Rules of generating documents

  • A new document can only be generated from a confirmed or posted document (it is not possible to generate document from an unconfirmed, cancelled or fully corrected document).
  • Items of a document being generated take on VAT rates of their equivalents in the source document, exception is generation: PQ SQ and SO PO, when VAT rates are retrieved from item form.
  • Field Handled By in a generated document takes on, by default, the same values as in the source document (both in document header and on items). It can be edited until a document is confirmed.
  • It is not possible to generate a document from a sales/purchase quote with expired validity date.
  • It is not possible to generate a PO from SO and a POI from SOI for items of Set type (with unchecked parameter Retrieve elements onto document).
  • It is possible to generate documents from a document which has not been corrected in full.
  • From one source document it is possible to generate maximum as many documents as the number of available subitem units. If the generated documents execute the whole source document, in order to generate another document, it is first necessary to delete or cancel one of the previously generated documents. Exceptions include inquiries and quotes from which it is possible to generate any number of documents.
  • While issuing value corrections to trade documents associated with warehouse documents, value corrections of warehouse documents are generated automatically.
  • A cost correction is generated automatically as the result of correcting the value of items in a POR or SOR which introduce a resource to warehouse and this resource has already been released.
  • It is not possible to generate a SOR if there are not enough resources in a warehouse (e.g. in the case of sale below stock levels or from an order whose items are not associated with any items and at the moment of SOR generation there are not enough resources that could be associated).
  • It is not possible to generate warehouse documents containing merchandise which is being inventoried in a given moment.
  • It is possible to generate automatically warehouse documents to trade documents through applying proper settings on document types.
  • In the case of SOI, SO, POI, PQ, PO, PI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate document from a list of document items including only a part of the items.
  • In the case of PO, SI, POR, IR+ it is possible to generate documents only for selected packs.
  • It is possible to generate:
    • another different document from one document (e.g. one WM+ from one WM-);
    • one document from several documents (e.g. it is possible to generate one SI from several SOR documents if all SOR documents fulfil appropriate conditions);
    • several other documents from one document (e.g. in one SI are generates as many SOR documents as the number of warehouses from which the SI retrieves resources);
    • several other documents from several documents (e.g. from several purchase quotes it is possible to generate several sales quotes for different customers);
  • During manual generation of a trade document from several warehouse documents, the system determines the sales/purchase date at the level of the lowest (earliest) of dates of release for SOR documents or dates of receipt for POR documents.
  • During manual generation of a warehouse document from several trade documents, if the sales/purchase dates are different, the system generates separate warehouse documents for each date.
  • The value of header discount of the source document is transferred onto generated document only as user discount on items (header discount values are reset), an exception is the generation of SI to R, because these documents are always generated at 1:1 relation.
  • While generating documents the system does not control operator’s permissions to a discount granted on the source document items.
  • On a SI generated in the consignment process packs are not created.
  • It is not possible to generate a SI from a partial SOR, if a trade document contains a set (which on item form has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked) which is not fully available in a warehouse.
  • When generating: R → SI, R/SI → RQC/SIQC, SQ→SO and SO→R/SI/ASI, information regarding active contact person set in the source document at the moment of generation is transferred.
  • Information regarding loyalty card number (tab Customer/Vendor) is transferred onto generated documents (R→SI/TG, R/SI→RQC/SIQC, R/SI→RVC/SIVC, SO→R/SI/ASI, SQ→SO, ASI→ASIVC). In case the field remains empty, when generating SQ and SO documents, the system verifies whether an active loyalty card exists for the customer/vendor indicated in the document:
    • If yes – the field is filled in with the number of an active card
    • If not – the field remains empty
In the system there is a set with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked. The set contains items:

A – item quantity: 1pcs

B – item quantity: 1pcs

The set witch parameter Retrieved elements onto document is added to a SO document. In a warehouse there are 10 pcs of item A and 0 pcs of item B. The order document gets confirmed.

A SO release document is generated from the sales order. The SOR contains only one element of the set – item A. When a user attempts to add the set again onto the generated warehouse document, only the element already included in the SOR is added. To be able to add the entire set, the user should modify, for instance, the quantity in column Quantity in the generated document and add the set onto the document again.


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