Each price list is created on the basis of one, selected price type. However, on the basis of one price type it is possible to create any number of price lists.
Price lists are available from the level of:
Configuration -> Trade/Warehouse → Price Lists
Sales → Price Lists (price lists for released items)
Purchase → Price Lists (price lists for received items)
The availability of price lists in a given company/center is determined by assigning price types to an appropriate subsidiary in the company structure. If selected price type is available in a given company or center, then all price lists created on its basis are available in that unit.
More than one price list can be active for the same price type and the same article at the same time.
It is possible to define two types of price lists:
Regular – allows for defining prices for items and lots, services, sets and set elements with parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked.
Threshold – allows for differentiation of item price by sold/purchased quantity of a given item. In the price list, it is possible to define prices for items, services and sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked on item form, without possibility of adding prices for item features.
In the list of price lists, there are two predefined regular price lists:
Retail Price List
Purchase Price List
List of price lists
Permissions relating to price lists
The possibility of handling and modifying prices depends on permissions granted to operator groups from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → tab Other Permissions, such as:
Modification of confirmed price list
Modification of regular price
Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0
Modification of confirmed price list
After selecting this parameter, a logged-in operator who belongs to such an operator group, can modify an active price list from the level of:
tab Sales/Purchase → Price Lists, in price list header
tab Sales/Purchase → Price Lists, in tab Items
item form, tab General – for all available ones
Even if the parameter Modification of confirmed price list is checked, it is not possible to delete items from an active price list.
Modification of regular price
This permission allows a user to edit regular price (retrieved from a price list) in documents until a document is confirmed. However, only those items are subject to modification of regular price, whose price was retrieved from a price list created on the basis of price type to which a given operator has access. Otherwise, it is not available for edition – for example in case an operator edits a document issued by another operator.
An additional restriction regarding modifying regular price in a document is the paramete Check minumum and maximum regular price in documents. It is available from the level of System -> Configuration -> Trade After selecting the parameter the system controls whether an operator does not have entered a regular price exceeding price range defined on the basis of the most up-to-date price lists for a given item, created on the basis of price types associated with logged-in operator group and available both in the center issuing document and the center being a document owner.
The parameter Check minimum and maximum regular price in documents has been checked in the system and an operator group CA_Trade has the permission Modification of regular price.
New price types have been defined: PT1, PT2, PT3
Operator groups available in the system: b2_admin, b2_default, CA_Trade.
Price types are assigned to operator groups in the following way:
PT1 – b2_admin, CA_Trade
PT2 – b2_admin, CA_Trade
PT3 – b2_admin
PT4 – b2_default
In the center Company, all price types as well as operator groups b2_admin and b2_default are available.
In the center NYC, subsidiary to the center Company, the following price types are available: PT1, PT2, PT3 and operator group CA_Trade.
Document Date of Issue is 03/12/2013
The following price lists have been created on the basis of price types:
Price List Name
Price Type Name
Effective From
Item Price
Price List_1
20 USD
Price List_2
90 USD
Price List_3
120 USD
Price List_4
Price List_5
99 USD
An operator that belongs to CA_TRADE logs into the center TRADE CA/FOOD
While adding a document and modifying the price list, the system will select the most up-to date price lists for a given price type (date Effective From is the closest to the document date of issue) and price lists available for a currently logged-in group. On their basis, the system will set the price range that cannot be exceeded
Price List Name
Price Type Name
Effective From
Item Price
Reason for Rejection
Price List_1
20 USD
Price List_2 has been created on the basis of the same price type and is more up to date.
Price List_2
90 USD
Price List_3
120 USD
Price List_4
No access to the price type of an operator
Price List_5
99 USD
No access to the price type of an operator and a center
In the described case, the system will not allow a user to set a regular price beyond the allowed price range: minimum – 90 USD, maximum – 120 USD.
Modification of regular price is not available in corrections.
Regular price is not checked in documents:
which were previously saved, if no item on which regular price was changed, is edited
If a document is saved with changed regular price by one operator, and then another operator logs in and the set regular price exceeds his/her minimum and maximum price range, then, if he/her does not edit that item, it will not be possible to save and confirm the document.
Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0
This permission is available for edition only if the parameter Modification of regular price is checked for a selected operator group. Unchecking the parameter for a given operator group automatically unchecks the parameter Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0.
If initial price in a document (SI, R, SO, SQ, SOR, PI, PO, PQ, POR) equals 0, then, if the parameter is checked, the system does not allow to change discounted price from the level of:
list of EIP items in a document – fields in column Price and Value Subtotal/Total are grayed out
details of and item in a document – fields Price, Value and Margin are grayed out (both in the tab General and Calculation)
pack details in documents for received items (as above)
Only when regular price is changed, the fields with Price, Subtotal/Total Value and Margin are activated and available for edition.
Defining price lists
In order to define new price list, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which is available above the list of price lists.
A price list form is composed of a header and the following tabs: Items, Attributes and Attachments
New price list form
Name – field allowing for entering name used for descibing an object. It is possible to add two or more price lists with the same name to the database.
Price Type – allows for selecting price type from a drop-down list containing elements defined in generic directory Price types. The price list will be created on the basis of selected price type.
Price on Documents – specifies whether a price from the price list is:
Subject to item discounts – option available for price list for released items only. It means that prices included in such a price list can be reduced as a result of calculating item discounts on a document.
Not subject to item discounts – it means that prices retrieved from such a price list canot be reducet as a result of item discount, except for the discount Header Percentage Discount
Active – checking this parameter determines the possibility of using a price list during work
Threshold Price List – allows for differentiating prices in reference to defined thresholds
Status – defines price list status:
Created – its prices can be modified and the price list itself is not taken into account when selecting price on a document. It can be used for creating another price list on its basis.
Confirmed – is taken into account when selecting price on a document. A price list takes Confirmed status after:
activating it with the use of button [Activate Price List]
selecting parameter Active and saving changes
Deactivated – a price list is not taken into account when selecting price on a document. Deactivation of a price list is done with the use of button [Deactivate Price List] or by unchecking parameter Active and saving changes. A deactivated price list can be used for defining new price lists on its basis, but also modified and activated again.
Effective From – indicates a date from which a given price list is valid. At the same it is the date of the end of validity of the previous price list created on the basis of the same price type, if there are the same items in both price lists.
In the system two price lists for the same price type Wholesale have been defined:
Spring 2019 Price List – includes prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40, effective from D1 date, e.g. 22 March 2019
Fall 2019 Price List – includes prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40 effective from D1 date + 6 months, e.g. September 22, 2019
For a document issued with the date between D1 and D1 + 6 months, i.e. between 22 March 2019 and 22 September 2019 prices for items BL001BLU36, BL001BLU38 and BL001BLU40 will be retrieved from Spring 2019 Price List. For all documents issued after the date D1 + 6 months, e.g. with the date of 1 October 2010, prices for items BL001BLU36 and BL001BLU40 will be retrieved from Fall 2015 Price List., whereas for item BL001BLU38, the prices will be still retrieved from Spring 2019 Price List.
Effective Until – after selecting this parameter, a user can define a date until which a given price list is valid. This field is not subject to edition on an active price list.
[Alert]When retrieving a price onto a document, the system verifies whether a price list is still valid – in case its validity date is expired, such a price list is not taken into consideration. [/alert]
Calculation Date – field not editable, it shows the date of the recent calculation
Activation Date – field available only for active price lists, indicates their activation date
Basis for Calculation – allows for selecting one of available calculation methods
Basis for calculation of price lists
To calculate prices of items in a price list, an operator can use one of calculation methods available from the level of a price list form, in a drop-down list, next to field Basis for Calculation.
As a basis for calculation, an operator can indicate:
After selecting a calculation method, the operation of calculating prices is activated by an operator with the use of button [Calculate Price List] available on the ribbon. For some calculation methods, before performing calculation, an operator must individually add items to a price list. In other cases, items are loaded autmatically from a file or from another price list during the process of calculation.
