date when an actual correction has been made (an item has been returned or a value has been changed). It affects stock level records (so called “stocked” date). When issuing a document, the system date is normally suggested.

Date of Advance Payment – date when advanced payment has been deposited/withdrawn, which means a date from when an advance payment can be used in the system

Expected Date – date by when a document should be executed, that is by when an invoice/receipt with associated warehouse document should be issued for items included in a quote or order. The value of field with expected date strictly depends on issue date – change of issue date implies recalculation of expected date with the inclusion of number of dates indicated in the field next to the date (expected date equals issue date increased by a given number of days). The expected date serves for information purposes, which means that after exceeding this date the system does not block a further execution of a quote/order.

In case of sales and purchase orders, changing of expected date is possible only on documents with statuses: Unconfirmed, Confirmed and Pending. Updated expected date is transferred only on those items which haven’t been executed in full.

In case of IO document, the date can be changed for documents with statuses: Unconfirmed and Submitted.

In case of SQ and PQ the field can assume two forms – Date or Number of days from the date of order. Selecting the option Data allows for defining a specified date, by using the calendar or indicating a number of days needed to execute the offer. Such a date is calculated from the issue date. Both fields are synchronized to each other – completion of one field implies an automatic calculation of the second field. At the same time, change of the issue date affects recalculation of the expected date – number of days remains without change. If the option Number of days from the date is selected, the calendar is replaced with a field allowing for defining number of days needed to execute the quote from the date of generation of the order.

Expected date is defined also on particular items of offers and quotes. While saving/confirming an offer or quote, the system is checking, whether the expected date indicated in the header of the order/quote is not earlier than the latest of the expected dates indicated on items. If It is so, then it is appropriately postponed (in addition, in case of offers, if it’s necessary, also the expiration date is changed)

Expected date cannot be posterior to expiration date.

While copying documents, the system:

  • copies expected date from the document header, if the option Number of days from the date of order is checked (only in case of quotes)
  • checks which expected date – from the header of the copied document or from the item, is the latest one and sets this date on the document (in case of quotes only if the copied document contains items for which the option Date has been set as expected date)
  • copies expected date from the copied document, if the date hasn’t passed yet (only in case of quotes, if there are no items for which the option Date has been set as expected date)
  • sets current date as expected date, if expected date indicated in the copied document has already passed

Expected date is recalculated in case of change of:

  • price type (change made by the operator)
  • customer (in case the change implies price type change)
  • date of issue

The abovementioned change is made regardless of whether a given document has been issued manually or generated from another document.

In case of manual change of expected date in document header, the system allows for an automatic, optional change of expected date on quote/offer items and on packs.

Expiration date – defines the maximum validity period of an offer. After exceeding this date, it is not possible to execute the offer end generate other documents from it. However, validity period of an offer can be unlimited (checked parameter Undefined).

While copying offer documents, expiration date is set in accordance with the date set on the source document. An exception is a situation when expected date of a newly created document is posterior to expiration date on the source document. In this case, expiration date is equal to expected date.

Activation Date – in case of sales order this date serves for information purposes only. It does not impact when the reservation is presented in stock level records – it does not perform a role of the date “stocked”. The case is different for purchase orders, where the quantity from order items is presented in stock level records, in the column Orders, right from this date – in such a situation activation date operates as date “stocked”.

Activation date cannot be later than expected date.

Reserve resources – field available for SO documents. Default setting of the parameter is retrieved from the definition of SO document types. It allows the user to decide, whether a resource from warehouse has to be associated with an item’s subitem or not. While adding an item on SO, if the parameter Reseve resources is checked and if there are there is sufficient item quantity in a warehouse, the system reserves given resources and blocks their use on other documents. In case the parameter is unchecked, during addition of items on document, the system creates subitems which are not associated with resources. Resources not subject to reservation are available in warehouse and can be sold.

Reserve quantities – field available for SO documents. Default setting of the parameter is retrieved from the definition of SO document types. It is possible to change the parameter value for documents with status Initiated and Unconfirmed.

It is not possible to check parameter Reserve resources and Reserve quantities at the same time.

Detailed description of quantity reservations can be found in article Types of reservations.

Reject inquiry – parameter active only for an inquiry which has been previously confirmed. It allows for specifying, whether the execution of a given inquiry should be continued or abandoned. Checking the parameter results in displaying of a field with reasons for rejection on the form. The reasons are defined in Generic directories. The list is based on the list of values of the generic directory from the category Reason for rejecting quotes.

Warehouse – depending on document type, this field allows for specifying a warehouse from which resources are collected or in which a given resource should be received. In this field, the user can indicate a warehouse from which should be released or in which should be received the resources of items indicated on warehouse documents.

The field Warehouse should be filled in before items are added on document. Later, its edition on documents of release type is blocked.

Pickup point – field available only for SO documents. The user, with the use of the button […], can select a pickup point which is set as active in objects availability for a center to which the operator is currently logged in. The default value of the field is the pickup point set as default for a given center in Object Availability panel. In other cases, the field is not filled in.

The value of this field is transferred from the source document onto a copied document. The field can be edited on documents with Initiated or Unconfirmed status.

It is not possible to remove:

  • an address which has been associated with a pickup point
  • a center/warehouse/customer/vendor which has been associated with an address defined for a pickup point

Payment – field with a drop-down list specifying payment method. By default, the value of the field is retrieved from customer/vendor form, from the tab Trade.

Due date – this field is divided in four parts, which define conditions of payment applied on document and due date fixed on their basis. By default, payment conditions are retrieved from vendor/customer form. The section is composed of the following fields:

  • field with number of the days that should be added to the issue date of the document, in order to fix due date (value retrieved by default from the field Due Date on a customer/vendor form)
  • parameter EOM (by default, the value is retrieved from the parameter EOM (End of Month) on the customer/vendor form), if the parameter is checked, due date is set on the basis of the formula End of Month (more information can be found in article Due date at the end of month).
  • field with number of days by which it is necessary to correct the due date set at the end of month (by default, the value is retrieved from the field Correct by on customer form) – it is subject to edition, only if the parameter EOM is checked.
  • date with due date – determined on the basis of the abovementioned values and the issue date of the document, indicates by when payables against a vendor should be cleared

Payment Status – this field is available only for sales orders. It allows for a comprehensive handling of statuses from the level of Comarch ERP Standard and Comarch POS within the multi-channel sales. Values are retrieved from generic directories available from the level of Configuration Generic Directories Transactions SO Payment Status. Predefined values in the directory are Partially Paid, Unpaid, Paid and they cannot be deleted. It is possible to add new values to the directory. An option added by the user can be deleted, provided that it has not been used in the system or synchronized to Comarch POS. For an operator to be able to change status in a document, he or she must be assigned to operator group having permission Change of SO payment status granted, which is available from the level of operator group edit form → tab Other Permissions. By default, the parameter is checked for b2_admin and b2_default. The value, which is automatically suggested on SO document is an empty value or, if the default value has been set in generic directories, it is transferred onto the document.

