Trading periods combined with accounting periods

The aim of combining trading periods with accounting periods is to make the system automatically close a trading period if an accounting period is closed. Accounting periods are treated with a higher priority as compared to trading periods. Nevertheless, because of the separation of these periods, it is possible to close a trading period not closing an accounting period automatically.

When adding a new trading period, it is first necessary to add a new accounting period.

If the system finds an open accounting period, it “associates” it with a new trading period being created. In the trading period’s definition, the date From is set by default as:

  • The first day of a current month – if this date falls within the open accounting period
  • The first “free” date falling within the accounting period – if the first day of a current month is covered by a confirmed accounting period

Case I

Current date – 10 February 2019

Accounting periods (2019):

  • 01/2019 – closed: 20.01.2019 – 19.02.2019, closing date: 19.02.2019
  • 02/2019 – open: 20.02.2019 – 19.03.2019

Dates on a trading period form:

  • From: 20.02.2019
  • To: 28.02.2019


Case II

Current date – 10 February 2019

Accounting periods (2019):

  • 01/2019 – closed: 20.01.2019 – 19.02.2019, closing date: 19.02.2019
  • 02/2019 – approved: 20.02.2019 – 19.03.2019, closing date: 15.03.2019
  • 03/2019 – open: 20.03.2019 – 19.04.2019

Dates on a trading period form:

  • From: 16.03.2019
  • To: 31.03.2019

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