
When generating a document, it may occur that an address on the source document is already archived, e.g. in case an address has been archived after the issuance of the source document, but before generating another document from it.

Retrieving address onto generated document is determined by the setting of parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation which is available from the level: System → Configuration → Trade. It is possible to select one of the following options:

  • From source document
  • Current customer’s/vendor’s address (default)

When generating document, the system verifies whether the addresses indicated on the source document are active. If an address is:

  • active – regardless of the setting of the parameter Get customer/vendor address during document generation, it is retrieved onto generated document
  • archived, when the option From source document is checked in configuration – the address from the source document is transferred onto generated document
  • archived, when the option Current customer’s/vendor’s address and archiving of the address from the source document has been done:
    • automatically, as a result of modification of that address – an updated address, created after modification of the address from the source document, will be retrieved onto generated document.
    • manually, by unchecking the parameter Active on customer/vendor form – the default main address of a customer/vendor is retrieved on generated document
Verification of activity of addresses is performed separately for customer’s/vendor’s address and secondary customer’s/secondary vendor’s address. It may happen, for instance, that one address is retrieved from a source document and the second is updated.

When generating a document from several source documents, the address on generated document is determined on the basis of the address from the first source document (order of documents is set on the basis of their IDs in the database). If the address is archived, it is retrieved in accordance with the above described algorithm.


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