While copying, the default value is set on the document – the value of this field is not copied.

Trade Document – field available on for sales order documents which have been:

  • added in a center of Comarch e-Shop
  • passed on for processing in a center of Comarch e-Shop type
  • synchronized from e-Shop

While submitting an order, the user can determine which type of trade document should be issued. It is possible to select one of the following options: Invoice or Receipt. Values of this field can be modified on document with Initiated, Unconfirmed or Confirmed status. During database conversion and for newly created documents, value Receipt is set, by default.

The field serves for information purposes, which means that it does not limit the possibility of generating trade document only to selected option.

Currencies – this section allows for determining currency in which a given document has to be issued. It is possible to issue a document in a currency different than the system currency, with the exception of receipt, which can only be issued in the system currency.

Document currency is retrieved from customer/vendor form, from the tab Trade. By default, Undefined customer is set on newly issued documents, therefore, the data from that customer/vendor form is first retrieved onto document. After customer/vendor change, the system searches the currency assigned to that customer/vendor, whereas, if the currency is not active anymore or the system is not able to find it, then the system currency is set. After customer/vendor change on the document, the system verifies whether the document currency is the same as the currency of the newly added customer. If the currency is the same, it is verified, whether there are items on the document. If there are items, a standard question regarding update of values appears and, depending on selected answer, items can be recalculated or not recalculated. In case the currency on the document is changed and the document includes items, a question regarding currency change and values recalculation appears. Depending on decision taken by the user, the customer/vendor on document on the document is changed without any recalculation (no intention to update currency/value) or the currency is changed and the system:

  • changes price type
  • changes the, according to retrieved price type, the Regular Prices, Discount, Discounted Price and Value
  • sets appropriate exchange rate
  • determines price and item value in the system currency and in accordance to a given exchange rate
  • recalculates prices and values in the system currency
  • recalculates values in VAT table on the document

After modifications are finished, the system displays information about recalculation of document items in accordance with customer/vendor’s currency and price list.

In case a customer/vendor is changed in a document which does not include any items, the system, after customer/vendor change, automatically sets the currency retrieved from the form of that customer/vendor.

When generating documents, the currency is transferred from the source document. In the case of generation on documents, where the currency cannot be transferred from the source document, e.g. SOI SQ, the system sets the currency set on the customer/vendor form. In the case of documents for which currency cannot be other than the system currency, the system automatically sets the system currency for such a document.

Currency and exchange rate can be defined in any moment of document issuance (both before and after adding an item in a document) until the document is confirmed, with the exception of advance invoices (ASI/API), which are generated documents, and, therefore, the values or their fields are automatically completed by the data introduced on associated order and are not subject to editing. Once a document is initiated, the system currency is set as its currency, by default.

In order to change document currency, it is necessary to select symbol of the currency in which the document has to be issued. Next, it is required to specify exchange rate type, date type and a specific date, for which the exchange rate will be retrieved. The system suggests automatically the default exchange rate of the document, associated with the company which is the owner of the document whose base currency matches with the company system currency. It can be changed by selecting other type from a drop-down list containing previously defined types available in a given center/company. In the case of manual corrections of sales/purchase invoice issued by the user, the setting of exchange rate type is retrieved from base document definition, that is from definition of sales/purchase invoice.

After change of the value in the field Owner, exchange rate type is not updated.

Generating documents

In most cases exchange rate type is transferred from the source document, with the possibility of change, with the exception of:

GeneratingExchange Rate SettingPossibility of Change
R from SO
SI from R
System currency -
PI from POR
POR from PI
SOR from SI
Basing on the source documentCannot be changed

Copying documents

While copying documents, the system verifies whether the owner of the original document belongs to the company (or to its center), to which the operator copying the document is logged. If:

  • the owner belongs to the company – the user can copy the document. In addition, when copying within the same company, the system verifies, whether exchange rate type on the source document is available in a given company. If:
    • it is available – the exchange rate type and other parameters regarding exchange rates are transferred onto copied document
    • it is not available – the default exchange rate type set on document definition in the center in which the document is being issued, is retrieved onto copied document. The values on such a document are appropriately recalculated. Exchange rate type can be changed in the copied document.
  • the owner does not belong to the company – it is not possible to copy a document

In Comarch ERP Standard it is possible to control the date of exchange rates retrieving. On documents definitions, in section Getting Currency Exchange Rate, the user can define details regarding retrieving of exchange rate.

If selected exchange rate type has an exchange rate defined for a given currency and date, then this exchange rate is automatically retrieved. In the case of an exchange rate type for which exchange rate has not been defined in a given day, but it has been defined in previous days, the system displays the following message: “A different date of exchange rate has been retrieved”, which means that the exchange rate has been retrieved from the last date preceding introduced date, for which exchange rate is defined. In case there is no exchange rate on days preceding a given date, the system displays the following message: “There is no quotation of the exchange rate for the currency [currency symbol] on [date]” and automatically sets exchange rate type to manual. For the manual exchange rate type a user should independently enter the exchange rate, with the use of keyboard or up/down arrows.

Date type allows for determining, which document date should be valid for exchange rate. By default, issue date is selected – in case the user hasn’t modified settings on document types (see: Configuration (Documents) Types or Configuration Company Structure Company Documents ) or date defined as default by the user. It can by changed, by selecting another date from a predefined dropdown list.

Exemplary predefined list of date types

Any Date – the date which can be arbitrarily entered from the keyboard or selected from the built-in calendar in field Date. For the selected date a currency exchange rate will be retrieved, obviously if such a currency exchange rate exists

Date of Issue – the date of issue of a document automatically retrieved from the header of a document – field Date becomes inactive.

