VAT rates

List of VAT rates

Configuration of VAT rates in the system allows defining tax rates according to which items or services are purchased and sold as well as payments are made.

List of VAT rates

The field VAT Rate Group presents a default VAT rate group assigned to a company in which a user is logged in. Only the user logged in to the parent company can select  groups available in the system from a drop-down list.  Depending on indicated group, the list is completed with appropriate VAT rate values. Values presented on the list are retrieved from the generic directory VAT Rate Groups (<<Generic Directories Predefined list>>). Inactive groups are displayed in italics and it is not possible to edit values of VAT rates assigned to them.

The list of VAT rates contains the following columns:

  • Symbol – VAT rate symbol
  • Value – value assigned to a VAT rate
  • Name
  • Status– VAT rate characteristics. The following options are available for selection:
    • Taxed
    • Tax-exempt
    • Not subject to taxation
  • Active – parameter indicating whether a given rate can be used in the system.
  • Default – parameter indicating whether a given VAT rate is a default rate. Only one rate can be defined as default.

For newly created databases, depending of a rate group, the following predefined VAT rates are available:

  • Polish database – group PL
A23,00%A 23%TaxedYesYes
B8,00% B 8%TaxedYesNo
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D ZWTax-exempYesNo
E0,00%E NPNot subject to taxationYesNo
F5,00%F 5%Taxed YesNo
G7,00%G 7%TaxedYesNo
  • English database – group UK
A20.00%A 20%TaxedYesYes
B5.00%B 5%TaxedYesNo
C0.00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0.00%D TETax-exemptYesNo
E0.00%E NSNot subject to taxationYesNo
  • German database – group DE 
A19,00%A 19%TaxedYesYes
B7,00%B 7%TaxedYesNo
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D SFTax-exemptYesNo
E0,00%E NSNot subject to taxationYes No
  • German database (AT) – group AT

A20,00%A 20%TaxedYesYes
B10,00%B 10%TaxedYes
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYes
D0,00%D SFTax-exemptYes
E0,00%E NSNot subject to taxationYes
F12,00%F 12%TaxedYes

  • French database – group FR
A20,00%Taux normal 20%TaxedYes Yes
B10,00%Taux ntermédiaire 10%TaxedYesNo
C5,50%Taux réduit 5,5% TaxedYesNo
D2,10%Tax super réduit 2,1% TaxedYesNo
E0,00%Taux exonéré 0%Tax-exemptYesNo
NS0,00%Non soumisNot subject to taxationYes No
  • Spanish database – group ES 

A21,00%A 21%TaxedYesYes
B10,00%B 10%TaxedYesNo
C4%C 4%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D ZWNot subject to taxationYesNo
E0,00%E NPTax-exemptYesNo
F0,00%F 0%TaxedYesNo

Below the VAT rates list, in the panel VAT rates for export documents it is possible to select appropriate VAT rates  for export documents, separately for items and services.

In field VAT rate for reverse charge, it is possible to determine VAT rate applicable for documents subject to  reverse charge.

Default settings:

  • Group PL:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – E NP
    • Reverse charge – E NP
  • Group UK:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group DE:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group AT:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group FR:
    • Export documents (items) – Taux exonéré 0%
    • Export documents (services) – Taux exonéré 0%
    • Reverse charge – Non soumis
  • Group ES:
    • Export documents (items) – F 0%
    • Export documents (services) – F 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NP

Defining VAT rate

In the system, there are two methods for defining a new VAT rate:

  • [Add] – a new row appears on the list, where it is necessary to enter appropriate data. The values Name and Value must be unique. In the tab Value, the user must specify the value of the tax in a percentage form, e.g. 23%. In the column Status, the user selects one of the available options: Taxed, Tax-exempt, Not subject to taxation
  • [Add Through Form] – opens a form composed of two tabs: General and Accounting
    • General – contains basic data, that is Symbol, Name, Status, Value and parameter Active
    • Accounting – allows for assigning bookkeeping accounts to a given VAT rate. Default account types: Input VAT and Output VAT. The list of predefined account types are available in the generic directory VAT Rates under Types of Accounts group. Current Accounting Period – field provided for information purposes, cannot be edited.
Form of a newly defined VAT rate – tab General
Form of a newly defined VAT rate – tab Accounting


The system does not control the uniqueness of a VAT rate symbol. This is appropriable in  case new regulations determine the same symbols for new VAT rates, that were applied for  previous VAT rates.

Edition of VAT rate is blocked in case it has been used in one of the documents: SI, SIVC,  SIQC, ASI, ASIC, R, RVC, RQC, SO, SQ, SRS, CRS, PI, PIVC, PIQC, API, APIC, PO, PQ, SOR, SORVC,  SORQC, POR, PORVC, PORQC.

Defining VAT rate in a multi-company structure

To be able to assign different groups of VAT rates to a given center of Company type, it is necessary to activate them in Generic Directories.

List of VAT rate groups in Generic Directories

Depending on VAT rate groups attached to a company, the user can define different VAT rates for an item or item group.

In a database, there is VAT rate group PL set for the parent company and group FR for
Company1. Upon logging in to the parent company, on an item form in field Purchase TAX and
Sales TAX there is value A 23% displayed. Upon logging in to Company1, value Taux normal
20% is displayed for the same item in fields Purchase TAX and Sales TAX. 

When adding an item in a document, VAT rate assigned to the item within VAT rate group attached to a company  (or its center) being the document owner is retrieved.

When printing a document on a receipt printer, it is verified whether VAT rates used in the document have rates  mapped for a fiscal printer, within the group in which they are included.   If a rate mapping is missing, appropriate  message is displayed.


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