Personal data anonymization

Data anonymization consists in disabling the possibility of identifying of a specific person on the basis of data available in the system. On demand of a Consent Giver, an operator who has permission Personal Data – Anonymization may delete personal data of a given customer/vendor or contact person.

The functionality of anonymization is available from the level of CRM -> Anonymize Data. After selecting a grup of objects from the drop-down list:

  • selected custmer/vendor/contact person becomes deactivated
  • all data related to that customer/vendor/contact person, including contact data from addresses assigned to him/her, gets deleted

In the case of the customer/vendor form, before anonymization is performed, the system first of all verifies if a   given customer/vendor is assigned to:

  • a non-canceled document with a date later than the one required for the minimum retention period specified as part of the relevant document definition in the parameter Obligatory minimum retention period. This   parameter is available for particular document types within a company/center
  • an active voucher
  • SCL/PCL document (complaint) whose status is different than Processed, Closed, or Canceled
  • SO/PO document whose status is different than Processed, Closed, or Canceled
  • an uncompleted payment/unpaid operation
  • an account selected in a journal entry/accounting note, and if the retention period set up for the relevant   document type has not expired


If any of these conditions is met, the data anonymization process will be aborted and the system will display a   message containing the details of the blockade.

If the first verification succeeds, the system additionally verifies if a given customer/vendor form is assigned with:

  • attachments
  • attributes
  • questionnaires
  • CRM objects

If such an assignment exists in the system, a message will be displayed, encouraging the user to verify if the   abovementioned objects contain any references to personal data which would require to be deleted separately   or if they may be the basis for the abortion of data anonymization.

In the case of contact person forms, prior to performing anonymization the system additionally verifies whether   the contact person is not defined as default for a customer/vendor.  If yes – a message informing about the impossibility of anonymization of selected object is displayed.

It is not possible to reactivate an anonymized object.