Available directories – general information

In the General button group of the Configuration menu, there are buttons used for defining objects which are common for many areas in Comarch ERP Standard system.

General button group

Each button opens a window with an object list, where a user can register and configure a new object. Defined objects will be used during the work with the system.

The General button group contains the following buttons opening object list:

  • [Currencies]
  • [Exchange Rates]
  • [States]
  • [Countries]
  • [CN Codes]
  • [Generic Directories]
  • [Attributes]
  • [Attachments]
  • [VAT Rates]
  • [External Devices]
  • [Configuration Tools]
  • [Schedules]



List of currencies

The list of currencies presents all the currencies in which transactions can be registered in the system. By default, the following currencies are defined: PLN, EUR and USD.

System currency is a currency in which operations related to amount are registered within a company. A user can define a different system currency for each company which allows for keeping logistic-accounting registry in different currencies, separately for each company of the companies included in a multi-company structure.

System currency can be changed until the first document associated with a currency (e.g., trade document) is issued or a currency account is created.

List of currencies

In a form of adding/editing of a given currency, the user enters data which is presented in the following columns of the list:

  • Symbol ─ currency symbol defined in the system
  • Active ─ parameter indicating whether a given currency can be used in the system. It is not possible to change the activity status of system currency.
  • System ─ parameter indicating whether a given currency is default for a company in which a user is logged-in.

It is not possible to set a currency as system currency from the level of the list of currencies. It can be defined only on a company form. Detailed information can be found in article <<Company structure ─ company>>.

Next to the symbol of each non-system currency, there is an active [+] button which allows for expanding the list of exchange rate types for which base currency is consistent with the system currency of a given company.  Base currency is the currency of given exchange rate type against which recalculations of other currencies are provided.

The list of exchange rate types is composed of the following columns:

  • Exchange Rate Name ─ name of a defined exchange rate type
  • Exchange Rate ─ the last (most up-to-date) exchange rate date
  • Exchange Rate ─ the recent known (updated) exchange rate registered in the system
  • Currency ─ symbol of the currency whose exchange rate is being presented

In the menu Updated, the [Update] button is available which enables manual update of exchange rates. More information can be found in article Exchange rates.

Defining currency

The button [Add] opens a form for defining a new currency.

New currency form

In the header of a new currency form, there are mandatory fields Symbol and Name. The values of these fields must me unique. For a newly defined currency, the parameter Active is checked by default.

When a company makes trade transactions with a customer from a country using the currency USD and in one moment it terminates its cooperation with this customer, then such currency can be set as inactive and it will not be visible on currency selection lists. All objects already saved with inactive currency remain unchanged.

It is not possible to change the activity status of system currency.

In tab Exchange Rates for System Currency there are exchange rate types displayed, for which base currency is consistent with the system currency of a company. The button [Add Exchange Rate] allows for selecting an exchange rate and assigning an appropriate value (conversion rate) to it. Available columns:

  • Exchange Rate Type ─ drop-down list presenting exchange rate types defined in the system. With the use of the button [Add Exchange Rate Type], it is possible to create a new type (for example, purchase, ales and average exchange rate).
  • Exchange Rate ─ conversion rate of foreign (not system) currency into system currency. Values may be manually typed with a keyboard or selected with arrows (up, down) placed next to the default value of 1000 in the column. Entered values of exchange rate will be visible on documents issued in a foreign currency after selecting proper exchange rate type, for which exchange rate was established on a proper date.
  • Date ─ effective date of a given exchange rate. It may be manually typed with a keyboard or selected from the built-in calendar. By default, the field is filled with the present date.
  • Currency ─ field filled in automatically

For historicity reasons, exchange rates should be entered on each day. The system does not allow the registration of several exchange rates on one day. The values of exchange rates are saved with a precision to four decimal places.

Tab Available Exchange Rates displays all types of exchange rates available in a company in which a user is logged-in.  Additionally, information about base currency of a given exchange rate is provided.

New currency form ─ tab Available Exchange Rates

In Denominations tab it is possible to define values of denominations for a given currency. During database creation, this tab is filled in with denominations for predefined currencies: PLN, EUR and USD.

New currency form ─ tab Denominations

The list of dominations of a defined currency contains the following columns:

  • Symbol ─ abbreviation of denomination name, the field can contain 20 characters maximally
  • Conversion Calculator ─ denomination exchange rate in reference to the base currency unit
  • Description ─ additional information regarding denomination
  • Active ─ parameter indicating whether a given denomination is active in the system



Button [States] opens a list of default states/administrative units which can be used for entering information regarding addresses.

The list contains information about the name of a unit, its country and its activity status in the system.

List of administrative units

In the menu, there are standard buttons for adding/deleting/saving a given object from the list, and buttons for refreshing and closing the list. There is also a [Refresh Lists] button which enables the update of the state selection list from the level of other objects, for example, on company form or customer form.

