List of documents

A list of documents contains basic information on a given document type, such as, for example:

  • document number compliant with the numbering scheme
  • document date
  • customer/vendor code, name and address
  • warehouse – column available in warehouse documents and in the list of sales orders. It presents warehouse specified in a document header.

In case in the header of a SO document, in the field Warehouse, the option <All> has been selected, the value Various is presented in the list.

  • document total and subtotal value
  • document currency symbol
  • total value of acquisition of document items expressed in the system currency (column hidden by default)
  • number of associateted document (in the case of warehouse documents this is the number of a trade document and the other way around; if more than one trade/warehouse document is associated with a given warehouse/trade document – the system displays the number of the firs document ant triple dot)
  • document status
  • reference number (source document number)
  • payment status

Depending on the current state of a document, it is displayed in a specified color. Each status has its color assigned by default, but a user can modify. The details have been described in article Configuration – document definition.

On the list, documents being edited on another workstation or in another tab are marked in pink in the first column. The system does not allow for a parallel modification of documents. A document being edited can be previewed – the fields on its form are inactive.

List of sales invoices

Additionally, to the standard buttons described in the article Standard buttons, the ribbon also contains other functions that are specific only for a document list.

Menu of sales invoices list

All the functions available from the level of document list have been divided into groups. Each group contains the buttons which are specific for a given element, e.g. List contains the functions for handling a list of documents, Generation enables generating another document on the basis of the document checked in the list, Corrections contains the function for handling corrections, Posting – for posting of documents.

The description of the buttons appearing in lists of documents is presented below:

[Confirm] – it confirms a document thus preventing its further edition

When confirming SI/R/SO/SQ/PI/PO/PQ/SOR/POR documents on which the rate type is
set as National and a VAT rate different than the one set on a given item form is applied to a
given item form, the system will notify the user about this fact and ask whether to continue.

[Confirm and Print on Receipt Printer] – it confirms a document and sends it to a receipt printer, if are fulfilled
[Print on Receipt Printer] – it is active only for previously confirmed documents; it prints a document on a receipt printer if conditions for such operation are fulfilled
[Cancel] – it cancels a confirmed document

It is possible to cancel only confirmed documents. Documents with the following statuses cannot be canceled:

  • Posted
  • Printed
  • Posted and Printed on receipt printer

[Pay] – it enables completing a document/documents marked in a list, which are partially or not fully completed
[Update VAT Rates] – it enables updating VAT rates of items on SI/R/SO/SQ/PI/PO/PQ/SOR/POR document which is initialized or unconfirmed, on which VAT rate type is set as National and which was not generated from SOR/POR/SI/R/PI. New rates will be uploaded from item form or, if VAT rate on item form is defined as inactive, a VAT rate defined in the configuration as default will be uploaded. Method of recalculating prices/values of items during update of VAT rates depends on settings of VAT Direction parameter on a given document. In case of documents registered with method On Total, subtotal prices/values will be changed and the other way around. The update is executed for the marked documents
<<[Statistics]>> – it is available on most of document lists in the system. It enables checking weight/volume of individual items on a document and displays a summary of weight and volume for all the items. The window with statistics is provided for information purposes only
[CorrectValue, Quantity, Quantity (Total Return) or VAT Rate] – it generates a value , quantity or a VAT rate correction to a confirmed document. The difference between option Correct Quantity and Quantity (Total Return) is that a correction document created with the use of option Quantity (Total Return) returns all the items from the source document by default, whereas on a correction created with the use of option Correct Quantity, quantity to return is set to zero, by default – a user must select items and quantity to be returned. What is more, an additional costs correction is also available on the list purchase invoices upon opening the correction menu
[Manual Correction Value, Quantity or VAT Rate] – it enables issuing a manual, value, quantity or VAT Rate correction to documents registered in another system
[SOR] – in the group Generation – it enables generating a warehouse document (SOR) for a confirmed SI. The number of the buttons as well as their appearance will be different depending on the document type in a list, e.g. for PI – generate a POR, for SOR – generate a SI, R, CSR, for SO – generate a SOR, SI, R, etc. Furthermore, it can have additional sub-options displayed in the form of a list as is the case, for example, in generating a SQ from a list of SOIs
[Print List] – it enables previewing and printing a list of documents. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part leads to automatic printing which is set by default. The lower part expands a list of printouts available for a given list of documents and allows to select a printout as well as to activate a printout configuration window. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. After clicking a mouse on one of the printouts, the next list is expanded, which displays printers configured on a given workstation and an option enabling printout preview before actual printout. Printouts are available in database creation language. For German and English version of database, no dedicated printouts are available
[Print Document] – it enables previewing and printing out a document. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part will lead to automatic printing, set by default, the lower part expands a list of printouts available for given document types and allows to select a printout as well as to activate a printout configuration window. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. After clicking on one of the printouts, the next list is expanded, which displays printers configured on a given workstation and an option enabling printout preview before actual printout. Printouts are available in database creation language. For German and English version of database, no dedicated printouts are available
[Send] – it enables automatic sending of document printouts to a customer or opening a printout configuration window. It consists of two parts – clicking on its upper part leads to automatic opening of the email window with a printout attached and marked as default. The lower part expands a list of printouts available for a given document type and enables selection of the one which is to be sent to a customer and also enables opening the printout configuration. A printout marked with an asterisk is a printout defined as a default one. Configuration allowing for sending e-mails has been described in article Sending doucments by means of e-mail messages