Price list calculation must be activated each time by an operator. [/alert] In the case of calculation methods such as The highest/Last purchase price and Other price list, receiving a PI document does not result in an automatic update of prices in a price list.
After performing a calculation, an operator still has a possibility of changing some parameter directly on price list items, e.g. he/she can change percentage margin vlue in column Margin % or value of the multiplier in column Multiplier, which results in an automatic calculation of subtotal and total price according to the changed value. However, it is necessary to remember that if an operator activates calculation again, the system will calculate a price on the basis of the margin or the multiplier defined in fields above the list of items in a price list.
Basis for Calculation – None
In this method, prices for items are not calculated automatically. An operator has to add items to a price lists and enter prices and thresholds for each item.
Basis for Calculation – The highest purchase price/Last purchase price
After selecting one of these calculation methods, purchase price is determined individually for each price list item. The calculation is based on all confirmed PI documents within the company indicated in a calculation heade which contain a document item with the same item, unit and features as those of the price list item being calculated. In the case of:
The highest purchase price – the highest (after conversion to the system currency of an indicated company) purchase price gor a given price list item is selected
Last purchase price – a price from a document with the latest date of receipt, expressed in the document currency for a given price list item, is selected. If in a price list, for a given item, a different currency has been selected, then, after the calculation, the system changes it to the same currency as the currency of the document from which the price was retrieved. In case there are many PI documents with the same erlies date of release, the price is taken from a document which was created as the last one (its ID in the databse is higher).
Methods of calculation The highest/Last purchase price are available only for price lists created on the basis of price for released items. For these methods, first, an operator must individually add items to a price list.
The highest purchase price
Company – list which can be dropped down when editing a price list from the level of a parent company. In this field, an operator can indicate a company whose documents should be taken into consideration during the calculation. From among them, the system selects the highest (after calculating to the system currency of an indicated company) purchase price for a given price list item and performs calculation for all companies, taking margin into account.
Margin – allows for defining value of percentage margin which will be used to calculate prices of items added to a current price list.
In the case of threshold price list, selecting The highest/Last purchase price requires deletion of all defined thresholds. After confirming it, the price is retrieved for the first default threshold 0,0001.
Basis for Calculation – Other price list
The basis for calculation Other price list allows for creating price lists based on another base price list. After selecting this option, additional fields are available:
Price List Name – button which opens the list of all defined price lists (both for released and received items) from which an operator can select a price list which will be the base for further calculations. If for a threshold price list, as a price list on the basis of which the calculation is performed, is selected:
Regular (not threshold) – after an operator decides to perform calculation, all thresholds defined so far for an item will be deleted. After confirming it, the price is retrieved for the first default threshold 0,0001. In case a given item is not found in a given price list, thresholds along with prices for this item will be saved.
threshold – after calculating a price list, thresholds in the base price list will be deleted and replaced with new thresholds and pries from a price list on the basiss of which the calculation was performed.
Regular price/Calculated price – allows for specifying which prices should be included in calculation. A user can select one of two options:
Regular Subtotal Price/Subtotal Calculated Price – the subtotal price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a subtotal price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Total Price/Total Calculated Price – the total price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a total price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Subtotal Price/Total Calculated Price – the subtotal price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a total price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Regular Total Price/Subtotal Calculated Price – the total price from the base price list is multiplied by a defined multiplier. This way a subtotal price in the calculated price list is calculated.
Multiplier/Divisor – defines value by which the price from the base price list (price list which is a base for calculation) should be multiplied/divided
Items from Price List – the value of this parameter decided whether all items loaded from the base price list should be added to the currently created price list. If it is unchecked, an operator has to add manually the items for which the calculation is to be done. Depending on the setting of the parameter, after selecting calculation, the system:
retrieves items from the base price list and determines their new price by multipling their current price by a multiplier
finds items added to the currently calculated price list in the base price list and calculates new price only for those items which have been found in the base price list. The other items retain the price from before the calculation.