Buttons for handling the list

In order to define a new administrative unit, it is necessary to select button [Add] and enter a unique name of the state and the country to which it will be assigned. The value of column Country is retrieved from the list of countries defined in available directories (Configuration General Countries). Parameter in Active column is checked by default.


Exchange rates

The register of currency exchange rates contains data about exchange rate values defined within exchange rate types.  Exchange rate types are used to classify the exchange rates, for example, depending on the bank or exchange office from which the data about exchange rate values derives. Exchange rates are used when conducting currency transactions, for instance, to quickly recalculate values in trade documents. Comarch ERP Standard allows for defining several system currencies within a multi-company structure.

Therefore, in definitions of exchange rate types, it is necessary to specify a Base currency of exchange rate. It is a currency in relation to which recalculations of other currencies are provided.

List of exchange rates

The Exchange Rates window is composed of two sections: Exchange Rate Types and Exchange Rates

In the Exchange Rate Types section, a user can define new exchange rate, modify or delete an existing exchange rate type. In the menu, there is also an option allowing for updating and saving changes applied on the list. It is not possible to delete a default exchange rate type. On exchange rate type definition, it is necessary to define Base currency of an exchange rate.

The right section presents exchange rates specified within a given type. These are exchange rates for all currencies defined in the system, except from the base currency – from the day indicated in the field Date, placed in the right corner of the Exchange Rates section.

The Exchange Rates list is composed of the following colums:

In the column Value, it is possible, within given type of exchange rate, to enter manually the values of exchange rates for foreign currencies in relation to base currency. The other columns of the list contain the following data:

  • Quantity – number of currency units converted to the base currency
  • Currency – symbol of a foreign currency for which exchange rate value will be entered
  • Value ─ exchange rate for foreign currencies in relation to base currency, within a given type of exchange rate
  • Base Currency – symbol of a base currency in relation to which recalculations of other currencies are provided

Defining new exchange rate type

The button [Add] opens a form for defining a new exchange rate type.

  • Name ─ mandatory field.
  • WWW ─ website address where exchange rates are published
    • nbp.pl ─ for system currency PLN
    • ecb.eu ─ for system currency EUR
  • Assembly ─ by clicking on the suspension points button […] in this field, it is possible to select the path to a file with .dll extension. Selected file runs the service with the help of which the currency exchange rates will be imported. In the system setup files, there are the following two files available by default:
    • B2.NBPExchangeRateProvider.dll ─ for system currency PLN
    • B2.EcbExchangeRateProvider.dll ─ for system currency EUR

It is possible to implement own assemblies supporting Web sites.

  • Base Currency – this parameter allows the user to define base currency for exchange rate type being defined. By default, the system sets system currency of a company in which the user is logged-in.
  • Ask about exchange rates during system startup – this parameter allows the user to specify the types of exchange rates that the system must ask about during startup. That question pops up during the system startup only if any other operator, who is logged on to the company, has entered a currency exchange rate for that day. Upon selecting [No], the value from a previous day will be set as default value of exchange rate for the currency. If the message is accepted by selecting [Yes], a window for specifying the values of exchange rates applicable on given day will open.

In section Exchange Rate Values, it is necessary to enter the values for currencies defined in the system, depending on the selected base currency and the specified date. Those values will next be displayed on the list of exchange rates.

Updating exchange rates

Currency exchange rates are updated in Comarch ERP Standard system in two ways:

  • Manually – with the help of the button [Update]
  • Automatically – with the use of the BPM process named Update Exchange Rates

In both cases it is necessary to provide in the exchange rate type window the address of a Web site and to select an assembly referring to exchange rates published in WWW services

Manual update of exchange rates is performed from the level of the list of currencies.

Manual update of exchange rates

Upon selecting an exchange rate type to be updated and clicking the button [Update], a window Exchange Rates Update is opened. Here, it is necessary to indicate a period for which information about exchange rates must be retrieved and the type of updated exchange rate.

Checking the parameter Update all updates all types of exchange rates available in a company to which a user is logged-in.

To be able to update exchange rates automatically, it is necessary to attach a BPM process named Update Exchange Rates and assign it to a company and to operator group, to which the user belongs.

More information can be found in documentation Comarch ERP STANDARD – BPM.


CN codes

CN codes (Combined Nomenclature) are used for classifying items in international trade and are important for Intrastat declarations. CN codes defined by the user can be used on the forms of items and in document items.

List of CN codes

The list of CN codes contains the following columns:

  • Code ─ unique 8-digits number
  • Description ─ description of classified item
  • Additional Unit ─ item unit of measure
  • Net Weight ─ parameter specifying the use of net weight for particular CN codes

In the menu, there are standard buttons for adding/adding through form/modifying/deleting/saving a given object from the list as well as button for refreshing the list. Moreover, the user can handle printouts and reports and use option Import from file to quickly import many CN codes from an Excel file.

