Completing payments partially

In the system, it is possible to make payments for documents in an amount lower than the amount for which they were issued.

A deposit transaction from customer ABC was registered for the amount of 10 000 USD. After selecting the button [Complete] two payments appear on the list of uncompleted payments of that customer:

  • first payment for the amount of 10 000 USD (amount to be paid: 6 000 USD)
  • second payment for the amount of 3 000 USD (amount to be paid: 3000.00 USD)

The parameter Partial payment has been checked and then, directly in the column To Be Paid, the amount to be paid for the first payment has been changed to 4 000 USD. The payment has been checked and the button [Combine] has been selected. As a result of those operations:

  • the first payment has been partially completed (amount paid: 4 000 USD, amount to be paid: 2 000 USD)
  • the second payment has been entirely completed
  • the transaction has been partially completed (amount paid: 7 000 USD, amount to be paid: 3 000 USD)

Parameter Partial payments on the list of of uncompleted receivables after selecting the [Complete] button.
An SI for the amount of 1 000 USD has been registered A payment amounting to 200 USD has been indicated in the window Payment Confirmation. After completing the payment of the purchase invoice, the amount of 800 USD remains to be paid. An automatically created transaction has been entirely completed.

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