Tab General

Tab General of the item details form contains basic data related to an item. Normally, the tab is divided in several sections (depending on document and item):

  • Item
  • Calculations
  • Subitems

Form for adding an item

Besides the above-mentioned sections, the following fields are placed in the upper part of the tab:

  • Handled by – allows for selecting an employee handling a given transaction
  • Price precision – determines number of decimal places presented in fields with prices, in calculation and on document item. The range of price precision (from 1 to 4 decimals) available in a drop-down list depends on the settings of precision in document types.
  • SENT – parameter allowing for handling tracking of transport on item
  • Control: quantity * price = value – checking this parameter allows for entering only such an item value which can be calculated as the product of quantity and price. In case the condition of this formula is not fulfilled, the value is changed by the system.
  • Reverse charge – this parameter enables handling reverse charge on an item. More information about the functionality can be found in article Reverse Charge.

Section Items contains the following fields:

  • Item – in this field it is possible to select an item which should be included in a document. Only active items, defined in Items directory, can be selected.
  • Description – field presenting a description placed on the form of a selected item
  • CN Code – this field enables to enter a customs code of a given item, used in trade in the EU. In case the parameter SENT is checked, it is necessary to enter a CN code for which Upload to SENT parameter has been checked.
  • Country of Origin – this field enables to enter a country a given item comes from. Value of the field is retrieved from item form; however, it can be changed by the user.

After changing the item, in the section Calculation it is possible to determine price details, by using the following fields:

  • Quantity – specifies the quantity of an item which is to be registered in a document. Upon selecting additional unit in a document item, it is possible to edit quantity both in basic and additional unit.
  • UOM – field with the symbol of a unit assigned to an item. The basic unit is automatically displayed, or – if it has been defined – an additional unit set as default for a given document type. A user can change it, however, into another unit active and assigned to the item form.
  • Regular Price (Subtotal/Total) – the subtotal/total price of one item unit expressed in the document currency for which any possible discounts will be calculated.
  • Discount (%) – the percentage value of a discount calculated in a current document item
  • Price (S)/(T) – the subtotal/total price of one item unit expressed in the document currency including the discounts
  • Acquisition (Price) – the acquisition price of an item expressed in the system currency. The field is available in documents for received items.
  • Value (S)/(T) – the subtotal/total value of an item expressed in the document currency
  • Acquisition (Value) – the field available only for documents for received items. It shows the acquisition value for the quantity of an item defined by a user and expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner.
  • Points – a sum of points which a customer will receive when buying an item. Points are defined in the price list.
  • VAT Rate – the rate assigned to an item is displayed, by default. In a situation when VAT rate assigned to an item is inactive, the system downloads the rate set in the configuration as default which can be edited by the user.
  • Volume – item volume uploaded from item form
  • Net Weight – net weight uploaded from item form
  • Gross Weight – gross weight uploaded from item form
  • SAF-T Item Group and SAF-T Procedure – fields on item details of the following documents:
    • sales invoices and their corrections
    • receipts and their corrections
    • manual corrections
    • purchase invoices (regards SAF-T Procedure field only)

By default, the fields present values defined in analogical fields of item form, retrieved from dedicated generic directory (with a possibility of changing it).

After synchronization of a document from Comarch POS, in the Comarch ERP Standard system, the values of the fields SAF-T Item Group and SAF-T Procedure will be automatically set on the basis of item form.

For orders and quotes, this section contains additional fields:

  • Time of Delivery (days) – the allows for determining a time of delivery of an item. Its value is updated automatically in accordance with item price list however it can be edited.
  • Expected Date – the date by when a given item of an order should be executed, i.e. sold/released to a customer or delivered by a vendor. Change of value for the time of delivery implies change of the expected date and the other way around.

Section Subitems contains a list with the following data:

  • No. – the ordinal number of a subitem
  • Warehouse – depending on the document type it is a warehouse from which the resources are collected or in which a given resource is to be received. If a warehouse is selected in a document header, a warehouse from the level of subitems of the documents for received items cannot be edited. In the case of documents for released items, this field is not editable, except for the sales order in which a subitem is not associated with a resource

The subsequent columns contain features which have been assigned to a given item and affect the lot. The system enables issuing a document for one item with different values of features. The following fields are available:

  • Delivery Date – a column appearing in documents for released items; it displays the date of receipt of an item in a warehouse
  • Document – a column available in documents for released items. It presents the number of a warehouse document on the basis of which an item has been received in the warehouse.
  • Source Document – a column available in documents for released items. It provides information on the source document with which a resource has been received in the warehouse. For example, if an item has been received in warehouse A with a POR document and subsequently moved to warehouse B with a WM document, then in this column, for warehouse B, the number of the POR document is presented
  • Quantity – the quantity of an item (subitem) expressed in a unit of measure defined in Calculation panel, retrieved from a warehouse within a given document (in the case of documents for released items), or which is to be received in a warehouse (in the case of documents for received items). For documents for received items this field is editable directly in the table by means of the edit in place method.
  • Reservation of Quantity – the field is available only in subitem of SO/IO document. If the parameter is checked, it means that such reservation blocks sales of particular item quantity without indicating specific delivery
  • Purchase Value – the value of a subitem expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner
  • Acquisition Value – the purchase value of a subitem increased by additional costs, expressed in system currency of a company being the document owner
  • Currency – (column hidden by default) this column presents symbol of system currency of a company being the document owner
  • In Stock – this column is only available if AVCO has been set as the method of queuing resources in the system. It provides information whether a subitem retrieves a resource from a warehouse or is a subitem not associated with any resource

In the case of AVCO method of queuing resources, columns Date of Delivery, Document, and Source Document are always empty. Parameter in additional column In Stock determines whether a resource has been retrieved onto a document.

