Internal receipt

Internal releases (IR+) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. It is used for recording excess stock or merchandise produced within a company.

A list of IR+ documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse → (Receipts) IR+.


Internal receipt

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Documents of internal receipt can be:

IR+ document formDetailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

IR+ documents:

  • are issued in the system currency
  • present subtotal value
  • do not regard services or sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked
  • require determination of a warehouse
  • can have a customer/employee indicated
  • retrieve values of items from the recent warehouse document for received items (POR, IR+, WM+) which belong to the company or its child companies, in the context of which a document containing a given item is being issued, regardless of whe warehouse
  • can have item value modified
  • allow for introducing to a warehouse a merchandise withoud defined purchase value and for its releasing by quantity confirmation of a document.


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