[Generate Import Sheet] ─ this button generates an empty Excel Sheet in a selected location. There are two options possible:

  • Import CN Codes ─ sheet composed of the the following columns:
    • CN Code
    • Additional Unit
    • Net Weight
    • Description
    • Upload to SENT 
    • UOM for SENT
  • Assign CN Codes ─ sheet composed of the following columns:
    • CN Code
    • Item Code

Generating CN codes import sheet

[Import] ─ button for importing data from an Excel File to Comarch ERP Standard system. Available import options:

  • [Import CN Codes] ─ import in one of the following modes:
    • Add New
    • Modify Existing
    • Modify Existing and Add New

Importing CN codes from a file

  • [Assign CN Codes]─ assigns CN codes to items from a generated Excel file

Assigning CN codes

In order to define a CN code, it is necessary to select button [Add] from menu List and fill in data directly on the list or enter it through the form available upon clicking on button [Add Through Form].

CN code definition form

CN Code is a mandatory field. From a drop-down list, available in field Additional Unit, the user can select a unit of measure. Some CN codes require information about item’s net weight in Intrastat declaration. In such case it is necessary to check parameter Enter net weight in code definition.

VAT Rate allows for assigning to a given code one of active VAT rates from the group of VAT rates attached to the company to which the center of the logged-on user belongs.

If a VAT rate is specified from the level of a CN code form, then, when changing/adding such CN code to an item form, the user has a possibility to update automatically the VAT rate (both sales and purchase VAT rate).

SAF-T Item Group and SAF-T Procedure Code allow for selecting one of predefined values from one of generic directories with the same names, which are used during the generation of JPK_V7M file.

For companies with checked parameter Upload to SENT fields Upload to SENT and UOM for SENT are available. Those parameters should be checked for items whose data can be sent to the PUESC (Platforma Usług Elektronicznych Skarbowo-Celnych) portal. Assigning such a CN code to an item or item group results in the automatic selection of the SENT parameter on the item form.


VAT rates

List of VAT rates

Configuration of VAT rates in the system allows defining tax rates according to which items or services are purchased and sold as well as payments are made.

List of VAT rates

The field VAT Rate Group presents a default VAT rate group assigned to a company in which a user is logged in. Only the user logged in to the parent company can select  groups available in the system from a drop-down list.  Depending on indicated group, the list is completed with appropriate VAT rate values. Values presented on the list are retrieved from the generic directory VAT Rate Groups (<<Generic Directories Predefined list>>). Inactive groups are displayed in italics and it is not possible to edit values of VAT rates assigned to them.

The list of VAT rates contains the following columns:

  • Symbol – VAT rate symbol
  • Value – value assigned to a VAT rate
  • Name
  • Status– VAT rate characteristics. The following options are available for selection:
    • Taxed
    • Tax-exempt
    • Not subject to taxation
  • Active – parameter indicating whether a given rate can be used in the system.
  • Default – parameter indicating whether a given VAT rate is a default rate. Only one rate can be defined as default.

For newly created databases, depending of a rate group, the following predefined VAT rates are available:

  • Polish database – group PL

A23,00%A 23%TaxedYesYes
B8,00% B 8%TaxedYesNo
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D ZWTax-exempYesNo
E0,00%E NPNot subject to taxationYesNo
F5,00%F 5%Taxed YesNo
G7,00%G 7%TaxedYesNo

  • English database – group UK

A20.00%A 20%TaxedYesYes
B5.00%B 5%TaxedYesNo
C0.00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0.00%D TETax-exemptYesNo
E0.00%E NSNot subject to taxationYesNo

  • German database – group DE 

A19,00%A 19%TaxedYesYes
B7,00%B 7%TaxedYesNo
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D SFTax-exemptYesNo
E0,00%E NSNot subject to taxationYes No

  • German database (AT) – group AT

A20,00%A 20%TaxedYesYes
B10,00%B 10%TaxedYes
C0,00%C 0%TaxedYes
D0,00%D SFTax-exemptYes
E0,00%E NSNot subject to taxationYes
F12,00%F 12%TaxedYes

  • French database – group FR

A20,00%Taux normal 20%TaxedYes Yes
B10,00%Taux ntermédiaire 10%TaxedYesNo
C5,50%Taux réduit 5,5% TaxedYesNo
D2,10%Tax super réduit 2,1% TaxedYesNo
E0,00%Taux exonéré 0%Tax-exemptYesNo
NS0,00%Non soumisNot subject to taxationYes No

  • Spanish database – group ES 

A21,00%A 21%TaxedYesYes
B10,00%B 10%TaxedYesNo
C4%C 4%TaxedYesNo
D0,00%D ZWNot subject to taxationYesNo
E0,00%E NPTax-exemptYesNo
F0,00%F 0%TaxedYesNo

Below the VAT rates list, in the panel VAT rates for export documents it is possible to select appropriate VAT rates  for export documents, separately for items and services.