Tab Calculation

This tab is an extension of section Calculation from tab General. Depending on the document and assigned permissions, the following sections can be identified on it:

  • Calculation
  • Currency
  • Margin
  • Discount Structure

In addition to these, in the upper part of the tab, as is the case in tab General, fields: Price Precision and Control: quantity * price = value have been placed.

Tab Calculation in the form for adding items in SI

Section Calculation contains the same fields as contained in Calculation panel in tab General, which have been described in article General tab.

Additional fields contained in the tab Calculation:

  • Regular price (S)/(T) – shows the current price of a given item unit retrieved from the current, active price list expressed in the currency defined in this price list for a given item
  • Price (S)/(T) – presents the current price of a given item unit including any discounts and is expressed in the item currency (defined in the price list from which the regular price is retrieved)
  • Value (S)/(T) – presents the value of the specified quantity of an item expressed in the currency of, successively: firstly – an item (defined in the price list from which the regular price is retrieved), secondly – the system

Section Currency is provided for information purposes only and is not editable. It presents information on currencies and currency exchange rates as well as the date a given currency exchange rate was obtained. This data is identical to the data located in in a document header and is retrieved automatically.

Currency exchange rates are presented in the following order:

  • exchange rate of the item currency to the document currency
  • document currency
  • system currency exchange rate to the document currency

Section Margin appears only in documents for released items. It presents:

  • subtotal purchase value
  • subtotal acquisition value (field with acquisition value does not appear in SQ)
  • margin expressed as value and percentage

Fields with purchase value and acquisition value are calculated automatically and are not subject to edition. The margin is also calculated automatically, on the basis of the data contained in the section Calculation. If a margin imposed on an item does not meet expectations of the user, he/she can modify its percentage value, which simultaneously results in recalculation of the values of the fields Margin (expressed as percentage), Discount, Price and Value in the group Calculation.

Section Discount Structure is available on documents for released items SQ, SO, R, SI and SOR, but only if an operator belongs to the operator group, which has granted permission Access to discount structure in tab Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → Other Permissions.

This section can be collapsed/expanded with a help of an arrow placed on its header. It presents a detailed discount list calculated on a given item.


Tab Deliveries

Tab Deliveries is available only for items of Merchandise type. It is divided into the following sections:

  • Quantity
  • Features
  • Subitems
  • Lots/Deliveries (the last one is available only for documents for released items).

Sections: Quantity, Features and Subitems are composed of fields identical with those in the tab General. All the changes entered in tab General are synchronized onto the tab Deliveries and the other way around.

Handling of resources on document item

In section Subitems in the form for adding items to documents for released items, next to the table of subitems, there additionally appear fields enabling decreasing (in the case of SI and R) as well as disassociation (in the case of SO) of the resources transferred from a warehouse into a document.

To do so, it is necessary to:

  • check a relevant subitem
  • enter the quantity which needs to be returned in field Value
  • click on the button with down-arrow – [Return]

The resource will be returned to a warehouse again increasing its stock level. In the event when the items in a SO document are not associated with a resource, the system will not undertake any action – it will not decrease the quantity of subitems, however, if the subitems are associated with a specific resource, such association will be deleted, the resource will be returned to a warehouse, but the quantity of subitems will remain unchanged.

For SO and IO documents is available an option of total releasing of resource from many uncompleted subitems at the same time. In order to use it, it is sufficient to mark appropriate subitems and click on the button [Release Resources].

Conditions, which have to be fulfilled in order to release a resource:

  • document status – initiated (SO), unconfirmed (SO), confirmed (SO, IO), pending (SO, IO) uncompleted
  • quantity higher than zero
  • subitem associated with a resource/lot

Conditions, which have to be fulfilled to reserve a resource:

  • document status – initiated (SO), unconfirmed (SO), confirmed (SO, IO), pending (SO, IO) uncompleted
  • quantity higher than zero
  • subitem associated with a resource/lot “sales” subitem in a case of IO

Criteria verified while associating resources with subitems of SO/IO:

  • item – compliant with an item of a subitem
  • warehouse – compliant with a warehouse of a subitem:
    • if a specific warehouse has been given on a subitem, then resources/lots will be searched only in this warehouse
    • if option <All> has been selected on a subitem of SO, then resources/lots will be searched in all warehouses assigned to a document definition in a center issuing a document
  • date of resource/lot creation (warehouse receipt) cannot be later than a current date – not applicable in case of AVCO
  • features – compliance of feature values of resources/lots with subitem features values of SO/IO:
    • if a value has been given for features affecting lots on a subitem of an order, all searched resources/lots need to have the same feature value
    • if no value has been given on a subitem of an order for features affecting lots, then all searched resources/lots can have any value for this feature or have no values assigned

Section Lots/Deliveries contains information on the lots/resources of a selected item available in a warehouse.