Date of Sale – the date of sale retrieved from the header of a sales invoice document, similarly as for the date of issue, field Date of Sale is inactive

Date of Advance Payment – the date of advance payment retrieved from the header of an advance sale/purchase invoice document, similarly as for the date of issue, field Date of Advanced Payment is inactive

Date of Purchase – the date of purchase retrieved from the header of a purchase invoice document, similarly as for the date of issue, field Date of Purchase is inactive

Date of Receipt – the date of receipt retrieved from the header of a purchase invoice document, similarly as for the date of issue or purchase, field Date of Receipt is inactive

In the field with date, depending on the selected type as well as the settings in document types, a date earlier than the dates defined in a document may appear. It is possible to define the date from which a currency exchange rate should be retrieved and what date from the header of a document it should relate to.

Definition of retrieving exchange rate on document types

Transaction Type – the field with a drop-down menu enabling to define what transaction type applies to a document – National, Intra-Community or Non-EU. For documents generated (e.g. ASI, API) from other documents (its value has been retrieved from the base document) as well as for a receipt (only the type National available), this field is grayed out and is not editable. Value in the field is set as National, by default, whereas upon selecting a customer, the value from his form is uploaded in the field.

VAT Rates – the field with a drop-down list enabling to select VAT rates category applicable in a document. In the case of some documents the field is grayed out – for documents generated (e.g. ASI, API) on the basis of other documents, since the value is retrieved from the base document, for receipt (only National available).

Delivery Method – the field with a drop-down list defined from the level of Configuration → General → Generic Directories. It identifies the delivery method of an item to a customer. The field is active for Initiated and Unconfirmed status. Value of the field is retrieved from customer/vendor form from Trade tab. In a newly issued document, Undefined customer/vendor is set, by default and therefore, the data will first be retrieved onto the document from that customer/vendor form. Upon changing the customer/vendor, the system searches for delivery assigned to that customer/vendor, whereas, if the delivery is no longer “active” or it cannot be found, no delivery is set and the field remains empty. When generating documents, delivery method is copied from a source document. In case of generations where value of Delivery field cannot be rewritten from a source document, e.g. when generating SQ from SOI, the system sets default value defined on a customer/vendor form.

Order Processing Status – this field is available only in sales order document. It allows for comprehensive management of statuses from the level of Comarch ERP Standard, Comarch POS 2.0 systems and Comarch e-Shop within the multi-channel sales. Values are retrieved from generic directory available from the level of Configuration → Generic Directories → Transactions → Order Processing Status. Predefined values in the directory are Awaiting Pickup, Under Preparation, Awaiting Shipping, Sent, Picked Up, Requires confirmation from customer, Expecting confirmation from customer, Expecting confirmation from customer in e-Shop, Confirmed by customer, Cancelled by customer – and they cannot be deleted. It is possible to add new options. An option added to the directory by a user can be deleted, provided that it has not been used in the system or synchronized to Comarch POS 2.0. For an operator to be able to change status in a document, he or she must be assigned to operator group having permission Change of delivery status granted, which is available from the level of operator group edit form → tab Other Permissions. The parameter is checked, by default for b2_admin and b2_default operator groups. Value set in a SO document by default is an empty value or default value defined in the generic directory, if such has been specified.

When copying a document, a default value is set – value of the field is not copied.

Detailed information concerning orders being processed with the help of e-Shop can be found in the manual Comarch ERP Standard – Integration with Comarch e-Shop.

Owner – the field enabling to select a unit of the company structure in which a document is issued (it can be a center in which the user is logged or a local center that is subordinate to him/her).

Handled By – in this field it is possible to select an employee handling a given transaction. Such functionality is broadly applicable, among others, in shops where salespersons are remunerated or receive premiums for their sales results. If a customer purchases a product to which he/she was stimulated/persuaded by a given salesperson, such fact can be recorded right in the Handled By field. This field can also be used in preparing many analyses/reports, such as an analysis of the salespersons’ share in general sales (in what percentage do salespersons/sales consultants participate in the processed sales transactions and in what percentage do customers choose the purchased goods by themselves) or separation of the sales transactions involving particular items and classified to the employees handing those transactions.

By default, when adding a new document, this field is filled in with first and last name of employee who is associated with a currently logged-in operator. If the logged-in operator is not associated with any employee, this field will remain uncompleted until it is filled in manually. The employee can be changed until a document is confirmed.

When copying and generating documents, the value of the Handled By field will be copied from the source document. The employee determined in a copied or generated document can be changed until the document is confirmed.

Print – this parameter is available for SI and ASI document. Checking it means that a document is to be sent to a receipt printer. To be able to check the parameter, appropriate conditions must be fulfilled. For more details see article Printing invoices on a receipt printer. 

Confirmation – the field available for SQ/PQ. It defines the “reaction” of a customer/ours to the quote that has been submitted to it/us. It is active only for the documents that have been previously confirmed. It enables selection between the following statuses:

  • Accepted – a quote has been accepted by a customer/by us
  • Rejected – a quote has been rejected by a customer/by us. In the case of selecting this option, below the field Confirmation an additional field appears in which from a drop-down list (defined in Generic Directories) it is possible to specify a reason for rejecting the quote. It is not possible to generate subsequent documents from a quote which has been rejected

Add a description – the text field dedicated entirely to user’s notes concerning a document

Discount – the field available for SI, R, SOR, SO, SQ documents. It enables entering a header discount contingent upon the total document value, which is calculated directly on a given document. An operator can enter a discount in a percentage or value form. For more information about header discounts, see article User discount and document header discount.



Every trade document form consists of tabs which group information used in business process and during work with the system. Quantity, type and content of tabs may differ depending on document type.

Tabs common for most documents:

  • Items
  • Packs (tab available for documents of receipt type and for WM+ document)
  • Customers/Vendors
  • Currencies
  • Amounts
  • Analytical Description
  • Associated Documents
  • Attributes
  • Attachments

In addition, each document contains its header, available from the level of every tab, which for an easy identification of basic information regarding issued/edited document.

