Database manager

Database Manager contains information regarding configuration database and attached company databases of Comarch ERP Standard system. Database Manager is opened from the level of the system login window.

System login window

Database Manager main menu is divided into two menus: Database Manager and Configuration

Menu of the database manager window is divided into three button groups:

  • Databases − related to company databases, that is main databases of the system which contain all data
  • Configuration Database − related to configuration databases which store user profiles and contain associations with company databases
  • Application − related to configuration databases which store user profiles and contain associations with company databases


Database manager window

From this level it is possible to:

  • Create new configuration or company database
  • Attach another database
  • Execute a database backup copy or open a list of such backup copies
  • Update configuration database to make it compatible with the current system version
  • Assign permissions to configuration database for an SQL user on a local machine or domain
  • Configurate languages of logging-in to company databases
  • Check database version



Creating new configuration database and changing configuration database

Menu Create, available from the level of Database Manager, allows for creating a new configuration database.

Configuration database creation window

Before creating a database, it is necessary to specify:

  • SQL server name
  • name of created database
  • name/login and password of the user with administrative privileges on SQL server

Menu Change allows for selecting another, already existing on a given SQL server, database.

Changing configuration database

In order to change configuration database, it is necessary to enter analogical data as when creating a new database.


Creating a company database

A company database can be created in the menu of Database Manager, as well as from the level of the list of company databases. To create new company database, it is necessary to click on [Create] button. A database creation window will be opened.

Company database creation window

It is necessary to complete all available fields:

  • Server – name of the SQL server on which a database will be created.
  • Database – name of a new company database on the SQL server
  • Name Displayed – name displayed in Comarch ERP Standard logon window
  • User – name of the user with privileges to generating a database on a given SQL server
  • Password
  • Language – language in which a company database will be created. A database creation language in strictly connected with data that will be included in it after being generated. Comarch ERP Standard application is offered on international markets which, in certain areas of the system, operate with their own values (e.g., directory values, chart of accounts) applicable only to a particular country
  • Initial Size of Database – specifies the initial size that will be reserved for the creation of a company database and using the system (mdf file); minimum value – 100MB
  • Autogrowth of Database By – specifies the size of database growth
  • Initial Size of Log – specifies the initial size that will be reserved for the creation of a log file (ldf file); minimum value – 20MB
  • Autogrowth of Log By – specifies the size of log growth

It is necessary to specify the size of database growth and the size of log file growth in accordance with an anticipated database size.

After filling in all the mandatory fields, click [Create] in the menu. A process performance window presenting progress of company database creation process will be opened.

It is not possible to abort the creation of a new company database.

The mechanism of Crystal Report printouts disables the creation of database names containing a dot “.”. As a consequence, it will be possible to work with a created database in Comarch ERP Standard. However, each attempt to run a Crystal Report printout will fail.

After the database creation is finished, it will appear in the login window in the Database field. If it is not displayed in that field, you need to refresh the list of databases by clicking [Refresh].




Actions related to company database

In the menu Database Manager → Databases, there are additional options available for the list.

Options available in Database Manager menu

The following buttons are available in the menu:

  • Restore – restores previously created backup copy of a database
  • Make Backup – creates a backup copy of a selected database
  • Create – opens a company database creation window
  • Delete – removes selected database from the server
  • Detach – detaches selected database from the server, but does not remove it
  • Attach – after entering the server name and the path to a file with database, it attaches the database to the list of company databases and to the server
  • Add to List – after typing the server name and selecting a database, it adds the database to the list of databases
  • Remove from List – removes selected database from the list
  • Refresh – refreshes data in the list
  • Convert Database – converts database to its new version
  • Refresh Version – retrieves version from the database itself and checks it with the current version
  • Reindex – rebuilds all database index files. Reindexing is recommended when restoring backups of a database or when slower performance of a database is noticed
  • Login Parameters – open window for defining login parameters for selected databases
  • Quick Fixes – opens window for determining parameters of quick fix installation for selected databases, which allows for selecting one of the two options: Create a backup copy and install quick fixes or Install quick fixes
  • Add-Ons – opens window for determining parameters of add-on installation for selected databases, which allows for selecting one of the two options: Create a backup copy and install add-ons or Install add-ons
  • Service Actions – opens a panel allowing the user to execute a service action and verify the correctness of audit installation in a company database. Data audit is available only for databases created in French
  • Change Displayed Name – it opens a window allowing the modification of a database name displayed upon logging in to the system.
  • Add Server Messages – messages on the level of MS SQL are required to ensure proper system operation. Messages are added automatically when creating a database on server. However, if Comarch ERP Standard database was never created on the server and only restoring operation is performed, such messages must be added from the level of database manager


Database update

If you already have a database that was generated for an earlier version than that you are going to work on, it is necessary to update the database to the current version of the system. Before the conversion, it is recommended to make a backup copy and reindex it. Since working on a converted database declines the performance, it is recommended to reindex such database.

Before starting conversion of a configuration database, information window is displayed, in which it is possible to read details about the conversion which is about to be performed.


Configuration database conversion window

Database backup is done when:

  • Converting a database
  • Installing new system version, quick fixes, add-ons

A database backup can be done also from the level of Database Manager.

Before converting a company database, a window concerning configuration of the conversion process will open.

Company database conversion window