List of employees

The list of employees contains information regarding individual employees of the company. The data of registered employees is used for the establishment of <<permissions>> to particular functions and in particular elements in the system, e.g. an employee can be set as a person responsible for a given customer (tab CRM on customer/vendor form).

In order to open the list of employees, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directory List group of buttons, select [Employees] button.

List of employees

Menu of the list of employees contains <<standard buttons>> allowing for adding/editing/deleting of employees, menu of printouts and buttons for <<generating questionnaries>>. External Operators button group contains button [Generate] thanks to which it is possible to automatically create external <<operators>> associated with selected employees.

Menu of the list of employees

The list of employees is composed of the following columns:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Surname
  • SSN
  • NIN
  • Active − parameter informing whether a given employee can be used in other places of the system


Defining employee

General information

A new employee can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of employees. A form of new employee opens. General, Contacts, Accounting, E-mail Accouint, Bank Accounts, Attributes, Attachments

Tab General


Tab General

The tab General contains the following fields and parameters:

  • Code − mandatory field
  • First Name − mandatory field
  • Last Name − mandatory field
  • Create operator − checking the parameter automatically creates an <<operator’s account>> associated with defined employee. Next to the parameter, there is a drop-down list allowing for selecting operator type. Values available on the list: Internal, External, General.
  • Active − if the parameter is checked, an employee can be used in other places of the system
  • SSN
  • WWW
  • Card Number − number of employee’s electronic card Numbers of cards used by employees must be unique. If card number is provided, then, when logging-in to the system, it will be possible to scan its barcode and the system will automatically suggest the user’s login. In order to be able to use that function, it is necessary to uncheck parameter Use integrated security in the login window

In the section Addresses, it is possbile to add employee’s addresses. The following types of addresses are available:

  • Main
  • Delivery
  • Subsidiary
  • Mailing
  • Billing
  • Residence

The list of addresses contains default address of Main type generated by the system and it can be freely modified by the user, however it cannot be deleted. The user can add any number of employee’s addresses but only one of them can be marked as default. If the parameter Active placed next to an address is checked, it means that such address can be used in other places of the system. Addesses can be deactivated (archived) manually by unchecking the parameter Active. If an address, which has already been used in the system, gets modified on the form of an employee or on a document, it is automatically archived by the system.

An address marked as default for the main type cannot be deactivated or deleted. Also, the addresses which have already been used in the system (e.g., on a document) cannot be deleted.

Deactivation of an address is irreversible.

Subtab Contacts contains contact data of an employee (e.g., phone number, e-mail, messenger) and allows for adding it for each address.

Subtab Consent To Personal Data Processing contains the list of consents to processing of employee’s personal data and allows for adding them. Consents to personal data processing are described in <<article>>.

Tab Contracts

Tab Contracts

In the tab Contracts, the user can add, delete and edit the following information related to employee’s contracts:

  • Contract From − contract start date
  • Contract To − contract end date
  • Organization Unit − organization unit the employee is assigned to. The organization unit is selected from the list of available organization units which is opened upon clicking the […] button. Organization units are added from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Subordination Structure.

Tab E-mail Account

Tab E-mail Account

The tab E-mail Accounts allows for defining employee’s e-mail account. It contains the following fields:

  • Host − e-mail server to which an employee logs
  • Port − outgoing e-mail server number. Most of e-mail servers has port No. 25, thus, this number is entered   by the system by default. However, it can be changed freely.
  • Login
  • Password
  • Signature − in this field, it is possible do specify employee’s default signature for sent e-mails.

Other tabs

The tab Accounting presents default bookkeeping accounts assigned to a given employee.

The subtab Description allows for entering additional information regarding an employee.

The tab Bank Accounts presents a list of bank accounts assigned to an employee and allows for adding/editing/deleting them.

Detailed description of the tabs Attributes  and Attachments can be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments and Change History>>.