Completing payments in different currencies

In the system, it is possible to complete payments in the system currency with cash/bank transactions in foreign currency. When making payments to such documents, an exchange rate difference is not calculated.

A CD transaction amounting to 1 000.00 USD at the exchange rate of 1 USD = 4.30 PLN was registered and an SI amounting to 700 USD. The documents have been completed and as a result of this operation:

  • The SI is paid in full
  • The transaction is paid partially:
  • Amount paid in the system currency: 700 USD
  • Amount paid in the foreign currency: 162.79 PLN
  • Amount to be paid in the system currency: 3 600 USD
  • Amount to be paid in the system currency: 837.21 PLN

A deposit in a foreign currency is completed from a payment denominated in the system currency in the same way as the completion of documents in different currencies. In such case, in the payment confirmation window it is possible to select the payment currency and the change currency.

In case of selecting voucher as payment form in a document, it will not be possible to make payment and give change in the currency different than system currency.


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