Statuses of documents

Basic document statuses:

  • Initiated – a document is being created, it has not yet been saved
  • Unconfirmed – a document has been saved, but it is possible to make any changes to it
  • Confirmed – on a confirmed document, a user with granted permission Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed documents can update customer/vendora data and his/her address, the other fields are uneditable and it is only possible to preview document and item details. A document with this status cannot be removed, but only cancelled.
  • Canceled – a document is displayed on the list but it does not cause any other consequences, e.g. a canceled POR document does not increase resources of an item in the warehouse
  • Posted – a posted document is not editable; it is only possible to preview the details of a document and its items; it cannot be deleted or canceled

A posted document can be canceled after prior removal of the posting entry

Additional document statuses used only in some documents:

  • Pending – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints

it occurs while generating on the basis of the order/complaint another document, which has not been yet confirmed or generated and the confirmed document executes only a part of the order/complaint

  • Executed – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints
    • demand forecasts

it occurs when trade or warehouse documents have been generated and confirmed for all items in the document; in case of a DF we can only generate a PO

  • Closed – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints
    • inventories

it is given to those orders whose execution has been intentionally canceled by the operator, complaints whose complaint process has ended as well as those inventory documents which have been closed by the user after having generated all possible IR+/IR- documents

  • Rejected – relates to:
    • purchase/sales inquiry
    • purchase/sales quote

it is given to those documents which have not been executed, have been rejected due to a specific reason, e.g. lack of interest on the part of a customer

  • Accepted– relates to:
    • purchase/sales quotes

it is given to those quotes which have been accepted by a customer

  • Printed – relates to:
    • receipts
    • sales invoices
    • advance sales invoices

it means that the document has gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more

  • Posted and printed on receipt printer – relates to:
    • receipts
    • sales invoices
    • advance sales invoices

it means that the document has been posted and gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more

  • Confirmed Quantity Total – relates to:
    • PO receipts

it means that the quantity from a document has been introduced to the warehouse and can be sold without determined acquisition cost. Detailed information regarding quantity confirmation can be found in articles: FIFO/LIFO – quantity confirmation and AVCO – quantity confirmation.

  • Submitted – relates to:
    • internal order

it means that a document has been confirmed by the center issuing it and is currently awaiting confirmation from the target center.

It is possible to handle statuses which can be assumed by a document, through modification of the statuses diagram. Detailed information can be found in article Confiugration – document definition.

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