Basis for Calculation – Import from file
An operator can update a price list on the basis of a previously prepared file. After selecting the calculation Other pirce list, an additional field allowing for indicating file path appears:
A loaded price list file has to be saved in *.xls or *.xlsx. format Its rows should contain values for the following parameters, respectively:
Item Code
Time of Delivery – number of days defining time of delivery of an item/lot
Currency– currency in which the price of an item/lot is expressed
If a currency is not specified or a specified currency is not found in the system, the system will set the system currency in the price list. [/hint] In the case when various currencies have been assigned to the loaded file, for the same item and unit, but different lots, the system will set the currency for this item and unit in the price list from the first line found for this item and unit and will ignore the other currencies assigned to the next lots of this item defined in this unit of measure.
Lot Code – own lot code, defined on the item form, on the Parameters → Barcodes tab
The first row in a file is used only for inserting titles of price list columns and is not taken in consideration.
Example of a price list to be imported from a file
Import Method – an operator can select one of the following options from a drop-down list:
Update items from price list and add new items (default option) – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared. If an item with the same code is found, its data will be updated. If an item is not identified, a new item will be added to the price list.
Update items from price list – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared, if an item is identified in the price list, its data will be updated. If an item is not recognized, it is ifgnored and import of another item with the same code starts.
Update items from price list and add new items – item codes of items from the imported file and item codes of items from the price list are compared, if an item is not recognized, a new entry will be added to the price list. Whereas, if an item with the same code is found, its data is updated and the item is skipped.
Updated Price – allows for specifying the prices on the basis of which the calculation will be performed
Differentiating prices by unit of measure
In a price list, it is necessary to differentiate prices for each unit assigned to an item. If a given price list contains items with all units of measure of a given item, the system will no allow to add such an item to the price list again.
When adding an item to a price list the system suggests automatically:
basic unit – if no price for this item unit has been added to the price list yet (it concerns also a case when the price list contains a price for an additional unit)
additional unit – if the price list already contains an item in a basic unit
If a given price list should contain prices for several item untis, it is necessary to add such an item to a price list as many times as necessary and select an appropriate unit. The possibility of defining price for different item units is available also for the price list by features.
Item A has three units of measure – piece, kg, pack. Additionally, the item A has feature Color – white and black which affects the price list. In such a case, the item A can be added to the price list three times – each item with different unit. Besides, each of those three item features has its own feature matrix, so-called price list by features. As a result:
for the item with item A and unit piece a feature matrix will be created where prices defined for black and white color will be available only for piece unit
for the item with item A and unit kg a feature matrix will be created where prices defined for black and white color will be available only for kg unit.
In order to be able to define prices by lots, it is necessary to indicate which features assinged to an item should be involved inf differentiating of prices. From the level of item form tab Parameters → subtab Features, a user should check parameter Price List for selected features.
Checking features differentating prices of a given item
Only features affecting lots (parameter Affects lot checked) can be checked as the ones differentiating price (parameter Price List checked).
In a price list, it is possible to define prices only for these feature values which have been assigned to an item and make part of at least one lot visible in tab Parameters -> Codes. According to these features, the system will create in the price list a matrix and will consider them the only possible variants for the price specification. The process of creating a lot and associating it with a barcode is described in article Defining item.
[Alert]Section Price List by Features is not available for items of Set type. [/alert]
The matrix of features in a price list is created on the basis of the settings and data contained in a document form, available at the moment of creating the price list. If a list of features affecting a lot or a list of lots in the tab Barcodes has been modified after adding an item to a price list, such changes are not included in the price list. In order to update data, it is necessary to delete such an item from the price list and add it once again.
Tab Items in a price list with section Set Elements
A feature value in a matrix can take an “empty” value. Such a situation occurs when among lots available in the tab Barcodes there is a lot for which there are not any feature values with parameter Price List marked.
When the function of hiding purchase prices for price lists for received items is activated, the columns Price from Price List, Subtotal Price, Total Price and Margin % are hidden. In the feature matrix, the cells of the section Price Lists by Features are empty.
