The list of employees contains information regarding individual employees of the company. The data of registered employees is used for the establishment of <<permissions>> to particular functions and in particular elements in the system, e.g. an employee can be set as a person responsible for a given customer (tab CRM on customer/vendor form).
In order to open the list of employees, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directory List group of buttons, select [Employees] button.
Menu of the list of employees contains <<standard buttons>> allowing for adding/editing/deleting of employees, menu of printouts and buttons for <<generating questionnaries>>. External Operators button group contains button [Generate] thanks to which it is possible to automatically create external <<operators>> associated with selected employees.
The list of employees is composed of the following columns:
- Code
- Name
- Surname
- Active − parameter informing whether a given employee can be used in other places of the system