As companies make use of cash and bank accounts and they need to make and accept charge card payments, each of these elements needs to be provided with separate accounting records for revenues and expenditures. For that purpose, the system’s operator may use the feature of Payment forms.
List of payment forms
The list of payment forms can be accessed by selecting Configuration → Finances and clicking the button [Payment Forms]. The following payment forms are defined in the system by default:
Bank Transfer
Direct Debit
External Voucher
Own Voucher
The list contains standard buttons discussed in the article Standard buttons.
List of payment forms
The payment form of the Check type is not available in the French version of the database.
Configuration parameters for payment forms may be defined for separate company structure centers on the Payment Forms panel (Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability → Payment Forms). A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the article Object availability – Objects.
Defining a new payment form
The user can define own payment forms. In order to do so, it is necessary to select the button [Add] in the List button group on the list of payment forms. The list then displays a new row, where the user needs to fill in the following details:
Name – the name of a payment form must be unique and can be composed of up to 200 characters
Type – it can be selected from a predefined drop-down list. The available values include: Cash, Bank Transfer, Charge Card, Check, Own Voucher, and External Voucher.
Active – it is a parameter activating or deactivating a payment form in the system. By default, it is set as active, with a possibility to modify it by the user.
The payment forms Own Voucher and External Voucher are inactive by default. To make it possible to process payments with one of these payment forms, they need to be activated in Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability → Payment Forms. Additionally, for the purpose of settling payables and receivables through voucher payments, it is necessary to select the parameters Sales and Purchase.
Transfer formats
Transfer formats are used while importing bank statements and exporting transfer files to a bank.
The system provides several predefined formats for importing bank statements and two formats of Web service type which are used for the direct data exchange between the bank and the system with the use of web service. They are non-editable and cannot be deleted. The list of payment forms can be accessed by selecting Configuration → Finances and clicking the button [Transfer Formats].
List of transfer formats
The list contains standard buttons discussed in the article Standard buttons and:
[Import] – it enables the import of an .xml file with transfer formats
[Export] – it enables the export of selected transfer formats to an .xml file
The list of formats is composed of the following columns:
File Extension
In the case of formats provided with the system installation, the column Type is filled in with the value Predefined. Also, the list contains the parameter Only active, allowing the user to narrow down the list to active formats only.
Defining a new transfer format
In order to add a new transfer format, it is necessary to select the button [Add] in the List button group.
Transfer format form
The transfer format form contains the following fields:
Definable (default) – it marks formats to be defined manually by the user
Special – after selecting this type, the field Component becomes active, enabling the user to select a relevant .dll file supporting a given format
Import – it marks formats dedicated to the import of bank statement files
Export – it marks formats dedicated to the export of bank statement files
Date Format – it can be used to select a predefined date format from a list
Coding – it can be used to select a coding format from a list
Component – this field is only active after selecting the format type Special. It can be used to specify a path to a .dll file supporting a given format
Active (selected by default) – it makes it possible to enable/disable a given format for the purpose of file import/export
File Extension – it can be used to define the file extension of an import/export file
Field Separator Character – it is a character separating particular fields in a file (Enter, Tab, or Other)
Line Separator Character – it is usually defined as a semi-colon
Text Delimiter Character – it is a character separating subsequent words in a file
Decimal Point – it is a character separating the decimal part of an amount
Thousands Separator – it is a character separating the thousandth part of an amount
Change in Text:
Text Delimiter Characters To – it makes it possible to change a character separating subsequent words to a different one
Lowercase to Uppercase Letters
Number of Lines:
Header – it specifies the number of lines above the lines of a transaction which are to be skipped while loading an imported file; the parameter is only applicable to the format sort Import
Footer – it specifies the number of lines below the lines of a transaction which are to be skipped while loading an imported file; the parameter is only applicable to the format sort Import
While creating a transfer format with coding set as ASCII without special characters, it is possible to code letters without Polish diacritics. Such coding saves characters in the ASCII format, ignoring special characters.
Field Types – it enables the user to select fields to be exported from the system or which are contained in bank statements to be imported; it is also possible to define the order of these fields
The field For – Document Numbers retrieves a reference number from a payment, and in the case where the number is missing, the field retrieves the document’s system number. The field For – System Numbers of Documents always retrieves the document’s system number, and the field For – System Numbers and Amounts of Documents retrieves a system number and payment amount.
While exporting transfers, the fields For, For – Document Numbers, For – Document Numbers and Amounts, For – System Numbers of Documents, and For – System Numbers and Amounts of Documents in the generated file are limited to 50 characters by default. In order to change this setting, it is necessary to edit a given For field in the transfer format window and enter a preferred numeric value in the field Width.
Payments with the Split payment parameter selected may be exported with the use of the same transfer format as in the case of standard payments, although it may be necessary to modify its definition. More information on this subject may be found in the article Split payment mechanism in the export of statements of remittance orders and import of bank statements.
Numbering of documents in the financial module
In the financial module, documents are numbered in accordance with the following rules:
When adding a new document, the option AUTO is displayed in the numerator’s segment Number
AUTO option applied while adding a new document
Once the document is saved, either manually or automatically (e.g. when a cash/bank transaction is automatically saved after associating it with a payment on the tab Payments), the system assigns a specific number to that document. This number is the first free number available according to a date used in the numerator of the relevant document type.
It is possible to use a free number by selecting it manually in the number section of the numerator. However, the user needs to have a relevant permission to do so (Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → operator group form → Other Permissions → Using of free document number).
Manually selecting a free number
After selecting a free number in a document header, the user cannot close the document without saving changes.
The selected document number is also automatically saved while closing the entire system.
If the user edits a document and changes its date or element, e.g. a cash/bank account which directly affects the document number, the system automatically suggests the first free number for the date of a given document. The number can be changed if there are several free numbers available for the relevant date. The new system number is automatically saved, whereas the previous number is released (it can later be used in another document). The user cannot close the document without saving changes.
The numbering of cash/bank transactions created automatically upon closing a document or making payments for it is dependent on the parameter Default automatic numeration. A document number can only be changed before the document is confirmed.