
When performing an inventory with the use of readouts, a warehouse being inventoried can be divided in several areas, e.g. one readout can concern one shelf or one rack. Number of readouts can also result from number of people performing a physical inventory – one readout for one person.

Readouts are added within inventory sheets.

A list of readouts is displayed in context of a marked inventory sheet and it is collapsed by default. It is possible to expand it by clicking on a vertical bar Readouts placed on the right site of the inventory sheet list.

If a readout has been added to an inventory sheet, text Readout on the bar becomes bold. At the same time, the number of readouts assigned to the sheet is displayed in brackets.
Inventory form with collapsed list of readouts

List of readouts contains:

  • readout ordinal number
  • name
  • date of issue
  • status
  • Created By – username of the operator who created the readout – column hidden by default
  • Modified By – username of the operator who recently modified the readout – column hidden by default

Readouts can be added:

  • from the level of an initiated or unconfirmed inventory sheet, by means of button [Generate Readout] which allows for adding a readout for selected items and from the level of the list of readouts, for a selected sheet
  • with the use of button [Add], after clicking on it, it is possible to add an empty readout (option [Add] [Add]) or loading inventoried items from a file saved on disk (option [Add] [From File]). A user can import a file with *.txt and *.csv extension. Selecting the option results in opening a new readout for the selected sheet with the following data filled in the header:
    • Readout name – name of the file selected from disk along with its extension
    • Status and Collector – default values are set for the field Status value To Collect and for the field Collector option <undefined>
    • Handled By – employee associated with the account of a currently logged-in operator who is importing data from a file
    • Date of Issue – current date is set

A file for import should contain the following information:

  • item UPC code
  • quantity
: A dot or a comma can be the separator of decimal places in a file. Whereas code must be separated from quantity with a semicolon.

When confirming a readout, an actual quantity for individual items is transferred onto items corresponding to them in the sheet. If confirming a readout results in transferring an actual quantity lower than 0 onto the sheet, the system blocks such an operation.

In case on a readout:

  • a given item lot occurs more than once, an actual quantity from individual items including item lot will be summed up – a given item lot can occur only once on a sheet.
  • the quantity is expressed in secondary item unit, it will be converted to the basic unit according to the conversion calculator defined on the item form.
  • there is an item which is not included in the sheet, it will be automatically added to the sheet.

In case more than one readout has been assigned to a sheet and the items of the readouts overlap one another, when confirming a subsequent readout, the actual quantity on the sheet will be increased by a quantity resulting from the readout being confirmed.

If a user specified actual quantity on a sheet first and later added and confirmed a readout, then the actual quantity on the sheet will be overwritten by the quantity specified in the readout.

Unconfirming a readout

For a confirmed readout, there is option [Unconfirm] available which reverts readout status to Unconfirmed and decreases the actual quantity on the sheet by quantity from that readout. However, it is possible to unconfirm a readout only if the sheet associated with it is not confirmed.

Copying a readout

Copying readouts is available for unconfirmed sheets. All items are transferred onto a copied readout, but without defined quantities. Data from the readout header is not copied either

It is not possible to modify, cancel, delete, and copy a readout if a sheet to which the readout is added has been confirmed. Actions can be performed on readouts only if a sheet including them is unconfirmed.


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