Bundle promotions

Bundle promotions are used in order to increase sales of in low demand with those which are most frequently purchased. With the use of “bundles” a user can define a promotion in which, for example, a purchaser, upon purchasing an item from specific group, receives a freebie. Combining bundle promotions with header discounts allows for maximum increase of sales of the whole assortment.

It is possible to define two types of bundle promotions:

  • fixed bundle
  • flexible bundle

On their basis it possible to define promotions such as:

  • a customer receives a freebee when purchasing any item/items from the list
  • a customer is granted discount on particular items when purchasing specific quantity of items
  • a customer is granted discount on particular items when purchasing items of specific value
  • a customer is granted both discount on particular items and receives a freebee upon satisfying specific promotion conditions
If a bundle promotion is defined for whole item groups, their list is limited to those

groups only, which belong to a classification category with selected parameter Assign items multiple times

to item groups.

Calculation bundles in a document

In definitions of SQ, SO, Sor, SI and R is available parameter Handle bundle promotions which specifies method of calculating discounts: A user can select one of two options:

  • Automatically when adding items – upon selecting this option, bundle discounts are calculated when adding items to a document
  • Manually – bundle discounts are calculated only after clicking on the button [Bundle Promotions]

When in document definition (SQ, SO, SOR, SI, R) the parameter Handle bundle promotions is unchecked, on a given document type, the system:

  • does not verify assignment of items to a bundle when document items are added
  • does not calculate discounts when confirming or modifying data in a document

In the column N., bundle promotions are marked with icons informing about:

– an item for which there are bundle promotions defined

– fulfilling all conditions defined in the definition of discounts and calculating a bundle discount

In case bundle discounts are calculated manually, after selecting the button [Bundle Discounts], a user can select one of the following options:

  • Calculate discounts – bundle discounts are calculated in accordance with conditions defined for each bundle.
  • Delete Discount – allows for deleting a discount from a document This option is active if in a document there is a bundle discount calculated.

Combining bundle promotions and header discount

If bundle promotions have been calculated on a document, then header discounts are calculated on items which:

  • are not included in bundle discount
  • are included in a bundle promotion with parameter Include header discount checked and are not marked as freebies


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