Item BZKD has assigned features: Color, Size and Expiration Date. Features Color and Size have parameter Price List checked. The following lots are included in the tab Barcodes:
Values for features Color and Size only are included in the matrix of features. As a result, the system creates also a cell with empty value for the feature Size. It is as follows:
Given that the parameter Price List for features on item form can be freely checked and unchecked, a situation in which originally its parameter Price List (on item form) was checked and an appropriate price list had been created but later the parameter got unchecked, may occur. In such a case, the system still includes such a feature in the matrix of that price list.
On item form of item A, Operator_1 has checked parameter Price List for features Color and Size. In the tab Barcodes, there are three lots of the item: white/L, black/M, white/S.
In the next step, Operator_1 creates a price list and adds price for item A with features: color – white, size – L to it.
Then Operator_2 unchecks the parameter Price List for the feature Color on the item A form.
Nevertheless, the system still will be including the feature Color in the feature matrix off the price list.
Deleting an item from the table Items results in deleting of items from the section Prices by Features which refer to that item of the price list.
Change history in a price list
Change history of a price list is available in tab Change History on price list form. It presents changes regarding:
Price List – subtab containing basic information raging changes in a price list, such as status change.
Items – subtab presenting detailed data regarding modifications of individual price list items.
The subtab Items in change history is presented if parameter History Incrementally for object Price List – Items is checked in history configuration.
Tab Change History for price list items
Threshold price lists
A threshold price list allows for defining prices for items on the basis of defined quantity thresholds.
In each moment of work with a price list it is possible to check/uncheck parameter Threshold price list. The modification of the parameter is possible for a price list which is:
active – if an operator currently logged-in belongs to an operator group with permissions Modification of confirmed price list granted.
In a threshold price list, for each item, a base threshold is added automatically – column Quantity From contains value 0,0001. The first threshold is not subject to edition, that is its value in the column Quantity from cannot be changed and the threshold cannot be deleted. All the other thresholds added by a user can be freely modified and deleted, but the quantity in a given threshold cannot be higher than the quantity a subsequent threshold.
Threshold price list form
In case of changing a price list from:
Regular (not threshold) to threshold – (checking parameter Threshold) the system deletes sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document from the price list and the section Price List by Features is removed. The base threshold 0,0001 is added to all items in the price list.
Threshold to regular – (unchecking the parameter Threshold price list) the system displays an appropriate message regarding deletion of thresholds. At this moment, a user can decide whether to continue and delete thresholds or to not change a threshold price list into regular one. When performing such a change, the price for item from, that is 0,0001, will remain.
Deleting an item from a price list is tantamount to deleting all thresholds defined for it.
Introduction to retrieving prices on documents
The possibility of defining many price lists valid at the same time allows for handling prices depending on a customer/vendor, currently applicable promotions or a center in which a transaction takes place.
A price for an item is fixed during its addition to a document and the change of:
date on a document
main customer/vendor on a document
center on behalf of which a document is being issued (field Owner on a document form)
item code on a document
feature of an added item (only when changing a feature for which parameter Price List has been checked on an item form)
price type
quantity (in case of using threshold price lists)
Regardless of transaction type, when fixing a price, only those price types are taken into account, which are simultaneously available for:
center in which a document is being issued (logged-in center)
center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner)
operator group to which a currently logged-in operator belongs and which is available in a logged-in center
In case of retrieving prices for set components with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document, the system first searches for price for set components. If it does not find such a price list, it searches for prices of items which belong to the set.
In case there are several price lists which fulfill described criteria, a price on a document is always retrieved from the most current price list, that is in which:
date Effective Until is the closest to the date of issue of a document or
activation date for a given item is the closest to the date of issue of a document [/alert]
[Alert]If an operator group has permission Modification of confirmed price list granted, an operator logged-in within such a group can freely edit prices in a price list. However, if he/she modifies prices or a threshold in an active price list, then activation date for individual items can be later the activation (confirmation) date of the whole price list. [/alert]
If no price type fulfills all the above-mentioned criteria, the system sets:
price type – default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued
price on documents for received items equal 0
price in documents for released items:
retrieved from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of a price type which includes an item with the same item, price unit and features as the ones of a document item
if it does not find any price list with such an item and an additional unit of measure has been selected on a document item, it retrieves a price from the most up-to-date price list, created on the basis of that price type and containing an item with the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure of that item. Additionally, it recalculates this price to a price for an additional unit according to the unit conversion calculator defined on an item form
if it does not find any price list containing the right item, it sets the price 0
An exception to these rules constitutes the operation of copying documents. In this case a price type and a price are always transferred directly from the source document, even if an operator who is copying a document does not have access to price types present in the source document. However, if an operator changes a price in the source document, it will not be possible to set again a price type to which he/she does not have access.