Statuses of documents

Basic document statuses:

  • Initiated – a document is being created, it has not yet been saved
  • Unconfirmed – a document has been saved, but it is possible to make any changes to it
  • Confirmed – on a confirmed document, a user with granted permission Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed documents can update customer/vendora data and his/her address, the other fields are uneditable and it is only possible to preview document and item details. A document with this status cannot be removed, but only cancelled.
  • Canceled – a document is displayed on the list but it does not cause any other consequences, e.g. a canceled POR document does not increase resources of an item in the warehouse
  • Posted – a posted document is not editable; it is only possible to preview the details of a document and its items; it cannot be deleted or canceled

A posted document can be canceled after prior removal of the posting entry

Additional document statuses used only in some documents:

  • Pending – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints

it occurs while generating on the basis of the order/complaint another document, which has not been yet confirmed or generated and the confirmed document executes only a part of the order/complaint

  • Executed – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints
    • demand forecasts

it occurs when trade or warehouse documents have been generated and confirmed for all items in the document; in case of a DF we can only generate a PO

  • Closed – relates to:
    • purchase/sales orders
    • internal orders
    • complaints
    • inventories

it is given to those orders whose execution has been intentionally canceled by the operator, complaints whose complaint process has ended as well as those inventory documents which have been closed by the user after having generated all possible IR+/IR- documents

  • Rejected – relates to:
    • purchase/sales inquiry
    • purchase/sales quote

it is given to those documents which have not been executed, have been rejected due to a specific reason, e.g. lack of interest on the part of a customer

  • Accepted– relates to:
    • purchase/sales quotes

it is given to those quotes which have been accepted by a customer

  • Printed – relates to:
    • receipts
    • sales invoices
    • advance sales invoices

it means that the document has gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more

  • Posted and printed on receipt printer – relates to:
    • receipts
    • sales invoices
    • advance sales invoices

it means that the document has been posted and gone through the fiscal cash register/printer; it cannot be edited, deleted not canceled any more

  • Confirmed Quantity Total – relates to:
    • PO receipts

it means that the quantity from a document has been introduced to the warehouse and can be sold without determined acquisition cost. Detailed information regarding quantity confirmation can be found in articles: FIFO/LIFO – quantity confirmation and AVCO – quantity confirmation.

  • Submitted – relates to:
    • internal order

it means that a document has been confirmed by the center issuing it and is currently awaiting confirmation from the target center.

It is possible to handle statuses which can be assumed by a document, through modification of the statuses diagram. Detailed information can be found in article Confiugration – document definition.

Sending documents by means of e-mail messages

From the level of a documents list or from the level of a document form it is possible to access the function of sending e-mail messages containing a document printout in *.pdf format to a customer or an employee. It can be done with the use of the button [Send] placed in the button group Printouts.

To be able to send such an e-mail, it is necessary to:

  • indicate an employee on an operator form (Configuration → Company Structure → Operators)
  • fill in tab E-mail Account and introduce e-mail address (Main → Employees → selected employee edition tab General → section Contacts
  • add at least one printout definition to each document type

In order to sand an-email, it is necessary to check selected documents from the list of documents of a given type or from the level of a document form and the button [Send].