Configuration – Basic terms

  • Shortages – item quantity in basic unit for which has been issued a document of release type (SI, R), but such a document hasn’t been covered by available stock levels
  • Quantity – item quantity in warehouses resulting from confirmed warehouse documents
  • Available quantity – quantity resulting from the difference between the value of the column Quantity and the value of the column Quantity Reserved (Blocked). Resource reservations, quantity reservations and reservations without resources (non-blocking) are taken in consideration.
  • Lot – groups resources with the same combinations of feature values
  • Precision – number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is saved, which means number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is recalculated in the system.
  • Reservations without resources (non-blocking) – reservations which don’t block for sales quantity defined on subitem
  • Resource reservations – reservations which block for sales quantity defined on a subitem from specific delivery
  • Quantity reservations – reservations which block for sales quantity defined on a subitem, without indicating any specific delivery from which the resources should be retrieved
  • Orders – quantity of ordered item expressed in basic unit, resulting from documents of receipt type (unconfirmed or confirmed PI, PO, submitted IO and unconfirmed POR, IR+, WM+) and quantity corrections of warehouse documents of release type (unconfirmed SORQC, IR-QC), yet not available for sales.
  • Resource (delivery) – indicates available quantity and value of item defined with a group of features, which comes from one subitem of the source document


Configuration – Permissions

This tab allows for assigning permissions to specific operator group, which concern the settings of performing specific actions in particular areas of the system.

The tab consists of list of permissions and is available from the level Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edit form of selected operator group → Other Permissions.

List in the tab Other Permissions

The list displays name and area of the permission. Parameter Active indicates whether a permission is assigned to a specific operator group.

Trade/Warehouse area contains the following permissions:

  • <<Generation of manual corrections>>
  • <<Modification of items in confirmed sales/purchase order>>
  • <<Excluding of sales/purchase order items from processing>>
  • <<Modification of credit limits>>
  • <<Change of delivery status>>
  • <<Change of SO payment status>>
  • <<Change of VAT exemption reason in a confirmed/posted document>>
  • <<Inventory – Release of reserved resources>>
  • <<Inventory – Blockade of item addition>>
  • <<Delivery change panel>>
  • <<Change of delivery in confirmed document>>
  • <<Manual reservation of resources>>
  • <<Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed documents>>
  • <<Access to discount from another object>>
  • <<Determinating of prime sales cost>>
  • <<Edition of address in a document>>
  • <<Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0>>
  • <<Modification of regular price>>
  • <<Reprinting of documents on a receipt printer>>
  • <<Generation of repair cost corrections>>
  • <<Access to discount structure>>
  • <<Closing of trading periods>>
  • <<Access to purchase prices>>


Configuration – Document definition

Depending on center/company, different document configuration may be required in the system. Such a configuration consists in defining way of functioning of documents, basing on different parameters, numeration schemes or their availability in the company structure.

Documents definition can be performed from the following levels:

  • Tab Documents which allows for editing documents tab. The form is available from the level Configuration tab → Company Structure → Company → Documents
  • Configuration → Documents → Types. However, company structure form is provided with more options and possibilities regarding documents configuration.

Moreover, configuration from the level of company allows for an additional handling of availability of series, warehouses, VAT accounts and documents visibility within a given center.

General tab

The tab General contains basic information about document type and additional parameters regarding document configuration within a given center/company.

Tab General on SI document edit form available from the level of company edit form

Depending on document type, the tab is divided into the following sections, which contain different parameters:


  • Code – code representing shortened name of document type
  • Name – document type full name
  • Group – group to which a given document type belongs
  • Include in trading period – decides whether a given document type should be subjected to verification within trading periods
  • Require a reason for document cancellation – specifies whether during document cancellation it is required to indicate a reason for such an operation
  • Separate calculation for each warehouse – the parameter is available on the IQC document definition and decides whether the calculation should present item quantities by warehouses

Getting Currency Exchange Rate

  • Exchange Rate Type – specifies what exchange rate type should be retrieved onto document
  • Date Type – allows for specifying date from which exchange rate value should be taken
  • Number of Days Before the Date – the field allows for correcting the value of the field Date Type by a given number of days

Item Parameters

  • Price Precision – specifies precision of decimal number with which prices will be expressed on a document
  • Control: quantity x price = value – this parameter controls whether item values are the same as product of the given formula
  • Combine items from orders – if the parameter is checked, items of documents generated from orders will be aggregated, if they are consistent when it comes to: code, name, price and price type, unit, VAT rate, values of features, pack and employee
  • Join items of warehouse documents – checking the parameter results with the same actions as in the case of the parameter Combine items from orders, but for warehouse documents generation
  • Check if features are required – this mechanism verifies whether features specified for a given lot, which is a document item, is required. Such a definition is possible also on document form, in the tab Parameters.

Document Parameters

  • Payment confirmation – if the parameter is checked, during confirmation of a document will be displayed payment confirmation window allowing for generation of a cash-bank transaction
  • Open transactions – the parameter decides whether the documents of a given type should be displayed on open transactions list
  • Automatically generate a warehouse document as – defines whether and with what status will be generated a warehouse document during trade document confirmation
  • Date of release from warehouse document – the parameter allows for defining a date which is supposed to be default sales date on commercial document
  • Date of sale from several receipts – in case of generation SI from many R the parameter decides what date should be taken as sales date
  • Automatically generate VAT invoices as – defines what status should assume a VAT invoice generated for SI/ASI and PI/API
  • Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts – allows for specifying VAT account with which VAT invoices should be associated
  • Allow negative value of final invoice – if the parameter is checked, it is possible to deduct advance invoices with a value superior to the value of the original final invoice
  • Method of dividing deducted amount among advance invoices – specifies whether the amount should be divided according to FIFO or LIFO formula
  • Handle bundle promotions – if the parameter is checked, it is possible to calculate bundle promotions on documents and decide whether those promotions should be added automatically while adding an item or manually
  • Positive quantity corrections – if the parameter is checked, the quantity on correction item can be greater than the quantity on item of the source document
  • Generate a warehouse document on account of terms – if the parameter is checked, warehouse document is generated if terms have been defined on SI/PI and the payer has fulfilled its conditions
  • Control minimum margin – if the parameter is checked, during document generation the system verifies whether the conditions of minimum margin have been fulfilled
  • Reserve resources – when adding or increasing item quantity on document, the system will create, by default, a reservation for indicated quantity and block sales of items from determined delivery
  • Reserve quantities – when adding an item on document, the system will create reservation for an indicated quantity and will not block sales of items from determined delivery
  • Exclude order items from processing – the parameter allows for excluding items with maintaining at the same time their original value or updating item and header value
  • Modification of Confirmed Order Item – if the parameter is selected, it is possible to add, delete and edit items of Pending and Confirmed orders