In field VAT rate for reverse charge, it is possible to determine VAT rate applicable for documents subject to  reverse charge.

Default settings:

  • Group PL:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – E NP
    • Reverse charge – E NP
  • Group UK:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group DE:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group AT:
    • Export documents (items) – C 0%
    • Export documents (services) – C 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NS
  • Group FR:
    • Export documents (items) – Taux exonéré 0%
    • Export documents (services) – Taux exonéré 0%
    • Reverse charge – Non soumis
  • Group ES:
    • Export documents (items) – F 0%
    • Export documents (services) – F 0%
    • Reverse charge – E NP

Defining VAT rate

In the system, there are two methods for defining a new VAT rate:

  • [Add] – a new row appears on the list, where it is necessary to enter appropriate data. The values Name and Value must be unique. In the tab Value, the user must specify the value of the tax in a percentage form, e.g. 23%. In the column Status, the user selects one of the available options: Taxed, Tax-exempt, Not subject to taxation
  • [Add Through Form] – opens a form composed of two tabs: General and Accounting
    • General – contains basic data, that is Symbol, Name, Status, Value and parameter Active
    • Accounting – allows for assigning bookkeeping accounts to a given VAT rate. Default account types: Input VAT and Output VAT. The list of predefined account types are available in the generic directory VAT Rates under Types of Accounts group. Current Accounting Period – field provided for information purposes, cannot be edited.

Form of a newly defined VAT rate – tab General

Form of a newly defined VAT rate – tab Accounting


The system does not control the uniqueness of a VAT rate symbol. This is appropriable in  case new regulations determine the same symbols for new VAT rates, that were applied for  previous VAT rates.

Edition of VAT rate is blocked in case it has been used in one of the documents: SI, SIVC,  SIQC, ASI, ASIC, R, RVC, RQC, SO, SQ, SRS, CRS, PI, PIVC, PIQC, API, APIC, PO, PQ, SOR, SORVC,  SORQC, POR, PORVC, PORQC.

Defining VAT rate in a multi-company structure

To be able to assign different groups of VAT rates to a given center of Company type, it is necessary to activate them in Generic Directories.

List of VAT rate groups in Generic Directories

Depending on VAT rate groups attached to a company, the user can define different VAT rates for an item or item group.

In a database, there is VAT rate group PL set for the parent company and group FR for
Company1. Upon logging in to the parent company, on an item form in field Purchase TAX and
Sales TAX there is value A 23% displayed. Upon logging in to Company1, value Taux normal
20% is displayed for the same item in fields Purchase TAX and Sales TAX. 

When adding an item in a document, VAT rate assigned to the item within VAT rate group attached to a company  (or its center) being the document owner is retrieved.

When printing a document on a receipt printer, it is verified whether VAT rates used in the document have rates  mapped for a fiscal printer, within the group in which they are included.   If a rate mapping is missing, appropriate  message is displayed.


External devices

With the use of this function, the user defines and configures devices used for registration of external data, such as collector, label printing scale or cash register drawer.

List of external devices

The list is composed of columns corresponding to data inserted by the user during the definition of a new device:

  • Number
  • Code
  • Name
  • Type
  • Description
  • Device ID (column hidden by default)

In the menu, there are standard buttons for adding/deleting/saving a given object from the list as well as buttons  for refreshing and closing the list.

Defining external device

The button [Add], placed in the List group of buttons, opens the form of a new external device:

Number is a subsequent ordinal number from the list. The fields Code and Name are mandatory. In the field Type, it is necessary to indicate the type of the newly added device. Types of external devices:

  • Radio collector
  • Batch collector

  • Label printing scale

  • Drawer

Depending on the selected type of device, additional parameters defining the device are displayed.

For a batch collector, a communication protocol must additionally be selected and the parameters of a serial port must be specified: Protocol, Transmission Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits

For a label printing scale, a connection type and a COM port a device is connected to must be specified and a  scale number must be provided.

For a drawer, in turn, it is necessary to specify the parameters specifying the operations during which a drawer must open when registering a transaction at a point of sale.

Detailed information regarding integration of external devices with pos can be found in Comarch POS Knowledge Base.

Drawers can only be configured with a Comarch POS workstation.

A drawer can be opened during the following operations:

  • Payments for documents printable on receipt printer – with possibility to specify whether the drawer should open before or after printing
  • Payments for documents unprintable on receipt printer – with possibility to specify whether the drawer should open before or after payment is applied
  • For payment forms – with possibility to specify a payment form.
  • CD/CW
  • Starting a shift
  • Counting cash register balance
  • Ending a shift
  • Ending a day