Defining new operator group

To create a new operator group, it is necessary to select the button [Add] from Groups button group, placed in ergonomic panel above the list of operators. A newly opened form of an operator group contains the menu with standard buttons of saving changes and closing without saving changes.

New group form ─ tab General

Tab General

In the upper part of the tab General, there is a mandatory field Name, where it is necessary to specify the name of the newly created operator group. In Description field it is also possible to provide additional information which will be presented on operator form, in section Operator Groups/Other Groups.

Group Composition section is divided into two windows:

  • Accounts Unassigned to Group ─ list of all operators defined in the system
  • Accounts Assigned to Group ─ list to which selected operators, making part of a defined group, are added

By selecting the buttons [Add To Group] and [Remove From Group], it is possible to decide which operators will   be assigned to the newly created group.

Tab Structure Centers

Here it is necessary to add centers of the company structure the newly added operator group will be attached to. Owing to that, operators from that group will be able to login to the attached center.

New group form ─ tab Structure Centers

Tab POS Workstations

To the newly created group can be added POS Workstations to which operators of that group will be able to log in. To do so, it is necessary to click on [Attach] button and select from the list of workstations the workstations to be attached to the group. To detach workstations from the group, it is necessary to highlight it and select [Detach] button.

Tab Price Types

Thanks to the possibility of assigning a price type to an operator group, operators from that group can have access to price lists defined on the basis of the attached price type.

New group form ─ tab Price Types

The list of attached price types displays information about name and sort of price type, assigned customers/vendors and activity status of a given type.

Tab Objects

Here the operator assigned to group B2_admin may manage permissions of an operator group to objects defined in the system.

New group form ─ tab Objects

The list of objects provides information referring to Area in which a given object is included as well as its Type (name). To each object the following rights can be granted:

  • Read – the right to accessing the basic list of objects of a given type and previewing its details
  • Add – the right to adding a given object type in the system
  • Modify – the right to editing (modifying) saved documents (objects) of given type
  • Delete – the right to removing objects of given type

In the menu there are buttons used for managing permissions.  A user can select option All Permissions or select particular permissions to any object from the list.

Buttons of managing permissions

With the use of the key combination Ctrl + A, it is possible to highlight all rows of the list and select/deselect a given permission for all the objects at the same time.

It is also possible to select/deselect permissions directly from the list level by checking/unchecking parameter in a   column with given permission.

A user has all permissions to a given object granted, but cannot edit it. This can be connected with the fact that this object may   be using other objects to which the logged in operator is not entitled to.

For instance, if the user does not have the right to read payments and is attempting to edit a registered sales invoice, he will not be able to preview that invoice (despite having all the rights to the object of sales invoice type).

During database conversion to the recent version of Comarch ERP Standard, permissions to Report object, that is Cash-Bank Report, will be granted automatically to all operators in all groups.

Tab Documents

Detailed description of the tab can be found in article Document types.

Tab Other Permissions

From the level of this tab, it is possible to assign permissions to operator groups, which concern performing of specific actions in particular areas of the system.

New group form ─ tab Other Permissions

Assigning of permissions is performed with the use of [Select]/[Deselect] buttons in the menu or directly on the list, in Active column.

List of permissions from General area:

  • Batch addition of items 
  • Update of item codes/names – defines the right to updating codes/names of items in Batch Operations section
  • Creation of many sessions – possibility of logging in many times to the system
  • Batch operations on attachments 
  • Management of object availability in the rights structure
  • Access to the system configuration – permissions to the system configuration available from the level of System → Configuration
  • Using of free document number ─ possibility of using free numbers from a pool of numbers available in the numerator on accounting and trade documents
  • Creation of SAF-T files 
  • Creation of SAF-T files 
  • Modification of interface – if this parameter is checked, for an operator there will be option Customize Layout available under the right mouse button
  • Configuration of object change history ─ provides permissions to configure the history of object change available from the level of History → Configuration
  • Access to the history of personal data modifications – permission to previewing detailed history of changes applied on a customer, contact person or employee form

Descriptions of the other permissions can be found in articles dedicated to corresponding functional areas of the system. [Trade/Warehouse, Finances, Accounting, CRM, BI]

Tab POS Permissions

In this tab, permissions to POS workstations are granted for a given group of operators.

New group form ─ tab POS Permissions

Detailed description of permissions can be found in article Operator permissions.

Tab Processes

In this tab, it is possible to add and remove selected BPM processes by clicking on the buttons [Attach] and [Detach].

Tab Filters

This tab includes all filters created with the use of filter builder and attached to an operator group.

By means of clicking on [List] button, which redirects an operator to the list of filters, it is possible to define a new filter and   attach an operator group to it. Owing to that, operators from that group can use the attached filters.