VAT Calculation Method

  • VAT Direction – defines method of calculation of VAT which can be calculated on subtotal or total prices or basing on customer/vendor status
  • VAT Aggregation – defines values on which VAT should be calculated. It can be total VAT of items or VAT on values total
  • Additional Costs: Algorithm – allows for selecting method of additional costs distribution for document items
  • Control of Credit Limit During Document Confirmation – the parameter decides how the system should act in case customer ‘s credit limit gets exceeded
  • Correction of Bundle Discount Elements – allows for deciding whether the system should accept, signalize or block correction of items belonging to bundle discount
  • Obligatory minimum retention period – the parameter allows for defining period of time for which personal data will be stored in the system

Diagram tab


Tab Diagram of SI document

This tab contains a graphic scheme presenting document statuses possible to obtain. From this level it is possible to:

  • manage document colors depending on its status. In order to edit status, it is necessary to mark it (rectangle) on the diagram and select option [Edit] from menu Statuses
  • edit document’s permissions – allows for defining permissions of a given user group to perform particular operations of a given document type. In order or edit permissions, it is necessary to mark a given permission (arrow) on the diagram and select option [Edit] from menu [Permissions].

Series tab

In the tab Series it is possible to associate a given series do document type which results in possibility of using it in document’s numerator.

When issuing a document, the user can select series with which the document is supposed to be issued.

More information about series and numeration schemes can be found in anrticle Numerators.

Warehouses tab

Tab Warehouses is available for most trade/warehouse document. In this tab the user can attach and detach warehouses existing in the system to document type. It can be done with the use of the buttons [Attach] and [Detach].

Moreover, the following parameters are available in the tab:

  • Operations on a single warehouse – if the parameter is checked, it is possible, when issuing a trade document, to collect resources from one warehouse. Selected warehouse is indicated in the document header.
  • Prefer default warehouse – if the parameter is checked, when adding items on document, resources from the default warehouse are collected first. This parameter has impact only od trade documents, because operations performed on warehouse documents always concern only one warehouse.

Visibility tab

In the tab Visibility the user can manage visibility of documents of a given type within centers.

A document issued by a given center:

  • Is visible for all parent centers within a given structure branch
  • Is invisible for all the child centers in a given branch and for equal centers

Numbering Schemes tab

The tab allows for assigning many numerators to a given document type a and specifying which of them is the default one. One document type can have only one default numbering scheme.

With the use of the button [Add] from the button group Numerator, the user can select list of numbering scheme which is supposed to be attached to the document type. It is possible to add selected scheme only if in menu Configuration → Documents → Types, the scheme is assigned to a given document type.

Column Numbering by Date allows for defining the date transferred to the numerator attached to a given document type. The value of the column can be modified only from the level of the main company.

More information regarding configuration of numerators added to document types can be found in article Numerators.

VAT Registers tab

In this ta bit is possible to assign VAT accounts to a given document type. In order to attach VAT registers, it is necessary to select [Attach] button and select a VAT register from the list of available registers. In order to detach a register, it is necessary to mark it on the list and click on the button [Detach].

The user can specify which register is supposed to be the default one for a given document type, by checking the parameter Default.

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Weighed codes

Weighed codes are a special type of barcodes which contain information regarding item weight, which means that one part of the barcode is responsible for identifying item from item forms and the second part for the weight saved in code.

The functionality of weighed codes, available in the section Trade/Warehouse of Configuration menu, allows the user to define weighed barcode structure for a given prefix. Thanks to a defined structure of weighed code the system is able to interpret in a proper way the data contained in the code.

Weighed codes list

By default, weighed codes are defined in UPC-13 (GS1 Poland) standard with prefixes: 25, 27 and 29. Structure of those codes looks as follows:



  • P – code prefix
  • A – item identifier
  • V – control digit of weight/code
  • W – weight in total and decimal units
  • K – control digit of code

Upon clicking on [Add] button, a form for adding a new weighed code structure opens. The form consists of the following fields to complete:

  • Prefix – this field allows for defining a weighed code prefix withing the range of 20 to 29. It is not possible to add two weighed codes with the same prefix.
  • Active – this parameter indicates whether it is possible to use a given weighed code in the system
  • Standard – choice list of active values from the generic directory Weighed Codes Classification and the value Other
  • Record length – this field allows for defining length of weigh code structure. The field value is retrieved from the generic directory of weighed codes standards, depending on chosen code standard. If selected standard is Other, it is possible to insert any integer.
  • Code Type – field specifying type of weighed code

Section Code Elements allows for defining weighed code structure. The user can decide whether a given element should be present in the code, by checking/unchecking such an element.


Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Delivery costs

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, contains a functionality related to delivery costs, which allows for defining and calculating them and therefore facilitates work with such a type of costs included in transactions.

List of delivery costs

Upon selecting button [Add], the system opens window of delivery costs calculation where it is possible to set name and service on which a given delivery cost is based, as well as delivery methods and thresholds to which given values apply.

Window of delivery cost calculation

Mandatory fields of delivery costs calculation window:

  • Name – name of delivery cost calculation
  • Service – service associated with a given cost calculation, selected from among items of the Service type

Section Methods of Delivery allows for adding from drop-down list a method of delivery for a given service. The values are retrieved from generic directory Method of Delivery. Depending on selected delivery method, associated threshold is contextually displayed. The user should define values for each threshold in the following fields:

  • Gross Weight Up To – maximum value of gross weight expressed in kilograms a given threshold is applicable for
  • Volume Up To – maximum volume expressed in m3 a given threshold is applicable for
  • Total Value – total value of the cost of delivery
  • Free of Charge on Value – total value of purchase order from which shipping cost is free of charge
  • Currency – the field allows for selecting a currency available in the system in the for a company to which the operator is logged-in. System currency of a company is set by default.

If a calculation contains more than one threshold, it is necessary to remember that the value of field Gross Weight Up To for every following record must be superior to that of the previous record. The value of the field Volume for every following record must be superior to that of the previous record. Total value of subsequent thresholds must be specified in the same currency.

If the first record is saved with value 0,00 for the field Gross Weight Up To or Volume Up To, it shouldn’t be possible to change the 0,00 value to a different value in the fields Gross Weight Up To or Volume Up To of the following records. It is possible to define the same thresholds, if the values of Total Value for those thresholds have been defined in different currencies. To delivery cost calculation must be added at least one threshold.

