Deleting a journal entry
Journal entries can be deleted:
- From the level of the list of journal entries in a ledger (Accounting → Ledger)
- From the level of the source document
Deleting journal entry from the level of a ledger
In order to delete a journal entry from the level of the list of journal entries (Accounting → Ledger) it is necessary to select a journal entry and click on the button [Delete], placed in List group of buttons.
Only unconfirmed journal entries, that is journal entries which are not placed in posting buffer, can be deleted without leaving a trace. If a journal entry has already been confirmed, using the option [Delete] results in generating a contra entry (correcting entry or reversing entry). Confirming of a contra single-sided entry unposts the document from which a corrected single-sided entry originates.
By default, <<contra entry type>> is set to correcting entry.
In databases created in French, correcting entry is unavailable as such entry is against the French law.
In case of generating a contra entry to a journal entry, which has been registered on a clearing account and cleared with another journal entry, <<clearings>> are deleted not until the correcting entry has been confirmed. Upon its confirmation, the original associations are removed and the correcting entry is then automatically cleared with the journal entry being corrected.
When deleting a journal entry which single-sided entry has already been cleared, the clearing is deleted along with the journal entry. A user may decide whether to keep <<payments>> of source documents by selecting appropriate option in the displayed message window: “Removing the journal entry number {0} will remove the clearing at the same time. Would you like to keep the payments of the source documents?”. Moreover, when deleting several journal entries at the same time, it is possible to check the option Apply for all.
Deleting journal entry directly in document
To remove a journal entry from the level of a document, a user has to right-click on a posted document and select the option [Delete Journal Entry].

Journal entries are deleted from a document level in the same way as they are deleted from the level of a ledger. The difference is that deleting journal entries from the level of a document does not generate a contra entry.
Only unconfirmed journal entries can be deleted directly in a document. A contra entry to a confirmed journal entry can be generated from the level of a ledger.