General information

The Comarch ERP Standard system offers the possibility of handling multi-purpose vouchers and allows for selling single-purpose vouchers.

A first step for starting work with vouchers consists in <<defining voucher sort>> of a specific type and indicating its properties.

Two voucher sorts are available in the system:

  • own − issued and distributed by a company within its own shop or chain, or else accepted by its partner companies. Own vouchers are registrated before initiating the process of their distribution.
  • external − issued by one company and accepted by other shops. External vouchers are added to the system only after a payment with such voucher is registered.

On the basis of defined voucher sorts the user can create and add

new vouchers.

Items of voucher type can be <<sold>> through the following documents:

  • Sales order
  • Debit memo
  • Receipt
  • Sales invoices

Moreover, they can be used as <<payment form>>. It is also possible to make a refund to voucher when correcting trade documents.


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