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Units of measure

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, contains a functionality related to units of measure, which allows for defining them and therefore increases clarity of item classification and improves maintenance of items.

By default, each item has its basic unit in which it is registered in warehouse. At the same time, the user has a possibility to define auxiliary which can be set as default for a specified document type. Thanks to such a functionality a company can easily register transactions in which, e.g., an item is sold in a unit different than the unit in which it is registered in warehouse. Assigning an auxiliary unit and setting it as default for a given document type is performed on item form, in tab General, in sections General and Default for, respectively. More information regarding units of measure for a specified item can be found in the article Defining item.

From the level of units list the user can deactivate units which are not set as default for a given document type. It is not possible to deactivate m³ or kg as basic units for Volume and Weight type.

Units list

From this level, it is possible to add further units of measure. Button [Add] opens unit definition form.

Unit definition form

The form is composed of the following fields:

  • Symbol – mandatory field allowing for introduction of characters used for unique identification of a unit of measure
  • Name – mandatory field allowing for introduction of characters which describe a given object in a more detailed way
  • EDI Symbol – field allowing for assigning unit’s EDI symbol, which is an electronic data exchange platform. In a file generated upon exportation of invoice to EDI is sent the symbol unit of measure used for an item of the exported invoice.
  • Type – list from which the user can select one type of unit of measure: Weight, Volume, Other
  • Precision – number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is recalculated
  • Active – the parameter is automatically checked during the definition of a unit. Once the parameter is unchecked, it is not possible to use the unit of measure in the system.
  • Conversion Calculators – relation of basic unit quantity to associated unit quantity


Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – General information

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, is provided with objects related to trade and warehouse maintenance in the system. Before starting work with the system, it is recommended to define them in order to have a possibility to use, e.g., price lists or unit measures on documents, which will significantly reduce time of their issuance.

Menu Configuration – Trade/Warehouse

The menu allows for configuration of the following areas:

  • Price Types – access to configuration of price types (both for received items and for released items) necessary to create price lists. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in category Price types.
  • Price Lists – access to configuration of price lists (both for received items and for released items) created on the basis of one given price type. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in category Price lists.
  • Discount Types – default discount types on the basis of which the user can create discounts in the system. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in category Discounts.
  • Units of Measure – the functionality allows for defining and assigning measure units to articles, for increasing transparency of their classification and for improving their handling. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Units of measure.
  • Trading Periods – the functionality allows for managing issuance of trade documents, e.g. by blocking their issuance in certain periods. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in subcategory Trading periods.
  • Complaint Actions – the functionality allows for defining complaining actions which facilitate handling of a complained process through its particular stages. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in the article Complaint actions.
  • Complaint Handling Patterns – this area contains a list of patterns that allow to define complaint process execution step by step. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article Complaint handling patterns.
  • Pack Statuses – the functionality allows for managing actions performed on packs and statuses of packs which are used on purchase orders, purchase invoices, internal and external receipts and warehouse movements. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article Defining packs.
  • Delivery Costs – configuration of delivery costs allows for their definition and calculation. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in article Delivery costs.
  • Voucher Sorts – the functionality allows for defining, deleting and previewing sorts of vouchers created by the user. Detailed description of the functionality can be found in category Vouchers.


System configuration – Trade tab – Inventory

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration →Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information.

System configuration window – Inventory section

Section Inventory is composed of the following parameters:

  • Automatically generate inventory documents during inventory confirmation – if the parameter is checked, after confirmation of an inventory, differential IR/SOR or IR+/POR documents are generated automatically. The statuses of generated documents depend on the setting of the parameter Automatically confirm inventory documents.
  • Automatically confirm inventory documents – if the parameter is selected, documents generated from inventory will be automatically confirmed
  • Inventory  control correctness of documents – checking the parameter allows for selecting inventory document correctness control while:
    • confirming an inventory sheet
    • adding an item to an inventory sheet

Inventory handling in the system is described in category Inventory.


System configuration – Trade tab – Documents

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information.

System configuration window – Documents section

Section Documents is composed of the following parameters:

  • Get customer/vendor address during document generation – from a drop-down list it is possible to choose the method of retrieving address:
    • current customer address
    • from a source document during document generation
  • Check minimum and maximum regular prices in documents if the parameter is checked, the control of minimum and maximum regular price is enabled on documents.
  • Handle quantity reservation in warehouse documents – the parameter is available in database with FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources. If the parameter is checked, there is a possibility of handling quantity reservations in warehouse documents. The parameter can be checked at any moment of work with the system and can be unchecked, provided that in the system there is no a warehouse document (SOR, IR-, WM-) creating a quantity reservation.
  • Handle quantity reservation – this parameter works in the same way as the parameter Handle quantity reservation in warehouse document, but it’s available only for the databases with AVCO method of queuing resources. More information regarding the mechanism of resource collection is available in subcategory Reservations.
  • Include additional costs in quantity corrections of documents for received items – if the parameter is selected, addition costs will be included in quantity corrections of documents for received items. Checking the parameter enables additional costs reimbursement along with returned merchandise. If the parameter is unchecked, additional costs remain.
  • Mark with color set elements in documents – checking the parameter enables color change for sets with checked Retrieve elements onto document parameter
  • Handle debit/credit memos – the parameter decides whether credit and debit memos are available in the system

System configuration – Trade tab – Items

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information.

System configuration window – Items section

Section Items is composed of the following parameters:

Filter item list by vendor’s price list – if the parameter is checked, item list on documents of receipt type is filtered by default by vendor’s price list. In order to associate items with customer, it is necessary to assign selected customer to a price type and a price list containing those items and add the items to the price list. Then, on an item list opened from the level of above-mentioned documents, a customer indicated in document header as Vendor, is visible in the item list filter. Such a vendor can be deleted with the use of eraser tool, which is available next to the customer field. The parameter is checked by default in the system. The functionality of price lists is further described in category Price lists.

  • Highlight recently selected item – if the parameter is checked, a recently selected item is remembered on item list and item group list. The parameter regards lists in select mode (from the level of a document or other object, e.g. price list).
  • Handle category instead of type on item form – if the parameter is checked, only field Category is visible on item form, if the parameter is unchecked, both Category and Type fields are available on item form.
  • Handle buy-back – if the parameter is checked, it is possible to <<handle buy-back>> in the system
  • Handle print name – the parameter is unchecked by default. After changing the parameter value and saving settings it is possible to send print name defined on item form to a receipt printer.

