Due date and payments

When generating trade documents on the basis of warehouse documents, determination of due date in trade documents by the system depends on whether the warehouse document has been generated from an order:

  • if a warehouse document has been generated from an order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved, by default, from the warehouse document.
  • if a warehouse document has been generated from and order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this warehouse document are retrieved from the order – the settings derived from the warehouse document are not included

Warehouse documents do not generate payments. However, it is possible to generate payment conditions, i.e. payment method and due date, in SOR documents and their corrections.

During the process: order → warehouse document → invoice/receipt, in an unconfirmed warehouse document, an operator can change customer/vendor to a different than customer/vendor in the order. After confirming the warehouse document containing changed customer/vendor and generating an invoice/receipt from it, in the generated document, the system sets by default the same customer/vendor as in the warehouse document. However, this condition does not exclude the possibility of creating payment in an invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment derived from the order. If conditions required for creation of such a payment are fulfilled, the system creates payment in the invoice/receipt on the basis of the payment in the order, but as a payer of the invoice/receipt is the customer/vendor from the invoice/receipt and thus from the warehouse document and not the customer/vendor from the order.

The process of setting due date on the basis of EOM formula during document generation is described in Due date at the end of the mont – EOM.

In case of generating advance invoices from orders, payment method in generated document is set on the basis of:

  • payment method from order header (source document) – if it has been indicated in the order
  • payment method from customer form – if payment method <Different> is indicated in the order

In the case of such a generation, the number of days is always set as 0, so due date in advance invoices is always equal to the date of issue of a document.


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