The list of banks contains information about financial institutions in which the company, customers/vendors, employees and institutions have their bank accounts and which provide the cash flow. In order to open the list of banks, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Banks] button.
List of banks
The menu of the list of pickup points contains <<Standard buttons>> allowing for adding/modifying/deleting of banks and buttons relating to printouts. Moreover, in the Polish version of database, in the menu, there is [Import From KIR] (National Clearing House) button.
Menu of the list of banks
The list is composed of the following columns:
Payment Number ─ number identifying a given bank
Account Number Type ─ available values IBAN, NRB, other
Active ─ parameter informing whether a given bank can be used in the system
Defining bank
A new bank can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of banks. The button opens a new bank form.
On the left side of the form, there is bank form header containing the following fields and parameters:
Active − if the parameter is checked, a bank can be used in the system
Code − mandatory field, contains code used for a fast and easy identification of a bank (e.g., name abbreviation), can be composed of 10 characters maximum (letters and/or digits). Codes of banks must be unique.
Payment Number − mandatory field, number identifying a given bank. The number of digits to be enter in the field may differ depending on selected account type (NRB_PL − 8 digits, IBAN, Other − 12 digits).
Account Number Type − drop-down list, the following values can be selected:
IBAN − international bank account number used for international transactions
NRB_PL − national bank account number used for national transactions
URL − bank’s website
Fields Address, Phone, E-mail are completed automatically on the basis of the data entered in the fields of Address tab, available on the form of bank definition.
Exchange data via Web Service − parameter available only for the bank ING. For the system to be able to recognize the bank, 4 digits of the payment number are relevant (ING − 1050).
Moreover, the form of a bank is divided into the following tabs: Addresses, Accounting, Web Service, Attributes, Attachments.
Bank form header
Tab Addresses
The tab allows for entering bank’s address and contact data (e.g., phone number or e-mail address).
Tab Addresses
Addresses of banks can be also defined with the use of buttons available in the main menu, in Addresses button group.
Options for defining addresses available in the main menu
Tab Accounting
Tab Accounting presents default bank accounts assigned to a given bank.
Tab Web Service
The tab is available only after checking the parameter Exchange Data via Web Service in the bank form header. In the tab, there are parameters regarding currency transfers and lists of certificates to register in the system of transport certificate, which is necessary for connection with a given bank.
Tab Web Service
In Currency Transfer section, the following parameters are available:
Paid by – the following options are available for selection:
Evenly – default option
Contact Person
The following columns are presented in section Communication Certificates:
Certificate Name
In this section, it is possible to add a transport certificate associated with a currently logged-in operator. Such certificate can by deleted only by the operator to which it is assigned or by the system administrator.
The functionality is available in the Polish version of database only.
Option Import from KIR allows for automatic downloading and updating of information regarding banks from Polish National Clearing House (KIR). Selecting button [Import from KIR], available in the main menu, opens window Parameters for importing bank directory from KIR database, in which the following fields and parameters are available:
Do not import if the source is older than that for the recently performed import ─ the parameter is available only if importing of banks from KIR was previously performed in the database. In case the parameter remains checked, the import will not be carried out, if the file with data of banks present on the server has not been updated since the last import. Unchecking the parameter causes that the data will be retrieved regardless of the date of creation of the file with banks data.
Import Method – drop-down list containing the following options:
Update existing banks and add new ones – imports new banks and updates the data of banks already existing on the list
Only new banks – imports only those banks, which are not present on the list yet. The data of banks already existing on the list is not updated.
Parameters for importing bank directory from KIR database
In order to import banks from KIR it is necessary to have Microsoft Database Engine 2010 program installed.