Predefined list

Predefined generic directories are grouped by the functional areas in which they are used.  Detailed descriptions of each generic directory can be found in articles dedicated to particular functional areas.

  • <<Attributes
  • CRM
  • Processing of personal data
  • Complaints
  • Fixed assets>>
  • Transactions
  • Types of accounts
  • Sales account printouts
  • Purchase account printouts
  • General
    A part of this group is described in articles from <<Trade and Warehouse>> category. Other directories from this group:

    • Messenger Types – directory values used in customer’s contact data definition
    • Position Types – values used when defining a contact person and specifying his/her association with a customer (Administrator, Director, Employee etc.)
    • Title Types – titles used when defining a contact person, predefined values: Mr., Ms.
    • Academic Title Types – values used when defining a contact person
    • Attachment Types – values used when adding an attachment to an object. For an attachment type, the place of saving a file and maximum size, available extensions and the possibility of compression (Yes, No or option Test which allows for checking whether the result of file compression is satisfying) are defined
    • Cost Types – values used in one of the BPM processes which specify types of cost related to business activity
    • VAT Rate Groups – depending on the language of a database, parameters Active and Default are automatically checked for a given VAT rate group:PL – for database generated in Polish language
      UK – for database generated in English language
      DE – for database generated in German language
      AT – for database generated in German (AT) language
      FR – for database generated in French language
      ES – for database generated in Spanish language
      Only one group of VAT rates can be set as default. It is possible to activate selected groups at any moment and to change a default group setting. This directory is used for defining of VAT rates in a multi-company structure with regard to a company. Active directory values can be selected when defining a new center of Company type.
    • SAF-T Item Group (General directiories group) – values used on the form of CN code, retirieved from document item to JPK_V7M
    • SAF-T Procedure Code (Transactions directories group) – values used on the form of CN code, retrieved from document item to JPK_V7M
    • Languages – values used for objects for which it is possible to add translations, that is: attributes, items and directories. By default, the following languages are available in the directory: Polish, English, German, French, German and Spanish. A user can also add/delete new languages as well as modify names and activity status of the default ones.  A deactivated language is not displayed on drop-down lists.
    • Institution Types – used for defining new types of institutions in the system, e.g., City Hall or Customs Chamber. <<CRM>>.
List of generic directories – CRM group
In French language version of the system, there is also a dedicated directory Marking on   Printouts, which refers to documents for released items only.


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