Item history

General information

The functionality of item history enables the preview of all transactions made with a given item. To open the item history, it is necessary to click on [History] button available in the main menu or in the ergonomic panel above the list of items.

For items of Set type with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document the button [History] is inactive.

The form of item history is divided into the following tabs: Chronologically, By customer/Vendor Groups and By Customer/Vendor Codes.

In the history, only those documents are displayed to which the operator currently logged-in to the center has access.

Tab Chronologically

Tab Chronologically contains chronologically presented list of transactions including a given item and Item Quantity in Warehouse (By Date of Receipt/Release) list.

The first list is composed of the following columns:

  • Customer/Vendor Code − code of customer/vendor to which a transaction document was issued
  • Customer/vendor Name − name of customer/vendor to which a transaction document was issued
  • Type − transaction document type
  • Quantity − item quantity expressed in the basic unit
  • Value − total value of an item on a document
  • Price − unit price of an item on a document
  • Date − date on which transaction document was issued
  • Document Number
  • Acquisition Value/Cost
  • Currency
  • Status (hidden by default) − transaction document status

In French databases for AVCO method of queuing resources, canceled documents are displayed twice in the   list, one time with date “stocked”/date of issue and the other time with the date of cancellation. The values of canceled documents in columns Quantity, Value, Acquisition Value/Cost are presented with opposite sign.

The list Stock Level presents the quantity of item available in a given warehouse calculated on the basis of the data from the list of transactions. The list contains two rows and is composed of the following columns:

  • Status − initial or ending stock balance of an item
  • Data − date of initial or ending stock balance of an item
  • Quantity − quantity of selected item available in warehouse on a given day
  • Purchase Value
  • Acquisition Value − purchase value increased by additional costs (e.g., costs of transport)
  • Currency
Tab Chronologically

Tab Resources Chronologically

The tab Resources Chronologically is available for databases with AVCO queuing method only. It contains a list of transactions in which a given item was involved and which affected its stock levels. Besides columns which are also available in the tab Resources Chronologically, the list contains additional columns:

  • AVCO Unit Acquisition Price
  • AVCO Acquisition Value

Columns hidden by default:

  • Unit Purchase Price
  • Purchase Value

Tab By Customer/Vendor Groups

The tab By Customer/Vendor Groups contains information about total number and value of transactions in which a given item was involved, ordered by groups to which customers/vendors, for whom the transaction documents were issued, are assigned. The list is composed of the following columns:

  • Group Code
  • Group Name
  • Quantity
  • Value
  • Price (Average)
  • Currency
Tab By Customer/Vendor Groups

Tab By Customer/Vendor Codes

The tab By Customer/Vendor Groups contains information about total number and value of transactions in which a given item was involved, ordered by codes of customers/vendors, for whom the transaction documents were issued. The list is composed of the following columns:

  • Customer/Vendor Code
  • Customer/Vendor Name
  • Quantity
  • Value
  • Price (Average)
  • Currency
Tab By Customer/Vendor Codes
If a document is issued to an employee, then the field in column Customer/Vendor Code on tabs Chronologically and By Customer/Vendor Codes remains empty. Such a document is   not visible on By Customer/Vendor Groups tab.


Below each list, there is a filter which allows for searching transactions by:

  • Date of Receipt/Release
  • Warehouse
  • Customer/Vendor
  • Document Status − available values are Confirmed and Unconfirmed
  • Document Type
Item chronology filter

Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>



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