More information regarding items is available in category Items.


System configuration – Trade tab – Trading Periods

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information.

System configuration window – Trading Periods section

Section Trading Periods is composed of the following parameters:

  • Limit the number of open trading periods – the parameter allows for determining maximum number of simultaneously open trading periods
  • Combine trading periods with accounting periods – checking the parameter allows for automatic closing of trading period along with accounting period closing.
  • Block document confirmation after an unclosed period – checking this parameter disables the possibility of confirming documents issued after the defined trading period. blockade of document confirmation after an unclosed trading period applies to the following situations:
    • when the date of the issued document is included in an open trading period preceded with another open trading period
    • when the date of the issued document exceeds the interval of the recent open trading period (only if the parameter Block document confirmation is checked)

Moreover, if in the configuration for the confirmed document type has been set an automatic generation of another approved document and the date of the generated document fullfills one of the above mentioned conditions, the generated document will be saved as unconfirmed.

  • Block document generation beyond a trading period – if the parameter is checked, the system controls the issue/receipt/registration date of the added document. If the date is posterior to the end date of the last open trading period, the system automatically changes the issue/registration date of the document to the end date of the last open trading period and appropriate message is displayed.

System configuration – Trade tab – Barcodes

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade tab – General information.

System configuration window – Barcodes section

Section Barcodes contains the following parameters:

  • Check uniqueness of item barcodes – this option allows for enabling verification of uniqueness of barcodes for items. If a given barcode already exists, an appropriate message is displayed and the possibility of saving item form with duplicated barcode is disabled.
  • Check uniqueness of pack barcodes – this option allows for enabling verification of uniqueness of barcodes for packs. If a barcode is duplicated, an appropriate message is displayed. The user can decide, whether packs with duplicated barcodes can be created or not.

System configuration – Trade tab – General Parameters

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information.

System configuration window – General Parameters section

Section General Parameters contains the following parameters:

  • Default method of collecting resources – allows to select the method of warehouse pricing. Methods available in the system:
    • FIFO – First In First Out, resources from the earliest delivery are released first
    • LIFO – Last In First Out, resources from the latest delivery are released first
    • AVCO – Average Cost, weighted average method, consist in posting with the use of the average weighted purchase price

Specified method of collecting resources can be changed until the first item is added to the database. In case of FIFO/LIFO methods, after an item is added, it is possible to make changes within those methods.

  • Calculate the <<margin>> on – allows to specify value that the calculation refers to. The parameter has to be defined during the first system configuration, as after adding firs item form the field becomes not editable. The operator can choose among the following calculation options:
    • Sales price – sales price is used as the reference value
    • Purchase price – acquisition/purchase prices is used as the reference value, this method is also defined as markup
  • Control margin on acquisition price – if the parameter is checked, the margin on acquisition price is controlled, otherwise the margin in controlled on purchase price.
  • Show separated customers and vendors – if the parameter is checked, customers are displayed on two separated lists. The parameter can be modified until a customer/customer group is added to the database.
  • Handle consignment – if the parameter is checked, it is possible to handle the <<consignment process>> in the system
  • Calculate points for each item – the parameter allows to determinate the moment of loyalty points calculation on customer/vendor form. If the parameter is checked, loyalty points are updated while adding/deleting items on document, otherwise loyalty points are calculated only upon document confirmation.
  • Check differences in VAT rates – the parameter enables the mechanism of verifying VAT rate during generation of documents from orders or quotes and during the document confirmation. Verification is performed only, if the VAT rates on source documents are set as National. If at leas one VAT rat on generated document item is different than the rate defined on item form of this item, an appropriate message is displayed.
  • Handle complaints according to patterns – the parameter allow for using the functionality of patterns, which automate user’s work while handling complaints. After checking the parameter, from the level of Configuration (Trade/Warehouse) Complaint Handling Patterns, it is possible to access the list of complaint handling patterns along with functions necessary to handle it.
  • Print invoices on a receipt printer – checking the parameter allows to print sales invoices and advance sales invoices on receipt printer. In order to make printing on receipt printer possible, it is also necessary to check the parameter VAT Direction: On Total in SI and ASI definition.
  • Handle reverse charge – the parameter allows to handle reverse charge, it can be modified until the first document handling reverse charge is registered in the system.
  • Do not control uniqueness of customer/vendor TIN – the parameter allows to deactivate the standard function of verifying customers uniqueness basing on TIN number and using of BPM process (Do not control uniqueness of customer/vendor TIN), which allows for a more restrictive form of control. While saving customer/vendor form, the process verifies whether a customer with TIN specified in the modified form already exists in the database. The user will receive the information regarding the customer for which the given TIN number has been already specified.


System configuration – Trade tab – General information

Basic system configuration within the trade area can be performed from the level of the tab System→ Configuration → Trade.

The tab is composed of the following areas:

Trade tab in system configuration menu

It is recommended to perform the above-mentioned configuration before starting work with the system, because most of the parameters become not editable after first use of the functionalities regarding those parameters. More information about other configuration sections and parameters can be found in next articles of the category Configuration.

Assigning dimensions and analytical description to documents

Properly defined dimensions and analytical description increase the possibilities of analyzing a company’s outcome.  Analytical description is defined in Analytical Description tab which is available both in documents relevant for the trade-warehouse module and those for the accounting module.

In multi-company structure, all documents issued in child companies are displayed in the parent company. It is not, however, possible to modify analytical description of such documents from the level of the parent company.

To add a new record of analytical description, click on [Add Record] in the Analytical Description button group.  In order to delete analytical description record, mark the record on the list and then click on [Delete Record] in the same button group.

Because it is possible to determine an owner on the form of analytical dimension’s elements, only elements, for which the company, to which an operator is logged on, or the value All is selected as owner, are displayed on the list of analytical dimension values.

Moreover, when describing analytically a document or an object, next to analytical description element name, there is element description displayed.  This is particularly important when selecting analytical dimension elements defined by materializing a subdimension of From Chart of Accounts type, where in field Description on dimension element, the name of book account assigned to given element is displayed.