The button is divided into two parts:

  • the upper part, with an envelope symbol, allows for sending a default document printout, in accordance with the definition of the printout marked as default for a given document type.
  • the lower part, with the Send inscription, enables selection of one printout from the list of available printouts or opening window of <<Printout Configuration>>

Automatic sending of a message (without opening a form) occurs when:

  • documents selected for sending are issued for different customers/employees with different e-mail addresses
  • among the selected documents, there are documents issued for customers/employees without specified e-mail address, the system sends messages only to those customers/employees whose e-mail addresses are specified and ignores the other customers/employees informing about not sending of a part of the messages due to missing e-mail addresses.

A message send form is displayed only if:

  • a message is being sent from the level of a document form
  • the selected documents have been issued for customers/employees for whom has been defined the same e-mail address
  • the selected documents have been issued for customers/employees for whom no e-mail addresses have been defined
  • the selected documents do not contain any customer/employee data, e.g. WM-

The form of e-mail message contains the standard fields used in all e-mail applications, that is:

  • message recipient fields (To, Cc, Bcc):
    • if on the form of the customer/employee, for whom the document being sent was issued, no e-mail address has been specified, the system will display the message form without a completed recipient and will not allow sending the message without completing the To field
    • if e-mail address has been specified on the form of the customer/employee, for whom the document being sent was issued, that address will be automatically added to To field and preceded with the customer/employee name
    • in the case when sending a message was initiated for several documents issued for different customers/employees who have the same e-mail address specified of their forms, the system adds that address and precede it with the name of the customer/employee for whom the document, which has the highest number from among the documents being sent, has been issued
  • subject – by default, the name of printout is entered according to which an attachment and the number of the document being sent was created; in the case of sending more than one document, the highest number from among the numbers of the attached documents will be copied to the subject
  • message content – filled in by a user or uploaded from field Signature available in tab E-mail Account on employee form
  • attachments – a file with document printout, saved in .pdf format, is added, by default

Form for sending an e-mail message with a sales invoice

Data in the message can be freely modified – it is possible to add or delete recipients, attachments, message content as well as change the subject. Recipients and attachments are modified with the use of dedicated buttons available on the ribbon.

After verifying data contained in the e-mail message, it is necessary to select the button [Send] from the button group General. Selecting the button [Cancel] results in giving up sending the message.

If a password to e-mail account, from which messages are to be sent, has not been specified on the form of employee, the system will display an additional window for providing password when attempting to send a message. If the password is not provided, the message will not be sent.


Document UPC

Each newly created document can have a UPC code assigned which is presented on document printout. In order to enable it, an operator has to create his own printout presenting such a code. On a printout, document UPC code can be displayed as numbers or as a barcode, depending on the font used in the printout.

In standard system printouts of documents available in Comarch ERP Standard document, UPC is not presented.

Document UPC is generated on the basis of a given document ID with which it is saved in the database and type of this document.

It is possible to search documents by their UPC codes in the lists. This functionality has been provided for the following lists:

  • Sales Invoices
  • Receipts
  • Sales Orders
  • Sales Quotes
  • Sales Inquiries
  • Statements of Retail Sale
  • Consignment Sales Reports
  • Sales Complaints
  • Credit Memos
  • Purchase Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Quotes
  • Purchase Inquiries
  • Purchase Complaints
  • Debit Memos
  • SO Releases
  • Internal Releases
  • Warehouse Movements
  • Receiving and Delivery Reports
  • PO Receipts
  • Internal Receipts
  • Packs

Control panel for searching a document by UPC code

It is irrelevant on which list the UPC code of a document being searched for has been saved/uploaded. If we save/upload it in a list of purchase invoices, for example, and a document is other than a purchase invoice document, it will nevertheless be edited.

A list of purchase invoices is opened. In the field Document UPC the UPC code of a document is entered.

If the document being searched for is a purchase invoice, the document will be checked in the list and picked up for editing.

If the document being searched for is other than a purchase invoice, that is, a sales invoice, for example, then a new tab containing a list of sales invoices is opened. In that list, the document being searched for will be marked and picked up for editing.

If the database does not contain a document with a given UPC code the message: “Incorrect document code.” is displayed.