FIFO and LIFO reservations

Parameters described in this article are available in databases with FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources.

Reservations on sales orders and internal orders

The following parameters are available in definitions of sales order and internal order document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → IO/SO document type editing):

  • Reserve resources – if checked, when adding an item onto a document or increasing item quantity, reservation on specified item quantity is created by default, blocking sales of the item from particular delivery. If requested quantity is not available, reservation without resources is created
  • Reserve quantities – if checked, when adding an item onto a document, reservation on specified quantity is created without blocking sales of the item from particular delivery.

Above parameters are available for editing, regardless of value of parameter <<Handle quantity reservation in warehouse documents>>

Parameters Reserve resources/Reserve quantities available in SO document definition

It is not possible to check parameter Reserve resources and Reserve quantities at the same time.

Additionally, on SO/IO document, it is possible to reserve quantities/resources with the use of button [Reserve Resources]/ [Reserve Quantities] as well as release resources/quantities by using button [Release Resources]/ [Release Quantities] for the following documents:

  • Sales orders with status Initiated, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Pending
  • Internal orders with status Confirmed and Pending

Making/releasing a quantity/resource reservation does not result in creating/releasing reservation of different type than the one for which the operation is performed. Moreover, when reserving quantity of item, upon checking document item on which resource reservation has previously been made, appropriate question is displayed, allowing the user to change reservation type to quantity reservation.

In case if option of confirming change of resource reservation into quantity reservation is selected, first, resource reservation is released and quantity reservation created and then quantity is reserved for other subitems

In a warehouse, there is item AP in quantity 50 pcs, including:

  • 10 pcs, lot: Red
  • 15 pcs, lot: Green
  • 25 pcs, lot: without features

The following reservations exist in the system:

  • Resource reservations: 5 pcs from lot Red and 5 pcs from lot without features
  • Quantity reservations: 15 pcs from lot without features and 5 pcs from lot Green

A user can reserve 20 pcs, because 30 pcs is already reserved with resource or quantity reservations.

The following reservations can be made:

  • 5 pcs from lot Red – other 5 pcs from that lot is reserved in terms of resources
  • 10 pcs from lot Green – other 5 pcs from that lot is reserved in terms of quantity
  • 20 pcs from lot Without features – other 5 pcs from that lot is reserved in terms of resources

Quantity reservation is changed into resource reservation in the same order.

In case if reservation without resources is included in a document and a user makes quantity reservation, first the system:

  • makes reservation in default warehouse for given document type
  • then it makes reservation in warehouses associated with this document
  • if in warehouses associated with that document requested quantity is not available, the reservation will remain a non-blocking reservation (a reservation without resources)
  • Example

In a SO document there is item BR included in quantity 10 pcs. A reservation without resources is created and option <All> is selected for in field Warehouse in the order header.

In warehouse:

  • main (default), are available 3 pcs of item BR
  • outlet, are available 3 pcs of item BR
  • complaint, are available 3 pcs of item BR

A user clicks button [Reserve Quantities] on the SO

The following reservations are made by the system:

  • 3 pcs from the main (default) warehouse – 7 pcs of reservation without resources is remaining
  • 3 pcs from the outlet – 4 pcs of reservation without resources is remaining
  • 3 pcs from the complaint warehouse – 1 pcs of reservation without resources is remaining
  • 1 pc will be a reservation without resources

Verification of quantity reservation in an order document is possible from the level of document item details in section Subitems and in tab Deliveries in column Reservation of Quantity of section Subitems. In case the parameter is checked in that column, quantity reservation is created on given subitem (blocking sales of given item quantity without indicating a lot). Parameter in column Reservation of Quantity is blocked for editing for:

  • item being a service
  • SO document in status: Canceled, Closed, Processed
  • an IO document in status: Initiated, Canceled, Unconfirmed, Closed, Submitted and Processed

Making/releasing a quantity reservation on an order is possible for:

  • documents in status Initiated (SO), Unconfirmed (SO), Confirmed (SO, IO), Pending (SO, IO)
  • for items of Merchandise type – refers only to making reservations
  • documents associated with warehouse specified in the header/subitem. In case if appropriate permissions are missing (e.g., the warehouse in given center is not associated with given document type), such document is omitted

Detailed description referring to operation of resource reservations and reservations without resources in dependence of document type can be found in articles Sales order and Internal order.


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