Tab Profiles

In this tab, by means of clicking on the buttons [Attach] and [Detach] it is possible to associate profiles created with the use of Profile Editor with operator groups. Owing to that, operators from a given group, upon logging in to the system, will have access to functionalities shared within the attached profile.

Tab Attributes

In this tab, it is possible to attach attributes to an operator group.





Operator’s account

List of operators’ accounts

Only an operator assigned to group B2_admin can manage accounts of operators. For other users, option Operators, available from the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure, is inactive.

List of operators

In the menu of the list of operators defined in the system, the following button groups are available:

  • List – standard buttons allowing for managing the list
  • Details – buttons used for defining passwords and managing associations with the group
    • Change Password/PIN – change of operator’s password
    • Groups
  • Interface Settings – allows for managing interface settings for a highlighted operator
    • Export – button active upon marking one operator, it allows for saving the settings of forms and lists to a file. It is possible to select one of the following options: Export Forms Only or Export Lists Only
    • Import – button active upon marking one or more operators, it allows for importing interface settings of forms and lists from file for the marked operator(s). It is possible to select one of the following options: Export Forms Only or Export Lists Only The import is carried out upon confirming message: “Interface settings for all selected operator groups will be overwritten with settings from the file. Do you want to import?”. In case of selecting file with invalid format, an appropriate message is displayed.

Menu of the list of operators

In the system, the following operator types are available:

  • Internal – operator who has login on SQL server and can log on to Comarch ERP Standard system
  • External – operator who is not associated with login on SQL server and cannot log on to Comarch ERP Standard system. Such operator can log on to other applications, e.g., Comarch POS.
  • General – operator with two login passwords: SQL and internal password, who can log on to both Comarch ERP Standard and other applications.

In case of converting a database from previous system versions, the following types will be assigned to operators:

  • General – if operator’s account has not been associated with an employee or has been associated with one employee only
  • Internal – if operator’s account has been associated with an employee who has also been associated with other operators

Adding a new operator

In menu List, it is necessary to select button [Add] and select an appropriate operator type – Internal, External or General. Depending on selected type, a form for adding a new operator oopens.

Form of new operator of General type

Fields and parameters common for all operator types:

  • Type – not editable field, indicates type of operator being defined
  • Active – parameter selected by default. Unchecking the parameter makes it impossible for an operator to log on to the system.
  • Name – field used to insert a unique operator name
  • Receipt Printer Symbol – allows for entering the name of the operator which will be printed on documents printed on receipt printer. By default, the option of copying operator’s name is checked and it can be changed or remain empty.
  • Password – the user can insert a login password manually or use [Generate Random Password] button
  • Confirm Password – field for verification of the password entered in the field above
  • PIN – number composed of 6 digits maximum for the purpose of logging in to external applications
  • Card Number – electronic card number (up to 50 characters) used for the purpose of logging in to external applications
  • Employee – this field allows for selecting an employee in order to associate it with operator’s account. The field contains […] button, clicking on which opens the list of employees defined in the system. In the system, it is possible to associate the same employee with many internal operators but only with one external or general operator. When attempting to attach such employee to an operator, an appropriate message is displayed.
  • License Key Number – number of license key, used while registering Comarch ERP Standard system
  • Password policy determined in system configuration – once this parameter is deselected, the user can separately define the following parameters for a specific operator:
    • Enforce a strong password – if this parameter is selected, the operator’s password should be composed of minimum 8 characters, and contain at least one upper- and one lower-case letter, at least one digit, and at least one of the following special characters: (!@#$%^&*(){}[]\|:”;'<>?,./).
    • Enforce recurring password change – checking the parameter allows for specifying password expiration date.

The operator WMSadmin is not subject to password policy. It is not possible to edit the abovementioned parameters on the form of such an operator.

For Internal and General operators, the following option is available:

  • Windows-integrated account – if name is specified in domain/user scheme for an operator, this parameter is automatically checked and the operator’s account will be tantamount to his Windows-integrated account. Additionally, option <password from Windows> will be available. in fields with password

The following option is available for General operator only:

  • Common Password – this parameter is checked, by default, which means that password specified for an operator is the same both for login to Comarch ERP Standard system and other external applications, e.g., Comarch POS. If the parameter is unchecked, field External Password is displayed along with password confirmation option.

Operator form – parameter Common Password

In the middle part of the form, in sections Operator Groups and Other Groups, the user can assign an operator to appropriate groups, with the use of [Add To Group]/[Remove From Group] buttons. In this place, it is also possible to define a new operator group – menu Groups.

On the right side of the form, in an information window, operator’s Centers of Structure are presented in accordance with the group to which the operator is assigned.

After entering all necessary data and confirming them with the [Save] button, the newly added operator appears on the list.

Changing operator’s password

Operator’s password/PIN can be changed both from the level of operator list as well as operator form, in menu Details. Upon clicking on the button [Change Password/PIN] a windows for changing credentials opens. After selecting an appropriate option it is possible to edit relevant fields.