To fix price of a document item, the system uses only active price lists and price list whose date Effective until has not yet exceeded.
Order of retrieving item prices on documents for received items
The algorithm of selecting the price for a purchase document item can be divided into four main stages. The system starts searching for the price from the first stage. If during this stage it is not able to set the price, it proceeds to the next on and so on, until it sets the price.
Stage 1
At the first stage, to set the price for a document, only those price lists are taken into account, which meet all the criteria listed below:
they have been created on the basis of price types that are at the same time:
available for a center in which a document is being issued (a logged-in center)
available for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner)
available for an operator group to which a currently logged-in operator, who issues a document, belongs
the vendor indicated on the document is assigned to them on Vendors tab
they are active
If the system does not find such price lists, it proceeds to stage 2
If it finds price lists meeting the criteria of the stage 1, it searches for price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and set them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 2 and the unit defined in a document item is:
a basic unit of an item, then it proceeds to the stage 2
an additional unit, then, from among price lists meeting the criteria from stage 1, it searches for a price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 3, it proceeds to the stage 2
Stage 2:
If the price is not set at the first stage, the proceeds to stage 2, in which it starts from selecting a price type that meets all the criteria listed below:
default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner – field Owner on a document form)
available for a center in which a document is being issued (a logged-in center)
available for an operator group to which a currently logged-in operator, who issues a document, belongs
not associated with any vendor (available for all vendors)
If the system does not find such a price type, it proceeds to the stage 3
If it finds a price type meeting the criteria of thestage 2, it searches for price lists created on the basis of that price type and containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and set them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 2 and the unit defined on a document item is:
a basic unit of an item, then it sets that type on a document item and sets the price equal to 0
an additional unit, then, from among price lists created on the basis of a price type meeting the criteria from stage 2, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure. If it finds such price lists, it will select the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieve a price type and a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets them on a document item
If it does not find any price list at point 3, it sets that price type on a document item and sets the price equal to 0
Stage 3:
If the price is not set at the second stage due to the lack of price type meeting the basic criteria of that stage, the system proceeds to the third stage, in which it tries to fix the price on the basis of price lists that meet all of the following criteria:
they have been created on the basis of price types that are at the same time:
available for a center in which a document is being issued (a logged-in center)
available for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner)
available for an operator group to which a currently logged-in operator, who issues a document, belongs
not associated with any vendor
If the system does not find such price lists, it proceeds to the stage 4.
If it finds price lists meeting the criteria of stage 3, it searches for price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined in a document item. If it finds such a price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 2 and the unit defined on a document item is:
a basic unit of an item, then it proceeds to the stage 4
an additional unit, then, from among price lists meeting the criteria from stage 3, it searches for a price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of measure. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 3, it proceeds to the stage 4
Stage 4:
If the price for an item has not been set at the preceding stages, it will eventually be set as a result of stage 4.
At this stage, the system sets a price type that is default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner – field Center on a document form) even if this price type is not available for a center issuing a document (a logged-in center) or an operator group to which a currently logged in operator belongs. It does not search for any price list; on a document item, it sets the price that equals to 0.
Scheme of retrieving prices on documents for received items
Order of retrieving prices on documents for released items
Case I
While setting the price for an item of a release document on which a customer has been indicated in Customer field and the parameter Lowest price on documents for released items has not been checked on the form of that customer, the system performs the steps described below.
