Configuration of parameters

General information

Before getting started with the Fixed Assets module, it is necessary to define an <<accounting period>> (if depreciation areas are associated with it), a fixed asset classification and fixed asset groups according to a company structure and its requirements as well as to configure the key parameters that are available in the main system configuration window and on the form of the center of Company type.

Parameters specified in the system configuration window

The depreciation area-related parameters are configured in the system configuration window from the level of System → Configuration → Fixed Assets.

In the system, there are three predefined depreciation areas available in the system:

  • Balance-sheet
  • Tax

The names of depreciation areas can be modified for the available language versions of the system. By default, they are displayed in the application language version to which the use is logged in.

The depreciation areas that are activated by default are balance-sheet and tax. Values of a fixed asset are copied automatically from the balance-sheet area to the tax area. In case it is necessary in a company to depreciate fixed assets in compliance with the IAS/IFRS regulations, then in the system configuration window (menu System → Configuration → Fixed Assets), it is possible to activate the IAS/IFRS area and to specify its base area in the column Copy From. In this column it is necessary to decide whether the values of fixed asset parameters must for the IAS/IFRS area be completed on the basis of the balance-sheet area, the tax area or whether they must not be copied at all. The base area for the balance-sheet and tax areas is set by default to non-editable Balance-sheet.

Each depreciation area can be associated with a calendar year or accounting period. Such option is important in the case of companies with customized <<accounting period>> necessary for generating <<depreciation plan>>, <<calculation of write-offs>> and presentation of amounts on lists.

Upon applying changes in the fixed assets configuration it is necessary to restart the system.

Parameters specified on the company form

In the side panel of the form of a center of Company type, in Fixed Assets section, there are the following parameters:

  • 360 days in a year for straight-line method

This parameter is selected by default in the French and Spanish language version of the system. In case depreciation starts in the course of a month while the parameter is activated, write-offs will be generated proportionally to the number of depreciation days in the month for which a write-off is being calculated. If the parameter is deactivated, write-offs will be calculated for the entire month.

Fixed asset: Laptop, depreciation method: straight-line, depreciation rate: 10%, coefficient: 1, initial value: 4000.00 USD.

Depreciation start date: 01.05.2019

  • Deselected parameter 360 days in a year for straight-line method

Write-offs for January will be amounting to 33.33 USD.

  • Selected parameter 360 days in a year for straight-line method

Write-offs in January will be amounting to 17.78 USD and the depreciation period will be extended by one month. In the last month, the system will generate a write-off for the amount of 15.55 USD.

  • Round-off amount added last month

This parameter is selected by default in the French and Spanish language version of the system. If selected, write-offs are then calculated for particular months in the same amount, whereas the remaining decimal part of the amount is added up to the write-off for the last month of the accounting/calendar period. If deselected, then the decimal part of the amount is included in the write-off for the month for which write-offs were calculated mathematically.


Fixed asset: Car, depreciation method: straight-line, depreciation rate: 20%, coefficient: 1, initial value: 5000.00 USD.

Depreciation start date: 01.01.2018

  • Deselected parameter Round-off amount added last month

Write-offs will be calculated as follows:

February 83.34
May 83.34

  • Selected parameter Round-off amount added last month

Write-offs will be calculated as follows:

May 83.33

Fixed asset classification

General information

A fixed asset classification (FAC) is a systematized collection of objects of tangible assets, which is used for the purpose of keeping records, determining tax depreciation rates as well as for conducting statistical surveys.

Fixed asset classification list

The FAC list is available from the level of Configuration → Fixed Assets, under the [Fixed Asset Classification] button.

Fixed asset classification list

Columns available on the FAC list:

  • Symbol
  • Name
  • Rate– depreciation rate
  • Item

The user can define FAC names in different languages that are available in the system. A FAC name is always displayed in that language version of the system to which the user is logged in. If the name is not provided in the logon language, then it is presented in the system language (database language).

Adding a fixed asset classification

  • manually with the button [Add]
  • by importing it from Comarch’s servers with the button [Import FAC] – this option is available only in Polish language version of the system

The FAC import option is available only to users holding a valid license key.

Selecting the button [Import FAC] opens a window where it is possible to set the following parameters:

  • Do not import if the source is older than that for the recently performed import ­– (this parameter is available when reattempting the import operation; it is not available while importing the FAC for the first time) is selected by default. If the file with the FAC data on the server had not been updated since the last time it was imported, then the import operation will not be performed. If the parameter is deselected, the data will be retrieved regardless of the FAC file creation date.
  • Update existing and add new ones – the system imports new FAC records and updates the existing ones. FAC records are identified with a symbol.


In case there is more than one record with the same symbol on the FAC list, the system will not update those records. A relevant information will be displayed in the log window after the import operation is finished.

  • Only new – the system imports only new FAC records without updating the existing ones.

Parameters for importing fixed asset classification



Generation of fixed asset barcodes

The functionality of generating barcodes for fixed assets is available from the level of menu Add-ons, under [Generate Fixed Asset Barcode]. It enables batch completion of field Barcode with value retrieved from field Inventory Number.

Button [Generate Fixed Asset Barcode] in menu Add-ons
Clicking on the button [Generate Fixed Asset Barcode] opens a window in which it is necessary to specify the following parameters:

  • Complete only empty fields − parameter checked by default. If it is checked, a barcode will be completed only if the field Barcode is empty. Whereas, if the parameter is unchecked, a barcode will be completed for all fixed assets and the values of fields, which were already completed, will be updated.
  • Complete for disposed assets − parameter checked by default. If it is checked, a barcode will be completed for all fixed assets, regardless of their status. Whereas, if the parameter is unchecked, a barcode will be completed only for those fixed assets, which are sold or disposed.
  • Generate for − a barcode is generated for a specific type of fixed asset. It is necessary to indicate at least one value for the parameter, to be able to generate barcodes.
  • [Confirm] − button active upon indicating at least one value for the parameter Generate for
  •  [Cancel]

Window for generation of fixed asset barcodes