  • it is not available for documents for received items, nor for SQ.
  • If an item is stored in a warehouse, appropriate entries will appear in the table.
  • In the case of a lack of resources, the table Lots/Deliveries will be empty.

Depending on the set method of queuing resources, the system will verify whether a resource can be released.

  • In case of FIFO/LIFO, only these resources are included in a document for released items, which date of delivery is earlier or equal to “stocked” date in this document.
  • The AVCO method does not impose such restrictions.

If an item has features affecting the lot assigned, it is possible to filter the table by specific lots (values of features) specified in section Features.

The table placed in that section displays the following information:

  • Warehouse – it defines a warehouse in which a given lot is located

The subsequent columns contain attributes which have been assigned to a given item. Their quantity varies depending of the number of properties affecting a lot,

  • Quantity – the available quantity, including reservations, expressed in a unit defined in section Calculation
  • Quantity in Basic Unit – the available quantity, including reservations, expressed in the basic unit
  • Unit Price – the price of one item unit actually located in a warehouse (price is calculated dynamically on the basis of purchase value and available quantity)
  • Purchase Value – the value of resources of a given item located in a warehouse expressed in of system currency of a company being the document owner
  • Acquisition Value – the purchase value of resources of a given item located in a warehouse, increased by additional costs, expressed in of system currency of a company being the document owner
  • Currency – this column is hidden, by default, it presents symbol of system currency of a company being the document owner

In case of FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources, parameter Show Deliveries located next to the table is also available. Checking it results in changing the method of presenting available quantities – a lot will be divided into resources. Owing to that, three additional columns appear:

  • Delivery Date – it specifies the date at which a given resource was received in a warehouse
  • Document – it identifies the document with which a given resource was recorded in a warehouse
  • Source Document – it specifies the document with which a given resource was originally recorded in the stock records

Change of deliveries in confirmed documents

It is a functionality allowing for changing deliveries in subitem of a confirmed document. For a user to be able to change delivery in a confirmed document, he or she must be assigned to operator group with granted permission to Change of delivery in confirmed documents.

This permission is unchecked, by default, with possibility to check it in Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → selected group edit → tab Other Permissions. The permission is unavailable for French version of a database and for AVCO method of queuing resources.

Conditions which must be fulfilled to be able to change delivery in a confirmed document for released items (SI/SOR/IR-) are as follows:

  • the operator is assigned to operator group with granted permission to change delivery in confirmed documents
  • the document is not posted
  • there is no posted correction to the document
  • there is no quantity correction for a subitem
  • there is no cost correction for a subitem
  • there is no associated document which is posted
  • quantity of item being changed is available in stock
  • one subitem in section Subitems is marked
  • one delivery to be changed is selected
  • there is a consistency of warehouses between lots to be changed and deliveries
  • there is a consistency of quantity between associated documents, e.g. a SOR was generated from SI for the entire quantity

To be able to change delivery in a confirmed document in Deliveries tab, it is necessary to:

  • select a subitem for which the delivery will be changed. In field Quantity in Subitems section there will be quantity displayed in accordance with currently marked item
  • check parameter Show deliveries and select delivery which should be uploaded onto document
  • click [Change] which will change delivery in the document

It is also possible to change deliveries for many subitems which has been described in article Verification of deliveries.


Tab Set Elements

Tab Set Elements appears only if a user has selected an item of Set type which has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked on item form.

The tab is divided into the following sections:

  • Items – included in a given set along with the quantity of individual components expressed in basic unit for a given item for number of sets specified in tab General and the unit.
  • Subitems and Lots/Deliveries – these sections contain data analogous to the data in tab Deliveries in case if the selected item is of Merchandise type.

The data displayed in those sections refer to the component of a set marked in the table below.

It is not possible to change delivery for an item of Set type.


Tab Attributes

Attributes store additional information regarding objects existing in the system. Attributes along with their values can be attached to documents and their items.

Defining attributes and their values and assigning them to objects is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attributes

The tab Attributes on item details allows for attaching attributes defined in the system and associated with an item of a given document types, which characterize a given item and for introducing values for them.

  • If a given attribute has been marked in configuration as required, it will be automatically attached in a given document to a newly added item and value default for it is also retrieved.
  • If an attribute is not marked as required, then such attribute can but does not have to be attached individually. After confirming documents, in order to modify attributes, it is necessary to use buttons placed in section Attributes on the ribbon.

Tab Attributes with an exemplary value


Tab Attachments

In the system, it is possible to define attachments, that is adding images, text documents or any other files. Next, such files can be attached to a document item.

Handling attachments in the system is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attachments.

Tab Attachments on item details allows for assigning attachments to a given document item and it displays a list of already assigned attachments.

It is also possible to share an attachment in particular modules/applications collaborating with the system, by checking a dedicated parameter on the list.

Tab Attachments with an exemplary attachment