For a given price type to be used at a particular stage, that price type must be available for:
center in which a document is being issued (logged-in center)
default for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner – field Owner on a document form)
operator group to which a currently logged-in operator belongs and which is available in a logged-in center
It retrieves a price type default for a customer, set on a customer form on Trade tab and sets it on a document item. The price is fixed in the following way:
If the system finds price lists based on that price type, it searches for price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 1.1 and a unit defined on a document item is an additional unit, then, from among price lists based on that price type, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of this item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets it on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 1.2, it sets the price 0.
If the system cannot use the price type described above, it retrieces a default price type for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (a center being a document owner – field Owner on a document form), but only if that price type is available for a given customer at the same time. That price type is set on a document item. The price is fixed in the following way:
If the system finds price lists based on that price type, it searches price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 2.1 and a unit defined on a document item is an additional unit, then, from among price lists based on that price type, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of this item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets it on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 2.2, it sets the price 0.
If the abovementioned price type cannot be set on a document item, the system retrieves all price lists created on the basis of price types to which a given customer is assigned but which are not default for that customer
If the system finds such price lists, it searches for price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 3.1 and a unit defined on a document item is an additional unit, then, from among price lists based on that price type, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of this item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets them on a document item.
If the system does not find such a price list or a price type, it retrieves all price lists created on the basis of price types that are not associated with any customer.
If the system finds such price lists, it searches for price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 4.1 and a unit defined on a document item is an additional unit, then, from among price lists based on that price type, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of this item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets them on a document item.
If the system does not find such a price list or a price type, it retrieves a default price type for a center on behalf of which a document is being issued (no matter if a center in which a document is being issued, an operator group to which a logged-in operator belongs and a customer have access to that price type). That price type is set on a document item. The price is fixed in the following way:
If the system finds price lists based on that price type, it searches price lists containing an item with exactly the same item, unit and features as the ones defined on a document item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price type and a price from it and sets them on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 5.1 and a unit defined on a document item is an additional unit, then, from among price lists based on that price type, it searches out price lists containing an item with exactly the same item and features, but with a basic unit of this item. If it finds such price lists, it selects the one that is the most up-to-date, retrieves a price from it, recalculates it to a price for an additional unit (using the conversion calculator of basic and additional units of this item) and sets it on a document item.
If it does not find a price list at point 5.2, it sets the price 0.
Scheme of retrieving prices on documents for released items
Case II
If a customer has been indicated on a document for released items in Customer field, and the parameter Lowest price on documents for released items has been checked on the form of that customer, the systemsearches for the lowest price for that customer on every document item.
The order of searching out the price for a document item is the following:
the system retrieves all price types for released items that are simultaneously available in a center which is a document owner (field Owner on a document form) and in a center in which a document is being issued (a logged-in center)
from among those price types, the system selects only those ones that are available for a customer indicated on a document in Customer field
For each of these price types, the system retrieves:
the most up-to-date price list containing an item with the same item, unit and features as the ones on a document item
if there is no price list with such an item and an additional unit has been set on a document item, the system retrieves the most up-to-date price list containing an item with the same item and features as the ones on a document item but with a basic unit
from among those price lists, the system selects one with the lowest price for a given item. A price type and a price are retrieved from that price list and set on a document item. If an additional unit has been set on a document item and a price comes from an item for a basic unit, it is recalculated from a basic unit (according to the unit conversion calculator defined on an item form)
if there is no price list with such an item, the default price type for a center being a document owner and the price 0 are set on an item
if there is no price type available for a customer selected on a document, the system retrieves a price type default for a center being a document owner (field Owner on a document form), no matter if a center issuing a document (a logged-in center) and a logged-in operator have access to that price type Price for that price type:
is retrieved from the most up-to-date price list containing an item with the same item, unit and features as the ones on a document item
if there is no price list with such an item and an additional unit has been set on a document item, the system retrieves the most up-to-date price list containing an item with the same item and features as the ones on a document item but with a basic unit; before this price is set on a document, it is recalculated to a price for an additional unit (according to the unit conversion calculator defined on an item form)
if there is no price list with such an item, the price is 0