To change a password/PIN, it is necessary to enter current password/pin, new password/PIN and confirm it.

Window for changing password for Internal operator

For a General operator, instead of the possibility of changing one password, the following options are available: Internal Password and External Password

Window for changing password for General operator

An operator with administrator permissions is able to change passwords of other operators without necessity to   enter their current data.

It is not possible to change password for currently logged-in operator whose account is   defined as Windows-integrated account. The button [Change Password/PIN] opens the window for changing internal password and PIN. A Windows-integrated account password must be changed in Windows.


Operator groups – General information

The list of operator groups is available in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups.

There, the user can also add or edit groups and assign new operators to them. Also, all permissions to objects in the company structure are defined from the level of operator groups.

Each modification of permissions for an operator group requires logging out and then logging in to the system again.

To be able to manage Operator groups the user must belong to the group B2_admin, otherwise buttons [Operator Groups] and [Operators] are grayed-out.

The window of operator groups is composed of tabs Groups and Operators.

Tab Groups

Tab Groups is divided into two sections. On the right side, in the section Groups, the tree of operator groups defined in the system is presented. By default, there are two groups available in the system: B2_admin and B2_default. The user can add new groups. Section Operators contains the list of all operators added to a given groups. On the list, there are columns Name, First Name and Last Name, which presents information about employee, provided that an employee is associated with an operator account.

List of operator groups

  • The group B2_admin is created by the system when generating a database. It cannot be deleted from the system, but it is possible to attach or detach operators’ accounts from it. Operators assigned to the group by default – admin, CDNwww, SearchAdmin and the operator creating the database have rights do manage all the permissions, to apply changes in the centers of the company structure and to assign operators to the groups.
  • Group B2_default includes all the operators defined in the system. Each new operator is assigned automatically to that group; therefore, it is important that the group has the least permissions to objects in the system.

Upon marking a given operator group in the section Groups, in the lower part, on the right side, additional section Unassigned Operators appears.  An operator can be assigned to the selected group upon indicating an operator and then selecting the button [Attach To Group] which is available directly above the list or in the button group Assignments. To

To remove an operator from a group, it is necessary to indicate the operator attached to a group in the Assigned Operators group and select the button [Detach From Group].

For the tab Groups, standard buttons allowing for adding/editing/deleting object from the list and for refreshing the list, are available. Button [Copy] creates analogical group with the name of the copied group and a subsequent number in brackets, for example, if an operator copies group called Sales Representatives, group Sales Representatives (1) is created.

Tab Operators

Tab Operators is divided into three sections:

  • Operators – list of all operators available in the system
  • Groups presents a group/groups to which an indicated operator is assigned
  • Other groups – list of other groups defined in the system

In the tab Operators, it is possible to <<add new operators>> to the system and to assign them to existing groups.

Additionally, in the ribbon menu, there are buttons for exporting and importing interface settings for indicated operator group:

  • [Export] – this button is active upon selecting one operator group and it enables saving interface setting to file for the selected group. The file takes on default name in form la with possibility to change it
  • [Import] – this button is active upon selecting one or several operator groups and it enables importing interface settings from file for the selected group(s). The import is carried out upon confirming the following message: “Interface settings for all selected operator groups will be overwritten with settings from the file. Do you want to import?”. If a file in improper format is selected, relevant message is displayed: “Invalid file format or the file is damaged. Cannot import the settings.”

It is possible to import any file in appropriate format, both one created in result of export of settings for operator groups as well as for an operator.

Operator sessions

In menu Configuration → Company Structure, Operator Sessions functionality is available, which is used for handling sessions of operators and previewing the history of logging of all operators to the system. Only an operator assigned to group B2_admin has access to the functionality.

List of operator sessions

Current operator session is marked in red. In the upper right corner of the window, there is a filter for the list of sessions, containing the following options: All, Terminated, Open.

The list of operator sessions presents the following data:

  • ID ─ session ID
  • Operator ─ operator who started a session
  • Center ─ unit of the company structure where a session was started
  • Created On ─ date in which a session was started
  • Closing date ─ date on which a session was closed
  • Last Operation Date ─ date of the last action initiated in a given session
  • Terminated by ─ operator who terminated a session
  • Service ─ parameter indicating whether a session originates from an external service, e.g., Mobile
  • Session name ─ name of a system or application on which a session was started
  • Company database version
  • Program version

Next to the standard buttons for updating, importing and exporting list to an excel sheet, there is a button with scissors symbol which allows for interrupting an active session of a specific operator, e.g., in order to unblock the documents which were blocked after the system had been closed abnormally.

An operator cannot terminate his or her current session.

The operator whose session was terminated will receive the following message:

Whereas, if an open session of a given operator already exists, the following message is displayed after that operator logs in to the system: