Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions

Before beginning to work with the Finances module, it is necessary to configure relevant parameters in the menu System → Configuration → Accounting, section Cash/Bank Transactions:

  • Fill in the “For” field automatically – the user may decide whether the For field should be automatically filled in while settling cash/bank transactions. If this parameter is selected, the For field on the transaction forms is filled in according to the following rules:
    • The For field is automatically filled in with the numbers of documents related to a transaction being settled
    • For transactions of the Revenue type, the system always retrieves system numbers
    • For transactions of the Expense type, the system retrieves reference numbers. If no reference number has been determined, a system number is retrieved.
    • When several document numbers are retrieved, they are separated with the „ , ”character
    • If a payment is deleted, a relevant document number is removed from the For field
  • Default automatic numeration – the user may select a numbering method for cash/bank transactions created automatically upon document confirmation and payment. If the Default automatic numeration parameter is:
    • Selected – the numbering of all cash/bank transactions is set according to a defined numerator
    • Deselected – for cash/bank transactions created automatically upon document confirmation and payment, Document Number is set as the number of a document being settled, while for transactions added manually, Document Number is set according to a defined numerator

The parameter Default automatic numeration is deselected in the system configuration. The user enters an SI/1/01/2019 document and settles it in the window Payment Confirmation. The system automatically generates an expense transaction with the number SI/1/01/2019.

  1. Copy “Payment” parameter setting to single-sided entry – if this parameter is:
    • Selected – if the option Is not subject is set in the field Payment Status of a transaction, the system automatically sets the option Not subject to clearing for a single-sided entry. In turn, if the option Is subject is selected for a transaction, the option Subject to clearing is set for a single-sided entry.
    • Deselected – the option Subject to clearing is set in a single-sided entry by default, regardless of the value of the Payment Status parameter in a relevant transaction
  2. Register negative transactions – this parameter is deselected by default in all language versions of the database, and can only be selected in the Polish, English, and German version. After selecting this parameter, it becomes possible to add cash/bank transactions with negative values.
  3. Automatic correction – this parameter determines the type of a correcting transaction. By default, it is set as Transaction of the opposite type. This setting can be changed to Transaction of negative sign only after selecting the Register negative transactions If the Automatic correction is set as:
    • Transaction of the opposite type – correcting a revenue transaction with the use of the button [Correct] creates an expense transaction with the same value, while correcting an expense transaction creates a revenue transaction with the same value
    • Transaction of negative sign – correcting a revenue transaction with the use of the button [Correct] creates a revenue transaction with the opposite value, while correcting an expense transaction creates an expense transaction with the opposite value
  4. Limit the payment list when adding transactions – when adding a transaction, if the parameter is:
    • Checked and there is no entity selected for the transaction – no payments are displayed on the list Documents To Be Paid
    • Checked and an entity is selected for the transaction – in the list Documents To Be Paid, will be displayed all unsettled payments for that entity which belong to the main company and all subordinated centers
    • Unchecked and no entity is selected for the transaction – on the list Documents To Be Pais, all unsettled payments for all entities are displayed. Those payments belong to the main company and all subordinated companies.
    • Unchecked and an entity is selected for the transaction – on the list Documents To Be Paid all unsettled payments for that entity. Those payments belong to the main company and all subordinated companies.

List of cash/bank transactions

The list of cash/bank transactions is the list of deposits and withdrawals corresponding to revenues and expenses within a cash register or bank account.

The list can be accessed by selecting Finances [C/B Transactions].

The visibility of separate cash/bank transactions on the list depends on the center to which the user is logged in. An operation is only visible on the list if:

  • It has been added within the current center (i.e. the center to which the user is logged in)
  • It has been added within a center subsidiary to the current center
  • It has been added within a center that shares it (by specifying the visibility of a given document type) with the current center or with a center subsidiary to the current center

Additionally, the list only displays transactions for which a cash/bank account available within a given center has been selected.

A cash/bank transaction always displays the system currency of a company at which the transaction has been added.

List of cash/bank transactions

Apart from the standard buttons, the list contains the following buttons:

  • [Add] – it adds a transaction of the Revenue type, possible to be changed to Expense
  • [Add Deposit] – it adds a transaction of the Revenue type
  • [Add Withdrawal] – it adds a transaction of the Expense type
  • [Renumber No.] – it can be used to obtain the correct numbering of transactions in the case of gaps in numbering
  • [Correct] – it makes it possible to add a correction to a transaction selected on the list
  • [Post Through Contra Account] – it can be used to automatically post transactions with the use of an account, ledger, and a contra account selected for a transaction
  • [Transactions] – it makes it possible to make batch changes to selected transactions. The button is only active if the operator belongs to a group that has the permission Batch changes to transactions from the tab Other Permissions. The user may decide what information is to be contained in a log displayed while making a change. When making batch changes, the system abides by the same rules as in the case of a manual transaction modification. The user may define the following parameters:
    • Payment Form
    • Document Date
    • Cash/Bank Account
    • Payment Application
    • Payer
    • Bookkeeping Account
    • Remove payment associations and compensations (it requires the permissions Application of payments and Making of compensations)

Parameters for batch transaction change

The list of cash/bank transactions is composed of the following columns:

  • Report Number – it presents the number of a report to which a given cash/bank transaction belongs
  • Document Number – it presents the number of a transaction, depending on the setting of the parameter Default automatic numeration available in the system configuration
  • Document Date
  • Entity Code
  • Revenue – it presents the value of a transaction of the Revenue type
  • Entity Name
  • Expense – it presents the value of a transaction of the Expense type
  • Currency – it depends on the currency set in the filter
  • Payment Status:
    • C – completed
    • U – uncompleted
    • NS – not subject
  • For
  • Contra Account – it presents a contra account selected for a transaction
  • To Send – it presents an amount to be sent

Hidden by default:

  • Date of Transaction
  • To Be Paid
  • Availability – it presents a POS workstation on which a given transaction is to be available
  • Payment Form
  • Time – it presents a time when a transaction has been added
  • Cash Register/Bank Account – it presents the name of an account to which a transaction has been entered
  • Correction – for correcting transactions, this column displays an exclamation mark
  • VAT Amount – it presents the amount of a transaction of the type Split Payment – VAT Transaction
  • Reference No.
  • Voucher Number
  • Description
  • Split Payment:
    • No – it marks a payment made without the application of the split payment mechanism
    • Payment – it marks a payment made with the application of the split payment mechanism
    • VAT Transaction – it marks a technical record of reclassification to a VAT account
  • Voucher Sort
  • Paid – it presents an amount already paid
  • Document Status – it indicates whether a document has already been posted
  • Type – it indicates whether a transaction is of the Revenue or Expense type
  • Reconciled – it indicates whether it has been confirmed that data from a bank statement is compliant with journal entries. More information may be found in the category Bank Reconciliation.
  • System Currency – it presents the system currency of a company within which a given transaction has been made
  • Owner – it presents the center of a company structure issuing a document
  • Affects Balance

In order to view the sum of all cash/bank transactions below the list, a specified currency or the option All in system currency must be selected in the filter panel.

More information on filters may be found in the category Searching and filtering data.

Adding a transaction with a negative sign

Adding a transaction with a negative sign is only possible if the parameter Register negative transactions has been selected in System → Configuration → Accounting. A detailed description of this parameter may be found in the article Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions.

While settling transactions with a negative sign, the system abides by the following rules:

  • A cash/bank deposit may be settled with payments of the Payable type, compensated with a positive deposit, or compensated with a negative withdrawal
  • A cash/bank withdrawal may be settled with payments of the Receivable type, compensated with a positive withdrawal, or compensated with a negative deposit

The system allows registering transactions with a negative sign.

The user enters a CD/1 document for -1000 EUR. Documents listed as Documents To Be Paid include:

  • PI/1 for 246 EUR
  • PI/2 for 123 EUR

CD/1 is applied to PI/1 and PI/2.

Following the settlement, data in CD/1 is presented as follows:

  • Value: -1000 EUR
  • Paid: 369 EUR
  • To be paid: -631 EUR

Registering a transaction correcting cash allocation

In order to add a transaction correcting cash allocation, it is necessary to select a transaction to be corrected on the list of cash/bank transactions and click the button [Correct] in the button group List. The type of a correcting transaction depends on the parameter Automatic correction available in System → Configuration → Accounting, section Cash/Bank Transactions. The user may decide whether a correcting transaction is to be registered as an opposite transaction with the same sign or as the same transaction with a negative sign. A detailed description of the parameter may be found in the article Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions.

The button [Correct] is only available for transactions owned as a company to which the operator is logged in.

The user may verify whether a given transaction is a correction. This information is presented in the column Correction (hidden by default) on the list of cash/bank transactions. If a given transaction is a correction, the column Correction displays an exclamation mark in its row.

Correction column on the list of cash/bank transactions

On the forms of both correcting and corrected transactions, the tab Associated Documents displays information on the association of relevant transactions. Additionally, if a correction is added to an unapplied transaction, the system creates an automatic compensation between the correcting and corrected transactions. Such a settlement may be deleted by the user.

Automatic generation of a document correcting cash allocation while canceling a trade document

When canceling trade documents, VAT invoices, and debt collection documents, as well as while deleting VAT invoices, the system automatically deletes the payment settlement/compensation of a document to be canceled/deleted. Before doing so, the system displays the following notification: “Are you sure you want to delete the selected invoice? The associated payments will be deleted”.

Additionally, if the parameter Compliance with French VAT law is selected in the definition of a center of the Company type, it is possible to automatically generate a document correcting cash allocation while canceling a trade document. In such a case, upon canceling a trade document whose payment is settled with a cash/bank transaction, the system displays the notification: “Would you like to correct the associated transactions automatically?”. Answering Yes automatically deletes the payment settlements/compensations of a canceled document and the system creates a correcting transaction of an opposite type and for the same amount as the corrected transaction. Answering No automatically deletes the payment settlements/compensations of a canceled document.

The parameter Compliance with French VAT law is selected in the definition of a center of the Company type.

The following documents are registered in the system:

  • CW for 500 EUR
  • PI/1 for 360 EUR total
  • PI/2 for 240 EUR total

The CW document has been settled with PI/1 for 360 EUR and with PI/2 for 140 EUR.

The PI/1 document is canceled. The user answers Yes to the question “Are you sure you want to delete the selected invoice? The associated payments will be deleted”.

The system displays the notification: “Would you like to correct the associated transactions automatically?”. The user answers Yes.

The association of CW and PI/1 for 360 EUR is deleted. A CD document is generated for the amount of 500 EUR.

Rules for editing cash/bank transactions

The possibility to edit particular fields on the form of a cash/bank transaction depends on the transaction’s status and the status of a cash/bank report in which the relevant transaction is included. The following editing rules are binding in the system for cash/bank transactions:

  • Open and unposted transactions in an open report – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions (Finances → Cash/Bank Transactions), the list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Value
    • Reference Number
    • Document Date
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Form
    • Payment Status
    • Balance
    • Entity
    • Account (2)
    • For
    • Bank Account
    • Split Payment
    • Currencies
    • Owner
    • Description

Additionally, when editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions (Finances → Cash/Bank Transactions) or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the value of the field Account (1).

  • Open and unposted transactions in a closed report – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions, list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Reference Number
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Form
    • Payment Status
    • Balance
    • Account (2)
    • For
    • Bank Account
    • Split Payment
    • Owner
    • Description
  • Open/partially completed and posted transactions – regardless of the report status (open/closed) – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions, list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Form
    • Payment Status
    • Bank Account
  • Partially completed and unposted transactions in an open report – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions, list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Reference Number
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Form
    • Payment Status
    • Balance
    • Account (2)
    • For
    • Bank Account
    • Split Payment
    • Owner
    • Description

Additionally, when editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions (Finances → Cash/Bank Transactions) or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the value of the field Account (1).

  • Partially completed and unposted transactions in a closed report – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions, list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Reference Number
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Form
    • Payment Status
    • Balance
    • Account (2)
    • For
    • Bank Account
    • Split Payment
    • Owner
    • Description
  • Completed and unposted transactions – regardless of the report status (open/closed) – while editing a transaction on the list of cash/bank transactions, list of transactions included in a cash/bank report, or list of payments in the Finances module, it is possible to edit the following fields:
    • Account (2)
    • For
    • Split Payment
    • Description
  • Completed and posted transactions – only the Split Payment field can be edited on the form of an entirely completed and posted transaction.

It is only possible to change the value of the Payment Status field if an entity has been selected on a given transaction form. Transactions with an unspecified entity are automatically set as not subject to payment, with no possibility to change it.

Importing bank statements

To support the import of bank statements, the system makes it possible to use the following predefined import formats:

  • ING Bank Śląski
  • Swift MT940
  • Swift MT940 Alior
  • Swift MT940 BGŻ
  • Swift MT940 BZ WBK
  • Swift MT940 Deutsche Bank Polska
  • Swift MT940 ING
  • Swift MT940 mBank
  • Formats defined by the user

Before initiating the import of a bank statement, it is necessary to:

  • Define a relevant entity’s bank account number for which cash/bank transactions have been issued (on the Bank Accounts tab on the form of a given entity)
  • Assign the bank account number to a cash/bank account to which the transactions are to be imported

If the same bank account is assigned as default to several entities, the system retrieves data of the first entity, i.e. an entity with a lower ID in the database.

To enable import of transactions from the bank system with the use of the format of Web service type, it is necessary to install in the Windows system, in the personal certificate store, three certificates provided by the bank.

To use the feature of bank statement import, it is necessary to select Finances → (C/B Transactions) → Import.

On the list of bank statement items, standard buttons are available, and additionally:

  • [Load File] – it allows the user to load a bank statement file from the computer. The button is available for formats of types: Predefined, Definable and Special.
  • [Load File – Load Statement] – button available for format of Web service type only. It allows for retrieving statement from a selected day directly from the bank system with the use of the web service.
  • [Load File – Load Transfer History] – button available for the format of Web service type only. It allows for loading transfer history for a selected period.
  • [Import Selected] – it imports transactions selected on the list

Above the list of bank statement items, there are two fields:

  • File Format – it makes it possible to select a defined format for a file to be imported
  • Encoding – for predefined MT940 formats, it is possible to select an encoding type from the list. The available options include: ASCII, Windows-1250, ibm852, ISO-8859-2, and UTF-8. In the case of formats defined by the user, the system displays an encoding type retrieved from the definition of a given format, with no possibility to change it.
  • Account – field available only if in the field File Format format of Web service type is selected. Only accounts associated with a bank with checked parameter Exchange data via Web Service.

In order to import a transaction, it is necessary to:

  • Select a file format
  • Select an account, if a format of Web service type is selected as the file format
  • Click the button:
  • [Load File] for a format of Predefined, Definable and Soecial type and select the file from the computer disc
  • [Load File – Load Statement] for a format of Web service tyle and select the day from which the statement is supposed to be retrieved
  • Select transactions on the list of loaded bank statement items and click [Import Selected]

Bank statement items which have only been loaded are marked in black; in turn, items which have been both loaded and imported are marked in blue.

List of bank statement items with an imported statement file

When loading statement items and transfer history with the use of the Web service format, duplication control is active, which means that items already existing in a given account are omitted.

The list of bank statement items is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Date – it is retrieved from an imported file
  • Credit Amount – it presents the amount of a revenue transaction
  • Debit Amount – it presents the amount of an expense transaction
  • Entity Code – it presents the code of an entity for whom a transaction has been issued
  • Entity Name – it presents the name of an entity for whom a transaction has been issued
  • For – it presents text retrieved from the For field of a transaction

When loading statement items and transfer history with the use of the Web service format, the system performs verification of the compliance between the opening balance of the bank account to which transactions will be uploaded and the opening balance included in the statement. After finishing the import, the system updates the ending balance of the reports to which transactions were imported and verifies whether it is compliant with the ending balance of the statement. In case there are inconsistencies, appropriate warning messages are displayed.

Imported bank statements can be accessed in the system by selecting Finances → C/B Transactions. The owner of imported transactions is set as a center to which the user running the import is logged in.

The bank account and entity of imported transactions are set on the basis of bank account numbers. If an account number related to a given transaction has not been imported (also in the case where the Account Number field has not been defined in transfer formats), the system displays the following notification upon an attempt to save changes: “ERROR: Company’s bank account number {0} from the statement is not consistent with any bank account number of the cash/bank account in the system”.

While transactions are being imported, the system verifies if given bank accounts are active. It means that if a single bank account number has been assigned to two bank accounts, and one of these accounts has been deactivated, the system recognizes the active account and makes it possible to import a transaction to it.

If transactions with different dates are to be imported, it is necessary to add a report encompassing all the transaction dates before initiating the import in order to include all the transactions in the report. Otherwise, daily reports corresponding to the transaction dates will be automatically added during the import.

The user needs to import a bank statement to the system. The relevant file contains transactions with different dates, but falling within a single month and year (5 January 2019, 23 January 2019, and 31 January 2019). The user wants to include all the transactions from a single month in one report. In order to do so, it is necessary to:

  • Select Month as the report period on the cash/bank account form
  • Add a report with the opening date of 1 January 2019 and closing date of 31 January 2019
  • Import the file to the system

A detailed description of the import of transactions related to the split payment mechanism may be found in the article Split payment mechanism in the export of statements of remittance orders and import of bank statements.

Adding a cash/bank transaction

General information

The system makes it possible to add a cash/bank transaction with the use of one of the following buttons:

  • [Add Deposit]/[Add Withdrawal] – after using one of these buttons, a transaction type (Revenue/Expense) is automatically assigned, with no possibility to change it
  • [Add] – after using this button, a transaction type is set as Revenue, with a possibility to change it

Adding a transaction with the buttons [Add Deposit]/[Add Withdrawal]

Both revenue and expense transaction forms are filled in in a similar way.

In order to add a deposit transaction, it is necessary to select Finances → C/B Transactions and click the button [Add Deposit] in the button group List.

Form of a transaction document created with the use of the button [Add Deposit]
Apart from the standard buttons, the form of a cash/bank transaction contains the following buttons:

  • [Combine] – it settles the transaction with a payment selected on the list Documents To Be Paid
  • [Remove Combination] – it deletes the association between the transaction and a payment selected on the list Paid Documents
  • [Complete] – it allows the user to settle the transaction and register a deduction
  • [Post Through Contra Account] – it can be used to automatically post the transaction with the use of an account, ledger, and a contra account selected for the transaction
  • [Payment Estimate] – selecting this button opens the payment estimate window related to a given customer/vendor, where it is possible to complete/compensate a payment
  • [Preview] – it displays the form of a customer/vendor selected for the transaction in the read-only mode
  • [History] – it displays the history of all transactions related to a customer/vendor selected for the transaction

If a transaction is associated with a voucher, it is not possible to post it in the transaction details window. Such a transaction needs to be saved and posted later on the list of cash/bank transactions.

The transaction form is composed of the following elements:


Type – it specifies whether a given transaction is of the Revenue or Expense type. The field is for information purposes only and is non-editable.

Below the Type field, the system displays the number of a transaction being entered, automatically assigned by the system.

Value – it displays the transaction’s value and currency. The field is required.  The system automatically sets a currency assigned to a selected cash/bank account. In the case of accounts defined in the system currency, the user may change it to a foreign currency for the needs of a given transaction. It is not possible to change a currency in the case of currency accounts.

Paid – it displays the transaction amount which has already been paid. The field is non-editable.

To Be Paid – it displays an amount calculated as the difference between the transaction value and an amount paid. The field is non-editable.

Reference Number – a number displayed in this field depends on the setting of the parameter Default automatic numeration in the system configuration. If the parameter is:

  • Selected – for transactions added automatically, the reference number is set as the number of a document associated with a given transaction; for manual transactions, the reference number is any number entered by the user
  • Deselected – the reference number is any number entered by the user

Document Date – this date affects the calculation of report balance and a document completion date

Date of Transaction – it allows the user to register the date of a business event related to a given deposit or withdrawal, e.g. the date of issue of a source document (cash invoice, receipt), or the date of a remittance order

A cash transaction has been entered in the system with the document date set as 15 May 2019 and the date of transaction as 19 May 2019. Reports are created on a daily basis. The transaction will be included in the report for 15 May 2019.

Account (1) – it presents a cash/bank account to which a given transaction will be added

Payment Form – it presents the transaction’s payment form. It can be selected from the list of payment forms.

Report – this field is automatically filled in with the number of a report assigned to a selected cash/bank account and corresponding to a document date given. If such a report is missing, the field remains empty and the button [Add Report] is activated in the menu. The user may then add a report to which a given transaction should be added. The field is required.

Record No. – this field is automatically filled in as a subsequent number within a given report

Payment Status – in this field, it is possible to select either the option Is subject or Is not subject

When adding a cash/bank transaction, at the beginning, subject payment status is set for the transaction, by default. If no entity is selected for the transaction, then, when saving the transaction, its status is changed to not subject and a warning message is displayed.

Balance – this parameter determines whether the transaction is to affect account balance

Entity – in this field, it is possible to select an entity associated with the transaction. For revenue transactions, the system prompts the entity type Customer, while for expense transactions it prompts Vendor. The user may change the entity type to one of the following values: Vendor, Customer, Employee, Bank, Institution. Upon selecting the value Customer, the user may open a list the content of which depends on the value of the parameter Show separated customers and vendors:

  • The list of customers only is displayed if the parameter Show separated customers and vendors is selected
  • The list of customers/vendors narrowed down to customers with the filter Classification is displayed if the parameter Show separated customers and vendors is The user may change the value set in the filter.

After selecting the value Vendor, the mechanism of the list works in the same manner.

Filling in the Entity field on the transaction form is not required. If no entity is set, the system displays the following notification upon an attempt to save/confirm the transaction: “Transaction entity has not been specified. Are you sure you want to save this cash/bank transaction?”. The user may deactivate this notification by selecting the parameter Do not show this message again.

Additionally, if no entity is selected, and a bookkeeping account associated with an entity is set in the field Account (2), the system displays the following notification upon an attempt to save the transaction: “Transaction entity has not been specified and you have selected a directory account. Are you sure you want to save this cash/bank transaction?”. Answering No returns to the transaction form. Answering Yes, in turn, saves the transaction.

Account (2)

  • If an account is marked in green, it means that the account is missing on the chart of accounts and has been suggested by the system. Selecting the parameter Create account automatically adds an account for a selected entity after the transaction is saved.
  • If an account is marked in black, it means that the account exists on the chart of accounts

Rules for account suggestions in transactions:

  • The system retrieves an account assigned to a given directory (customer/vendor, employee, bank, or institution) at a company to which the user is logged in
  • If no entity is selected, a bookkeeping account is not suggested
  • It is not possible to change the number of a bookkeeping account on the form of a cash/bank transaction if the transaction’s owner is not a company to which the user is logged in
  • If the parameter Show separated customers and vendors is selected:
    • A customer’s account is suggested for a revenue transaction
    • A vendor’s account is suggested for an expense transaction
  • If the parameter Show separated customers and vendors is deselected but a given entity is either a customer only or a vendor only:
    • After selecting a customer, the customer’s account is suggested
    • After selecting a vendor, the vendor’s account is suggested
  • In the case of:
    • An employee – a remuneration account is suggested
    • A bank – a payment account is suggested
    • A customs office – a duty account is suggested
    • A tax office – an income tax account is suggested
  • In the case of imported transactions, an account is only suggested if an operator importing the transactions has had the current accounting period set

Create account – selecting this parameter automatically creates a bookkeeping account for a relevant entity if it has not existed before. The account may only be created by an operator who has the current accounting period set.

For – in this field, it is possible to enter the name/title of a transaction in order to facilitate its classification. The field may be filled in automatically if the parameter Fill in “For” field automatically is selected in the system configuration. While posting a transaction through a contra account, the content of the For field is copied to the transaction’s journal entry.

Bank Account – in this field, the system automatically sets the default bank account number of an entity selected for a given transaction. The user may select a different bank account from among the entity’s active accounts.

Bank – it presents the code and name of a bank defined for a given entity. Once a bank account is selected, this field is filled in automatically. The field is non-editable.

Currencies – in this field, the user may select an exchange rate type. The system automatically suggests a default type set for a cash/bank account as part of which a given cash/bank transaction is being added. If a currency exchange rate is defined on a given date for the selected exchange rate type, the exchange rate is retrieved into documents automatically. Otherwise, the following notification is displayed: “A different date of exchange rate has been retrieved”. It means that the exchange rate has been retrieved from the date for which it was defined the last time.

The user may define parameters concerning the date of retrieving a currency exchange rate – it is possible to set a date to be considered and define how many days before that date the exchange rate date must be set. This can be done in the document definition (Cash-Bank Deposit or Cash-Bank Withdrawal) available within a given center of the company structure.

Definition of the document type Cash-Bank Deposit in company center settings

Payments tab

The Payments tab is composed of two sections: Documents To Be Paid and Paid Documents; also, it contains the field Description.

The list Documents To Be Paid displays receivables/payables depending on the value of a given deposit/withdrawal:

  • For positive-value deposits – all unpaid receivables with a value greater than zero, associated with the same customer
  • For positive-value withdrawals – all unpaid payables with a value greater than zero, associated with the same vendor
  • For negative-value deposits – all unpaid payables with a value greater than zero, associated with the same customer
  • For negativevalue withdrawals – all unpaid receivables with a value greater than zero, associated with the same vendor
  • Additionally, besides the above mentioned rules, payment display on the list Documents To Be Paid, depends on the setting of the parameter Limit the payment list when adding transactions. Detailed description of this parameter can be found in article Configuration parameters for cash/bank transactions.

Above the Documents To Be Paid list, there is the Compensation parameter. Selecting it displays on the list Documents To Be Paid all payments of an opposite type associated with the same customer/vendor (e.g. for a positive-value deposit, the list displays unpaid withdrawals with a positive value and unpaid deposits with a negative value). A detailed description of compensations may be found in the category Compensations.

Next to the Compensation parameter, there is the field Owner, which allows the user to narrow down documents displayed on the list to documents issued within a selected center only. The default value of this field is All available objects. If the user has no permission to reading a given transaction, it is not displayed on the list.

The list Documents To Be Paid is composed of the following columns:

  • Document Number
  • Reference Number
  • Entity Code
  • Amount – it is the amount of a transaction/payment
  • To Be Paid – it is the amount still to be settled
  • Due Date – it is a document date for a cash/bank transaction and a due date for a payment
  • Currency
  • Owner – it displays a center of the company structure which issues the document

Hidden by default:

  • Amount In System Currency
  • Entity Name
  • To Be Paid In System Currency – it is the amount still to be settled presented in the system currency
  • Paid – it is the settled amount
  • Paid In System Currency – it is the already settled amount presented in the system currency
  • For

If the parameter Limit the payment list when adding transactions is unchecked and no entity is selected for the transaction, payments of all entities will be displayed on the list of unsettled payments. In such case it is possible to make a payment and its amount will be automatically filled-in on the basis of the total of amounts remaining to be paid, whereas the entity will be filled in on the basis of the firs indicated item. If the parameter is checked, the list of unsettled payments will be empty and settlement along with the automatic amount indication will be possible only after selecting the entity.

The list Paid Documents presents documents with which a given transaction has been settled or compensated. Documents to which the user has no permissions are displayed with hidden data. The list is composed of the following documents:

  • Document Number
  • Reference Number
  • Entity Code
  • Paid – it is the settled amount
  • To Be Paid – it is the amount still to be settled
  • Due Date – it is a document date for a cash/bank transaction and a due date for a payment
  • Currency

Hidden by default:

  • To Be Paid In System Currency – it is the amount still to be settled presented in the system currency
  • Amount – it is the amount of a transaction/payment
  • Settlement Amount – it is the amount settled with a given transaction
  • Settlement Amount – it is the amount settled with a given transaction, presented in the system currency
  • Amount In System Currency – it is the value of a transaction/payment presented in the system currency
  • Paid In System Currency – it is the already settled amount presented in the system currency
  • For
  • Owner – it presents a center of the company structure issuing a given document


Entity tab

The Entity tab contains data on an entity associated with a given transaction. Information on this tab is filled in automatically after selecting an entity in the transaction header.

Associated Documents tab

The Associated Documents tab displays documents with which a given transaction has been settled.

Tabs Analytical Description, Attributes, Change History, and Attachments

A detailed description of these tabs may be found in the article Tabs Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments, and Change History.

Adding a transaction with the button [Add]

While adding a transaction using the button [Add] in Finances → C/B Transactions, a transaction type can be selected directly on the form. By default, the system suggests the type Revenue. Changing a transaction type is only possible before saving the transaction or before settling a complete/partial payment for it. Each change of a transaction type updates the entity type and documents to be paid.

Form of a transaction document created with the use of the button [Add]
If the user has no permissions to adding a cash/bank deposit, the button [Add] is inactive. If the user has no permissions to adding a cash/bank withdrawal, it is not possible to change a transaction type after selecting the button [Add]. These permissions may be adjusted in Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → relevant operator group form → Objects tab.