Dedicated fields on documents involved in intercompany transactions (SI, SOR, PI, POR)

Customer’s Warehouse – field available in the header of SI and SOR documents It allows for selecting a local warehouse to which an opposite document will be generated.

By default, the field is filled in by the default warehouse of:

  • from the customer’s center, in case
    • only the customer selected in the document is an internal customer
    • both the customer and the secondary customer are internal customers and the secondary customer is assigned to a different company than the customer
  • from the secondary customer ‘s center, when both the customer and the secondary customer are internal customers assigned to the same company.
In case of generating a SI from several SOR documents issued to different warehouses, the field Customer’s Warehouse takes on value <All>.
It is possible to change the secondary customer in a SI/SOR document if it was generated from a SOR/SI document which registers an intercompany transaction.

Vendor’s Warehouse – field available in the header of PI and POR documents generated from SI/SOR. It presents the name of the warehouse to which the associated opposite document (source document) has been issued.


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