Apart from the option of defining manually analytical description directly in a document, analytical description can also be defined on item form, customer/vendor form, book account or in a source document. Therefore, after completing analytical description in a document, information about the method in which given line of analytical description has been added is saved in the column Source which can be found on the hidden column list. These methods are:

  • Manual – analytical description line added manually directly in a document
  • Modification – analytical description line modified by a user
  • Directory – analytical description line generated on the basis of that on item form, customer/vendor form or fixed asset form
  • Account – analytical description line generated on the basis of that on book account
  • Document – analytical description line generated on the basis of that in source document

Analytical description is saved along with entire document. Until that moment, the buttons [Save] and [Confirm] available in the button group Analytical Description are insensitive. Analytical description itself can be saved or confirmed not until it is not possible to save a document, in the case of confirmed or posted documents.

If analytical description is confirmed, it can no longer be modified.

When saving analytical description, the system checks whether it is correctly defined. Description is correct if amount is described in full.

The system enables describing analytically an item with zero values, owing to which, for instance, merchandise of service type, which purchase value equals to 0, can be described analytically on the level of subitem or analytical description line referring to item with zero value (item’s subtotal value equals to zero) can be filled out. To enable this option, in system configuration window it is necessary to activate the parameter Allow for describing items with zero values, which is described in article Configuration of parameters in the Accounting area.


In a confirmed purchase invoice, there are the following items:

Item numberItemValue

There are two dimensions assigned to that purchase invoice: Center and Location.

The analytical description can be defined in several ways:

  1. With the use of analytical description template – one template, describing all items of the document, is defined. The layout of description template is then as follows:

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentageValue

The item: <document>, selected in the Item Type column, is the analytical description template that will be assigned to each item of a document. It means that the values: Center1 and Houston will be assigned to each of the four document items respectively as their center and location.

2. By describing each item of a document separately

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentageValue
2Center2New York10016

Thus, each document item has its own analytical description.

3. By combining item analytical description with analytical description template:

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentageValue
2Center2New York10016

The items: 2 and 4 of the document will be described with their own analytical descriptions, whereas the two remaining items (1 and 3) will be described with the use of the analytical description template <document>.

4. By dividing document item or description template with the use of percentage value (this can be also applied in case of all the above-mentioned situations)

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentageValue
2Center2New York406,4
2Center4 New York609,6

In this example, 40% of the item 2 is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% of that item is assigned to Center4. In case of items described with analytical description template – each of them is divided into two descriptions, i.e., 50% of the item 1 and 50% of the item 3 is assigned to Center3 and the remaining 50% of both items is assigned to Center1.

5. With the use of subitems

Example 1

In the first example, the item 2 is divided into two subitems:

Item NumberSubitem NumberItemAmount
21Trousers (feature: black)8
22Trousers (feature: blue)8

If the item 2 is described as it is described in the 4th item, then each of the subitems will inherit the description from the item 2, i.e., each of these subitems will be divided by a ratio of 40/60 expressed in percentage.

Example 2

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentage Value
2.1Center2New York403,2
2.1Center4New York604,8
2Center2New York1008

In this example, the first subitem of the item 2 is divided in percentage terms, i.e., 40% of the subitem is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% to Center4. The second subitem has not been described at all, thus it inherits the analytical description from the item 2, i.e., it is assigned to the Center2.

Example 3

Item TypeCenterLocationPercentageValue
2.1Center2New York403,2
2.1Center4New York604,8

In this example, the first subitem of the item 2 is divided the same way as in the previous example, i.e.: 40% of the subitem is assigned to Center2 and the remaining 60% to Center4. The second subitem, as well as the item 2, has not been described at all, thus that subitem inherits the analytical description from the analytical description template (defined for the entire document), i.e., 50% of the subitem will be assigned to Center3 in Chicago and 50% to Center1 in Houston.

In case a relation pattern is assigned to a document type, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements available for a given combination of values of analytical dimensions. The element list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the object, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.


A relation pattern presented below has been assigned to purchase invoice definition.

Defined relation pattern

Analytical dimensions assigned in the document definition are the same as those assigned to a given relation pattern.

When describing a document analytically, in particular dimensions a user may choose only those values which have been marked as available in a given combination.

Describing a document analytically with the help of a relation pattern

For instance, when selecting a value of the Financial Category dimension, only costs assigned to the vehicle Ford YTE 778 in the location Chicago in Sales Department are displayed on the list of values. Moreover, the cost that is set as default in a given dimension is marked in bold and displayed as first on the list of values.

In case of posted documents, the option of changing an analytical description depends on the selection of the parameter Modify analytical description in posted documents, which is available in the system configuration window, in the Accounting tab. The parameter in question is deselected, by default, but it can be selected at any moment during work with the system.

If the parameter is deselected, it is not possible to edit analytical description in posted documents (the icons relating to adding of analytical description are grayed out). Analytical description can, however, be modified in documents for which unposted journal entries have been generated, considering the given settings.

If the mentioned parameter is, on the other hand, enabled, analytical description can be changed both in posted documents and in those for which unposted journal entries have been generated. If this is the case, when proceeding to tab Analytical Description, the system displays relevant information, depending on document status: “Modification of analytical description may require re-posting of the document/generating of the unposted entry again.”. Moreover, when attempting to add or delete the records of analytical description, a relevant message is displayed, depending on document status: “The document has been posted\An unposted journal entry has been generated to the document. Are you sure you want to make changes in the analytical description?”. After changing an analytical description in the source document, it is possible to update it in the journal entry by selecting the option [Fill In By Document].


Modifications related to addition\deletion of a new line or dimension modification affecting the posting method should entail re-posting of a document\regeneration of an unposted entry.


A VAT purchase invoice with the below-presented analytical description was registered in the system.

Analytical description defined in VPI

The registered invoice was posted on the basis of analytical description.

Analytical description in the journal entry was filled in by the source document (analytical description dimensions assigned to JE document are compatible with those assigned to VPI).

Analytical description in journal entry, filled in by source document

Next, the analytical description was modified in the source document (selected parameter: Modify analytical description in posted documents).

Modification of analytical description in a posted document

Because the value of the dimension “Location”, on the basis of which the document is being posted, was changed, it is necessary to post the document again (a different account assigned to the changed value). In the case of a document for which unposted journal entry was generated, it is necessary to re-generate the unposted entry to that document by initiating that operation and selecting the option [Change Posting Scheme].

After the document had been posted again, analytical description was filled in in the journal entry according to the source document.

Update of analytical description in journal entry after changing a description in source document